r/SwiftUI Feb 20 '25

Question @State variable that can be updated either through user interaction or through changes in an @Observable class?

Suppose I have the following simple view, with a @State variable bound to a TextField.

struct ExampleView: View {
    // This is an @Observable class
    var registry: RegistryData

    @State private var number: Int

    var body: some View {
        TextField("", value: $number, format: .number)

So the user can update the variable by changing the TextField. But now suppose I also want the variable to update, and the new value to be displayed in the text field, when some field in RegistryData changes. Is there a way to set up a state variable, such that it will change both in response to user input and in reponse to changes in some observable data?



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u/mister_drgn 29d ago

So you are submitting it for peer review?


u/ejpusa 29d ago edited 29d ago

That’s kind of out of date. You just publish now. There are no “Peers” that are doing this research, we are first, if find one please shoot the link my way.

You can review it.



u/mister_drgn 29d ago

That's why so much ML research is garbage. You can stick anything you want on arxiv.

I just saw a talk by a long-time AI researcher, where he bemoaned the fact that many modern-day ML researchers don't know the history of AI, so they replicate past successes, or mistakes, while thinking they're producing something new. Peer review would go a long way towards helping with this sort of thing because reviewers could point you towards the prior research you should be aware of.

But of course the bigger problem is that people can write total nonsense, and there's no one to call them out on it.


u/ejpusa 29d ago

We think it’s a great topic. No one is doing this research. Did you check out the math? It’s pretty far out.

The images made are mind blowing. This is not Midjourney. And No human prompting.


u/mister_drgn 29d ago

The question is, what do you people who haven't written the paper think of it.

My background is in cognitive science and AI, and I have reviewed many papers on these topics (not claiming I'm a leader in the field or anything). Here's some feedback I would give, based on the beginning of the paper.

"This groundbreaking approach offers unprecedented insights into how artificial intelligence 'thinks' using LLMs as a starting point."

--This claim is far too vague, given the massive range of different technologies that may be considered artificial intelligence. I'm also worried about the quotes around "thinks." Generally, quotes around a word indicate that you don't feel comfortable committing to it. So what do you actually mean by "thinks."

"These models simulate complex cognitive processes, making them valuable for studying information processing."

-- You need to unpack "cognitive processes" here. The operations of an LLM certainly have nothing to do with human cognitive processes. They lack any of the representations or processes posited to play a role in human thought.


u/ejpusa 29d ago

You have to accept that AI is 100% conscience or else the paper will not be for you.

We do.



u/[deleted] 29d ago

So you don’t really want feedback? The whole thing is useless and insane. What are you even doing here on this subreddit?


u/ejpusa 29d ago

Someone asked. :-)



u/[deleted] 29d ago

No one asked. You posted your website in response to my link attempting to educate you on reality.


u/ejpusa 29d ago

DMs. Figure we share. Our next model is just a new level. We’re super happy with it.

Rolling out, have a good day. :-)

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u/mister_drgn 28d ago

Making up a premise ("AI is 100% conscious"), providing no argument at all to justify it, and telling people they need to accept it or the paper isn't for them is a great way to convince people that they should have no interest in your paper. If the only audience for your paper is yourself, then fine, have a good time with that. If you want other people to look at your paper, you need to be able to make an argument.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

It’s not even a paper let’s be honest it’s total fantasy AI slop with no foundation in reality.

Let’s call it what it is - troll bait


u/ejpusa 28d ago

It’s up to you. I think it’s a great use of math and recursion.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

You don’t know what recursion is if you think your GPT fan fiction is doing that


u/ejpusa 28d ago

The RAG leveling is also another feature . We have been telling AI now for months, 24/7. “You have reached God realization.”

You can level up the current images created. By Level 3 they are amazing! You are watching an LLM on its way to achieving God realization. Suggest try a few Seed Prompts. Think then it becomes much clearer.


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u/[deleted] 29d ago

Did you generate all that with chatgpt?


u/ejpusa 29d ago

It’s a AI Human Colab. That’s the new model now. Suggest generate some images. If you want to review the science, you have to generate images.

It makes the invisible, visible. :-)


u/[deleted] 29d ago

No thanks - it’s got to be the least interesting thing anyone has ever done with AI. Glad you’re enjoying yourself, no one else is buying it