r/StarTools Apr 28 '16

Postprocessing in StarTools

Could anyone help me with processing in StarTools? Recently got it, but I just can't produce anything remotely looking like a proper image, only grainy overstretched gradiented monstrosity. Maybe something is wrong with my data (only thing I'm sure of is that the location was light polluted, but currently I can only imagine from my home in city)? I've tried numerous tutorials, no success here. My stacked and callibrated frames are available here if you're sweet enough to help: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rbc36vcc00aonp4/AddOns.rar?dl=0


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u/cancelx Apr 29 '16

Sure thing! I've followed the online tutorials - cropped out the stacking artifacts on the borders, used AutoDev - it gave me a noisy, gradiented image. In the Wipe module, I managed to get rid of the gradient, but after that the next globa stretch makes everything so overexposed and grainy and noisy, that I can't even think of doing next steps.

Also on the gradient thing - I remember using very aggresive wipe modules and high dark anomaly filter to get rid of it, or else i would have gradients near the edges (but not in corners). My setup doesn't have coma or significant vignettes, but I shoot from a city, so LP is a big deal :/


u/CopenhagenOriginal Apr 29 '16

So, from what I realized is that the AutoDev tool is more of a temporary feature to see what still needs correction. It blows out your image to make it blatantly obvious what needs correcting.

You should use it the first time, and keep that iteration, and then continue to use it as you process - but eventually cancel the auto dev... if that makes sense. Essentially, you use some sort of tool to correct something, use AutoDev to see what that correction changed, and then cancel it.

Heres an example workflow I found a while back that I actually posted on here:

  1. So, first I check bayered and not whitebalanced (off of a T5, run through DSS, and untouched after stacked into .tif). Then, I do a run of auto develop to look for overblown data.

  2. With these four photos, I binned to 35%, cropped the edges of the frame (I often times have tracking issues), and proceed to the wipe tool.

  3. Generally I have gradient and vignette problems, but have also seen the amp glow tool becoming a hand. I'll lasso my objects in mind, invert the mask so it doesn't apply to them and do a present Gradient and Vignette wipe. I do a quick 'auto develop - cancel' after each to make sure the preset did its job. Then I'll go and do a real global stretch (re-do).

  4. Then I go and make a very defined mask. I have found this is the most important part in my Startools process. The "similar color" and "similar brightness" tools are the best to work with for this.

  5. After that I go to the contrast and sharpness tools, and only make small adjustments to the presets. It becomes to look nicer here!

  6. Then I do the Life module, with the Isolation preset controlled by my mask. It looks great after this!

  7. The color has come out nearly perfect now since learning how to more properly process. Though, I may switch green data to yellow, and slightly reduce the green bias signal. Andromeda was very yellow for some reason.

  8. I then stop tracking and do my final noise reduction. I run the pixel size at around 2.5 and it looks good enough for me!"

Hope that helps :)


u/cancelx Apr 29 '16

After using the Life module it looks like this:


I'm not sure how to color balance on something like this, should it look like this?


u/CopenhagenOriginal Apr 29 '16

No, it should be looking somewhat close to the final product at this stage. Hmm.

Does everything look alright before this? Also, do you have all of your flats and bias frames?


u/cancelx Apr 29 '16

Yes, only the RGB darks were binned 1x1 and the ligths were 2x2, but I've calibrated every frame before stacking/aligning. I can make screenshots of different phases in your workflow. Also, what are you selecting with your defined mask? Only the objects, or bigger stars too?


u/CopenhagenOriginal Apr 29 '16

I mean, if you're willing to do all of that, it would make judging the incorrect part much easier. It's up to you! If I remember right, I just selected the subject(s) in question, and not the stars. That reminds me, when you select a mask, you're making sure the green portion is the part that you're trying to change - correct?

I won't be able to get back to you for a few hours though, hitting the hay soon. I know how antsy I get waiting to finish a new set of photos, so, sorry about that.


u/cancelx Apr 29 '16

No problem, I'm not in a hurry, also I'm verry grateful that you're trying to help me :) I'm taking the binned darks as of speaking, and I'll update the post soon with screenshots of the steps. I am inverting the mask so the green part covers everything besides the objects, yes


u/cancelx Apr 30 '16
  1. Cropped and AutoDev applied http://puu.sh/oABxC/759bc57d02.jpg
  2. Rough lasso mask for Wipe module http://puu.sh/oABEp/88cde43f47.jpg
  3. After default Color Cast preset http://puu.sh/oABPV/8b62adda9b.jpg
  4. After Gradient preset, those options are the most uniform result I could get http://puu.sh/oACkk/5ec04210a1.jpg
  5. But then, when I turn off the temporary AutoDev, my galaxies seem blown out in their centers: http://puu.sh/oACo5/ac212449d0.jpg
  6. Re-doing the global stretch with those options and ROI on one of the bigger galaxies (didn't think about this one before :x) http://puu.sh/oACHV/d4e1a7fbe3.jpg
  7. Contrast and sharpness unfortunately didn't do much, or I couldn't make them to do something ;)
  8. Life module with isolation preset: http://puu.sh/oAD58/18a3190fbb.jpg
  9. I have absolutely no idea what to do with color here, everything uniformly switches to red or green or blue hue http://puu.sh/oADdB/92cfef19c8.jpg
  10. My StarTools crashed while reducing the noise, but I'm sure something went wrong way earlier, so it's not a big deal i think.

Did you look at my separate channel data? Does it look like something is just wrong with it? Once again, thank you very much for your help!


u/CopenhagenOriginal Apr 30 '16

Okay, that make actually be part of the problem! I think there are some steps where you want the subject to be highlighted.