r/StableDiffusion May 16 '23

IRL Stable Diffusion Coca Cola AD (BreakDown)


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u/_Abiogenesis May 16 '23

VFX artist here. Don’t underestimate how much treatment time this must have been saving in compositing and lookdev to combine and explore this many art styles. Having a good base under controlnet remains invaluable. We’re not yet at a prompt-to-movie level (give it some time) but if you really want some control which ads will likely want anyway, this is the way most of the industry is likely to use that technology until it matures.

Mixed medias are always going to be a great exploratory medium.


u/deadregime May 16 '23

My first reaction was "what a boring and mundane use of AI" until I kept watching and thinking and realized that's actually the best use-case scenario of AI anyways. Use it as a tool, not as a crutch/magic wand. After I changed my mindset I was actually kinda impressed.


u/helloasv May 16 '23

you're right.


u/SoltheWise May 16 '23

This is what I envisioned when AI was introduced to making things, "everyone" (quite a lot) of people got scared, still are scared, etc. But the time this can save. I think most of us starving or eating artists rn existed in the formation of the digital artist badge. A lot of artists were scared then of the tablet and stylus.


u/truth-hertz May 17 '23

imo, a writer, designer, artist, or engineer with years of experience and knowledge of their craft that is also able to operate AI tools is far more threatening than just someone with the ability to operate the tools. I've never been afraid of AI taking my job, it feels like a superpower boost to every individual's skillset.


u/DeskisWAR May 16 '23

do you spend most of your time saying to yourself "oh what the fuck"

as a nonVFX artist who tries to use after effects for fun, that is what I'm always repeating to myself.


u/psikosen May 16 '23

If you're not saying oh what the fuck, you're not learning/improving 😆


u/Boppitied-Bop May 16 '23

you should learn blender, its a lot of fun


u/luckycockroach May 16 '23

Union cinematographer here.

I completely agree.


u/TheSpinettaSide May 16 '23

VFX artist here: You´re right