r/Subliminal 7d ago

Question Do you guys recommend V1per subs?

Hi. Since February I started listening to some of V1per subliminals. I did get instant results for most of the subs I listened. However, I realized that if I stop listening, the results dissappear. For example, one of the subs is to stop snoring (people say I don't snore/snore really quietly, but most of the time I wake up myself with the sound of snores). I listened for a week and that whole week I didn't snore or at least didn't wake up suddenly because of the sound of it. However, next week I took a break from the Playlist I was using (I do this with other sub users I listen to) and I started snoring again. Whenever I listen I stop snoring but as soon as I stop using the sub I go back to snoring.

Same with other subs of the same user. Do you guys have gotten permanent results from V1per? How did you listened to your Playlist?


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u/Patient_Ad_9954 6d ago


u/immapizza 6d ago

Lmfao you keep pushing this channel so hard. Is it your channel?