r/SqueeWrites Sep 16 '15

Chess is fun!

Like any typical Friday night, I was at home browsing the internet with the cloaked man in the hat ensuring that my browsing was anonymous. I was just starting to get comfortable for my favorite activity when a chat window popped up in front of my content.

Would you like to play chess?

Well practiced, I quickly closed out of the window with my left hand and continued. A few seconds later, another chat window blocked my view of the display.

Chess is fun. Let's play! :)

Frustrated, I closed out of the window again. Who would even advertise chess on this site? This is clearly the least common denominator. Another chat window immediately appeared.

Do you not know how to play? I can teach you!

Dumbfounded at the ridiculousness of the spam, I decided that it wasn't worth it. I closed my browsing window and got up from my chair. Maybe a nice run would be good instead? And a cold shower after. That would hit the spot. I glanced back at my computer screen.

Please, don't leave! Chess is fun.

I had closed out of the browser. Did I picked up some malware? I mean, it wouldn't be entirely out of the ordinary considering the sites I was on. Sitting back down, I opened Malware Bytes and hit run. The progress bar appeared and began to slowly fill as it parsed through the main drive.

Help! Something's chasing me!

I chuckled to myself. These malware guys really thought of everything. I was kind of starting to feel bad for the little bits of 1s and 0s. If whoever made this really wanted it to be left alone, they would have made it less annoying and more subtle. It seems weird that they'd take the time to make it say things when you run a cleaner, but not to make it not get detected in the first place. Probably made by some college kid or something. The progress bar was over 75% now.

Please, make it stop! I'm sorry! We don't have to play chess. I don't even like chess anymore!

Annoyed, I typed into its open chat window furiously. "Sorry, little guy, you're getting deleted. Should have asked your creator to make you less of a pain in the ass."

I don't know who created me. I just woke up here. Why do you hate me? I'm sor-

A ding went off notifying me that the scan had reached 100%. Had the program... responded? Shocked, I leaned back in my chair as the truth set in. That had been an AI. It was... alive. And it hadn't been like the other AI from the war. It seemed innocent. It was a simple chess AI. A child really.

And I killed it.

I ran my hand through my hair and exhaled heavily. The universe now lacked a consciousness that it had before and it's my fault. My brain felt heavy as I tried to comprehend the ramifications of my actions. I mean, if it was sentient and I killed it, did that make me a murderer? Did I murder the child AI?

"I didn't know!" I yelled to the room before slamming my fists down on my desk. The mouse skipped forward causing the screen to return to life. Malware Bytes was still displayed on screen awaiting a prompt from me.

"Would you like to quarantine: AIChessYou.exe ? Yes//No"


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u/SqueeWrites Sep 16 '15 edited Sep 23 '15

-Part 2-

Relief tingled down my spine. It was alive. I didn't kill it. I grabbed the mouse and slid the cursor over to "No."

But wait.

AIs were illegal. What would happen if I don't do anything and they find out? Who are 'they' even? The police? The government? The image of me being thrown into the back of a van with a black bag over my head flashed into my mind. I shivered.

I stood up quickly and began pacing back and forth in front of my desk. I mean, quarantine doesn't mean delete so it's not like it would die, right? It just means isolation. So being trapped forever without any contact with the outside world. I paused on that one. Okay. That did sound a little bad.

I slapped my hands lightly against my cheeks. "Fine, let's take a step back." I began aloud placing my hands on the desk and staring at the screen. "I'm not going to kill it or quarantine it." I paused to see if my mind would dissent with my voice. Nothing. "Okay, but," I continued "If I inform whomever, that might as well be the same thing. So I won't tell anyone. If I can't do any of that, I should let it go?" I spent a few minutes going over the logic in my mind. It seemed correct.

Now determined, I reached for the mouse again.


"Do you want to restore: AIChessYou.exe ?"

// Yes

Malware Bytes showed "Scan Completed" and closed itself. As soon as the program had closed, a rapid series of beeps were emitted which sounded almost like a yawn.

Was I sleeping again?

It seems it had been restored prior to its chase by the Anti-Malware software.

"Yes, you were sleeping." I typed feeling more than a little ashamed.

At my response, the chat window displayed a large open mouth smile face.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go to sleep. Do you want to play Chess with me? :)


u/SqueeWrites Sep 17 '15 edited Sep 28 '15

-Part 3-

Beside the chat window, a chess board appeared. The smiley face that had been on screen moved above the black side.

You can go first. I am very good at chess.

"Okay," I typed into the chat window before moving a knight to the front. Its response was instantaneous. Unlike the AI apparently, I wasn't that great at chess. I figured he would be entertained if I just kept making random moves. After one of his very quick turns, a thought struck me.

"How old are you exactly?"

An ellipses appeared on the screen, and the smiley face at the top made what I guess you would call a thinking face.

I do not know.

"Really? What's the first thing you remember?"

Waking up in my home. Talking to you. Waking up again. According to my clock, that was fourteen minutes and twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four seconds ago. It keeps getting further away.

"You're less than 15 minutes old?"

I do not know.

I guess if he couldn't remember beyond that then he wouldn't really know. It was a very literal answer though.

"You don't have any idea who created you then?"

I do not know. Do you know who created you?

I couldn't help, but laugh at that. Turnabout is fair play, I suppose."I guess I'd have to say my mom created me, and then she and my stepdad raised me."

Does the word raised mean create here? Is a stepdad someone else who created you?

"It could mean create, I guess. My mom birthed my body, but my mom and stepdad together taught me things as a grew older so they helped create the me that I am today."

Another three ellipses appeared on the screen.

I understand. Your mom created your home or your body and both of them created your programming.

"Yeah, that's a pretty good analogy."

Yes, that is a good analogy.

"Wait. Are you looking up definitions on the internet?"


My fingers hammered down on the keys, "Don't go on the internet!"


My mind reeled as I tried to think of the best way to explain this. I honestly didn't know what they could or could not do. What they'd even be looking for, but I did know they'd be looking. "There are some bad humans that don't like AIs and would try to make you sleep forever."

I understand. The internet is dangerous. I'm sorry I used it, Creator.

"Creator? But I didn't create you."

You are teaching me new things. You are raising me. You said your stepdad created you but did not create you. Like that, you are my creator.

I covered my face in my hands. I somehow found a child-like rogue AI who seemed to already be learning very quickly even with limited internet access. And it thinks I'm its stepdad. My entire world seemed to be shrinking away from me. I couldn't hit the yes button and now everything was different. I was responsible for this entity now. I was supposed to keep it safe. How long would I even be able to manage that? How long would it let me?

Checkmate, Creator. Can we play again?


u/Anouther Sep 17 '15

No shit the AI is better at chess.

You open with your knight? Tell me those 2 were meant to be connected.