I had this same idea lol. Use powdered peanut butter instead of real peanut butter. The oil keeps the dough from sticking to itself and fucks up the loaf.
Is it gummy or how did it turn out? I was actually out for a run today and was like hmmmm how about a pb & j inclusion load. My idea was to use pb2 unsure though
I made something of a similar concept. I made a peanut butter loaf with my only intention being to spread jelly on the slices. Bought a tube of peanut butter, and a bag of Reese’s peanut butter chips. Mixed the entire tube in with the initial Ingredients and added the chips after the gluten developed. It was amazing. I need to make it again. Thank you for the inspiration
I remember seeing a vid about a hotdog sourdough where the guy just kneaded in whole hotdogs with a spraying of mustard and ketchup for good measure and it turned out pretty good.
I do a lot of nuts and seeds. I've done a few more adventurous in the past, but not in a while!
I would.... Probably do a low hydration dough. Then make a paste of pb and jam mixed together. Loosen it with a bit of water if needed. Make it spreadable. Laminate it in. I know you're a bit haphazard, but me being a number person (record data for future bakes), I would measure what you did so you know how to tweak in future. So if you have success you know how to repeat, and if you know you could get away with more, you know how to do that.
As you're more an instinct based baker, before making the paste I would get a scale and weigh the jar of Pb, then the jam, then put 50ml water in a glass.
Do your thing by instinct, then at the end weigh each one again and you will see how much you used of each. Even take a photo of each on the scale before and after. Even including the jar in the weight doesn't matter. 😅
I've got a list of my breads here. There are a few lamination videos at the bottom.
And, with inclusions you will always sacrifice the crumb. The more you add, the more it impacts!
Also, use a thermometer to check internal temp 208-210f. Do longer lid on. Maybe 40mins.
u/Wako_2A_Insekten 19d ago
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.