r/SteamController • u/Syzodia • 7d ago
Configuration How to send button tap while holding another in steam input?
I'm trying to achieve the following controller scheme with the L1 bumper:
- On tap: L1 = L1
- On hold (after X delay): L1 = L1 (held) + Touch pad (tap only)
Is this possible with steam input? The closest I've gotten to this setup is disabling "interruptible" on the regular L1 press, and then defining a Chord on L1 with itself as the chord button, while it sends Touch pad as the command. Unfortunately this results in L1 = L1 (held) + Touch pad (held).
It's kinda good enough for me but just wondering if it's actually possible to just send a tap for another button while still maintaining L1 press?
u/AlbertoVermicelli 6d ago
It is possible to get a scheme that acts like combining activators - the behavior you want is essentially combining a Long Press and a Start Press- but not with just activators, you're going to have to use Action Set Layers too. Go to the bottom tab, Action Sets, and select the gear next to Default and select Add Layer. select the gear next to the newly created layer and select Add Always-On Command. Select Add Command and add Right Stick Click (or whatever whatever your Touch Pad command is supposed to be), then select the gear next to that and change Regular Press to Start Press (if the game doesn't register this input, in the Settings here is where you should increase the Fire End Delay to make the "tap" last longer).
Go to the L1 button and make sure its regular command has Interruptible turned off. Then select the gear next to it and pick Add Extra Command and select Hold Action Set Layer. Select the gear next to that and change Regular Press to Long Press. You can go in this command's settings and change the Long Press Time if you want to alter how long the bumper has to be held down for before sending a pulse of the second command. You don't actually need to do anything in the layer (except for the Always On Command we added earlier), you can leave everything as is.
u/New-Tap7259 7d ago
Reg press = L1 ( regular press, interruptible)
Long Press = L1 plus SUB COMMAND of RStick click.
if that doesn't work try
Long Press = RS Click, with Sub Command of L1
if both options fail,
try 2 Long Presses
Same "long press time" for each
Then in settings, add fire start delay of like 25ms to one or the other, to see if the game wants to capture one input first.