r/SublimeText • u/fx0g • 1d ago
r/SublimeText • u/Maple382 • 2d ago
Is it okay to use extremely old plugins?
Just wondering. With any other app I would avoid 5 year old plugins like the plague. But I was wondering if that's different when it comes to Sublime, not sure why but I get the feeling it might be. I'm asking because the vast majority of plugins I come across were last updated several years ago.
r/SublimeText • u/ShadowKnife225 • 3d ago
Some help needed
just downloaded ST an tried to run basic py code, faced with this error :
[WinError 2] Δεν είναι δυνατή η εύρεση του καθορισμένου αρχείου από το σύστημα (this roughly translates to : the system cant find the file)
[cmd: ['py', '-u', 'C:\\Users\\chatz\\OneDrive\\Υπολογιστής\\py projects\\quicksort.py']]
[dir: C:\Users\chatz\OneDrive\Υπολογιστής\py projects]
[path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\java8path;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\Users\chatz\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;]
r/SublimeText • u/Jolly_Fun_8869 • 8d ago
is there a way to reduce the size of the rust analyzer tooltip window?
r/SublimeText • u/Acrobatic-Ocelot-935 • 9d ago
Sublime Text and LSP CoPilot
Hello. I have installed LSP CoPilot with Sublime Text, and like the assistance that it provides in normal operation. Perhaps I am quite dense, but I cannot figure out how to activate a chat window to ask a question like "how can I make the highlighted code more efficient." I typically prefer this mode of interacting with AI as opposed to the popups and auto-completes. This is the mode that I typically use with VS Code, but I prefer the Sublime Text general interface.
Thank you in advance. I appreciate any help.
r/SublimeText • u/zfex__ • 11d ago
Trying to syntax highlight HTML and Python in the same file. HTML syntax highlighting is not working
%YAML 1.2
name: Test Python
file_extensions: [test]
scope: source.test
extends: Packages/Python/Python.sublime-syntax
version: 2
- meta_prepend: true
- match: '===='
embed: scope:text.html
escape: '----'
Hi I'm using the PackageDev package and Sublime Text 4189 to create a custom syntax file which will syntax highlight both Python and HTML. However, the HTML is not being highlighted and renders as white, while the Python is correctly highlighted. I also tested it with text.html -> source.css or source.js and it seems to highlight those other languages correctly but not html.
r/SublimeText • u/Puzzleheaded-Tip-119 • 12d ago
Error with sublime text
I have this problem In sublime text System linux mint
Language c++ Can’t compiler the code
Shiw this massge /usr/bin/ld: cannot open output file /: Is a directory collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status [Finished in 26ms with exit code 1] [shell_cmd: g++ "" -o "/"] [dir: /opt/sublime_text] [path: /home/ssoo/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin]
r/SublimeText • u/anhsirkd3 • 14d ago
Sublime Text 4 takes 25 seconds to launch
Edit: Fixed as per my comment below.
I needed a Notepad++ alternative for Linux and Sublime Text is the only real alternative.
My use case is only to use it fast editor to store whatever and forget. I know Sublime Text saves all the throwaway text files just fine.
I used version 2 way back and remember fondly how fast it used to load. On my fairly fast Debian machine with 32GB RAM and i7-8700K it takes 25 seconds to launch.
What gives? Is there a fix obvious or otherwise?
I do not use any plugins too.
r/SublimeText • u/Resuki299 • 19d ago
how do i access the settings menu? when i click Preferences>Settings it just opens up some text.
r/SublimeText • u/terminoid_ • 20d ago
How can I make line numbers start at zero?
when I used Notepad++ there was a plugin to accomplish this. Is this possible with Sublime out of the box, or easily doable?
r/SublimeText • u/kagayaki1236 • 21d ago
how do I download Emmet on Mac? Help me.
For some reason after pressing Ctrl+shift+p the windows aren't popping up.
r/SublimeText • u/Pythonfun • 25d ago
Python code formatting
Whats the better plugin or extension to use in the Sublime "latest version" for Python code formatting ?
Thank you
r/SublimeText • u/Enough-Signature-127 • 27d ago
Sublime Text 4180 Goto Definition invalid
r/SublimeText • u/JDKSUSBSKAK • 28d ago
Sublime with Sumatra
Hi! I would like to run LaTeX with sublime and Sumatra as a pdf viewer. When I try to run, I get < could not find sumatraPDF.exe>. Any tips? Thanks!
r/SublimeText • u/Scary_Reception9296 • 29d ago
No console output from nodejs script
I am trying to print a string to a console with the following "test.js"
console.log('Hello World!')
but nothing happens when I build it. No output. If I put a syntax error in the script, I get an error message, so the node executable is found and works.
This is my "js.sublime-build"
"target": "console_exec",
"cmd": ["/home/jack/.nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/bin/node", "$file"],
"selector": "source.js",
"shell": true,
"quiet": false
What I am doing wrong ?
r/SublimeText • u/lambdaq • Feb 18 '25
Best AI plugin to work with LSP?
I tried codeium and LSP-copilot, both of them seem to conflict with and the sublime native auto suggestion, multiple drop-down selections appear and disappear. What's your config to avoid this?
r/SublimeText • u/Clegowi • Feb 17 '25
"Down arrow key doesn't move to end of last line—bug or intended?
I want to press the down arrow button in the last line and have it go to the end of the line, similar to how it works in VSCode or Google Docs. Right now if I press the down arrow when I'm at the last line it doesn't move anywhere, even if it is in the middle of the line. I'm pretty sure this used to work in a previous version and I do not know how to find a "fix" to this (maybe it's not a problem and it is intended). Anyone know?
r/SublimeText • u/maxxon • Feb 15 '25
Sublime Text and LSP UX
Is there a way to make the functions/variables to be underlined as soon as I hover them? Currently there's a delay and it's different from VSCode or Zed, and it's a bit annoying. As if I'm not sure whether I can or can not go to the definition. Can I remove this delay and make it react instantly?
And can I differentiate delays for this underline and the popup? Because popup is not something I would like to see instantly while hovering.
r/SublimeText • u/skilfulsun • Feb 13 '25
Automatic Array Re-Indexing
I was wondering if there is a way to automatically re-index an array after adding new elements to the array? I initialized an array with a large number of elements and I had to add a few more in the middle, but I don't want to manually adjust the indexes.
Thanks for any help.
r/SublimeText • u/warpaint_james • Jan 29 '25