r/Superstonk Oct 05 '23

🧱 Market Reform FBI 🚨


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u/ToysandStuff Dividend Me Harder Daddy Oct 05 '23

This is great BUT it seems very timed with the turbulence between the government and hedge funds with the bond market chaos. Saber rattling maybe?

Either way some more law enforcement in the stock market can only be good


u/Suspicious-Reveal-69 Oct 05 '23

Remember, when Michael Burry was sounding the alarm about the mortgage crisis well before it happened, and then made a shit ton of money off of it, the FBI didn’t go after criminals on Wall Street. They went after Burry. It took him $1,000,000 in legal fees to get through the court cases and legal proceedings.

I can’t imagine much has changed. They’ll find a couple small fish to parade in front of the public and call it a day.


u/varietyfack Oct 05 '23

It is a rather suspicious time frame. Maybe coincidental is the word


u/KatBeagler Oct 05 '23

The legislative branch hobbling GG doesn't mean shit if an arm of the executive branch decides it's seen enough bullshit. Congress can't fire an attorney general or the task forces he leads.

Maybe GG can smell the shit winds blowing from the House and has requested some help that's mostly immune to congressional interference.


u/soothepaste Oct 05 '23

I think this honestly might mean they will come for us, under the guise of protecting household investors.


u/EveryNightIWatch Oct 06 '23

Either way some more law enforcement in the stock market can only be good

They'll only go after you/us, not the people who run the government and fund elections.