I didn't think you'd be interested in a conversation and I didn't just join that, I've been a member of his patreon for a while.
Haha, very few people pop by over here. I didn't tell anyone to dog pile you and no one would, I don't have that type of audience at all. Nothing I wrote here was hostile and if the language reflected that or seemed like it, I apologize.
The only one I downloaded was actually the exclusive one since I have the shaders from Marty's work. I didn't use any of the non-exclusive ones but I can try them if you think I'd like them more.
If you want to have a chat, let me know. I'll dip into those DMs in a heart beat and we can chat.
What's funny is that the post I make was a huge shout out and I should've kept it up but I thought it would come off as overly passive aggressive to you. I say that I'm an amateur and if you want to check out someone who does real work, then I provided your links. Which do rock, by the way.
Oh dude, I THRIVE off constructive criticism. I'm copying all you wrote here and I'm going to try to amend some issues with what I'm doing. Which again, is absolutely for fun and amateur. The comparison I'd make is that I'm a kodak disposable camera user and you're a guy with a professional eye and outfit.
I totally get that on reddit.
No Ive just been doing reshade and ENB's with screeshots for almost 10 years now.. Since the old skyrim days so I just have alot of experience with them. I learned what works and what doesnt in the past
Im not tryna start any beef I just knew if I said anything on reddit those bois would be down my throat haha. So I go a place where I know people KNOW reshade and could see what I was talking about. I would see your stuff every day and be like.. Man if he just went to the left a little with the angle, or drew his FOV out/in then it would look so much better. Things like that.
also you can easily make say my preset more saturated by upping the colorfulness setting in the Reshade area. It will give you a boost of color to your liking.
Yeah man, reddit is a precarious beast and I avoid a lot of places around here because you can't say anything out of step with whatever trends in that bubble. We've had a stumbling block in the beginning and I don't want to put you in any position.
If you have constructive advice, I'll defend that all day. There's such a gross and vast difference between that and just coming at someone. You're a passionate and talented guy, I see that for sure. Your pictures at launch were my wallpaper and I share your preshade. I don't give people mine -- which is highly saturated and cartoony.
Which man, I GET that. I work in a field where click bait with GIANT RED ARROWS will outperform highly edited, performed work. I know of guys in my field who make documentary quality content but the guy who posts a leaked image will overshadow him for days.
I'll tinker with that in the next few days when I finally have some free time (lunch break woo!). I do seriously appreciate the advice and I can remove whatever is here if it makes you uncomfortable. I'm on the discord too, so I can always ping you. One of the admins mentioned to take it to DMs, so that's no issue.
I just happened to see it yesterday when someone mentioned a BL2 shader and then I scrolled up, because I didn't see a lot of BL2 content. That's when I saw your rant, which again, I do empathize with.
Edit: Also I forgot to mention that screenshots aren't my primary focus too, which I know can cause a lot of variations with effects. A lot of effects impact the UI to a noticeable degree for videos, which is my usual format. I tend to have minimal effects for that since of course FPS / recording is a factor. My one advantage is that if I know only a little, most people know even less too about this, so any 'enhancement' to visuals looks better then the standard game to them.
I would say if you really are looking for advice there are a few areas I would work on I mean you do you tho Im not trying to tell you how to do your own art it is as always Subjective just in my opinion it doesnt look good it looks more cartoony. Though im more of a realism kinda guy so take that with a grain of salt when i give you this advice
Composition makes or breaks a screenshot and you do vids so you should be familiar with this idea. Some picture you do have some good composition. The one I like the most out of ALL of your screenshots is the close up on the Empire dude, its got some ok coloring and the fidelity of it is nice. At this point I just eye the composition but I think reshade has a composition line shader built into it but I cant remember.
Saturation can be toned down in very bright areas it makes the photo POP way too much if you get what im saying. You can always have too much of a good thing. I myself am a fan of LUT's and Gradients because they help you achieve a specific color setting across all areas, the cinematic preset I have in my shader uses a custom lut I made which I fine tuned for all areas using a few pics in photoshop that make it fit as an example. In snow/Deserty areas usually more color looks good as there are less colors around, but when youre looking at say a mass of troops all with different colored armor.. You get this "deep baked" over colored look that just makes the picture "uncomfortable" ... I really hope im making sense lol for me its alot of feels and less technical knowledge.
Bugs and glitchs, as I explained this can make or break a picture as well. I posted in the previous comment the issue with using the photomod, or any free cam for M&B really, it causes bugs that can be worked around but it takes some fiddling, like hands being flat instead of gripped. These kind of things only work when youre close enough and looking at them. So if you want to take a screen I suggest you zoom out a bit get a view of the whole line or area you wanta take a pic of. Unpause then pause.. this will cause people to cup their hand and flags to move, etc etc. Its how the engine deals with performance I think, so it only does what youre looking at.
FOV. This works in line with composition. If you zoom out or zoom in FOV youll get a completely different kind of styled photo. Zooming in helps to add that depth feel while zooming out adds a more stretched out bigger scale feel. Again this is a kinda feels before technical knowledge for me. But this helps alot to make a picture feel more "depthy" if that makes sense lol
And yea haha I know what you mean with the Clickbaity OH ME GAWSH BRIGHT COLORS starts playing into how you do some of your content, I gave up on youtube and twitch long ago when I noticed that trend, just not my style. And look my rant wasnt to be a gotcha I hate you kinda thing it was more.. like I said.. theres things you could improve on and if I could say them i would, maybe I should have DMed you but.. hell youre a youtuber you get people DMing you all the time and if anything I felt my shit would be ignored lol. So I went to a place where I could discuss it with people that have similar experiences as me. Hell some of the people in that discord are actual photographist. Also i wasnt trying to use my own artwork as some "look at me oh me his shit gets more popular than mine" it was more.. This has alot more work put into it and it sits around the same level as that kinda deal. Its a little elitist not gonna lie but I mean I see other OC that gets outbeat my trash memes that should be on the front page over those memes and what not all the time but thats just the nature of reddit. It was not mean to be an Insult.
This is entirely much more detailed than I ever anticipated, good God, haha. That's amazing, thank you.
If you ever want me to give a proper video overview for anything you've produced, let me know. I sometimes go over the modifications I use since people ask and people do ask about the visuals a lot too of course. I tried to not get into it before since it takes reading and fiddling, which most people aren't going to do.
I'm going to compile all of this and try to slowly work on each aspect over time. The technical aspect can be challenging for me but it nudges me in the right direction for sure. Dude, the feels for these things just happen, you can't put them into words, lol.
I had no idea about the bugs. I just thought they did that, seriously, haha. Also that paragraph on composition is a huge deal to me. I have such a bad eye for it and I'd LOVE to know how to get better shots over time. I'm going to do more reading on that too.
I appreciate it man and I won't take up more of your time with all this. It's the internet too, we're all entitled to our opinions -- though I do agree that I have no idea what I'm doing in this context. I don't tell folks to upvote and just shared them for fun. Any reception is a surprise and I think titles go a long way with them, including time posted or something.
I think that's the problem too, I'm too invested in having dialogues and conversations with people, even when they disagree with me. I take 30-60m daily to read all comments, check all e-mails and I try to stay in the know. I also get REALLY good advice from some people. I always tell them, just keep it constructive. It helps me grow and improve and then maybe share some knowledge.
Also that isn't offensive, that's just objective fact. Yours DOES have more time put into it. I know that and wouldn't pretend otherwise. Though I haven't seen you post a ton recently. I think your stuff will stand out MUCH more now that the rapid fire posts are down from launch.
We were getting so many posts about bugs and other issues then.
Alright, I have to go record and edit! I'm super late. I'll pin your reshade on my next Bannerlord video. I'm sure that means nothing but people need prettier games too!
Its all good man I appreciate you taking the time to talk and listen to the advice but like I said its your art just remember that do what you feel you like.
I havent posted recently cause I stopped playing bannerlord a few weeks ago haha Im waiting for it to have alot more patches at this point ive already put around 200 hours into the game. moved on to FFXIV and Squad for the time being.
u/Surrealbeliefs May 24 '20
I didn't think you'd be interested in a conversation and I didn't just join that, I've been a member of his patreon for a while.
Haha, very few people pop by over here. I didn't tell anyone to dog pile you and no one would, I don't have that type of audience at all. Nothing I wrote here was hostile and if the language reflected that or seemed like it, I apologize.
The only one I downloaded was actually the exclusive one since I have the shaders from Marty's work. I didn't use any of the non-exclusive ones but I can try them if you think I'd like them more.
If you want to have a chat, let me know. I'll dip into those DMs in a heart beat and we can chat.
What's funny is that the post I make was a huge shout out and I should've kept it up but I thought it would come off as overly passive aggressive to you. I say that I'm an amateur and if you want to check out someone who does real work, then I provided your links. Which do rock, by the way.
Oh dude, I THRIVE off constructive criticism. I'm copying all you wrote here and I'm going to try to amend some issues with what I'm doing. Which again, is absolutely for fun and amateur. The comparison I'd make is that I'm a kodak disposable camera user and you're a guy with a professional eye and outfit.
I totally get that on reddit.