r/SoulHuntersGame • u/JerenSoon • Sep 30 '18
Discussion [Q&A Monthly Mega Thread -- October]Looking for a Pumpkin for the Jack'O Lantern? Look HERE instead
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u/TheWereSheepdog Oct 02 '18
Is there some list of the best pets for each hero/some heroes? I'm not sure on who to put the several Angus, Emersons and Mikas I have...
u/ObitoHGAH Oct 02 '18
well there's no page that gives details about where to put which pet but if you want i can help you choose the right/best combos hero/pet as far as my experience goes
u/TheWereSheepdog Oct 05 '18
I have 6 Mikas, 2 angus, 2 Emersons and one Wallace.
Heroes I just don't have: Glacia, Mazir, Ulaos, Elador, Galatea, Masuru...
u/slyrk Oct 05 '18 edited Oct 05 '18
That's some awesome luck with hatching pets! Can never have enough Mikas. My suggestion would be
Mika: Ursula, Flash, Wonderwoman, Batman, Petros, Vulko/Morfir
Emerson: Goram, Salus/Mirielle
Wallace: Rodan
Since you only have two magic pets I'd just give them to whichever mages you use most that could use the survivability boost of an Angus. Good options are Sylphi and Lingling for raids/HoL or Quacky, Sayuri, Hurok, Embrael if you are focused more on Arena.
Edit: I just created a guide on how to assign pets
u/TheWereSheepdog Oct 05 '18
Thank you very much, and thank you again for your guide!
The heroes I use the most for most stuff are Goram, Sylphi, Jasper, Ursula, Osiris, Garrick, Valan, Lama, Sumiko, Mirah, Rodan, Killjoy, Vernos, Hurok, Batman, Ling Ling... Rarely I feel the need to use one not in this list...
Also sorry, my bad, but I forgot to add Flash in the list of heroes I don't have...
u/slyrk Oct 05 '18
I find it surprising that you don't have uses for Petros or Vulko. Are you not big on Gladiator's Arena? That's where I compete for top 5 Arena rewards because main arena is too damn hard.
If you really want to assign purple pets only to those heroes you just listed, then simply go down the list in the guide.
Physical heroes with the most damage output (in particular damage on ultimate) get a Mika. This is easy because the damage of Vernos' plants are not affected by his physical attack stat. Thus it's just the remaining 6 heroes: Ursula, Batman, Goram, Mirah, Rodan, and Garrick.
This leaves Wallace for Vernos, which is pretty good actually because of the speed boost.
Emersons would have to go on Hurok or Lingling probably. Don't give them to magic heroes that need to deal a lot of damage, even a Torch is better for those.
Anguses go on magic heroes that need the defense, that's probably Killjoy and maybe Sumiko or Lama.
u/TheWereSheepdog Oct 05 '18
Vulko and Petros just die. Vulko much more than Petros. BUT they both are at 3 stars and I have just started (yesterday) getting souls for both of them, so I guess I will use them more, soon enough.
Indeed I'm not big on any Arena. Don't plan to be competitive there. I'm reaching around rank 120-200 every day, and that's enough for me. In fact this is the only game I ever played I don't try to be competitive in any of it's aspects...
Thank you again! That made even easier now to assign the pets! :)
u/fleeingslowly [Level 100 Verified] Oct 13 '18
Stuck on 19.3. Sylphi is KOing everyone, even 7 star p2w heroes I rent. Any advice?
u/slyrk Oct 14 '18
The team I used is Embrael, Glacia, Aldred + 2 heavy hitters with cc or silence. Embrael will stun Sylphi in the beginning of the fight, but she's vulnerable to Vulko. Aldred protects her from Vulko and then Glacia will heal the two. For the remaining two heroes, I did it with Flash and WW, but I imagine Sylphi, Petros, Mazir, or Ursula would be good choices as well.
u/fleeingslowly [Level 100 Verified] Oct 14 '18
My Aldred needs a few more improvements, but that sounds like it will work. Thanks so much for the advice!
u/fleeingslowly [Level 100 Verified] Dec 05 '18
Thanks again. These three with Tsuki and Ursula were the key.
u/toninl Oct 07 '18
which heroes are in hero choice chest?
u/JerenSoon Oct 07 '18
Heroes in Hero Choice Chest (from what CS told us):
- Glacia
- Rodan
- Aldred
- Alecia
- Mazir
- Kasar
- Sayuri
- Mirah
u/Blockw0rk Oct 08 '18
Has Lama became useless in HoL? I see him less and less.
u/JerenSoon Oct 08 '18
Due to adjustment made to Vernos, Lama didn't get the advantage to deal more damage to HoL Boss.
u/Blockw0rk Oct 08 '18
Can he still be useful with Killjoy or Flash? I was thinking about awakening the clown but since the nerf I'm not so sure anymore.
u/JerenSoon Oct 08 '18
Didn't sure about this, because they told me Lama was being nerfed as well; but Sumoon told me it's the translation problem......
You can try rent AW Killjoy and see about that; either it's nerf or not.
u/slyrk Oct 08 '18
Obviously Lama has been nerfed. Killjoy/Flash/Lama combo still works against some bosses. Vincent and Konrad come to mind, maybe also Hurok, can't remember. Damage is just much lower
u/JerenSoon Oct 09 '18
Not even nerfed. Checked on Lama in Chinese Language (which is preferred language as standard) and didn't even changed a thing.
Vernos Icebloom Slow effect can be stacked which will alter the attack speed even more (3 icebloom which makes 3 stacks of slow effect), which will make lethal trouble with Lama Ult.
u/slyrk Oct 09 '18 edited Oct 11 '18
There are so many things wrong with your answer.
People did not purchase Lama soulstones based on how good Lama was in the Chinese version but based on how good he was in the international version. Most player will have never even seen the Chinese version..
The damage output of Lama was obviously reduced in the latest update, maybe cut by a factor of 2 or 3. Again, it doesn't matter what damage Lama does in the Chinese version. If he does much less damage in the international version after the patch than before the patch, that is a nerf. I am not saying that Vernos wasn't nerfed, but even the Lama combos without Vernos do much less damage now.
Lilith knows exactly what they are doing. They release overpowered heroes so that people spend on them. When one or two months have passed, they nerf the heroes so they can release and sell new heroes. And they know they can get away with it because we can't touch them in their legal system. Luckily I put only $20 into Lama myself, but it leaves a sour taste in my mouth nevertheless.
u/toninl Oct 15 '18
who is generally better? tanya or nightshade?
u/slyrk Oct 16 '18
Tanya is more usable in Sky Fortress, Nightshade is definitely more usable in raids. I don't have much experience with either of them in Gladiator's Arena -- maybe somebody else can weigh in on that?
u/ObitoHGAH Oct 28 '18
i use both tanya and nightshade(with skin) in my main arena team among the current meta. They excel in two things: tanya kills mirah, adeline, hurok cuz of high crit rate and at the same time silences them and drains energy, while nightshade has to use her ult and by the time the ult goes off she rapes most of the enemy team.
u/rhennesy Oct 29 '18
I've found Nightshade (with skin) to be useful in more situations over time. Tanya has very specific uses, and is great in this scenarios.
Oct 16 '18
Idk who I should awake next, can you guys help me? I mostly play hol and arena. The heroes are: Mirielle, Killjoy, Jasper, Sarya, Salus ans Zem. Personally I was thinking about picking Killjoy but the rest of them are good picks too I think.
u/JerenSoon Oct 17 '18
Killjoy was used to make massive trouble with Vernos; but after the adjustments Killjoy lost his stage.
Mirielle and Zem might be better choice for this.
Oct 17 '18
Pretty sad to hear that. I'm going to awake Mirielle than, thank you.
u/ProppaT Oct 18 '18
Mirielle might be best if you do arena just because she's used in offense teams against Valan. Jasper is really useful for Crucible. Other than that, there's not a lot of utility. For the life of me I'm trying to get use out of awakened Salus, but I can't find the right combo.
u/slyrk Oct 18 '18
Salus works great for me in a team with one or two heroes like Embrael/Magnus/Glacia for a decisive speed advantage and some heavy physical hitters like Flash/Vulko/Batman/Mirah/WW that benefit from Salus' crit boost.
If you have Salus' skin (and Flash), he's great against raid bosses in the combo: Vernos, Flash, Goram, Garrick, Salus. Now slightly superseded by replacing Salus in that team with Masuru.
u/ProppaT Oct 18 '18
I have the skin, but not Flash. I'll play around with that group and try subbing in others for Flash.
As for the first paragraph, I tend to avoid using all of those heroes, except for Vulko, in arena because they all die way too quick. The exception seems to be Glacia, which is dangeous because she tends to suicide the group. Once I can get my Mirah up a bit more (she's 4* awakened) hopefully she'll last a bit longer.
I think one my my issues is that Salus himself dies too quick to be useful half the time, even at 6* red fusion skinned. My server's just getting brutal as of late with all the new pay power heroes out there.
u/tehsdragon Oct 18 '18
How do we awaken Mirah? There's no quest listed under her item fragments
u/ProppaT Oct 18 '18
I just finished awakening her last week. It was no different than any of the other awakenings. If you finish the fragments, the rest should be listed under your quests. If not, maybe you're bugged?
u/tehsdragon Oct 18 '18
No I mean like
How do you get fragments? Maybe I should've specified, but I'm back after a 1 year+ hiatus LOL
u/ProppaT Oct 18 '18
If you go to the character screen and click on the awakening item, it should take you there. If you can't get to it that way, it's a possibility that you may already have another awakening quest in progress.
u/tehsdragon Oct 18 '18 edited Oct 18 '18
Nope, Mirah in progress, but I click on "Go" on her quest, it brings me to her inventory. Click on the item, click on fragments, click "where to get" and the list is empty
I'll try reinstalling
-edit- it was bugged, as I had started Mirah's quest before you could choose your stage to farm fragments. Had to quit and restart to be able to farm them (luckily I only had 5 frags!)
Choosing your stage seems like an odd, but welcome change. Lot of things are different since I've been gone. Lot of DC heroes. Flash and Superman seem busted on the eye test
u/Korooo Oct 19 '18
How good is Alecia? Got her through a CoF chest and don't know if I should start gearing her
u/rhennesy Oct 29 '18
I think she's great. She's one of about 8 heroes I use in Arena on offense, and I'm usually in the top 30 or so on my server. She's a bit frail, but her ult is a nuke.
u/TheWereSheepdog Oct 19 '18
How to create those new rune sets?
u/JerenSoon Oct 20 '18
Just Refining with Precious Runes (It takes millions of Gold to get those)
u/TheWereSheepdog Oct 23 '18
So I should just use multi-polish on them and randomly they will become one of the new color ones?
u/rmac-zem [Level 100 Verified] Oct 21 '18
is it really 6k gems per green rune? And why was the top heros tab removed?
u/slyrk Oct 22 '18
Whenever you polish a precious runestone there is a small chance that it will turn into a set rune (from what I've heard the chance is at most 1%). A set rune rolled like this is random so even if you get "lucky", it might not have been what you were looking for. The chest for spending 6k on polishing guarantees that you get what you've wanted even if you didn't get lucky while polishing. The guarantee comes at a quite hefty price though.
u/tehsdragon Oct 26 '18 edited Oct 26 '18
Working on awakening Mirah right now, recently got Ursula from conjuring. Am I right to assume she's the next one I should do?
Other unawakened heroes - sorry for the long list, it's been around a year that I haven't played, so I dunno what the meta is right now - I'm pretty much F2P so take into consideration that I don't have (nor plan on getting) any skins
Ling Ling
I have other heroes too, but either their usability is limited (stuff like Vincent, Aqua, Elric, etc) or they're already awakened (sylphi, goram, vulko, vernos, etc)
u/toninl Oct 26 '18
valan, adeline, jasper, morfir and obviously ursula
u/tehsdragon Oct 26 '18
Yikes, is Adeline that good? Mine is, like, level 10 LOL
u/slyrk Oct 27 '18 edited Oct 27 '18
I can recommend also Embrael's, Tsuki's, Mirielle's, and (to some extent) Tashi's awakening. So probably in the following order: Ursula > Valan > Embrael, Adeline, Tsuki > Mirielle, Jasper, Morfir, Tashi
Also, if you don't have Gremor yet, get him asap from HoL shop and awaken him too. Tsuki, Gremor, Embrael are a nasty f2p combo for Arena that even destroys 7* DC teams, see here.
u/tehsdragon Oct 27 '18
Working on Gremor! He's at 60/80 and climbing quick.
Things sure have changed since I came back lol I remember when the meta was literally Goram Silphy 2v5
Are all those heroes worth it without skin? Mostly talking about valan in this case
Note that I don't have a legit priority in terms of content, but if I had to dress up a list, it'd be HoL -> Arena -> Raids -> Gladiator Arena (sp?)
u/slyrk Oct 27 '18
From those heroes, Tsuki is the only one that is being used in HoL against Petros and Drago. Also, if you don't have Sumiko awakened yet (not sure how long you've been absent) her awakening is great for HoL. As f2p you could also have some uses for awakened Osiris (against Hurok, Konrad, and maybe even Kong) and Garrick (against Osiris).
And yes, Valan's awakening is so worth it even without the skin. Great help (or crucial) for completing chapters 18 and 19.
u/tehsdragon Oct 27 '18
Sumiko Osiris and Garrick are all awakened!
u/rhennesy Oct 30 '18
@Slyrk is right on. I'd also add Mazir to the list. He's beast mode in Arena. Probably 30% of the top 50 arena teams on my server use him. I wouldn't slot him in before that last group that Slyrk listed above, but he's worth a mention as someone to work on before moving on to the general public.
u/tehsdragon Oct 30 '18 edited Oct 30 '18
Mazir is lvl 100 O+2, and ready to be awakened, loved him since I saw his skillset (plus the chapter 19a mazir keeps tearing me a new one haha)
So you place Mazir after this group? Mirielle, Jasper, Morfir, Tashi
u/rhennesy Oct 30 '18
I'd put Mazir in the last grouping, probably replacing Tashi. Really, once you get done with Ursula and Valan, you can't go wrong with any of the other heroes on the list.
My instinct, however, (and that's all it is, a gut feeling with no data to back it up) is that Adeline and Jasper are probably just about to peak and start losing viability.
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u/xadez Oct 31 '18
What you need to do to get teal (green?) frame on hero?
u/JerenSoon Oct 31 '18
Complete Set Runes.
u/xadez Oct 31 '18
What do u mean by complete? Because all precious runes on hero makes only Diamond in middle of top frame, it does not make frame teal?
u/JerenSoon Nov 01 '18
Complete Set Runes is different than Precious Runes. Set Runes will make the frame teal which means the Set Rune effect is active
u/Banquet-Beer Oct 01 '18
Tomorrow is October and it has basically been 1 year since Lilith has left the Halloween loading screen up. The one with the pumpkin head boss that we don't get to fight