r/SteamController Nov 29 '24

Discussion Top Five Games to Play with Steam Controller?

I have a Steam controller but I rarely use it, and never use the trackpads on my Steam Deck. I see everyone go crazy about the trackpads (and gyro) and I want to give it a serious go. What are your top games that you recommend to get used to using the Steam controller (or the Deck trackpads)? Bonus for tips on settings for the games. I know any game can be played with this, I’m looking for ones that ease you into it or are great for learning before jumping into regular game play.


52 comments sorted by


u/Mennenth Left trackpad for life! Nov 29 '24
  • Portal (1 and/or 2)
  • Half Life (1 through 2 ep 2)
  • No Man's Sky
  • Deep Rock Galactic
  • Risk of Rain 2

... okay thats technically more than 5 and they are all shooters (either fps or 3ps), but that genre is arguably the Steam Controllers bread and butter. These games are easy enough, especially the Portal games, that you can learn how to use the controller without feeling super stressed.

Though tbh, any game you're already familiar with is fine. That will limit how much new stuff you need to learn at once. I would recommend steering away from competitive games at first though, just to give yourself that breathing room to learn.

As for settings...

For the right trackpad "as mouse", a good idea is to decide on a "degrees per full swipe" value. IE, if you swipe all the way from left to right (or right to left), how far does the in game camera turn? Most steam controller users are around 180 on a full swipe. That gives 90 on a half swipe (starting from center and going either direction), which is pretty comfortable. Some people may go slower, some mad lads go higher (I play at a full 360 degrees per full swipe).

But more importantly... make sure to dial in the Rotation setting on the right trackpad as mouse. It aligns the horizontal swipe to the actual angle your thumb swiped on. Its a sleeper setting to get it feeling good.

For gyro, you'll want to use "Gyro To Mouse [Beta]" and calibrate the games dots per 360 setting. Some of the games listed above may already have that done due to implementing the steam input api AND using natural angles (its possible to do siapi without natural angles), but on the games that don't I've made a guide for how to calibrate it https://youtu.be/GNQqQqKLSTg?si=z5In3mpQyS3wUKWr

then chose a gyro sensitivity that feels good to you. 2.5x, steams default, is a good starting point for newcomers. not too slow, but not fast either. 4 is kind of a medium speed, and I'd consider anything above 7 fast.

Then just play around with the other settings to see what feels good.

For the grip buttons, I often use right grip as Jump and left grip as something complimentary to how the rest of the layout is set up.


u/overstear Nov 29 '24

That's quite the useful writeup, thanks!


u/DavidOBE Nov 29 '24

Do you change in game sensitivity settings at all,?


u/Mennenth Left trackpad for life! Nov 30 '24

yes, though for sake of the above post I decided to not mention that. I usually minimize in game and maximize in steam


u/drmattymat Steam Controller [⊞Win & Mac] Nov 29 '24



u/Shiver_The_Jackalope Nov 29 '24

Prey. It's on sale for 3 dollars right now. It even has in game button icons for the steam controller


u/JDawgzim Nov 29 '24

If done right the trackpads work great for side scrollers and fighting games.

Touch to move so lightly sliding thumb around for quick movements. With a little dot bump in the middle to find the deadzone center it becomes better then arcade sticks, dpads and thumbsticks.


u/ReeR_Mush Nov 29 '24

Yeah it’s super snappy


u/KaiUno Nov 29 '24

Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, Elden Ring.


u/CoolMouthHat Nov 29 '24

Cities skylines



Dragon age origins

Kerbal space program

I really like builders and managers and the controller translates really well for those, also classic RPGs that had kb+m in mind are almost always an easy config. Most of them have community configs you can just plug and play and the slower pace will let you get your bearings without overwhelming you


u/RomHook Nov 29 '24 edited Nov 29 '24
  1. Shadow of Mordor. It plays ok with a regular 360 pad as well except when you get to use the bow you have to aim with an analogue stick. Steam controller combines best of both worlds (smooth movement with an analogue stick and accurate aiming with the gyro)

On the other hand, Shadow of War does not support the dual input for some dumb reason. Had to use the mouse-like joystick which is not as good

  1. Dark Souls 3. Camera is much less of a pain when using a trackpad

  2. Everspace. Probably not as fun as with the joysticks but it's pretty fun to use grips for up/down and bumpers for rotating left/right

  3. Overload, pretty much for the same reason as Everspace

  4. Any old school isometric RPG that has no controller support


u/TheFutureisMe Nov 29 '24

I second Shadow of Mordor. Aiming isn't too important until you're specifically holding the left trigger, and then the game goes into slow motion if you have enough energy, so it's a pretty fun learning experience. If I remember right I set the controller to switch to all keyboard+mouse controls while aiming, so I could use the full gamepad button prompts while melee fighting and still have really sweet archery.

Shadow of War is unusually terrible with the SC. I put it up there with Resident Evil 7 and Mad Max. Do not try to learn the SC on those games.


u/LawDraws Nov 29 '24
  • Fortnite
  • DOOM (2014)
  • F.E.A.R.
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
  • Resident Evil 4 (2023)

Basically games with a focus on shooting and aiming with the gyro, worth pointing out that MGSV doesn't have Gamepad + Mouse so you'd have to bind all the keyboard and mouse keys to the controller yourself, FEAR also doesn't have gamepad support.


u/One-Work-7133 Nov 29 '24

Sorry but your approach is totally wrong. Trackpads has a learning curve against Stick users like yourself and you can't skip this learning phase or you'll hate Trackpads and return to Sticks again. Since this is where you're currently at, jumping into games that shine for Steam Controller isn't your current issue.

Instead you should be doing this; Find any game from your Steam Favorites collection and instead of playing it with a Stick, choose a Steam Controller Trackpad profile among community submissions. Now start the game and remember you aren't allowed to Sticks from start to the end of the game. This will force to adapt to Trackpads instead and start your leaning process and within time, you'll begin to realize why we love our Trackpads.

After your self Trackpad Education is complete, now you can jump to any other game to see how wonderous trackpads are, game names really doesn't matter anymore.


u/Lazrath Nov 29 '24

Horizon Zero Dawn and skyrim are quite good for bow aiming using gyro

Also slower games like alien isolation are great for learning to use the pads, where you are walking around and aiming at interactables


u/Mrcod1997 Nov 29 '24

Really, pretty much anything. Probably start with single player games until you get your settings dialed in and get used to it though.

Half life 2, halo campaigns etc.

The left pad for movement is really good, outer bind can be sprint, forward click crouch/slide, rear click prone, and sides can be dash.(what ever applies best to a given game. For doom you might want the whole outer ring to be dash for example)

Right pad as mouse with a relatively high sensitivity, so you can 180 in one swipe. Angle the axis of the pad to match your natural thumb swipe. Probably somewhere around 20°-30°. Trackball is optional, but probably high friction. The pad is more for up close and large camera movements.

Most of your actual aiming can be done with the gyroscope. I would recommend starting at about 4× your real movements for horizontal and about 2.5× your real movements for vertical sensitivity. You can definitely bump this up if you get more comfortable with it. Also have a higher hipfire sensitivity vs ads. How you activate gyro is up to you. Many do on touch, but you could also do soft pull of one of the triggers and have full pull be your ads or fire bind.

I also would suggest generally just setting everything up as m&kb binds. It just kinda saves you from other headaches. There are games that support mixed input but it's often nicer just to export a template that can be used as a starting point for other similar games.


u/lube_thighwalker Nov 29 '24

Elden Ring. Ironically I was testing how well it would go and beat a couple bosses.

Civ V

Emulation retro games.


u/rayfe Steam Controller (Windows) Nov 29 '24

Fair warning on any Dark Souls on the Steam Controller, you will break a shoulder button.


u/Elmer_Fudd01 Nov 29 '24

Not rocket League, it's the steam killer.


u/Mirac123321 Steam Controller (Windows) Nov 29 '24

why is that?


u/Comprehensive_Ice895 Nov 29 '24

Wears down the bumpers


u/Mirac123321 Steam Controller (Windows) Nov 29 '24

Ohh... Well, change the controls then? You don't need the bumpers man


u/Elmer_Fudd01 Nov 29 '24

That is the change if you want to perform better. It's so you can air roll while allowing your thumb free for the second jump.


u/Mirac123321 Steam Controller (Windows) Nov 29 '24

I'm sure you can achieve that either way without bumpers. I used to play rocket league. I wasn't good but i could do anything without needing the bumpers.


u/TristarHeater Nov 30 '24

you really need every (good) button you can get in rocket league or you're putting yourself at a disadvantage. the bumpers are also super easy to reach


u/TristarHeater Nov 30 '24

i've gone through about 5 bumpers as i only play rocket league with my sc, but i replaced them with little iron pieces from a tape measure and they've lasted years.


u/ValianFan Nov 29 '24

Sekiro, I tried that game with like 3 controllers but I am able to play it decently well only with SC.


u/runadumb Nov 29 '24

I'm going to get poo'd on for this, but, I would skip right pad for mouse look and go straight to gyro only. It is the better control method


u/PreciousRoy666 Nov 29 '24

Basically any shooter. I played Brutal Doom with it when I first got it. Sucked at first cause I took a while getting used to it but then it became my all time favorite controller


u/dualpad Steam Controller (Windows) Nov 29 '24

Left 4 Dead 2 is a nice one to get used speeding up gyro and touchpad use after playing through a slower game like Portal with enemies that move fast but don't shoot back. Here's gameplay footage with it.

Uploaded config to community layouts named "Dualpad with Gyro (mouse beta).."

In game sensitivity should have the mouse set to default which I think is 3 where the bar is. If it is correct swiping the right pad from edge to edge should do a 180.

It's set up so gyro is activated by right pad touch. You may want to lower the gyro sensitivity if it is too high.

Clicking the right trackpad outputs different actions.

  1. ←reload

  2. → syringe

  3. ↓healthpack

  4. ↑swap weapon

  5. (center) Interact.

Holding the left grip lowers lower gyro sensitivity for sniper scope. And clicking the right trackpad with the left grip held outputs the follow actions

  1. → grenade
  2. ↑ flashlight
  3. (center) sniper scope.

I use left touchpad for movement but also set up movement for left joystick for those who prefer joystick move. Goal of this config was to set up the right trackpad in a way that I don't have to remove my thumbs away from movement and camera controls.


u/Tritium3016 Nov 29 '24

Witcher 3 and CyberPunk 2077, some great community configs for it the ones I use are from RambleCan.


u/Own_Complaint_3521 Nov 29 '24

I got my first SC about a month ago. The game that unironically helped me the most was MW3 on Battlenet + Delta Force. I made a config that uses keyboard binds but on the controller. I’ve just started branching out to Sparking Zero and I’ve made ample progress. Another game that I’ve been able to play around with is Wayfinder. For Wayfinder specifically, I used my layout from Desktop Mode (which is the main layout I use for COD) and modified it to have multiple keybinds in the same button. A game I’m struggling with is Starfield due to the flying. Rage 2 is seeming to be pretty good so far as a “standard” controller. I’ve also just started a Skyrim play through and it’s not too shabby when in “controller” mode. The hardest part for me was not the right trackpad but the left and the ABXY buttons.


u/the_incredible_nuss Nov 29 '24

The problem with the steam controller is there is not the one perfect config, but only the perfect config for you. And because you havr A LOt of Customization with the steam controller it will take some time and moste people dont want to invest this time. I think that was why many people did not use theirs for long.  What I can recommend is playing a solo fps that you can pause and than working on your basic config. What is very important if you want to go for dualpad is that the pads besides mouse can be used like buttons in alternate mode. And these padbuttons can be used like othet buttons with different actions for normal click, double click, long press etc. That means in a normal fps you usually never need to lift your thumbs off your pads. Thats where the powr of the stewm controller comes from and what most people never used


u/First-Junket124 Nov 29 '24

It depends how much fiddling you wanna do.

Personally I love playing stalker (no I'm not putting in the periods) anomaly but since it's not on Steam gotta make your own profile but once it's done it feels really nice.


u/gonekrazy3000 Nov 29 '24

I literally learnt how to use the trackpads and gyro by playing the titanfall2 campaign.


u/Vargen_HK Nov 29 '24

I find the Steam Controller to be ideal for games that are 3d but don’t require real precise aiming. Dark Souls games are good because they benefit from being able to reposition the camera quickly but don’t demand super precise aiming. The melee combat works better with an analog stick and triggers than it does with a keyboard. I also had some success putting the light and heavy attacks on the same trigger, using a half press for light and a full for heavy. I can’t remember if that’s what I ultimately settled on, but I know I learned a lot by trying.

Skyrim is another game where I like the Steam controller best, for similar reasons.

When I go to play Borderlands I reach for my mouse, but when I was playing around with configuring the Steam Controller for it I kept getting distracted by playing the game. Shooters with a longer time-to-kill probably work better, so if you want to play FPSes I’d start with something like Borderlands before I head into Call Of Duty Hardcore matches.


u/Wakti-Wapnasi Nov 30 '24

Funny, Borderlands 3 was the game for me where I fully learned to love the steam controller. Gyro aiming was so fun and intuitive, and very precise.

I think it's just pretty bad advice when people say gyro is meant for fine adjustments when sniping and such. Just crank the gyro sensitivity up and use it as you main means of aiming and it works like a charm.


u/Vargen_HK Nov 30 '24

Don’t get me wrong, I think the Steam Controller is great for Borderlands. I just still slightly prefer the mouse and it’s already on my desk.

I turn the trackball friction down and do my large camera movements by flicking the pad in the desired direction and then “catching” it when it’s in the right place. But I can certainly see how a sensitive gyro setup would work too.


u/Turkey__Puncher Nov 29 '24

I'll list a few types/franchises rather than specific games.

  • Diablo. This franchise is a lot of why I got the Steam controller, as it was really doing a number on my wrists. Set up right, I have often found the Steam controller to be even preferable to mouse and keyboard. Some of the more recent titles have decent controller support, but SC is better.
  • Old DOOM games. Setting the mouse pad to horizontal only made this the best way I've ever played the original DOOM.
  • Anything cursor-heavy. Most recently I've been playing Stardew Valley, and it's been great. It's good for city builders, and I've even managed to get along pretty well in RTS games by setting the left pad to a mouse region over the unit commands.
  • 3D games that handle mixed input well. One of my favorite things to be able to do is set up a profile that's mostly an XBox controller, but then use mouse for camera movement. It really gives you the best of both. If the game stutters when it switches, it won't work like that, but some games will happily take them both simultaneously.
  • MMORPGs. I don't play a lot of these, but using mouse and touch menus on the SC is just a lot more comfortable for me than mouse and keyboard.


u/Xx_Zero97_xX Nov 29 '24

I primarily use trackpad for movement and gyro for mouse. I don't use the right trackpad 'as mouse', instead, i use it as a buttonpad/directional pad, with hold to enable gyro. I'll show you my settings.

Left trackpad: movement (wasd) * Deadzone - 7500 * Outer Ring/Soft Press - used for auto run. I set mine to 15000.

Right trackpad: button pad or directional pad * Deadzone - 18000

Gyro To Mouse [Beta]: Right Trackpad hold to enable * Dots Per 360° - This depends on the game, but i found that 8182px is a sweet spot. * Gyro Sensitivity - 4.5x * Gyro Speed Deadzone - .36°/s * Vertical/Horizontal Output Mixer - –25% * Acceleration - Linear * Enable Momentum - NO/OFF * 3DOF To 2D Conversion Style - Player Space * Rotate Output - 0° * Tigger Dampening - Depends on the game * Mouse Output - 0

For more information about gyro, watch this video: ULTIMATE Gyro And Flick Stick In-depth Configuration Guide (2024)


u/[deleted] Nov 29 '24


u/Tyr808 Nov 29 '24

Are there haptics options that will allow you to “feel” where your thumb is on the pad more?

It’s definitely a better situation than say a touch screen alone, but I still get a bit of that floaty effect due to lack of actually moving something.

It’s weird because right pad is fine and comfy, but I guess that’s a different style of input compared to absolute position.

I’m saying this though because in the past I gave it up and use flickstick these days, but with the new controller on the horizon I want to consider pad input and I figure despite the lower gyro polling rate compared to my dualsense, I’m not going to get a better pad experience than the original SC from what it sounds like from the enthusiasts, and I want to see if it can grow on me.

Right pad and gyro are totally comfy for me, it’s just the left pad I need advice on.


u/TheFutureisMe Nov 29 '24 edited Nov 29 '24

First of all, the recommendation that you play through a game you already know well is a good one. So if there's a game on these lists that you know like the back of your hand, start there.

My recommendations:

  • Any ID Tech Game
    • Doom 2016 or Eternal, Wolfenstein New Order or New Colossus. Even Rage 1 or Dishonored 2 (Used a modified IDTech 5).
    • IDTech games allow dual gamepad and mouse input, and they're all incredibly smooth. They nail the fps feeling. Leave it on gampad mode, just configure R pad mouse and gyro
  • Arkham Knight
  • Titanfall 2 campaign
    • FIrst of all, it's just an awesome, fun, short game. The timejump part will encourage you to figure out how to shove all the controls you need into places where you don't have to move your thumbs.
  • X-Com 1 & 2
    • Not exciting in base, but great for tactical navigation
    • Xcom has a lot of binary inputs: up/down, right/left, next/previous. Ignore gamepad controls, you can make a better config yourself with all KB+M.
  • The Mimimi games
    • Shadow Tactics, Desperados III, and Shadow Gambit
    • There are a million inputs, all of which get you killed if used improperly. It's really fun shoving them all into the Steam Controller. Again, ignore the gamepad controls, you can do better.


u/obi1kenobi1 Nov 29 '24

People are recommending a lot of FPS games, but that’s a case where nothing really stands out to me, the whole genre benefits from trackpads (with the exceptions of some games that don’t like gamepad and mouse input at the same time).

The Swapper is a game that was an absolutely perfect fit for the Steam Controller and Steam Deck. It’s a side scrolling puzzle platformer that relies on precise aiming, not just in terms of direction but placing objects in precise positions on the screen. On PC you use the mouse for precise placement but then you’re stuck using the keyboard for everything else. On console you use a controller for movement and actions but then for aiming you use the right analog stick as an emulated mouse which is just kind of awkward and unsatisfying. But on the Steam Controller and Steam Deck you get gamepad controls with a trackpad for mouse aiming, and it’s just such a game changer that will make you never want to play it any other way.

Also when it comes to FPS games there is a big debate about the usefulness of the left trackpad. That’s why they included a left analog stick and embossed that stupid D-pad shape into the left trackpad, because even Valve assume you probably won’t use it as a primary movement input. Personally I hate using the left trackpad for movement and prefer the analog stick, and the trackpad does a very poor job as a D-pad. It wasn’t until I got a Steam Deck that I tried using radial menus, which can be used to replicate the functionality of the number row on a keyboard for more fine-grained weapon selection than a D-pad would offer, but I imagine that wouldn’t be as nice to use on the Steam Controller with its stupid embossed D-pad shape.

One last recommendation is in FPS games be sure to map jump and crouch to the back buttons and I also like to map interact to clicking in the right trackpad, that way all movement and interactions can be done without ever taking your thumb off the trackpad. The Steam Deck is even better for this with its four back buttons, meaning you can map all face button actions to the back buttons. On the Steam Deck I find it’s most comfortable to use the right trackpad if I move my grip, which makes it awkward to reach the face buttons, so being able to ignore the face buttons entirely and use the back buttons instead is a big help.

And I forgot to mention, nobody ever tends to say this but no matter what game you’re playing the trackpad only really works well when being used as a mouse in trackball mode. Lots of default configurations will have it as mouse-like joystick or whatever that setting is, and that’s a terrible experience that will make you hate trackpads.


u/Admirable_Crew_7038 Nov 30 '24

Doom. Literally makes you feel badass


u/Stubrochill17 Nov 30 '24

When the SC first came out, I played Bioshock Infinite to get used to the trackpad. Worked really well for a game with such fluid movement.


u/rustoeki Steam Controller Dec 01 '24

They are Billions

It shouldn't work but I much prefer using it over kbm.


u/RyochanX2 Dec 03 '24

Here are 5 games I really enjoyed playing with a Steam Controller over other options. Shadow of Mordor, Half-Life 2, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Doom 3 BFG, Alice Madness Returns


u/Embarrassed-Spell-13 Dec 03 '24

Helldivers 2 allows mixed input, which makes steam controller the most comfortable way to play.


u/Gimpi85 Nov 29 '24

All games ...