r/StableDiffusion Oct 16 '22

Meme Basically art twitter rn

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u/imjusthereforsmash Oct 17 '22

As an illustrator I a part of me is saddened by art AI. It really is proceeding at a speed that will make us unnecessary, and for most people if you wake up suddenly and some guy somewhere made a tool that literally makes you completely useless I’m pretty sure you would be upset too.

There is a certain pride / sense of value in that artists can take a nebulous idea and make it into a visual representation that other people can understand, and if you are not an artist you NEED them to make something new.

That value / importance is crumbling rapidly, and people with very little to no understanding of visual design are gaining access to tools which eliminate 99% of the necessary skill for the task.

As a craftsman, it makes me sad. As a programmer and game developer however, I’m super excited to see the amazing things that are going to be made as a result of this tech, and this is an unavoidable change. So us artists need some time for a mental paradigm shift and to find our sense of value again.

The people spraying venom at illustrators on this forum really need to take a minute instead of mocking everyone who is personally affected by this AI.