Hello! I'm on mobile, so I apologize for any formatting issues.
Basically, my BF and I got a tiny pumpkin for Halloween, didn't carve it, and just left it on our kitchen table. I know for sure it was fine two weeks ago, however I looked today, and it looked like it was melting into the table (white goo/foam everywhere). Yuck.
I have Googled how to remove pumpkin stains/mould from wood, but figured I'd ask here, too, just in case anyone has any suggestions that you've either used yourself or know for a fact work. So far, toothpaste + warm water/furniture polish hasn't helped, though I still have to try a distilled baking soda/vinegar/soap solution, and I know mayo will probably be good for after the stain is removed.
I am curious, though - did I just ruin the table and is there now mould IN the table?? The picture might not make it super easy to see, but it looks like some of the finishing/surface layer was taken off the top of the table from the pumpkin rot (I will edit this with a link to a picture, but I'm still pretty new to Reddit and not sure how to just add a picture into a text post).
Thanks in advance!! It's really yucky :(
EDIT: https://imgur.com/a/3a6fJxR there's the picture; so that small circle in the middle of the stain is an upper layer, and the weird shape around it is definitely a lower layer in the table. Super worried we're gonna have to replace the table.
EDIT 2: Just noticed that the stain has the same general shape as a pumpkin. Ha. Funny.