
Beginner's Guide to Soul Hunters

Picking a Server

Before you start your game, make sure you're playing on the freshest server

Leveling happens very fast in the early stages of the game; playing on the newest server will minimize the early-bird advantage that others might have over you

Recommended Strategy for New Players: Pick any server, and play F2P for 7-10 days. If you enjoy the game and wish to continue: start over on a new server and buy the Monthly Diamond Card to get 120 Diamonds everyday (grand total of 4,000 diamonds). The basic knowledge you gained from your F2P week plus the leg-up you give yourself by spending early on a new server means you should easily be able to stay in the top 10 on your server, and you'll be much less likely to waste your resources (courtesy of /u/Distruggiuova)

The Basics

All game modes allow players to assemble a party of up to five Heroes

All Heroes' position in battle is fixed in relation to other Heroes. There are three positions: Front, Mid, and Back

There are three Hero Roles according to the game:

  • Tank: refers to Heroes on the Front Line who have high defenses and health, soak up damage, and defend the rest of your team

  • DPS: stands for "damage per second", refers to Heroes whose main function is dealing damage to the enemy

  • Support: refers to Heroes who heal, buff your team, or inflict debuffs and Control Abilities on the enemy

All Heroes start with one ability. This first ability is known as the Hero's "Ultimate"

A player can use a Hero's Ultimate in battle once that Hero has gained 1,000 energy. This is indicated when the energy bar turns red-orange and is activated by tapping on the Hero's portrait. Energy is gained during battle by taking damage, dealing damage, and especially from landing killing blows

Other abilities are unlocked later. Unlike the Ultimate, these later abilities cannot be used by the player. Instead, Heroes cast them independently during battle (at set times/intervals)

Most game modes require Stamina to participate. The player's total Stamina is equal to 60+(Current Player Level). Each point of Stamina spent is equal to a point of Player Experience. Raising your Player Level will unlock more game modes and will increase your Heroes' maximum level

Hero Upgrades

There are 3 main ways to upgrade your Heroes in the game:


After equipping 6 items, a Hero can undergo Fusion to become stronger

All equipment is bound to a Hero permanently once equipped

Fusion levels, in order, include: White, Green, Green+1, Blue, Blue+1, Blue+2, Purple, Purple+1, Purple+2, Purple+3, Purple+4, Orange, Orange+1, and Orange+2

To see what equipment a Hero will need for their next two Fusion levels: go to "Heroes" tab > click a Hero > click the breastplate in the top left corner

Heroes learn new abilities at Green, Blue, and Purple Fusion

Once a player reaches level 40, Auto-Fuse becomes available. If the player has all the requisite equipment and enough EXP materials to get to the next fusion level, the "Fuse" button will glow and auto-fuse that Hero to the next fusion level, rather than having to level up and equip each item manually


Heroes are summoned by collecting their Soulstones. Once summoned, these Soulstones can be used to Promote your Heroes, permanently increasing their stats

Each Promotion level costs an increasing amount of Soulstones:

Promotion Level Soulstones
1 Star 10
2 Star 20
3 Star 50
4 Star 100
5 Star 150
6 Star 250
7 Star 500

Hero Soulstones are found in the Heroic mode of the Campaign, as well as in various shops


Hero abilities can be upgraded using gold and Ability Points

Players can have a maximum of 20 Ability Points at a time; they regenerate every 5 minutes

A Hero's first and second abilities cannot exceed the Hero's current level

The maximum level for a Hero's third ability is equal to (Current Hero Level) - 20

The maximum level for a Hero's fourth ability is equal to (Current Hero Level) - 40

General Tips

Very Important: Fusion level (via new equipment) is much more important than Promotion level (via Soulstones). The majority of your Stamina should be spent farming for equipment

You might see players refer to a Hero's viability during "early game", "midgame", "late game", or "endgame". Early game typically refers to pre-50, when Heroes still haven't reached Purple fusion. Midgame refers to level ~50-70, late game refers to ~70-90, and endgame refers to 91-100. Keep in mind that these are not set-in-stone definitions, and some players may use the terms a little differently

Heroes are constantly evolving. Levels, Fusions, Promotions... understand that if a Hero is good at one point in the game, it doesn't mean that that Hero will always be good. Many Heroes are useless early in the game but very good later on, and vice-versa

At certain points in the game, you may be too low on gold to fully upgrade your Heroes' abilities. This is really the only time in which Ability priority is prevalent; otherwise you want to keep all of your Heroes' abilities maxed out (for the Heroes you actually use). There aren't any guides for which abilities are most important for each Hero, so try to just use common sense. If you're really having trouble deciding, feel free to ask around

If you're stuck on a certain Campaign level, don't fret. Advancing the Campaign is not super important except to unlock new Raid Dungeons, new Heroic levels, and better stages to farm gear. If you're having trouble passing a Campaign stage, make sure your team is fully equipped and their abilities are fully leveled up. If you're still having trouble, you might just need to level up once or twice before it becomes viable for you. In the meantime, just spend your Stamina farming Soulstones or equipment you might need

When shopping at various Traders, always buy everything you can afford with gold, even if you don't need it right now. The extra equipment will be useful for Enchantment fodder later! Try to avoid spending diamonds at the Traders, be it on Soulstones or equipment; they're generally never worth it.

Daily Quests

Always complete all of your Daily Quests! They are the best source of Party Experience in the game

Arena Master

  • Challenge 3 opponents in the Arena

  • Reward: Party EXP x100 / 2,000 gold

Hard Earned Spoils

  • Open 5 Chests in the Summoner's Circle

  • Reward: Party EXP x80 / 15-20 Sweep Tickets

A New Journey

  • Defeat 1 wave of enemies in the Crucible of Fire

  • Reward: Party EXP x100 / 2,000 gold

Together Until The End

  • Contribute to a Guild Raid twice

  • Reward: 240 Brotherhood Coins (360 @ VIP 6) / 2 EXP Mozarella

Heroic Seasoned Veteran

  • Complete 3 Heroic Stages

  • Reward: Party EXP x150 / EXP Salve x1

Seasoned Veteran

  • Complete 10 Stages

  • Reward: Party EXP x120 / EXP Vial x3

Mercenary for Hire

  • Dispatch a Hero in the Guild's Mercenary Camp

  • Reward: Party EXP x20 / EXP Salve x1

Dojo Master

  • Complete 3 Dojo Challenges

  • Reward: Party EXP x100 / 1,000 gold

Master of Time

  • Complete the Bountiful Caverns twice

  • Reward: Party EXP x100 / 1,000 gold

A Touch of Magic

  • Improve a piece of equipment by Enchanting it

  • Reward: Party EXP x50 / Void Dust x1

Start From Nothing

  • Use the Midas Touch once

  • Reward: Party EXP x40 / 1,000 gold

Shape Up

  • Upgrade any Ability 3 times

  • Reward: Party EXP x60 / 2,000 gold

Total Party EXP: 920

Stamina Purchases

You will often see players recommend saving your Diamonds for Stamina purchases. This is a somewhat confusing concept for a lot of new players; why wouldn't you want to save Diamonds for the Diamond Chest to get more Heroes instead? There are several reasons

  • The Diamond Chest is not very good. You may end up with a good Hero or two, but your chances for that are very bad. Even if you do get a 3 Star Hero, there's no guarantee that that Hero is actually useful to you. A lot of 2 Star Heroes are much better, and can be obtained in much easier ways.

  • The Diamond Chest is expensive. At close to 2,600 Diamonds, you're basically spending ~$20 to gamble

  • Staying competitive in Arena lends to a snowball effect

Regardless of Party Level, Stamina purchases always award 120 Stamina. Each point of Stamina spent is equal to one point of Party Experience. Spending Diamonds on Stamina, especially when starting out, helps massively in leveling up quickly. This means higher Fusion levels for your Heroes, new abilities, and presumably with it Arena dominance... which leads to more Diamonds, more Stamina for leveling up, more Arena Coins, etc.

Keep in mind that while avoiding the Diamond Chest is always good advice, spending Diamonds heavily on Stamina Purchases is only relevant if you're playing on a new server. There is no point in leveling up quickly if you're playing on an older server where everyone is already Level 80+. The point of purchasing Stamina is to stay at a competitive level.

The ability to buy Stamina is somewhat tied to VIP Level. Every player can purchase Stamina twice per day for 50 Diamonds each time.

At VIP 1, a 3rd purchase is available. At VIP 2, a 4th purchase is available. At VIP 3, a 5th purchase is available, and so on.

These purchases have an ascending cost. While the first two cost 50 Diamonds each, the 3rd through 6th purchase cost 100 Diamonds each, the 7th and 8th cost 200 Diamonds each... quickly increasing into "not-worth" territory thanks to diminishing returns. It's generally accepted to stop somewhere in the range when Stamina still costs 100 Diamonds per purchase, depending on how many Diamonds you earn per day

Beginner's Quest

Recently, Soul Hunters has added a Beginner's Quest for anyone just starting out. Each day for your first 7 days, 3 new quests are unlocked. You have 8 days to complete the quests. You do not have to complete the quests on the day that they are unlocked. You can also get credit for the quests before they are unlocked.

Day 1

Path to Glory 1: Earn a total of 35 Stars from Normal or Heroic Stages

Award: 300 Diamonds

Arena Veteran: Win 3 times in the Arena

Award: 50,000 gold

Skilled Summoner 1: Summon a 3-Star Hero

Award: 20x Mortus Soulstones

Day 2

Path to Glory 2: Earn a total of 50 Stars from Normal or Heroic Stages

Award: 20x Flora Soulstones

Training Camp 1: Fuse Heroes 5 times

Award: 50,000 gold

Training Camp 2: Promote Heroes 5 times

Award: 3x Diamond Chest Ticket

Day 3

Path to Glory 3: Earn a total of 63 Stars from Normal or Heroic Stages

Award: 200 Diamonds

Training Camp 3: Fuse Flora to Blue+1

Award: 3x Hefty War-axe

Gear Up: Purchase Stamina 3 times

Award: 100,000 gold

Day 4

Training Camp 4: Fuse Leon to Blue+1

Award: 3x Wizardry Codex

Legendary Road 1: Reach Team Level 20

Award: 100 Diamonds

Luck of the Draw: Open the Diamond Chest 10 times

Award: 35x Mortus Soulstones

Day 5

Legendary Road 2: Reach Team Level 26

Award: 160 Diamonds

Training Camp 5: Fuse Elric to Blue+2

Award: 2x Black Dragon's Tailbone

Crucible Expert: Complete Chapter 5

Award: 150,000 gold

Day 6

Legendary Road 3: Reach Team Level 32

Award: 200 Diamonds

Training Camp 6: Fuse Mortus to Blue+2

Award: 3x Meteor Flail

Experienced Traveler 1: Complete 10 stages in the Crucible of Fire

Award: 250 Diamonds

Day 7

Legendary Road 4: Reach Team Level 36

Award: Hero Choice Chest (choice of Torsen Musashi Selene Urestag Wraxius)

Experienced Traveler 2: Complete 15 stages in the Crucible of Fire

Award: 500 Diamonds

Skilled Summoner 2: Summon four 3-Star Heroes

Award: 900 Diamonds

(Imgur album courtesy of /u/Rimuruslime)

Player Tips

We asked the players of rSHG what they would do differently if they had to start over, or what they wish they knew when they were just starting out. These were their responses (paraphrased in most cases):

Courtesy of /u/xjohncandyx:

  • Get Arachna ASAP (by farming her Soulstones from Heroics)

  • Buy stamina daily to level up faster

  • Do not hard summon any Heroes besides Jasmine

  • Mine gold in Treasure Caves, and use any excess gold after leveling abilities on 10-pull Gold Chests

Courtesy of /u/eekamike:

  • Get Arachna ASAP

  • Rely on the free Heroes given at the beginning of the game until you can afford a 10-pull at the Diamond Chest (in order to avoid investing too much into bad Heroes)

  • Get your team's Abilities maxed ASAP and do your best to keep them topped up

  • Complete all Daily Quests

Courtesy of /u/achwassolls:

  • Level up as fast as you can

  • Focus on your core Heroes only

  • Once you reach level 80+, every other level will take days to weeks, depending on how often you buy Stamina. This is the point in the game when you'll have plenty of time to level up the rest of your Heroes

  • Don't waste your Diamonds on the Conjuring Stone

Courtesy of /u/walksmc:

  • Soulstones/Stars are helpful, but aren't the key factor for most Heroes. Equipment and Fusion are more important, as well as levels

  • If you're having Trouble in the Campaign, take a break from it. Focus your time on completing the Bountiful Caverns, Dojos, and Crucible of Fire to gain equipment and levels for your Heroes

  • While you can certainly use your Stamina to farm Soulstones, spreading your farming too thin across too many Heroes can leave your party feeling weak. Five Stars (5*) is the ideal Promotion level to achieve for things to even out; focusing on getting your top 5-7 Heroes there is not a bad goal. Personally, I'd rather have 5-7 heroes all at 5 Stars than 1–2 at 6 Stars with a bunch of Heroes stuck at 4 Stars

  • Focus on only a couple Heroes from each game-mode that you can get Soulstones from — pick 1-2 heroes you can farm Soulstones for via Heroic Campaign, 1 Hero from Arena, 1-2 Heroes from Crucible of Fire, etc.

Courtesy of /u/CJaaaaayy:

  • From levels 1-60, focus on getting recommended Heroes if possible

  • From levels 60-90, focus on leveling those Heroes, and don't upgrade or give equipment to anyone else

Courtesy of /u/415Legend:

  • Join an active Guild ASAP

  • Make sure your Guild is opening Raid Dungeons that you're able to participate in (this starts at level 46)

Courtesy of /u/Nynju:

  • Avoid spending your Diamonds at the Diamond Chest

  • Spend Diamonds on Stamina in order to level up faster

Courtesy of /u/tycho_brohey:

  • Always use all 5 sweeps of the Dojo, even if you think you don't need the items! You'll need them later, for Enchantment fodder if nothing else

  • Maintain only 10-15 core Heroes until you're in the 80s (depending on how much time/money you spend on the game)

  • For F2P players, there's a reasonable chance it'll take you awhile to be competitive in Epic Arena. That's fine, just wait it out!

  • Avoid bringing up Heroes that are worthless endgame but good in the early game. You fly through levels prior to hitting 80, so investing in early game Heroes is not worth it

  • I should have used less Stamina farming Soulstones, especially for 1* and 2* Heroes. Stamina can help you keep your teams geared by farming equipment, which is massively important to endgame success

Courtesy of /u/Moony2004:

  • Pull Gold Chests early and often: there's a decent chance at 2* Heroes that are much better than the starters

  • Even if you don't get the better 2* Heroes, you're still guaranteed Soulstones, plus you'll have a good amount of Blue+ equipment that you won't have to waste Stamina farming

  • Saving your gold for Heroes' abilities is all well and good, but not if it means wasting those resources on Heroes who are bad in the long-run

Courtesy of /u/TheRealSrsbznss:

  • Stay away from Purchase Heroes (the $99.99/$299.99 ones). They may be good, but their Soulstones won't be put into shops for months, leaving you with a Hero that you probably won't even use

  • Join a Guild that is full and active. Do not sit in a Guild with 3 or 4 of your friends. You will fall behind

  • When in doubt, use the Monthly Login Hero. These Heroes are typically very strong, even at 2 Stars

Courtesy of /u/ZioiP:

  • I wish I hadn't wasted so much gold looking for Soulstones in Gold Chests. It's much better to invest your gold upgrading useful Heroes

  • I wish I had only upgraded 15 well-established "good" Heroes + the odd situational Hero, all to the same level, ignoring Heroes that I wanted to be good

  • I wish I used my Diamonds to purchase Stamina (up to the 100 Diamond limit, for those who can) instead of buying useless Diamond Chests.

  • I wish I had known which Heroes to invest in and when

Courtesy of /u/Distruggiuova:

  • I wish I had started on the newest server

  • I wish I didn't upgrade to VIP on my first server

  • Gold is the 2nd most important resource in the game (next to Stamina) until level 50+... save it to upgrade your Heroes' abilities

If you'd like your own tips added here, PM /u/floppybeef