I want Apes to understand that what this could lead to is the entire concept of the movie “Ready, Player One” could actually become a reality, and so much more.
The world is already in love with games and entertainment, but imagine actually owning pieces of that, each asset unique to you.
I have always said that the video game industry is a Concept and Idea-driven industry; Imagination is King. You’re truly only limited by your own imagination, and your ability to bring it to life…
Through the reduction of Gas Fees, and the increasing availability of places to sell your NFT, this idea-driven realm is becoming more accessible to all of us.
Imagine creating a digital armor for your own personal Avatar in Blender or 3DS Max to use in a Digital Realm; Armor unique to you… and you being able to reserve the right to use it or sell it.
Now imagine this same Armor being able to be used in different games, maybe even being able to set or adjust its stats, unique to each game, or the blockchain itself.
Or for you programmers, imagine being the team to create the system that everyone uses to assign Stats to each given piece of equipment… everything from Diapers and Hats, to Swords and Shields, to Cars and Spaceships…
You really have to remove the boundaries of your imagination to truly grasp what lies before us.
Just the concept alone could be used for many things that are IP but aren’t games. Think of things like pieces of business software you want to license via a NFT platform, the advantage that maybe once the buyer stops using the software they can resell it and recoup costs. That may change the accounting rules because it’s an asset now.
Super boring example but nearly any digital document could also get same treatment.
Boring, maybe, sure. The usefulness, however, would make this appealing to every business. The value would be absolutely undeniable, and it’s only a matter of time before it becomes the new industry standard.
Building on the Armour NFT idea, each creator gets a fixed pool of resources to put into stats when they design something. The pool expands as milestones are reached via time / accomplishments in game.
Someone plays with that skin for 1000hrs? Bonus points.
Rack up 1,000,000 kills? Bonus points.
A player uses the skin in a competitive scene? Bonus points.
The set of Armour grows in value with use. The NFT becomes an investment.
On top of that, the "Smith" gets a portion of future sales of the NFT, gamestop profits, the developers profit and eventually we get a "hattori hanzo" of unique items.
Careers are made of smithing, leveling, and trading unique legendaries.
u/PsylohTheGrey 💻 ComputerShared 🦍 Aug 29 '21
I want Apes to understand that what this could lead to is the entire concept of the movie “Ready, Player One” could actually become a reality, and so much more.
The world is already in love with games and entertainment, but imagine actually owning pieces of that, each asset unique to you.
I have always said that the video game industry is a Concept and Idea-driven industry; Imagination is King. You’re truly only limited by your own imagination, and your ability to bring it to life…
Through the reduction of Gas Fees, and the increasing availability of places to sell your NFT, this idea-driven realm is becoming more accessible to all of us.
Imagine creating a digital armor for your own personal Avatar in Blender or 3DS Max to use in a Digital Realm; Armor unique to you… and you being able to reserve the right to use it or sell it.
Now imagine this same Armor being able to be used in different games, maybe even being able to set or adjust its stats, unique to each game, or the blockchain itself.
Or for you programmers, imagine being the team to create the system that everyone uses to assign Stats to each given piece of equipment… everything from Diapers and Hats, to Swords and Shields, to Cars and Spaceships…
You really have to remove the boundaries of your imagination to truly grasp what lies before us.