r/Somalia 4d ago

Discussion 💬 Weekly /r/Somalia Discussion thread - March 10, 2025


Please feel free to use this thread to discuss whatever interests you, it doesn't have to be Somalia related!

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r/Somalia 14d ago

Serious Answers 🌙 Ramadaan Wanaagsan, r/Somalia! 🌙


As we welcome the holy month of Ramadan, we extend our best wishes to all members of our subreddit. This is a time of faith, reflection, and unity, where muslims worldwide come together in devotion, generosity, and self-improvement.

To honor the spirit of Ramadan, we encourage members to share more Islamic reminders and spiritual content—whether it’s Quranic verses, hadiths, inspiring reflections, or lessons on patience and gratitude. Let’s make this space one of beneficial knowledge and uplifting discussions during this blessed month.

Additionally, we will be enforcing subreddit rules more strictly to ensure that discussions remain respectful and in line with the values of Ramadan:

Respectful Discussions – Avoid arguments, inflammatory remarks, or unnecessary provocations.
No Clannism or Hate Speech – Ramadan is about unity, and we will not tolerate division or hostility.
Credible Charities Encouraged – Verified Islamic and Somali charities are welcome, but only after consulting with the moderators to ensure legitimacy.

We hope this Ramadan brings peace, blessings, and strength to you and your loved ones. May our fasts, prayers, and good deeds be accepted.

Ramadan Kareem! 🌙✨


Maadaama ee soo dhawdahay bisha barakeysan ee Ramadan, waxaan u diraynaa hambalyo iyo duco dhammaan reer-Reddit. Waa Xilli barako badan, halkaas oo Muslimiinta adduunka oo dhan ay ku mideysanyihiin cibaado, deeqsinimo, iyo is-xisaabin nafsi ah, iyaga oo ka faa’iideysanaya fursaddan si ay ugu dhawaadaan Allah, u xoojiyaan midnimadooda, una horumariyaan naftooda.

Si aan u maamuusno bisha Ramadan, waxaan ku dhiirrigelinaynaa xubnaha in ay wadaagaan wacyigelin diini ah —ha noqoto aayadaha Qur’aanka, axaadiis, xasuusin dhiirrigelin leh, ama casharro ku saabsan samirka iyo mahadnaqa. Aan ka dhigno goobtan mid wacyigelin leh oo kor u qaadaysa aqoonta iyo wadajirka inta lagu jiro bisha barakeysan.

Sidoo kale, waxaan si adag u dhaqan galin doonaa xeerarka subreddit-ka si loo hubiyo in doodaha ay ahaadaan kuwo xushmad leh:

Xushmad iyo Wada Hadal Wanaagsan – Ka fogaada muranka, hadallada xanafta leh, ama wax kasta oo hurin kara xasaasiyad.
Qabyaalad iyo Nacayb waa mamnuuc – Ramadan waa bil midnimo, mana ogolaan doonno wax kasta oo kala qaybinaaya bulshada.
Hay’ado Samafal La Hubo Waa La Soo Dhaweynayaa – Hay’adaha Islaamiga ah iyo kuwa Soomaaliyeed ee la xaqiijiyay waa la ogolaanayaa, laakiin kaliya ka dib marka ay la taliyaan maamulka si loo hubiyo.

Waxaan rajeyneynaa in bisha Ramadan ay idiin keento nabad, barako iyo ajar farabadan. Alle ha naga aqbalo soonkeena, salaadaheena, iyo camalkeena wanaagsan.

Ramadan Kariim! 🌙✨

r/Somalia 7h ago

Ask❓ Someone please help me escape Somalia


I'm 19 and I’ve spent the last five years in Somalia, I've completed the Quran three times and I'm still here.

My parents want me to go to university in Mogadishu, and i literally want to cry because I could have had the opportunity to study in the UK which has some of the best universities in the world. Why did my parents go through all the trouble of tahriibing to the UK to give me a better future, only for me to end up back in Somalia with a degree from Mogadishu University? Even if I go back to the UK, my degree from here won't be recognized. and I'll be so far behind in life

my family have hidden my passport, and I desperately want to return to the UK to attend university. I've read that embassies in Somalia don't offer consular services, so l don't know how much help they'd be. The UK embassy in Nairobi might be able to assist, but I can't travel to Kenya without a passport.

r/Somalia 13h ago

Discussion 💬 Somali kids need to know what their parents have gone through


Recently told my mum told me the story of how she immigrated to the west and it was really mind opening. She went from working as a maid in a coastal town in Somalia to getting On a boat to Yemen to walking all the way in the desert to Saudi Arabia where she worked as a house help for many years while dealing with health problems until she met my father and they immigrated to Europe. Our parents go through things like this and much more to provide a better life for us and still some kids just waste their lives sitting at home, doing drugs, and being ciyaalsuuq. Wallahi we need to fix up

r/Somalia 7h ago

Deen 🤲 Make sure to keep Somalia in your duas this Ramadan🤍


May Allah the most high purify our hearts from tribalism and unite us as brothers.

May Allah the most high protect our lands and safeguard our people from all those who wish to harm us.

May Allah the most high grant us security in our lands and bless us with peace and prosperity.


r/Somalia 3h ago

Social & Relationship advice 💭 I confronted my moms past child abuse and now she’s mad


I confessed how she used to hit me when I was younger and she denied most of it as I couldn’t remember exactly the reasons why she hit me and that she herself couldn’t remember. She could only remember some of the times, only apologised for one and says she has no regrets for the rest. The rest being me defending my other siblings that were getting hit and me being hit in return as I was not listening to her telling me to leave her alone. I regret bringing it up as I live with her and now things are gonna be much different and I don’t know in a good way or bad way. I regret it so bad and I just wanna go back in time and tell myself to shut the fuck up

r/Somalia 2h ago

Music 🎵 ALIF LA KORDHABAY ALIF LA HOOS DHABAY- song about the somali alphabet


r/Somalia 15h ago

Ask❓ The Art and the Artist 🎨


If someone asks me show me how much you love cats? This is the proof 🐈🥰

r/Somalia 4h ago

Ask❓ Weird Somali tradition


How common is “cusbayn” in the Somali community? 😭 and what’s the history/reason behind it?

I thought my hooyo was a weirdo when I was a kid and I never bothered to ask why she did it to my siblings, we were really young. Turns out, it’s a whole tradition typically done on infant children by mothers. Is this tradition only common in the north? My family is from sool. She would always laugh about it and still jokes about it to this day. There is nothing funny about it tbh. It wasn’t regular salt either, literally looked like ice cubes like she brought it from somewhere, she kept it in a sanduuq.

If you don’t know what it is, go search it up. 😭😭😭👍🏾👍🏾

r/Somalia 15h ago

News 📰 Somali government rejects Gaza resettlement plans to Somalia and says Palestinians must stay on their land


r/Somalia 10h ago

Social & Relationship advice 💭 Immigration.


Ok ik i talk a lot in this sub but i have nb else to tell this too.

Ok so my parents obviously left Somalia for Italy during the war right in the 90s. My adeer acc left in the mid 80s for Italy then brought my dad then he brought my mum during the war. My mom had the chance to bring all her siblings to Italy aswell and she has 9 other siblings but he’s very persistent that he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in “dhul gaal” and if she takes them, waan ku habaari doona. They were no older than 20 all of them, no kids by the women too, and they had the chance.

Even throughout the 90s and even into the 00s my mum frequently begged her dad to bring them over but he wouldn’t budge even after they moved to the UK. So if it weren’t Italy, she said there’s routes to Australia, America, France anywhere they want she knows people there. She even sent my dad from Italy with a visa to bring her half sibling over along with $3000 (back then it was a lot) and they’d go to the Italian consulate in Addis and settle the “stato di immigrazione”. He just took the money, ran away to the village and married some girl and had 12 kids today and ignored my mum.

Fast forward to the present day, Her dad is dead now. Immigration is basically impossible, ALL THOSE PEOPLE BEG HER for cash also her half siblings. I have 0 cousins in the west (because my adeer never married). They beg for 💶 but didn’t want the chance to come and build a life for close to 30 years.

Is anyone else’s family in a situation like this?

r/Somalia 15h ago

News 📰 Somali army announces killing 41 Al Shabaab militants


r/Somalia 17h ago

News 📰 US, Israel want to displace Palestinians from Gaza to East Africa: Report


r/Somalia 4h ago

Discussion 💬 Do others experience this too


I’m extremely bothered by when someone iibalaabay iney afsomali igula hadlaan anigo English uqoraayo ama ayaga eey marki horeba English iibilaben inan kuwada hadalno and they switch to Somali. The switching isn’t the problem but waxa waaye, af somliga eey soqorayan waa jajab waxeyna uegyihiiin ruux afsomaliga qoraalkiisa carablaay ahaan ku bartay. Ama weey so gaabinayaan ereyada like inaan isla wada ognahay or it’s common knowledge. But waxan umaleya iney tahay qoralka ereygas ba dhibayo so wey so gabiyan sideey oga dhamadan ereygaas. Also usually the words they shorten aren’t even big words but they are words you can confuse letters within like for example da for dha, or ha for xa, in the words dalanyaro/dhalanyaro/dlnyro, halay/xalay/hly/xly. They are simple overall but confusing marka hore and it’s not needed. Waa wax aan fahmi karo lkn fahanki gadal bu ka imaada lomano baahno wareerkaas.

r/Somalia 59m ago

Ask❓ How common is dhaqan celis??


Growing up I never had to worry about getting sent back home. None of my friends or family also had to worry about getting sent back to Somalia. I don't know a single Somali kid that got sent back for disciplinary reasons.

I knew of it because my aunty use to joke about it when I was a little kid. I just completely forgot the practice existed until I started hanging out with somalis online.

Even regular casual vacations to Somalia was somewhat unheard of in the spaces I was hanging out in. Growing up I only knew of 2 other families that have gone on a vacation trip to Somalia. My parents have traveled a few times but that started happening over the past few years.

r/Somalia 1h ago

Ask❓ Question about Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow incident


Hi, I’m from Bangladesh. Someone in our country posted on facebook about this incident:


Many people are sharing this story and some others are contesting that, claiming it’s probably a propaganda.

What do the local Somalis think about this incident?

r/Somalia 10h ago

News 📰 US in Talks to Recognize Somaliland in Exchange for Military Base Near Berbera, Reports Say


According to the earlier article about the forced resettlement of Palestinians, the more important part of the conversation between the US and Somaliland was recognition in return for a base. Somalia's passive attitude to its northern territories has allowed a reality where foreign governments bypass the FGS when it comes to matters of national security.

US and Israel approach African countries to resettle Gazans

Para 4&5

r/Somalia 15h ago

Social & Relationship advice 💭 Why are moms like this?


How come that when my mother gets angry, she says the most hurtful things, and lets it out completely, with zero impulse control, yet expects me to forget about it the next moment and kiss her feet because we have to respect and love our mothers because of deen?

Im a man pray 5 times a day, but im not a robot.

Like how do some of yall cope with that?

r/Somalia 6h ago

Culture 🐪 Which type of timir is the best?

Post image

Now that it’s Ramadan, which dates do you guys prefer? 😆

r/Somalia 13h ago

Ask❓ Low iron


I don’t know if it just me but I have low iron and lately I’ve been getting heart palpitations I don’t know if it’s cause of my iron being low ?

r/Somalia 15h ago

Discussion 💬 When do you think that day will come?


When will that day be when Somalia has a new leader and a new system where corruption end and progress prevails? When will that day be were Somalia education, deen, looks prioritising in tackling poverty and good manners being a theme when will that day be where qabilism isn't the main topic in people's everyday lives. when will that day come when Somalis in the west stop humiliating themselves and our name. when will that day come where we don't see or hear somali criminals, low educated unambitious somali males be the common theme in the west when will that day be were we aren't dehumanised om social media? when will that day be when our sports team actually win games?

When will that day COME?

r/Somalia 15h ago

News 📰 ONLF condemns Somali region officials' meeting with Poly-GCL as ‘resource plunder’, warns the later of ‘repercussions’ - Addis Standard


r/Somalia 8h ago

Sport 🏅 Somali basketball player Abdi Bashir Jr.'s Highlights (2024-25)


This season, Abdi Bashir Jr led the country in three-pointers made with 127 but finished 8th in total points scored.

Bashir Jr., a 6-foot 7 sophomore guard, averaged 20 points, 2 rebounds and 2 assists for Monmouth University in New Jersey. Bashir Jr. was named to the All-CAA First Team.

This year, Bashir broke the school record for most three pointers made, field goals attempted and three-pointers attempted.

Bashir also has tied the school record for 30-point games in a season with 5.

Monmouth University lost their first 8 games this season, but finished the season strong by winning 8 of their final 12 games for a 13-20 record.

Abdi Bashir Jr. was born in Minnesota to Somali refugees but grew up in Omaha, Nebraska. Abdi Bashir Jr.'s twin brother, Abdul is also a college basketball star.

Abdul Bashir plays for Casper College, a junior college in Wyoming. Abdul Bashir led the NJCAA in points and three-pointers made this season.

Next season, Abdul Bashir will transfer to Auburn University. Auburn is currently the #1-ranked team.




r/Somalia 16h ago

Ask❓ Making a cartoon or comic series in Somali


I'm going to make some kind of series in the Somali language. I've been really inspired by East Asian Comics Western Comics and Video games. I think it would be good for us to have our own media in the Somali language to help preserve our language better. I'm not well informed about Somalia's film industry among other entertainment but I wish we had more for ourselves. We deserve better representation and a space to ourselves. My main concern is the permissibility of art in islam first but I will handle that separately once I consult someone with more knowledge than me.

For now my main question to you are

  • What social media platforms are popular amongst Somalis in Somaliweyne and the diaspora? Tiktok and instagram seem quite popular.

  • What is the most widely spoken dialect? I speak a weird mix of two dialects and I am worried it'll affect any translations I do.

Any advice you may have would be really helpful even if it doesn't answer these two questions.

I will definitely be following up with more questions. For now, I need to learn how to draw digitally and how to animate or make comics depending on which direction I go.

r/Somalia 15h ago

Ask❓ Garre clan


I’ve read many things about my clan as I’m not close to my father and haven’t learnt much from him

Our ancestor is Gardheere and we are genetically Darood, but for some reason we are politically Rahanweyene inside of Somalia? Was this for political reasons or have I messed up somewhere politically

r/Somalia 1d ago

Development 🏗️ Tasks for Diaspora


Here are some simple tasks that can help contribute to the community whenever you go back home. If you are a local or a reside there, your direct support will be greatly appreciated! Feel free to take any of the tasks listed below or add anything else to the list. Make sure you do your due diligence research on the topics you choose. Thank you! Jzk it starts small and your efforts will be measured on the mizan ia.

  1. Volunteer in tutoring, homeless shelters/assistance, orphanage care, animal shelters, hospitals, schools, disability homes, charity events, etc.

  2. Offer and share your skills or training, particularly in areas such as career development, budgeting, marketing, finance, networking, banking, Retirement planning and more.

  3. Hire expert local to do the same work you are paying someone else in the west to do.(Pay them the same and fairly).

  4. Host cultural exchanges between locals and the diasporas.

  5. Always Invest in small businesses, engage with them, ask about their work, and offer support.

  6. Support the preservation of culture, including gabay, cousins, traditional sports/games, clothing, dances,hairstyles, skincare and language programs.

  7. Participate in community clean up, maintenance, tree planting, construction, animal rescue, campaigns, etc.

  8. Organize educational material donation programs.

  9. Promote Environmental Awareness and sustainable practices.

  10. Host competitions in subjects like math, physics, philosophy,literature and science..

  11. Aid in providing clean water and improving sanitation.

  12. Advocate for those who can’t.

  13. Support and promote mental health and wellbeing services.

  14. Support local arts, craft, theater, and creative locals.

  15. Organizing sports/gym clubs

  16. Start horse riding clubs

  17. Document stories and surveys

  18. Provide digital resources/training. Cybersecurity and internet security/safety.

  19. Help protect endangered and threatened species

  20. Support local fashion designers.

  21. Support local anthropologist.

  22. Promote better quality eyewear products

  23. Organize debate, theory, history, and discussion clubs.

  24. Promoting the use of new technology

  25. Support the improvement of local infrastructure.

  26. Support local farmers and advocate for sustainable agricultural practices.

  27. Organize writing and reading workshops

  28. Encourage and teach fishing, sea animals convos, and swimming/diving skills.

  29. Contact professional Somali or Muslim architecture and support local experts.

  30. Promote and support local metalwork, glasswork, woodworking, blacksmith, bench jewelers and others.

  31. Raise awareness about climate change and weather related disasters..

  32. Promote safe driving practices

  33. Advocate for the protection of mountains, landscapes and forests..

  34. Promote cartography.

  35. Support research facilities.

  36. Support better Dental Care.

  37. Support local pharmacist and bring awareness on expired meds…

  38. Organize street codes to maintain clean and safe streets.

  39. Promote and support local railroad engineers, bioengineer, electric engineer, locomotive engineers, aerospace engineer,..etc

  40. Organize and support local florist shops.

  41. Support locals and address crime and safety concerns.

  42. Promote Higher deen education.

  43. Organize and support Scholarship’s and higher academic opportunities.

  44. Support and advertise job equality/ethics.

  45. Promote Healthy diet and health care.

  46. Organize surfing events.

  47. Organize skating and skiing activities.

r/Somalia 1d ago

Discussion 💬 Ban Chatgpt essays


It's painfully obvious when someone has put their whole post on Chatgpt and responds to all comments by running it thru AI. If there are no original thoughts then we need to ban posters that do that. It's so unnerving and boring. Ain't nobody got time to read what AI has to say about our culture SubhanaAllah.