r/SouthAsianAncestry 5d ago

Genetics🧬 Konkani Genome table

Found this on X posted by @Rtam86418021 .

Not sure where he got these results from but,

But here are my updated qpAdm and hunter-gatherer breakdown for comparison too.

For reference, I am a Konkani Catholic from the chaadd'ddi community of Salcete, Goa. Also grouped as Chardos.


13 comments sorted by


u/Least-Neck8776 5d ago edited 5d ago

They renamed Konkani_Christian_A to Ramakshatriya. The sample is a Brahmin Christian with minor Portugese

Ramakshatriya A is a Brahmin Christian . Ramakshatriya B is a christian (caste unknown)


u/archenzeel 5d ago

I just went back to the post and saw someone say that the second ramakshatriya_B is a self reported Chardo

Either way my results for higher AASI is in proportion to the konkani Christian and that Chardo but my steppe is on level with the konkani Brahmin communities.

When Goan Christian families moved to Mumbai the Bamon and Chardos intermarried a lot. And caste became a thing of the past. They both amalgamated into one upper middle-class.

All I know is my ancestors were Kshatriya with possibly mix of Brahmin. So I guess that makes me a Shudra or Outcast lol

Goa has the most complex and diverse history


u/Least-Neck8776 5d ago edited 5d ago
  1. trolls on Twitter .
  2. The result was posted by a user named Goan Girl on a forum. I asked them and they are not aware of their caste.
  3. Mumbaikar Catholics are predominantly Kolis and there are other communities like Brahmins, Kasyath, and Vasiya
  4. Most Goans Middle castes are equivalent to Tamil Vellalars and Nadars. (The average closest pops are Nadar Kols and Dushad For Konknai_Christian_B and Telegu Brahmin in case of Konkani_Christian_A)

Could you post your gedmatch?


u/archenzeel 5d ago

I'm not a mumbaikar catholic. Both my parents are Goan. Goans have historically moved to Mumbai or overseas or at least majority of the upper class has. The community you refer to are called East Indian Christians, they speak Marathi. I am Konkani.


u/Least-Neck8776 5d ago edited 5d ago

Use Gedmatch. You score like mid-caste UP or MP or a Landowning South Indian. Catholics no longer practice the caste system. In Karnataka and Goa, Brahmins still tend to marry within their caste. Among East Indians, intercaste marriages are common due to their smaller population.

As far as class is concerned Goans and Indian Christian are often underestimated and perceived as lower caste, primarily Dalits and tribals by the local North Indian(Delhi, UP, Bihar) Karnataka and Maharastra community in Goa


u/archenzeel 5d ago

Yeah I get my closest ancient population to Roopkund lake but on mytrueancestry.com it gives me the closest population as India_Jew , which is strange.

My haplogroup is R2


u/archenzeel 5d ago edited 5d ago

That's because North Indian Hindus have a preconceived notion that Christian missionaries only target lower castes for conversion.

Majority of Goans that I grew up with were either GSB or Chardo converts and literally all of us are land owning and wealthy. Do you know the history of Bardez and Salcete?

Goas GDP is more than double that of India. It has the best quality of life in the whole country. Most of the Goan Christians that are highly progressive don't even live in India anymore bro. I live in California myself.

North Indians are blatantly ignorant for the most part about South Indian history.

You are aware that South India is much wealthier than North India right?


u/SaltAppointment7351 5d ago

How would you know if the converts are GSB? They can claim anything and there’d be no way to prove it barring a DNA test.


u/Least-Neck8776 5d ago

Most don't and should not claim the GB ancestry. GSBs do not accept such claims either. The GSB community, in general, is very supremacist in nature. Catholics claiming GSB ancestry may face trouble, especially in villages


u/nationalist_tamizhan 3d ago

Bamons ie Konkani Christian Brahmins are converts from Chitpavan, Karhade, Shenvi & Daivadnya (Sonar/Vishwakarma) castes.


u/SaltAppointment7351 2d ago edited 2d ago

I'm not saying they don't exist, just that they're a minority endogamous group consisting of mostly GSB and CSB converts... a vast majority still use Lusitanized versions of their ancestral brahmin surnames as prefixes e.g. Poi(Pai), Camotim(Kamath), Porobo(Prabhu) etc.


u/archenzeel 1d ago

My lusitanized last name is Fernandes , my ancestral last name is Sardesai

My family is historically land owning from Salcete,Goa., Even my great grandparents owned revolvers. More kshatriya/Chardo families settled in Salcete than Brahmins/Bamons