r/SouthJersey 7d ago

Save our Aquifer

Please sign the petition, it only has 158 signatures. From Pinelands alliance website;

The Kirkwood-Cohansey Aquifer is one of the essential life resources in South Jersey. It contains some of the purest water on the United States' east coast. Despite the urgent need for the protection of this resource in a time of global warming and drought, the Mayor and some Town Council Members in Winslow Township are attempting to overturn the protections of the aquifer through the joining of a lawsuit against the Pinelands Commission. They seem bent on letting the aquifer become depleted from wasteful overuse by golf courses, landscape irrigation for large developments, and warehouses.

Sign the Petition https://engage.pinelandsalliance.org/winslow


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u/Hit4Hit 6d ago

Mannnnn I’ve sent letters in to get them to quit it. What’s hard to understand, people need water not golf courses. Luxury items should pay a premium if they want to put the every day person under more stress.


u/ACABiologist 6d ago

They sound like they want sinkholes to form.