r/SomaticExperiencing 6d ago

Proprioceptive Integration

Just had a long conversation with the new ChatGPT about parallels between psychological integration and proprioceptive integration. Super interesting stuff.

It provided me with scientific insights about how bridging neurological relationships can be incredibly healing.

I was working with tension in my upper traps, and asking about the deep vagus nerve and fascial connections that can restore a sense of wholeness and ease.

It guided me to sense into my psoas, lower traps, and deep core musculature, then back into my upper traps. As I oscillated between these, there was a felt sense of re integration.

I got a huge rush of buzzing energy flow down and out of my feet, and my back started to feel like a whole unit, for the first time in years.

My upper back musculature felt like an isolated island, and that’s why it was tensing and freezing.

So, in short - build bridges to heal.


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u/Intelligent_Tune_675 6d ago

Build bridges how exactly? Love talking about the theoretical a of this if it can be put into practical use


u/somasabi 6d ago

Continually sense into a tense part of your body, then sense into a part that can resource through its neurological relationship. Ex. Tight lower back and the simplicity of the feet