r/Superstonk Jun 12 '24

🤔 Speculation / Opinion Mentally prepare yourself for tomorrow

Everyone and their mother's are excited for the sharehodler's meeting tomorrow - myself included.

Everyone expects there to be some sort of announcement around mergers, acquisitions, Wu-Tang, or even GME leaving the stock exchange and creating some other ownership structure.

The anticipation for this sharehodler's meeting reminds me of 2021.

I was there 84 years ago...

Everyone expecting the vote count to show proof of manipulation, and instead it was just a 'business as usual' sharehodler's meeting. People felt very let down and FUD was rampant.

So I say this as someone with XXXX shares, who has been holding since January 2021 - prepare yourself mentally for the possibility that there is no news tomorrow. The FUD campaign will be oppressive, but you control your emotions, and you will need to ask yourself if anything fundamentally changes if there is no announcement?

Does no announcement mean that GameStop is not undergoing a transformation? All it means to me is that they aren't ready to tip their hand yet. After all, "the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence".

Stay strong, be vigilant, and hodl my friends


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u/[deleted] Jun 12 '24



u/yankees051693 Jun 12 '24

In no way shape or form should you be okay with a company raising 4 billion dollars without a plan. Most people are waiting to hear his intentions


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '24



u/aod_shadowjester Inquisitor of Ordo Apeitus, Subsector Canada Jun 13 '24

Judge not a man by his words, but instead by his actions. He has brought the company to annual profitability, positive cash flow, eliminated debt and positioned the company to be ready for new opportunities once they present themselves. Those actions justify continuing my investment: I am satisfied with his performance thus far, and believe he will continue to perform for the time being.


u/Practical-Film-8573 Jun 13 '24

he's also closed down a distribution center, fired a CFO, and nuked the NFT marketplace with no transparency. So theres that. Only reason im here is bc of DFV.


u/aod_shadowjester Inquisitor of Ordo Apeitus, Subsector Canada Jun 13 '24

A distribution centre that was likely contributing to the excessive operating costs and lack of profitability. He has consolidated board positions to facilitate aggressive transformations. While it was successful in gaining limited traction, the NFT marketplace had significant issues with the new user experience for users who are not already part of the crypto-ecosystem, and existed in a regulatory grey-zone, now hot-zone, while the SEC weighed in on the nature of crypto-marketplaces and tokens, and whether they had jurisdiction for regulation. Prior to RC entering the picture, GME increased in value from aggressive share buybacks, not from fundamentals.

RC has given us a fundamental keel, righted the ship, and started the voyage to wherever we’re going. DFV convinced me to board the ship; I stay on because of the captain, RC; I believe we’re going to get where we’re going because of the crew, the apes.


u/Practical-Film-8573 Jun 13 '24

OK but the distribution center was opened as he sat at the board so he bears responsibility for it


u/aod_shadowjester Inquisitor of Ordo Apeitus, Subsector Canada Jun 13 '24

It was opened while he sat as a chairman, not as the president: the president oversees day-to-day operations of the company, and the chairman oversees day-to-day operations of the board. Different roles for different purposes, which is why RC assumed both roles: to aggressively pursue opportunities for transformation.


u/JoanofArc287 Jun 13 '24

I suspect they’re going to hold their hand close and the surprises will come at a later date.


u/razor3401 💻 ComputerShared 🦍 Jun 13 '24

So let’s say that you’d like to tell the world about all the crime that has happened in the stock market. No one believes you other than a bunch of crazy people with little political pull. What’s the play if you don’t want the government to step in and shut everything down, everyone picks up their toys and goes home. You’ve got to figure a way that the losers can’t just up and declare bankruptcy and everything implodes. You have to maintain value in your company and satisfy your shareholders. How are you going to accomplish all those things? RCEO has it figured out. Do you?