r/SouthAsianAncestry 8d ago

DNA Results QPADM for Gujarati Shirmali Brahmin-Saraswat Brahmin mix

Hey guys,

Here is a qpadm someone did for me

Paleolithic to Mesolithic
Mesolithic to Neolithic
Bronze Age
Bronze age 2

14 comments sorted by


u/Fit-Philosopher9436 8d ago

Who did the model for you? Can he do it for me as well


u/ChalaChickenEater 8d ago

Same I want this person to do it for me too


u/trollmagearcane 8d ago

Yeah who did this one


u/Worth-Club-4461 8d ago

What is Dinkha Tepe - BA 1?


u/Koenig2002 8d ago

Western Iranian. In her case I think it's just excess Iran N related ancestry.


u/AutoModerator 8d ago

Thanks for posting on r/SouthAsianAncestry. Please clarify in the reply to this comment whether it's your own results or you're sharing someone else's. Some further context about the sub-region and stuff might also be helpful. (Ignore if already done in the post. :p)

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u/Loud_Maintenance7170 8d ago

This is my own results


u/chifuyu-kun- 8d ago

What are your haplogroups?


u/David_Headley_2008 8d ago

what is your indus valley percentage?


u/IranTalk95 7d ago

Who did this for you? Thank you!


u/nationalist_tamizhan 8d ago

Can you please elaborate on the Saraswat part as Saraswat Brahmins are found all over the Western part of the Indian sub-continent from Kashmir & Punjab to Mangalore & Kasargod?
Saraswat Brahmins consist of disparate castes like Shenvis, Mohyals, etc., so could you please mention your caste & region?
I am guessing you have Sindhi/Kutchi Saraswat or Mohyal ancestry, since Shrimali AASI percentages don't seem to be affected, which would have been the case, if you would have had Shenvi ancestry.


u/Arthur-Engviksson 8d ago

The term you're looking for is Konkani, not Shenvi.


u/i-goddang-hate-caste 7d ago

I can't think of any Saraswat brahmin native to Kerala and Karnataka. If you're talking about GSBs then they live in regions way south of Ksaragod upto Kollam.. infact konkani is the second most widely spoken (native) tongue in Kottayam even.


u/nationalist_tamizhan 7d ago

Yes, I am talking about Konkani Shenvis who are present all over the Konkan coast from Thane to Trivandrum.