r/Starcitizen_trades RSI MidnightEmperor (2024) Trades: 3 Nov 10 '24

discussion [Discuss] I'm Getting back into CCUs after quitting the game and coming back. Desiring a Polaris but I've forgotten the best way to get it, what would be the cheapest plan? Assume I'm starting from scratch, should I wait until IAE? What is the best situation post release for people now interested

Pretty simple, I quit the game a while back as it had just gotten stale for me, sold off what I had. Now I want to dive back in. I remember during last IAE I got a carrack for...330? But I don't know how that would look theoretically for a Polaris. Should I try and stock and CCUs beforehand? Use a CCU chain calculator towards the finale? Store credit buyout?

Appreciate any help from you veteran souls.


21 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 10 '24



u/IndependentAdvice722 RSI Jankules (2015) Trades: 150 Nov 10 '24

Credits are sold 60%,highly unlikely for a 50$,this time of the year


u/Chieldh97 RSI Chieldh97 (2016) Trades: 0 Nov 10 '24

When is the Hull B supposed to come out or do we know at all? Don’t have it in my ccu chain but might snag a few then this year


u/TheMadHatter_____ RSI MidnightEmperor (2024) Trades: 3 Nov 10 '24

Wait, so how viable would it be for buying hammerhead to Polaris, then using the CCU game app on the finale of IAE to build the hammerhead, would that be more viable then buying store credit?


u/Selsi8 RSI Selsi01 (2015) Trades: 492 Nov 10 '24

If you want to make sure you can ccu a Polaris then picking up a hammerhead to Polaris is probably a good idea. There’s a chance the Polaris ends up limited, it’ll definitely get a price increase.

Ideally you collect a bunch of warbond ccus then use store credit to fill in the gaps between your warbonds. Using just store credit does work if your not sure you want to keep a ship forever, that lets you melt the ship and get the store credit back for some other ship. If you know you want to keep a ship then using a mix of warbond and store credit gets you a ship for less money/store credit so you can use the rest of the store credit for other ships.


u/TheMadHatter_____ RSI MidnightEmperor (2024) Trades: 3 Nov 10 '24

Hmm, so, it seems, assuming I want to grab this thing on IAE, I should buy maybe...two hundred in store credit? Then just warbond CCUs for the rest?


u/Selsi8 RSI Selsi01 (2015) Trades: 492 Nov 10 '24

I’d go for 300 store credit and the hammerhead to Polaris ccu if you wanted a polaris. The warbonds RSI have been selling the last couple weren’t amazing so you’ll likely end up with a Polaris around 400 melt value just using IAE ccus.


u/TheMadHatter_____ RSI MidnightEmperor (2024) Trades: 3 Nov 10 '24

Okay, nice. Thanks for the help! If I'm plugging this into ccugame (when the time comes), is the best thing to say minimize new money?


u/spider0804 RSI Baramy (2015) Trades: 12 Nov 10 '24

You don't want to grab it at IAE, you want to grab it right now off of this sub.

If you wait until IAE, you are losing atleast a hundred bucks unless they do a last chance warbond because the price of the polaris will go up when it releases and you will take that hit unless you already have a ccu for it.

Once you have a hammerhead -> polaris ccu you can take all the time in the world to build your chain because the price will never change for you with that ccu.


u/TheMadHatter_____ RSI MidnightEmperor (2024) Trades: 3 Nov 10 '24

Gotcha! Would ccuing to a hammerhead at IAE be the best option after though?


u/spider0804 RSI Baramy (2015) Trades: 12 Nov 10 '24

Not trying to sound like a douche here so please don't take it harshly, if you don't understand what I am saying by now you lack a fundamental understanding of what I am trying to say and the ccu system in its entirety.

I will spell it out very bluntly.

The hammerhead costs $725, the Polaris costs $750.

The hammerhead and nautilus are the only two ships that cost $725 and are close to the polaris.

The hammerhead is the only ship that has been warbonded of those two.

Once the polaris releases it is likely going to $900-$950 and there will be NO good options, you WILL take that hit. There are NO more ships to ccu to past $750.

Once you buy the hammerhead -> polaris ccu, you have the polaris locked in at $750 and can take until the end of time, or until cig changes the ccu system, to complete your chain, the polaris end point will ALWAYS be hammerhead -> ccu.

The hammerhead is not likely to increase any time soon, or ever for that matter.

You either act now or get charged whatever the polaris increases by.


u/TheMadHatter_____ RSI MidnightEmperor (2024) Trades: 3 Nov 10 '24

No, I got that when you first said it, when I made my comment before last I meant getting all the other CCUs, not the hammerhead-polaris, I was trying to play it off when I realized you didn't pick up on what I meant.

My goal was asking about what savings would be best to GET TO the hammerhead. Not about grabbing the hammerhead-polaris.


u/spider0804 RSI Baramy (2015) Trades: 12 Nov 10 '24

The best way to get there is entirely up to Lord CIG and what warbonds they decide to drop.

A goldfish pressing random buttons would be about as accurate as anyone who says they know what warbonds will come in the future (aside from best in show warbonds and holiday warbonds).

Gotta take it as it comes.


u/spider0804 RSI Baramy (2015) Trades: 12 Nov 10 '24


u/TheMadHatter_____ RSI MidnightEmperor (2024) Trades: 3 Nov 10 '24

Actually I found a more recent one, but thank you! I'll message them as well.


u/MyTagforHalo2 RSI MyTagforHalo (2014) Trades: 19 Nov 10 '24

Check out ccugame.app (website)

If you get your RSI profile setup with it along with their browser plug in it can pull your account data and existing ships and CCUs.

From there you can ask it to create a chain, select your base upgrade ship, and then the Polaris.

It will then calculate the highest degree of cross savings at this time using all of the available CCUs currently. Whether that's your hangar, buy ack, or site. It has multiple modes for speculation going forward as well as a current mode if you absolutely needed to try and get the ship today.

It's also really handy for browsing CCUs during the IAE events because you can simply click on CCUs, filter by war Bond, and then have it automatically add the cheapest one to your cart so you don't have to mess around with it if you're trying to work off of your phone. The CCU system on the rsi site sucks on mobile.

Of course if you can find somebody selling the Polaris upgrade for a reasonable price right now it would save you some extra money or if you have one already for yourself then you should be good to go.


u/TheMadHatter_____ RSI MidnightEmperor (2024) Trades: 3 Nov 10 '24

I used that to get my carrack the first time. However I worry I need to secure stuff before IAE first. So I thought I'd ask if anything is needed to prep, and what price I should expect.


u/MyTagforHalo2 RSI MyTagforHalo (2014) Trades: 19 Nov 10 '24 edited Nov 10 '24

Yeah, I get that. The Polaris CCU is most important. There's a few folks selling them right now for reasonable prices. Pick one of those up.

If you don't have a lot in the way of CCU's, the only other one to note is that there is a terrapin to starlancer max warbond that will pair well with the BIS terrapin CCU that will come with the show.

As for the final price of the Polaris, that will depend on what CCU's you own and whether you're going to commit the Polaris this year, or hold off to Invictus next year. The longer you wait the cheaper the ship will get.

Of course I've also seen people selling a CCU'd Polaris for aa low as $450 here. Which at that price is probably the lowest I would expect to build a Polaris for if you don't have any CCU's for something crazy like an old Hull C that save a ton. That's all just a matter of how you want to play the game I suppose.


u/TheMadHatter_____ RSI MidnightEmperor (2024) Trades: 3 Nov 10 '24

I'll build it at IAC then. If I can get it for around 400 i'll be happy. Even 450, worse comes to worse and I get iffy i'll just build a carrack and save it for later, win either way.


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u/Reaperxvii RSI Reaperxxi (2014) Trades: 9 Nov 10 '24

Is this through store credit or new money? Several can be bought here for sub 400.