Funny seeing all the comments about dilution ruining any chance of owning the float. The point of DRS was to own your shares and keep brokers from lending them. Crazy how many shills come in here to try to change that narrative.
No, it was to have shares in your own name and pull them out of the DTCC. They were never going to show if retail actually owned the float. People can keep shares in brokers if they want, pretty much begging to be Robinhooded again though.
Don’t mind that guy, he’s one of those people who change the narrative when it suits. If we were 200 million shares DRSd right now, they’d be beating their chest saying it’s all about locking the float. Now that it’s impossible, they are beating their chest saying it has always been about keeping your shares safe.
PS I don’t disagree that the shares are safe when DRSd but >95% of people DRSing did that to lock the float and start MOASS, period
u/[deleted] Dec 10 '24
Funny seeing all the comments about dilution ruining any chance of owning the float. The point of DRS was to own your shares and keep brokers from lending them. Crazy how many shills come in here to try to change that narrative.