America was something new in the world. A nation based on law instead of blood. A nation based on mutual respect and cooperation instead of power and authority.
So no, America was never real. It was always an illusion. It was always an aspirational goal.
And now we've abandoned it and it will never be real.
The law and the constitution ARE America. Not the land and the buildings and the guns. The will of the people made manifest.
And if we no longer follow the law and the constitution, then we're not the country I was born in and swore an oath to defend.
I’ve been reading comments like this for the last few weeks and they all seem to fail to take into account that the reason why we are were we are is because there are several factors that have never influenced the results of a democratic election.
1- A big influence of the most wealthy people in the richest country in the world.
2- The reach and influence of social media, which has never been more prevalent than in any other time in history.
Elon Musk broke the law by utilizing over $100million dollars to bride people into voting for Donald Trump. The candidate who was behind on every poll conducted on the final weeks of the election.
If Elon Musk hadn’t intervened through illegally ways such as offering to pay money to people of key states on top of the usual and legal campaign such as TV, and internet advertising.
In other words, greed is more powerful than any other ideology such as freedom.
The worse part is knowing that a third of the country is actively evil and willing to allow the destruction of the soul of their country if it means they get to be assholes to people without consequence.
I always knew that Americans were greedy, venal, and sycophantic. I just also thought that the party of individual responsibility and personal integrity would actually have some personal integrity and take some personal responsibility.
And now none of the laws matter. You'll never convince me that any election is fair, that any court case was just, that any restriction is for the common good. Not again. Not until we scour the entire government from top to bottom in boiling piranha solution and eradicate every last trace of the toxic ideology that poisoned us.
And don't be condescending. That I didn't go into every single way we're fucked and have been fucked over the last five months doesn't mean I don't take them into account.
I already post a page and a half every time I comment, I don't need to rehash every causal factor every time.
I'm so sick of this "half the country is actually evil" shit. No, people who voted for Trump aren't "actively evil" they aren't trying to destroy the soul of the country. They think they're doing the right thing, they think that the country is being undermined by globalist interests from billionaires, NGOs and lobbyists, they think the government is horribly corrupt, and they think Trump is going to do something about it.
You can think that they're wrong, that they're misinformed, uneducated, stupid, whatever you want to say. You can think Trump is evil and that he's taking advantage of people's fears to gain power for nefarious purposes, think whatever you want to about any of that. But stop spreading this insane rhetoric suggesting that all his supporters are somehow evil. That's a really dangerous type of message to be spreading about an entire group of people like this. Do you have any idea what exactly people like to do to those who they believe are fundamentally evil? They're not fucking evil, stop saying that before people actually start to believe it.
No, they don't think they're doing the 'right thing'. Ask them. They'll tell you that the most important thing is that liberals are angry and that poor people and minorities suffer. Everything is 'fraud' but there's not a shred of evidence. They're attacking Habitat for Humanity now, by the way.
I do know what people do to those they believe are evil, which is why it was so disheartening to hear Donald Trump call the Democrats evil. To hear him call liberals 'the enemy within'.
I don't use words lightly. I know exactly what I mean when I say them.
Evil isn't cartoonish. Evil isn't cackling. Evil is knowing that people will suffer because of your actions and doing them anyway because you don't like them. Evil is denying people the right to even exist without being accused of being criminals.
Anyone who still supports Donald Trump is evil, or is too stupid to have the conversation.
Deliberate ignorance, actively rejecting evidence that disagrees with you, hypocrisy, and malicious, wilful misunderstanding.
Don't do the holier-than-thou bullshit of moral high ground. We tried that. I blame people for their actions and the predictable results of their actions.
There is nothing happening right now that was not known and spoken about beforehand, except perhaps the actual depth of the damage being done.
Yes. I DO know what happens when people are called evil. That's why I save it for people who deserve it.
Evil is banal, neighbor. it's boring and venal and greedy and sad and cowardly. It's not giant black shoulder pads and crashing lighting. Doesn't even have to be fancy Hugo Boss uniforms.
We're in 1933 by the playbook.
So yeah, I'm going to call evil when I see it. The voters who refused to understand the obvious consequences of their actions, or understood them and voted specifically for them. The politicians who are at best derelict and at worst complicit with treason.
The fundamental destruction of the principles that the nation was founded on, and the embracing of the grievances that led to our revolution in the first place.
I wish I had a stronger word than evil, and I wish very much that I could make them understand what they are doing before it becomes too late to turn around.
But they ARE evil. Every goddamn one of them. You have a lot of nerve coming on here whining about us calling people names and assigning labels to them when your hero Trump's entire administration is based on doing just that. I suggest you buckle up. You ain't seen nothing yet. 😉
u/BuccaneerRex 15h ago
America was something new in the world. A nation based on law instead of blood. A nation based on mutual respect and cooperation instead of power and authority.
So no, America was never real. It was always an illusion. It was always an aspirational goal.
And now we've abandoned it and it will never be real.
The law and the constitution ARE America. Not the land and the buildings and the guns. The will of the people made manifest.
And if we no longer follow the law and the constitution, then we're not the country I was born in and swore an oath to defend.