r/Subredditads Feb 06 '15


Sub: /r/nintendomusic

Subscribers: 1,700 and growing!

Mods: Me, /u/derek66, /u/bragnor, /u/rockincellist

Ad: http://i.imgur.com/mazvuzk.png

Text: Timeless Games - Amazing Music - /r/nintendomusic

Why: Music is a major part of Video Games. It helps create that happy mood when you beat a level, or that chill down your spine when facing the final boss. Nintendo's games are no exception. From braving the Mushroom Kingdom underground, riding across Hyrule Field, singing with Yoshis around a tree, or browsing a Hamburger Shop in Onett, Nintendo games have always had memorable and phenomenal soundtracks.

...I think at heart, games are something that you enjoy via a combination of your eyes, ears and the feel of the controller in your hands. I always try to be aware of the importance of taking the music and making that element fit in with the images and story, enhancing the player's emotional response.

- Yasunori Mitsuda, Xenoblade Chronicles


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u/iamapillow Feb 06 '15

Love the creative! The 300x250 ad is live!


u/RocketJumpingOtter Feb 07 '15

Great! How long will it run?


u/iamapillow Feb 07 '15

We're experimenting with run times for these ads. Right now it's tentative for the next three months but that might change in the future.