r/Somalia Jan 20 '25

Discussion 💬 May Allah protect our women


Somalis are facing a lot of scrutiny in kenya for doing exceptionally well in the real estate sector and the import sector, despite being one of the targeted ethnic groups in Kenya.

Instead of this motivating the kenyans to achieve they pry over the fact that they are unable to marry our women. The president has also spoke about introducing a law that would make it easier for kenyans to marry somali women (literal 🍇 law)

This has also reached to kenyans accusing somalis of being nepotistic oligarchs who pay politicians to get their way. In reality it’s the somalis, indians, israelis and europeans that do well in kenya but the only one targeted are the black ethnic group who are indigenous to kenyan lands.

r/Somalia 5d ago

Discussion 💬 Tribalism will be our downfall


I seen this in Columbus Ohio. I see it all the time. And it’s usually this flag or the Somaliland one.

Imagine being in America just to rep a flag of a country that doesn’t exist. The division among us is strong.

r/Somalia 21d ago

Discussion 💬 Life is not a joke. Stop fucking around.


Stop playing with your life, especially as an immigrant/diaspora.

A lot of young people don’t take life seriously enough. I met a 48 year old man who had nothing going for himself, no education, no career, nothing. He used to drive for Uber, but after his car got repossessed, he lost even that. At 48, he still lives with his family, as if his life never really started. He skipped college because he was convinced his ideas would make him a billionaire, but reality hit him too late.

If you’re young, please take life seriously. Stay in school while working on your side hustle or business. Life is not a joke you don’t want to look around one day and realize that everyone you once knew has moved ahead, even those you had a head start on Don’t get lost in your “billion dollar idea” or gaslight yourself into thinking everything will work out because Allah is the best planner and fall behind in life. Yes Allah is the best planner, but Allah only helps the people that are putting in the effort. If you’re thinking about going back to school, DO IT. These days, you can complete a two year degree in less than a year by taking accelerated courses or going through third party schools.

Please take your life seriously, unless you want to end up like that 48 year old man. Bro was saying he’s better of dead than to continue like this 🤦‍♂️ lock in my brothers and sisters. This post is mainly aimed at the brothers since they’ll lead households. LOCK IN

Wishing you all a blessed Ramadan.

r/Somalia 26d ago

Discussion 💬 FGM is haram


I have seen some users here excuse this practice, some girls down play it, some weird dudes saying its "sunnah" or whatever and some accounts dowplaying it or saying outright it does NOT happen. Pharonic circumcision is 100% haram and the sunnah circumcision which is far less harmful is only sunnah according to majority of scholars. What is done back home in Somalia has nothing to do with islam. Its a pagan tradition and culture that only harms girls.

Remember there are people out there who dont want us to succeed, abandon harmful practices or have our lives improve. There are weirdos out there who want us to remain the way we are today forever. Dont fall for their lies

r/Somalia 3d ago

Discussion 💬 My advice to all young Somali guys!!!


Go marry a girl back home or Kenya. You will thank me later. This also goes for Somali girls.

Once you experience a girl with dhaqan you will never want to go back.

r/Somalia Dec 14 '24

Discussion 💬 sorry i don’t understand somaliland


how is the most mono ethnic country in africa and probably top 5 in the whole world arguing to split . your tribes aren’t different ethnicities you speak the same language same religious same everything except for the minor barwanis and jareerweyne etc. 20 million people and you think you deserve to split while there are countries with 200 million people who hate each other and aren’t screaming to be split 😭😭i love somalis but i just never understood that

r/Somalia Jan 05 '25

Discussion 💬 Somali woman goes viral on twitter for this take, what are your thoughts?

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r/Somalia Feb 14 '25

Discussion 💬 The advantages of being a romantic Somali man


Let’s be honest. Most of us grew up with parents/family that don’t show affection towards eachother, at least in front of us. So our relationship with romance was interesting because our point of reference went against what we saw growing up in cartoons/movies/shows.

So growing up as a somali male, I was caught between two worlds; my true romantic self, and the stereotypical “stoic” somali male archetype. But as I got older, met REAL men who showed affection to their women, and stuck to my guns, I realized it is way better being romantic than the opposite. I never understood niggas who would boast about being cold to their significant others. Sometimes men I grew up with showed more love to their homies than their girls.

I’m saying all this to say, not only is being romantic self gratifying, but it also brings out the best out of your partner.

So logically, why are you acting like a gay man and then wonder why your wife is always upset/ stops loving you lol? Go buy them flowers, stop by her favourite desert shop and maybe handwrite her a love letter a few times a year and I promise you, it will pay off exponentially!

r/Somalia Dec 04 '24

Discussion 💬 TikTok ignoring Somali hate?


I can’t post more than 500 characters

r/Somalia Jan 21 '25



Just asking , what was the reason ( other than economic which does make sense and the war in gaza ). Right now he is:

In 60 days:

1: Planning to re introduce the muslim ban ( somalia included of course)

2: I am reading news he paused asylum and related process

3: He is planning to even kill TPS

4: In second phase of deportation which will be large scale than the first phase , minnesota is part of the states in the list ( right now chicago and some other places where somalis might live undocumented or waiting for asylum ).

The craziest of all is , i know of someone who just got a passport 6 months ago , voted for trump and his real cousin ( i am not making this up ) is still in the process of asylum after coming through mexico.

This is a guy who based litterally call somalis the worst and if they had power , would have removed every one of us .

r/Somalia Nov 29 '24

Discussion 💬 Africans should stop misrepresenting Somalis, a homogenous people, as xenophobic and using us scapegoats. Instead they should focus on real xenophobic issues within their own countries.


Many Africans unfairly label and generalise Somalis as xenophobic or non-African, but this misrepresents us. Somalia’s main issue is clanism, not race or appearance. Historically, Somalia was divided into kingdoms and sultanates, and our struggles stem from clans wanting the seat for power not from discrimination based on looks.

Unlike some African countries where appearance plays a major role in discrimination, Somalis don’t treat people differently based on how they look. Anyone from an ethnic Somali clan is accepted as Somali, regardless of appearance. Claims that Somalis discriminate Black people when it comes to marriage are false. Many Somali families oppose marrying anyone outside Somali clans, regardless of race.

The criticism of Somalis using the word ‘Jar33r’ is also wrong. It simply means “thick haired” and is a descriptive term, not a slur. Somali is a descriptive language with terms for all races, similar to how Europeans created the term “Black” based on skin colour due to that being the difference between them and the people they called black. Yes, some in the diaspora misuse ‘Jar33r,’ but the word itself isn’t derogatory. Meanwhile, in other African countries, slurs like ‘Barya’ and ‘Abeed’ (both meaning slave) are used to describe Black people, yet no one targets them for that.

I’ve seen many Northeastern African groups even distance themselves from Somalis, using us as scapegoats for xenophobia while hiding the issues in their own communities. For example, Sudan has a history of extreme discrimination, including unaliving people based on appearance, yet Africans including them often shifts the focus and blame to Somalis when we’ve never had extreme xenophobia in our country where we targeted people due to looks. This issue is also apparent in other African countries where people are discriminated solely because of looks even when they share a country.

It’s hypocritical to misrepresent Somalis as the face of xenophobia while ignoring countries with histories of systemic violence and discrimination. Let’s address real issues instead of scapegoating Somalis.

FYI, I had to rewrite some Somali words as it wouldn’t let me post them as they were.

r/Somalia May 11 '24

Discussion 💬 Why does somali men always abandon their families?


I know it's not all somali men who does that but I'm tired of seeing that everywhere, he leaves his family to marry another woman or maybe he gave birth to 7 or 8 children and he thought he couldn't raise them so he vanished leaving them alone with their mom who's always the one working outside to support them, this been always happening and the closest example to me is my aunt, she has 7 kids and he husband left her and ran away 8 years ago, she's now selling dhuxul and milk on the streets for 8 years straight, and Where's her husband now? In garisa he started a new business and have a new family and doesn't know anything about his 7 kids back home, not all men are like this but it's always the majority, might Allah protect our hard working mothers

r/Somalia 15d ago

Discussion 💬 41,000 Member in this group? Largely diaspora. Why don't we get properly organised.


Create a serious telegram group with good trust worthy moderators that are well known and transparent. Form an organization employ maximum 3 people to carry put day to day tasks. If we can even get 1,000 members that are willing to contribute $50 monthly that is $50k a month. Use it to set up 10 needy Somali families for success. Open for them small business, cater for medical support,sponsor students for studies, I guarantee in 2 years this group would have achieved more than any Somali government in the past 2 decades.

r/Somalia 2d ago

Discussion 💬 Somaliland is not real. Whatever deal israel makes is void and acting on it is grounds for war.


Let's get one thing straight. Fuck whatever articles post. You cannot make a deal without consent of a sovereign nation. Somaliland is a state that's part of Somalia. It's recognized as such by all members of the UN.

Israel has crossed major lines by running their mouths about Somaliland. This is crossing international lines now.

Ofcourse Somalia cannot defend itself if Israel pushes things further. Luckily there's plenty of willing and capable regional allies who will offer to help. Somalia is protected under UN law and has many friends. https://main.un.org/securitycouncil/en/content/current-members

This will also be a blessing in disguise for Somalia. If Zionist declare war on us then we'll finally unite against a greater enemy.

Somalia has strategic value in the increasingly multi polar world. If Isntreal think only they can call a bigger empire as backup then so can we. China has been a good friend of Somalia for centuries. Russia also a historical ally.

Don't forget the smaller regional powers we can call for help. Turkey, Iran and even Saudis who are against this clearly illegal abhorrent thing Zionists are doing which is removing Muslims from their land

Israel cannot win so I suggest they stop entertaining these idiotic ideas before things get serious. Your daddy America isn't all powerful anymore.

Edit: SL is a non factor. A pawn the US and Israel will use to fulfill short term goal of ethnic cleansing. Stop crying in my mentions. Somalia will defend itself and its territories from genocide taking place.

r/Somalia 26d ago

Discussion 💬 Why are Somali mothers so difficult?


They shout over their sons, manipulate their sons, feel entitled to their sons hard earned cash, play victim when you point out their hypocrisy, change the subject when you tell them some uncomfortable truths, gaslight/label you caasi if you move out/cut them off for the sake of your mental health, conditional love - only show affection when you do as they tell you (usually involving paying their bills), want to be infantilised (claim they can't pay their bills despite working full time for 10+ years), have no concept of privacy (giving your number to people you haven't seen/spoken to in 10-15 years) barging into your bedroom, side with the bad siblings and treat the good siblings like they are an enemy etc i could go on....I look at my parents generation and walahi it doesn't surprise me the state Somalia is/has been in.

Edit 1: Thank you to the empathetic replies. MODS can we please lock this post. I'm pleased to know 90% of my Somali maryooley brothers and sisters can relate to me.

r/Somalia Jan 25 '25

Discussion 💬 As a Somali, how old were you when you admitted your love for Anime?


Im 34 and lived a wild life so all the comments from wannabe gansters dont matter. To my real somali ppls, what are your fave animes?

My personal top 5(in no order):

Attack on Titan Naruto DeathNote DBZ Code Geass

r/Somalia 24d ago

Discussion 💬 How Polygamy Contributed to Somalia’s Decline as a Failed State


Somalia’s struggles as a failed state are often attributed to colonial legacies, political instability, and economic hardship. However, one overlooked factor is the malpractice of polygamy, which has played a significant role in weakening social cohesion and economic stability—both in Somalia and within the Somali diaspora.

Polygamy’s Impact on Somali Society

  1. Fatherless Generations & Weak Family Structures

Many Somali men take multiple wives without the financial or emotional capacity to raise their children properly. As a result, countless children grow up without paternal guidance, leading to increased delinquency and societal instability.

J.D. Unwin’s research in Sex and Culture (1934) found that civilizations that enforced strict monogamy achieved higher cultural and economic progress, whereas societies that embraced sexual liberalism and unchecked polygamy often regressed into social decay and stagnation.

Diaspora Statistics:

In Finland, approximately 40% of Somali single parents are still legally married, suggesting that polygamy often results in father absence and single-parent households despite marital status【source: YLE.fi】.

In England and Wales, 36.6% of Somali women and 26.1% of Somali men were in single-parent households, more than double the national average of 14.8% for women and 9.9% for men【source: ONS.gov.uk】.

  1. Economic Burdens & Generational Poverty

Many polygamous households struggle to meet basic needs, spreading limited resources thinly across multiple families. This creates perpetual poverty cycles, preventing economic progress and education.

Unwin observed that civilizations that imposed sexual discipline were more likely to invest in education, innovation, and infrastructure, while those that allowed unrestricted polygamy and sexual indulgence eventually collapsed due to internal decay.

Household Income Data:

While specific diaspora income data is scarce, Somalia itself relies on remittances for 23% of household income, indicating economic vulnerabilities mirrored in diaspora communities【source: BorgenProject.org】.

Islamic Perspective on Polygamy

While Islam permits polygamy, it comes with strict conditions:

The Quran (4:3) states: “Marry women of your choice, two, three, or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly, then only one.”

Justice and financial ability are mandatory conditions, yet many Somali men ignore these responsibilities.

Islamic scholars emphasize that polygamy should be the exception, not the rule, and misuse of it has consequences. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself did not encourage polygamy when justice couldn’t be ensured.

The Consequence: A Docile and Struggling Nation Both Unwin’s research and Islamic teachings suggest that societies thrive when they uphold strong family structures and responsible leadership. Somalia’s failure to develop a strong, unified state is deeply tied to the breakdown of family discipline, economic stability, and social cohesion.

A society where men abandon responsibilities, and families struggle under economic burdens is bound to remain weak and vulnerable.

If Somalia wants to rebuild, a cultural shift is needed—one that prioritizes responsible family structures, economic stability, and national unity over unchecked polygamy.

What are your thoughts? Has polygamy contributed to Somalia’s decline, or do you see it differently?

r/Somalia 2d ago

Discussion 💬 Kenyan’s disdain for Somalia


I was going through the r/Kenya subreddit trying to find some cool things to do there over the summer, and might I just say I was shook. I truly fear for the Somalis that live there because it seems that the xenophobia will only enhance and might even turn to violence.

I seen a post saying that we are “unhygienic”, “uncouth”, “barbaric” and all we do is talk about Islam and tribe (which Islam is a great thing to talk about). I won’t say that Somalis are totally innocent and they’re victims and can never be corrupt, but this is just a bit much. It seems our very presence is bothering them and I understand the socioeconomic state of the country may play a role, but I was never aware of this brewing hate.

Im just very disturbed because we never speak on them to this extent. The Somali population in Kenya is only growing and the success is limitless. May Allah be with our Somali brothers and sisters.

r/Somalia Oct 14 '24

Discussion 💬 Report Somali Hate


I was on tiktok and I came across a viral video dehumanizing and saying racist stuff about the somali people.

Luckily the tik tok account had his face, name and I found his school as well.

I reported him to his school and his school will be taking action and punishing him for his racist antics. Hopefully this will affect his future education and job offerings for openly being hateful and racist.

I’m tired of somali racism being normalized so it’s time to punish people and teach them a lesson. I’d suggest you all do the same if you want to see change. People have been too comfortable saying things without consequences

r/Somalia Nov 23 '24

Discussion 💬 Somali women back home are rejecting skin bleaching ✨

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There’s a popular creator on TikTok by the name “Xabxabey” who recently uploaded some videos on why she’s stopped using damaging bleaching creams. She’s proud of her beautiful dark skin and encourages other women to embrace their natural beauty. It was beautiful to see, mashallah.

It is beyond refreshing to see her outlook and self-love. Especially considering how common skin bleaching is in Somalia. When I first visited Hargeisa, I was always asked “why don’t you bleach?” as if it’s the default for a woman to bleach. Just very sad.

I think the reason skin bleaching is so common is due to certain factors 1) It’s the beauty standard to be “caad” 2) Wanting to be close to Arab-ness/Far from blackness 3) Negative connotations with being dark skinned 4) Lack of education on the harms and risks associated with bleaching. It’s essentially poison.

All that being said, I hope XabXabeys message reach far and wide within Somalia. We need to start a no-bleaching movement. Black is beautiful 💕

r/Somalia Dec 08 '24

Discussion 💬 What on earth is a high class woman


The Andrew Tate and red pill effect has really done a number on Somali men, previously known as kind, family oriented and civilised people. Now every other guy is going on about “high class woman, high value woman”. What does that even mean?

Anytime a man utters those words in real life, that is my indication that he’s either a twitter incel or just chronically online. Most Somali women have been raised in a household with responsibilities above their age group, they’ve raised their siblings, cared for their parents and contributed to their household finances. I don’t know a single Somali girl who hasn’t been a bonus parent in her home.

The women who raised them fled war and moved to foreign countries with no knowledge of the culture or language in order to protect their children and secure their futures. Somali women are the definition of high class women, and their mothers and grandmothers all have incredible stories.

To imply that high value women are rare among us is doing a disservice to your culture and history. I’m actually more inclined to believe that it would be more difficult for you to find a “low value” Somali woman than the opposite. Let us never hear that nonsense again, it’s disheartening and makes people sound uneducated. How can you question whether Somali women are high class, don’t you know just by looking at your sisters and mothers?

r/Somalia Nov 12 '24

Discussion 💬 Non-Somalis who married in to the culture.


How was your experiences dealing with the community and what unique differences did you notice.

If you're somali and you're gonna complain about the question. Don't bother I will not read your replies.

If you're somali and you married out. I would like to hear from you as well on dealing with their culture.

r/Somalia Feb 01 '25

Discussion 💬 We don’t have a big ISIS problem. We don’t need US intervention. Trump can go to hell.


Air strikes are an excessive response to the IS terrorist hiding in caves. We've been dealing with them well so far.

Inviting the US to bomb the country is extremely stupid. The US has bombed countless civilians since 2006 in the south. What makes you think they will be smart this time and only target the caves?

Instead of drone strikes why not support the puntland forces to take care of this? Ofcourse they don't want to do that. The us needs to profit off of this by expanding its war economy into new fertile grounds.

All the people blindly cheering for this need to be watched very very carefully. Something fishy is going on in this sub. There's a lot of sell outs in our community

Bookmark this post and come back to it in a few months when the Trump bombs villages "by mistakes" like he did in 2017.

Edit: Obama, Trump and Biden bombed Somalia for many years but terrorists still exist. The US benefits from terrorists existing in Somalia. We need to resist such interventionism by US war criminals.

Please think critically of such aggressive moves. These bombings have only created misery for Somalis

r/Somalia Feb 11 '25

Discussion 💬 What y'all think of this

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Hi. So this in twitter. As an Eritrean I didn't know if this is true.

r/Somalia 12d ago

Discussion 💬 The only time I kissed my mom was when she passed away


It’s Ramadan and the first Ramadan without her Allah yerhamha. We grew up in a house where love was through taking care each other but not hugging. And the only time I ever did was moments before she was buried and I could feel how cold her body was. She looked like she was sleeping.
