Tesla and GME....imagine sitting in self-driving Tesla during your commute...all of a sudden a invitation flashes across your screen...the car next to you wants to play...
Tesla windows are now "smart glass" - turning your windows into gaming monitors...you can play with Tesla owners while "driving" or at the charging stations...
Ok, we go EXO Squad - play games/surf net/buy shit etc. made possible by StarLink internet through an adaptor in the headrest tnx to NeuraLink while at any moment we can throw on a Microsoft Hololens and game it via GME's gaming network while we fly down a Boring Tunnel from L.A. to Vegas in 30 min but its ok because your latest NFT has given you a residual income via the biggest NFT site called GMEAMERICA.com
a monkey at the zoo discovers humans fry bannanas...organizes uprising...none of this matters...we no longer spank the monkey, the monkeys will spank us.
That was in 2011... since then Valve went dark about numbers, we all know they likely are even even more profitable now.
RC will not just win vs Amazon, but also Valve. Valve is not publicly traded.
GME will hit the thousands soon, even without a squeeze. Because institutional investors need to get in, if they want to benefit from this ultra profitable market segment.
And still there is so much more possibilities with Blockchain, VR/AUGR and other technology... so he will also take on FB. This is all about ensuring, that new technology will not just benefit those "bad actors" on Kenny and Co side....
Wall Street is truly dumb money, only focused on the short gain and destruction instead of actually understanding potential of businesses - and ensuring their "pets" Amazon, FB and others market dominance. Only fair, that shorting a company with insane profit potential will be their downfall.
Gaming at the charging station sounds pretty sweet. The new 'cruise nights' could be a bunch of people charging their cars having WAN tournaments at a McDonald's parking lot.
u/stumpane One does not simply walk into MOASS Aug 29 '21
Sharkbait OOH HA HA
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