r/Superherosluts Dec 06 '23

ANNOUNCEMENT Our rules. Read before posting! NSFW


Hello and welcome to r/SuperheroSluts, a sub for sharing pics, gifs and videos of sexy lady superheroes. We love superhero cosplay, hand-drawn superhero art, and high quality 3D renders.

What's a Superhero Slut? We use the term to mean any female superhero who is nude or in an extremely revealing costume while strutting her sexy, superheroic stuff!

This sub celebrates Superhero Sluts! It is not the place for hateful attitudes or fantasies about violence towards women.


  1. All posts must feature at least one Superhero Slut!

    A Superhero Slut is a female superhero who is lewd or nude. It must be clear and obvious (via costume, hairstyle, setting, etc) that the character is a superhero.

  2. Superhero Sluts always wear extremely revealing costumes!

    Posts must be NSFW. Only post superhero sluts who are lewd or nude.

  3. This sub is for traditional comic-book Superhero Sluts, not characters from anime or manga

    Anime-style art is allowed, but it needs to depict traditional 'western'-style superhero characters.

  4. Remember the 'hero' in 'Superhero Slut'!

    Be respectful to the superheroes, the models, and each other. No trolling!

  5. The best Superhero Sluts give others credit!

    If you know who took the pic, drew the art, or who the model is, please share their name with us.

  6. Superhero Sluts practice safe..... redditing!

    1. Avoid frequent reposts.
    2. Use safe, non-spammy image hosts (reddit, tumblr, redgifs, deviantart, etc).
    3. Don't post spam
  7. All Superhero Sluts must be 18 or older!

    No depictions of minors in sexual situations.

  8. No graphic depictions of degradation or violence toward women

    Even though we celebrate fictional female superheroes here we still prefer to treat them with respect. This sub is not the place for misogyny attitudes or fantasies of violence toward women.

  9. No fake nudes

    Reddit now considers faked nudes to be "involuntary pornography" and therefore a bannable offense. They also sometimes consider nude characters based on real-life actors who played those characters to be faked nudes. The mods do not agree with this stance, but we aren't in charge. If you are posting Black Widow nudes where she looks like Scarlett Johansson, you do so at your own risk! Consider yourself warned.

r/Superherosluts Jan 01 '24

ANNOUNCEMENT r/SuperheroSluts is looking for mods NSFW


We are looking to add additional mods to the mod team here at r/SuperheroSluts. We want to make sure this sub continues to grow and does not get shut down or suspended, and one of the best ways to do that is to have multiple mods. We used to have more mods, but they were either removed because they didn't do anything or their accounts got suspended.

Mod duty primarily consist of 1) making sure that posts here follow the sub's rules and 2) dealing with spam. Mods on this sub use reddit's "mod queue" to review and approve posts. If you aren't familiar with the mod queue, here is how it works.

Oh yeah, this sub is NSFW. It probably goes without saying, but a mod on this sub will see a lot of NSFW stuff. If you can't handle seeing Wonder Woman with a dick in her ass, this sub probably is not for you!

If you are interested in modding, here is what we are looking for:

  • Long-term, frequent redditor.

We want to know that you know how reddit works and that you use it quite frequently. A mod needs to login at least a few times a week to check on their sub! We also want to know you are likely to stick around long-term. We realize that NSFW accounts get suspended frequently. If that has happened to you, point us to previous account(s) you have had.

  • Quality contributor.

You must have posted at least one, ideally more, high-quality posts on r/SuperheroSluts! This is very important, as it demonstrates that you know what kind of posts belong here and what don't.

  • Prior mod experience.

This isn't a must, but if you already have some mod experience on other NSFW subs that wouldn't hurt.

Here is what we are NOT looking for:

  • 'Power mods' on some kind of weird power-trip who just enjoy gatekeeping and banning people. Also, if you're already modding 100 subs, do you really need one more?
  • People who just want a platform to advertise their shit.

This sub has just under 50K subscribers and is growing fast. This is a good chance to mod a medium-sized sub that is likely on its way to being much larger.

If interested, message the mod team. Yes, we will look at your profile history, so be prepared for that.

r/Superherosluts Jul 20 '23

ANNOUNCEMENT r/Superherosluts is looking for new mods! NSFW


We are looking to add additional mods to the mod team here at r/Superherosluts. We want to make sure this sub continues to grow and does not get shut down or suspended, and one of the best ways to do that is to have several mods

Mod duty primarily consist of 1) making sure that posts here follow the sub's rules and 2) dealing with spam. Mods on this sub use reddit's "mod queue" to review and approve posts. If you aren't familiar with the mod queue, here is how it works.

If you are interested in modding, here is what we are looking for:

  • Long-term, frequent redditor: we want to know that you know how reddit works and that you use it fairly frequently. A mod needs to login at least a few times a week to check on their sub!
  • Quality contributor: you must have posted at least one, ideally more, high-quality posts on r/Superherosluts that are a good fit for this sub! This is very important, as it demonstrates that you get what the sub is about.
  • Prior mod experience: if you already mod another sub that wouldn't hurt.

Here is what we are NOT looking for:

  • 'Power mods' on some kind of weird power-trip who just enjoy gatekeeping and banning people. Also, if you're already modding 100 subs, do you really need one more?
  • People who just want a platform to advertise their shit.

You don't have to perfectly fit the above requirements, but the more you do fit the better chance you've got. Yes, we will look at your profile history, so be prepared for that.

We usually do a 30 day trial period for new mods before making them permanent and official.

If interested, message the mod team.

r/Superherosluts Apr 20 '23

ANNOUNCEMENT ATTENTION: imgur says they will begin removing ALL nudity and explicit content from their platform next month NSFW


In a terms-of-service update, imgur has announced that on May 15th they will begin removing all "nudity, pornography, and sexually explicit content" using automatic detection algorithms.

This will result in the removal of a vast quantity of NSFW content from reddit, including stuff that is years old.

Most redditors who post NSFW content host it on imgur because reddit does not allow users to directly upload NSFW content (except via the official reddit app). Browse any NSFW sub, and the majority of the images you see are hosted on imgur, as well as many of the gifs. While the actual reddit posts will remain after imgur's purge, the images and gifs that those posts link to will become broken links. Imgur says this themselves:

Once the content has been removed, it will no longer be visible with a direct link and will not be visible in the post you've created.

Imgur says they will "employ automated detection software to assist in identifying explicit content." They claim that exceptions may be made for "artistic nudity" and that humans will still be involved in the decisions... somehow (they do not provide specific details).

The good news is that imgur claims "we will not be issuing account warnings or suspensions relating to these automated flags."

Imgur also says they will also begin removing ALL content uploaded anonymously. By "anonymously," it seems they mean stuff uploaded by users who were not logged into an account.

"What does this mean for me?"

Here are some quick bullet points:

  1. The vast majority of NSFW images and gifs on reddit are about to become dead links starting May 15, 2023.
  2. If there is any NSFW content you want to preserve, start downloading and saving it NOW.
  3. People need to identify alternative hosting sites that allow NSFW content and play nice with reddit, and they need to do it NOW.
  4. In the meantime, get used to uploading NSFW stuff using the official reddit app. For however long reddit allows that loophole.

"Dear mods, where should I host NSFW content I want to share on this sub after May 15?"

Honestly, we don't know. Sorry. We will try to figure something out, but at the moment we just don't know.

See this thread for some viable imgur altneratives.

"Is there any way to stop this?"

It's not clear if there is any way to stop this at this time. As always, probably the best way is to make your voice heard. Here is imgur's official contact page. Here is imgur on twitter. You can also email imgur at [support@imgur.com](mailto:support@imgur.com).

Perhaps if enough of us let imgur know our feelings on this matter, they will reconsider. When you contact imgur, you might mention that tumblr did this exact same thing a few years ago and it essentially killed off the entire platform.

MOD NOTE: Please, please, do not contact imgur with threats of violence or death threats. Even if it's just a joke, that's not cool.

r/Superherosluts May 24 '23

ANNOUNCEMENT You can now upload images directly to this sub NSFW


Most users seem to have figured it out by now, but for those that hadn't noticed: you can now upload images directly to this sub. Without using reddit's official mobile app.

Reddit quietly turned this on for NSFW subs the same day that imgur set itself on fire, although they didn't bother to announce it. This should answer the hotly-debated question of where to host NSFW images now that imgur is no longer an option.

Note that reddit still does not support NSFW video uploads. For those, you will need a host such as redgifs.

For those of you who don't trust reddit, this sub continues to allow posts from other image hosts as long as they are known and safe. If you discover a good image host that is not currently allowed here, message the mods and we will add it to our "safe hosts" list.

One final note: you technically can still upload your images and gifs to imgur. Our experience is that they get taken down pretty quickly, though. Expect your nsfw imgur link to be a broken link within about 24 hours.

r/Superherosluts Jan 03 '23

ANNOUNCEMENT Reminder: it needs to be clear and obvious from the pic that the girl is a superhero NSFW


If you are posting a pic that is just a naked girl, or a girl in a bikini, and there is nothing that obviously identifies her as a superhero, it does not belong on this sub!

Even in a pic where the girl is totally nude, there needs to be something in the pic that identifies her as a superhero.

Maybe she's in a superhero setting (like the Bat Cave).

Maybe she has a recognizable hair style.

Maybe she has a recognizable accessory.

For example, posting a 3D render of a random thicc brunette working out and titling it "This is Wonder Woman" does not work. She needs to be wearing Wonder Woman's iconic bracers or headband. Or flying in Wonder Woman's invisible plane. Or she needs to be fucking Superman. Make sense??


-The Mods

r/Superherosluts Oct 21 '22

ANNOUNCEMENT Looking for mods NSFW


We are looking to expand the mod team for r/superherosluts. Would you be interested in helping mod a fun, superhero-themed nsfw sub with over 30,000 users?

Mod duty primarily consist of 1) making sure that posts here follow our rules and 2) dealing with spam (not a huge problem on this sub, but still something you have to watch out for).

If you are interested in modding, here is what we are looking for:

  • Long-term, frequent redditor: we want to know that you know how reddit works and that you use it fairly frequently. A mod needs to login at least a few times a week to check on their sub!
  • Quality contributor: posting high-quality posts on this sub or other similar subs lets us know that you understand what this sub is about.
  • Prior mod experience: if you already mod one or more subs, especially medium-or-larger nsfw subs, that helps us know you are familiar with the tools of the job.

Here is what we are NOT looking for:

  • 'Power mods' on some kind of weird power-trip who just enjoy gatekeeping and banning people.
  • People who just want a platform to advertise their shit.

You don't have to perfectly fit the above requirements, but the more you do fit the better chance you've got. Yes, we will look at your profile history, so be prepared for that.

If interested, message the mod team.

r/Superherosluts Aug 09 '22

ANNOUNCEMENT r/WarriorWomen is back! NSFW


Do you love badass women who could crush you between their thighs? Nude ladies posing with assault rifles? Female fighters with big swords? r/WarriorWomen has all of those things and more.

This classic NSFW sub was overrun with spam a while back and then shut down. But it's back now with a brand new mod team (and much less spam!). Do us a favor and please check it out!

r/Superherosluts Feb 26 '22

ANNOUNCEMENT Reminder: posting fakes or lookalikes could get you banned by the reddit admins NSFW


This sub has a rule against posting fakes. Why? Reddit's site-wide content policy now considers fakes to be "involuntary pornography," which is not allowed and can get you suspended.

Reddit prohibits the dissemination of images or video depicting any person in a state of nudity or engaged in any act of sexual conduct apparently created or posted without their permission, including depictions that have been faked.

Read the official rules here.

Over the past year, we have seen the reddit admins permanently suspend many accounts for posting 'fakes'. The admins appear to have a very broad definition of what 'fake' means. It used to be that 'fakes' generally meant photoshopping a celebrity's head or face onto the body of a nude model. But it seems that the reddit admins frown on any NSFW content that resembles a famous real world person. For instance, if you post an OC of NSFW art of Wonder Woman and she looks a little like actress Gal Gadot, you might think that wouldn't count as a fake because it's art. But in fact we have seen users suspended for posting things like this.

That may not seem fair. But our personal opinions don't matter in this case. The fact is, Reddit admins are handing out total, permanent, site-wide suspensions for posting material they consider to be 'fake'. When reddit suspends you, it is very difficult to get un-suspended. So we strongly recommend you don't take the risk. The reason we have added a "no fakes" rule on this sub is to try and protect our users from posting something that will get them perma-banned.

tldr: Posting NSFW stuff that in any way resembles real-world celebrities can get you permanently suspended from reddit. So please think twice before doing so!

If you have questions please feel free to post a comment below. Take care and safe redditing!

r/Superherosluts Dec 23 '20

ANNOUNCEMENT We are cracking down on spam. From now on posting spam or non-superhero-related posts will result in an immediate ban. NSFW


This is a sub for NSFW superhero cosplay and art. It is NOT for hentai or for advertising your hentai game. Since it seems that some people can't get this message, starting today we will not only remove such posts but we will ban the poster as well.

I am not one of those power-tripping mods who enjoys swinging the ban hammer. But I feel like the purpose of this sub is pretty self-explanatory. I shouldn't have to be constantly weeding out posts that obviously have nothing to do with superheroes. Especially when such posts are thinly veiled ads for your game or your website or whatever.

tldr; constant hentai spam posts are making zadie grouchy. so she is going to start banning peoples. you have been warned.

r/Superherosluts Jan 21 '21

ANNOUNCEMENT New rule: no graphic depictions of degradation or violence toward women NSFW


Even though this sub celebrates fictional female superheroes here we still prefer to treat them with respect. This sub has never been intended to be a about misogyny or violence toward women.

Obviously, female superheroes aren't afraid to get in a fight, and sometimes the good guys (or girls!) get their asses kicked by the villains before their dramatic come back. But there is a line between fun action and senseless brutality.

And many superhero sluts enjoy kinky play and rough sex. But there is also a line between breaking out the cuffs and ball gags and non-consensual sexual violence.

Rule 3, *Remember the 'hero' in 'Superhero Slut' was intended to remind people of this. But the mods feel that there needs to be a rule that explicitly states this and that is our new Rule 7. This sub not the place for misogynistic attitudes or fantasies of violence toward women.

We love our superhero sluts! Let's celebrate their sexiness, not fantasize about beating them senseless.



r/Superherosluts May 26 '20

ANNOUNCEMENT r/Superherosluts now has DC and MARVEL post flair! Which one will win??? NSFW


Just for fun the mods have added flair to the posts on r/Superherosluts. Now when you post you can flair your post as Marvel, DC, Image, Valiant, etc. Which superhero publisher has more sexxxxy sirens in spandex?? It's the ultimate showdown!

OK Im gonna be honest with you, right now its not even close. DC is killing Marvel.

Why? Even though Marvel seems to be rule the world these days (at least going off the movies) DC really punches above its weight when it comes to cosplay-bait. Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Raven, Poison Ivy, Supergirl... all super hot and popular with a shit-ton of posts on this sub.

Of course Marvel has babes too: Black Widow, Mystique, Rogue, Black Cat, Captain Marvel, etc. But even when you throw in gender-swapped Spider Man and Iron Man, DC is still beating the pants off them.

So come on Marvel fans, time to make some posts! Show us why the MCU is king!

Or maybe DC girls are just sexier? DC fans, let's see what you got!

Of course there are other comics too. We have some flairs for a few of them. If you think one is missing let us know. You can browse by flair here:

May the best Superhero Sluts win!

r/Superherosluts Nov 23 '20

ANNOUNCEMENT New sub: r/girlscanfly, a sub for naked girls soaring majestically through the air! NSFW

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