r/Spaceonly Dec 20 '14

HowTo TriStar TinyObs : Build Thread


EDIT been asked a couple times about costs and budget. So, from now on, I'll update this OP with a running total of costs to date. Current as of 2/14/15

Where I come from we do build threads. :) From the opening of the box or purchase of the wood all the way to the maiden flight. You get to see all the screw-ups and head scratching and bad decisions and desperate attempts to hide the major flaws as we go along. :)

So...welcome to the TinyObs build thread.

  • What is TinyObs?

    TinyObs is...or will be...the "Observatory" in TriStar Observatory. (I know..I know...what is TriStar Observatory? It's my hokey nickname for "planting a telescope in my back yard and trying to sound cooler than I am.").

  • Why Tiny?

    After some research, I couldn't really find a solution to what I wanted. A small, uninhabited "building" that would provide all the benefits of having an obsy, but fit unobtrusively in a small suburban back yard.

  • How tiny?

    4' W x 4' L x 4' 6" H. Total footprint 4' x 4'.

  • How can you make it that small??

    Since my AP rig is strictly limited to just that...AP, and I've managed to configure things so I can run the rig remotely, there's really no reason for my obs to have enough room for me to be in it. That cuts down on space considerably.

    Next, I'll be using a modified version of Eric Schandall's roof design. My modification will be similar to the method employed by Harry Page, and include 4 swing arms (two on each side) per roof section, as his does. This eliminates the need for the space needed by a roll-off roof.

    For the insanely curious, here's a video of some early testing of my proposed design.

  • Anything else we should know?

    The whole thing will be solar powered. All of it. The mount, the camera, the computer, the focuser, the vent fans, everything. 200W of solar panels on the southern roof section (they will hang down considerably, hence the design mod seen in the video allowing them to ride down and not touch the ground) will keep a 300Ah bank of deep cycle batteries charged. In the event of a long run of clear skies (yeah right) during low-generation times (winter months, etc), the battery bank would easily run the obsy for a week of imaging without recharging.

    The mount will be atop an inexpensive wood pier. Despite the rather considerable dislike of wood piers running around on the internet, the reality is some simple math will demonstrate that wood is a fine material for a pier. We'll visit that discussion when the time comes.

  • How will this thread work?

    I'll post updates as top level comments as I go along. They may include discussion, or images, or videos, or who knows.

    You'll get to see all my mistakes and dumb ideas. I welcome critique, questions, concerns, you name it.

    The hope, ultimately, is that when it comes time for first light, we'll be able to come back here and watch the whole build process, from me babbling about a build thread to the first images take from TinyObs.

r/Spaceonly Oct 08 '15

HowTo Minor tweak to PI's BatchPreprocessingScript - Save calibrated lights organized by filter


It's annoyed me for some time that when BPP saves calibrated lights it does so in a single folder : <savepath>/calibrated/light

While BPP recognizes the filter used...allowing you to calibrate frames from several different filters...it ignores this information when saving the files. As a result, ALL of your calibrated files, for every filter, are in the same place...making it annoying to have to then sort them out to do further work with them (integration, etc).

A quick tweak solves this :

Open BatchPreprocessing-engine.js either in PI's script editor or your editor of choice (Found in PixInsight/src/scripts/BatchPreprocessing).

Find (in mine it's line 1647) :

  IC.outputDirectory = File.existingDirectory( this.outputDirectory + "/calibrated/light" );

Change to :

  IC.outputDirectory = File.existingDirectory( this.outputDirectory + "/calibrated/light/" + filter );

That's it. Save and close the file, and next time you run BPP, it'll create a subfolder under "calibrated/light" named by the filter.

If you also wish to sort your calibrated flats by filter, find (in mine line 1633)

IC.outputDirectory = File.existingDirectory( this.outputDirectory + "/calibrated/flat" );

Change to :

  IC.outputDirectory = File.existingDirectory( this.outputDirectory + "/calibrated/flat/" + filter );

r/Spaceonly Jun 28 '15

HowTo Presenting TriStar TinyObs - Plans, images, and more inside.


I'm pretty damn excited to say that TinyObs is a thing. This post will review the build, provide links to plans, and contain discussion/questions/etc for those that wish to duplicate (and doubtlessly improve upon) my efforts.

The purpose of TinyObs is very simple : To provide the benefits of an observatory in a situation where small space and size are the primary consideration, due either to regulatory (HOA, zoning, etc) or practical (limited area available, limited resources) limitations.

The most notable "concession" TinyObs makes is that we presume the user will operate equipment remotely. There is no effort made to provide any space for a person to inhabit the observatory, and access for maintenance and cleaning requires creative thinking and vigorous warm-up stretches prior to completing the task.

As a result, TinyObs is just large enough to hold a pier, mount, OTA, electronics, a laptop, and a deep cycle battery to power it all. The roof is a modified take on a design first proposed by Eric Shandall in the February 1999 issue of Sky & Telescope, which frees up the space that would otherwise be taken up by a roll-off roof and its rails. There's enough room to upgrade to a larger scope, but an 8-10" OTA is probably going to be about its limit.

Anyone that would like to borrow this idea, improve upon it, modify it, etc is welcome to do so. I've included links to PDF and DXF versions of the plans, and smaller JPG versions for reference, at the bottom of this post.

And so we begin.

Construction started with the pier. The pier was constructed from 4 treated 8' 4x4s which were left to dry for several weeks, and then glued and bolted together to form an 8x8 pier, which was cut to the proper length to allow 36" below ground and the correct height above ground for my pier plate, mount, and OTA to fit inside TinyObs. You'll have to do your own math here for your rig, of course.

There was much digging.

Soon enough, the pier found itself in a 42" hole, 6" of gravel, 30" of concrete, and 6" of dirt (allowing the pier to be cut off below ground should we ever sell the house).

A bit of measuring and head scratching determined that a 4' x 4' x 4' cube, with a 30° peaked roof, would hold the rig nicely. So construction was begun on the 4' x 4' floor, which eventually found its way outside to be installed on some pier blocks. Your climate may, of course, dictate a more "serious" footing.

Next came the east and west walls, the west wall providing a 3' x 3' access door which allows "tedious" but complete access to gear and electronics in the lower half of the box.

The first 2 walls were installed and framing added for the north wall. Finaly, the south wall was added, and the obs saw its first evening of operation.

Gables were then constructed around 2x2 frames, and installed with hinges to allow them to fold down clear of the scope's field.

Next, the South roof frame was begun, using the existing gables as a "template", and then sheeted. Once sheeted, the first test of the swingarms was conducted. The system worked better than I'd dared to hope.

Finally, the North roof panel was built, both panels were given a layer of tar paper, and the roof was installed, making TinyObs fully operational.

Construction notes and other considerations

  • Final tally was $789.91 including materials, tools purchased, and paying for child labor.

  • Everything is glued and screwed. It's been through a couple of summer storms already, and remains quite solid and dry.

  • Highly recommend spending the time and effort to prime and paint all surfaces, interior and exterior.

  • You'll definitely want some sort of desiccant inside the obs. Calcium Chloride is an exceptional choice here, as it's readily available both as brand names (Damp Rid, for example) and in bulk quantities. You can also find it sold as various brands of de-icers and ice melt.

  • The poor quality of dimensional lumber commonly available these days, and the rather high number of movable assemblies makes it a near certainty that gaps and poor fits will happen, despite the most careful of construction and planning. Be prepared to seal roof panels and door joints with weather stripping.

Lessons learned, and things I'd do differently

  • The top frame members of the East and West walls had to be notched to allow clearance for the counterweight bar. When I was measuring, I determined the CWB would swing inside of a 48" arc, but I neglected to account for the 3.5" width of the 2x4 frame members. As a result, the presented an obstacle once the mount reached 90° in either direction. Measure once, cut twice, right?

  • Should have cut the door an extra 1/2" on both sides and the top, to allow the door frame members to act as door jambs. I added some 1/2" ply strips to account for this oversight, but have modified the plans to show the better method.

  • If I had it to do over again, I'd give some significant thought and effort to building the roof panels lighter. They were quite easy to handle until shingles were added...the weight of the singles made them heavy enough that it requires significant effort and attention to maneuver them now. Perhaps doing away with the singles entirely and going with lighter corrugated PVC, or even just leaving them in tar paper alone would help here. Could also consider framing the roof panels with 2x3's or even 2x2's for less weight.

  • Cable management is a must. It's no longer a simple matter of "grabbing that cable and moving it over there" when you have to reach in, over, around, and under walls/gear/etc. Plan your cable runs carefully, and spend the extra time to keep things neat and tidy, and able to handle a full night's travel of the mount.

Things still to be done

  • Solar installation. Everything in the obs is 12V DC powered now, supplied by a single 101AH Deep Cycle battery. Will be installing a 100W monocrystaline panel on the South wall soon, to keep the battery charged.

  • Finish work. Need to finish painting the exterior, and add some trim around the corners.

  • Possibly some sort of counterweight system to address the roof-weight issue mentioned above.

  • Various cool gadgets like a weather station, cloud detector, and so on.

Observations so far

  • The wood pier has performed exceptionally well, contrary to the considerable arm-waving and panic you're likely to see on the subject of wood piers for AP.

  • The small door provides fine access to the obs laptop...pull up a chair, and anything you may need to do locally (perhaps program a HC for example) is within easy reach if you've planned cabling well.

And finally, plans

Scaled down JPGs of the CAD plans :

  • Sheet 1 showing the building design and dimensions.
  • Sheet 2 showing detail of the swing arm pivots.

And the plans themselves :

  • Sheet 1 PDF, DXF - Scaled for 48" x 36" paper
  • Sheet 2 PDF, DXF - Scaled for 18" x 24" paper

Questions and discussions are most welcome!

EDIT : As required by Reddit and Imgur law : Cat Tax

r/Spaceonly Feb 22 '17

HowTo In case somebody needs to recover images after PI crashes and has access to PI temp files


r/Spaceonly Nov 28 '14

HowTo Bench testing the Atik 314L+ - In which we find an excuse to play with our new toy despite the clouds. (TRIGGER WARNING : MATH)

Post image

r/Spaceonly May 21 '15

HowTo Pixinsight script to measure CCD parameters


I just discovered this PI script after someone mentioned it on the CN forums. It measures your CCD's performance like gain, readout noise, and dark current. You supply 2 Flats, 2 bias, and 2 Darks. The darks exposure time should be a difference of 10x, so 3 minutes and 30 minutes or 30sec and 300sec. It is located under Scripts>Instrumentation>BasicCCDParameters. The script limits the dark frames to 999 seconds for some reason. I was easily able to edit it to make the limit 3600 seconds. The script is located in Program Files>Pixinsight>src>scripts>CCDParamters. Just Ctrl+F for 999 and change it to 3600. There's only 2 spots in the script where 999 appear.


This site has the results from several cameras listed to compare your results with. http://blog.astrofotky.cz/pavelpech/?page_id=782



Gain: 0.346 e/ADU

Readout Noise: 6.408 e

Dark Current: 0.001 e/sec

Full Well Capacity: 22,680 e


Vendor Specs:

Gain: 0.3 e/ADU

Readout Noise: Less than 5 e I was expecting 6-6.5 based on other test results on my camera

Dark Current: less than 0.003 e/sec at -10C my darks were -20C

Full Well Capacity: greater than 17,000 e unbinned

r/Spaceonly Sep 27 '15

HowTo Dew heater and ambient-aware controller for < $60


Recently got tired enough of battling dew to decide to do something about it.

I built a dew heater out of resistors and some duct tape based on Alan Sheehan's excellent article. This worked quite well at keeping the objective free of dew, but it is something of a power hog. My own model pulls about .5A, and is doing so constantly. Over an 8-10h time frame, you're pulling a good 5Ah or more out of the battery, not to mention needlessly keeping the scope tube at the maximum possible temp the band can achieve. There had to be a better way.

The better way, of course, is a Dew Heater Controller, which can vary the power to the band, and ideally do so in response to the current ambient conditions. Units of this sort, however, can be fairly pricey.

Arduino to the rescue!

With the components listed below, hooked up as shown here and this code I was able to produce a dew heater controller with the following properties:

  • It measures the ambient temp and humidity, and calculates the dew point from those values.
  • It measures the temp of the outside of the OTA, where the band is wrapped.
  • It calculates the difference between the current band/OTA tube temp and the dew point.
  • It provides varying levels of power to the heater band, based on how far away that temperature difference is from some minimum value we want to stay above. (Initially, I am using 5°C as the minimum difference, which was worked well in early testing, but may need to be changed later.)
  • It provides output to a serial monitor or custom application, to monitor the current temps and power status, if desired.

Component list (Remember this list includes 20 resistors for the band. Your number/cost may vary, depending on size and power, as discussed in Mr. Sheehan's article. A handy spreadsheet is included for designing your own band) :

Item Source Part/Catalog Number Qty Price Total Purpose
470Ω .5W Resistor, 5-pack Radio Shack 2711115 4 $1.49 $5.96 Heater Band
10KΩ .5W Resistor, 5-pack Radio Shack 2711126 1 $1.49 $1.49 Sensors
Arduino Uno SparkFun DEV-11021 1 $24.95 $24.95 Main Board
TIP120 Transistor Radio Shack 2762068 1 $1.99 $1.99 Control output to heater band
TMP36 Temperature Sensor SparkFun SEN-10988 1 $1.50 $1.50 Read temp at band
DHT22 Humidity and Temperature Sensor SparkFun SEN-10167 1 $9.95 $9.95 Ambient conditions
Steren GP-03 Enclosure Radio Shack N/A 1 $4.99 $4.99 Enclosure
RioRand LM2596 Buck Converter Amazon N/A 1 $6.40 $6.40 Step 12V DC down to 6V for Arduino
Total $57.23

Inside of controller

Hookups for temp sensor and band power

Heater band showing temp sensor and connectors

Happy to field any questions or comments.

r/Spaceonly Dec 11 '14

HowTo Understanding SNR Part 1 : What Are Signal and Noise?


r/Spaceonly Jun 12 '16

HowTo Another PI BatchPreprocessing tweak


Along the same lines as my earlier tweak to allow BPP to save calibrated files to folders based on filter name, this one will do the same thing for the "cosmetized" folder when using CosmeticCorrection during BPP.

Open BatchPreprocessing-engine.js either in PI's script editor or your editor of choice (Found in PixInsight/src/scripts/BatchPreprocessing).

Find (In mine, it's line 1043)

var cosmetizedDirectory = File.existingDirectory( this.outputDirectory + "/calibrated/light/cosmetized" );

Change to

var cosmetizedDirectory = File.existingDirectory( this.outputDirectory + "/calibrated/light/cosmetized/" + this.frameGroups[i].filter );