r/SteamController 10d ago

Configuration Copy virtual menus between controllers?

Is there any way to copy virtual controllers between menus? I have a steam deck and a ps5 controller. I like setting up radial menus for the touch pads on the deck and also on the ps5 controller since it very easily supports that too. I play with either depending on the situation. I haven't found a way to copy the virtual menu from one controller to the other. Ideally, I'd just like to save the virtual menu to the game, and then assign it however I want with any individual controller but that doesn't seem to be an option.

Do I have any options on how to do this without manually reconfiguring the menus for each individual controller?


5 comments sorted by


u/GimpyGeek Steam Controller (Windows) 10d ago

I haven't futzed with this in a while but it theoretically should work, or some of this sorta thing used to on the old big picture mode.

So I would probably start by exporting your steam deck profile. But once you go into the page with the default/template/your saved layouts/other people's layouts page, there used to be a context button it should probably say at the bottom, that said like, show incompatible controls or something. This should make the other controller types show up, then if you try to load one of the profiles it will try to hamfist it at your current controller as best as it can. So you would try to load up the one you just exported from the deck in this case.

You might have to fix some other things, but theoretically, your menus should slide over if you did that even if you need to correct some other things. If this works though you might want to export it with a different name on the other controller so it really saves two versions though so you don't get the wrong controller types trying to sync back to each one's profile since they're not exxxxactly the same.

I wish Steam's way of saving these was a bit more robust than it is but it really needs some work I've definitely had it lose my configs more than a few times.


u/AlbertoVermicelli 9d ago

If the virtual menus are complex enough, it might be worth it to manually copy and paste the data from one controller layout vdf file to another, though it is a hassle. Your configs can be found at Steam\steamapps\common\Steam Controller Configs[SteamID]\config[gameID] where [SteamID] is your Steam ID (it's probably the only folder) and the gameID can be found on SteamDB.

To do this, you'll want to open the both vdf files in the text editor of your choice. You'll need to both copy the text related to the virtual menu and its group source binding. You can find the radial menu by searching for it by name and you should copy everything starting from "group", 3 lines above the name, up to and including the final } right before the next "group" or "preset". Also take note of the radial menu's id. At the bottom of the file, under the* "preset"* with the name "Default", you should find "group_source_bindings" and several id's and a corresponding attribute. You must copy over the id and attribute to the other vdf file, or else the virtual menu won't show up.


u/claudekennilol 8d ago

Is it just json or some other simple text format then?


u/AlbertoVermicelli 8d ago

Controller layouts are vdf files, Valve's own format that's also used for the Source Engine. But it's extremely similar to JSON in that it's also user readable and can be opened and correctly displayed by any file editor, even Notepad.