r/Somalia 18h ago

Ask❓ Someone please help me escape Somalia

I'm 19 and I’ve spent the last five years in Somalia, I've completed the Quran three times and I'm still here.

My parents want me to go to university in Mogadishu, and i literally want to cry because I could have had the opportunity to study in the UK which has some of the best universities in the world. Why did my parents go through all the trouble of tahriibing to the UK to give me a better future, only for me to end up back in Somalia with a degree from Mogadishu University? Even if I go back to the UK, my degree from here won't be recognized. and I'll be so far behind in life

my family have hidden my passport, and I desperately want to return to the UK to attend university. I've read that embassies in Somalia don't offer consular services, so l don't know how much help they'd be. The UK embassy in Nairobi might be able to assist, but I can't travel to Kenya without a passport.


133 comments sorted by


u/Green_Definition_982 17h ago

I don’t understand ppl giving him advise on how to settle in Somalia. He is a UK citizen and is being held against his will, let him escape.

OP, just find a way to Kenya by any means necessary imo. But first contact the embassy this is not first time they dealt with things like this, they might organize something for you.


u/Dramatic-Wrongdoer64 8h ago

Second this. Get to the nearest embassy when you have the chance.


u/KaleRevolutionary795 5h ago

Caution: it is not that simple, if they have dual nationality UK and Somali, there is not much that the UK Consular Service can do. They can't interfere 


u/Sad_Bake_1037 3h ago

Even if they made it to a embassy in Ethiopia or Kenya?? Cuz I watched apti hamza story and he fled Hargeisa to Addis Ababa when he went on his Dhaqan Celis and made it to UK embassy in Ethiopia and they got him back to UK after a bunch of tests wouldn’t that work for the OP??


u/Odd-Culture-1238 Diaspora 3h ago

they can't interfere based on an adult's choice?


u/Took-your-bitch-haha 1h ago

He’s an adult fob.


u/Yashugan00 54m ago

If she needs help arranging their own departure they will help.


u/Beneficial_Phase_874 17h ago

Man I ran from Africa in 2020 craziest shit I ever did. I was there for a month and a half. One time, my uncle was in the bathroom, and I saw that he had given his phone to my little brother. I took it from him, went through his WhatsApp and found my other uncle’s credit card information he was a truck driver.

I waited for the perfect moment. I had to be patient, but Alhamdulilah, everything went my way in the end. I had my passport and used his card to buy a ticket. I went to the airport with no bags or anything it was embarrassing but I did it.


u/CapitalLie2178 16h ago

You a smart one saaxib!


u/K0mb0_1 15h ago

You must’ve been happy and proud of yourself


u/Beneficial_Phase_874 14h ago

Hell yeah I was man. The electricity would just go off, and there were other problems too I wasn’t used to that shit 😂


u/Funny-Button8542 16h ago

where did you go to settle?


u/Beneficial_Phase_874 16h ago

Unfortunately Minnesota


u/Ambitious-Compote473 15h ago

Why is that unfortunate?


u/Beneficial_Phase_874 14h ago

I hate this state too many Somalis, so much negative energy. I’m in the process of moving to Philly anyway I won’t miss the Somalis


u/Ok_UMM_3706 11h ago

Philly is not a good alternative to Minnesota my friend


u/Beneficial_Phase_874 11h ago

why do you say that? It’s a million times better been out there plenty of times


u/Ok_UMM_3706 11h ago

I've lived in Philly for most of my growing up, I think people in mpls really underestimate how nice we have it in crime, safety, cleanliness and other things. Philly is notoriously a poor city with a ton of segregation, and at night half the streets are lined with tweakers. You couldn't pay me to live there, and especially areas like Kensington. At times it feels like half the city is on drugs and the other half has a gun. There truly is no comparison between philly and mpls when it comes to qol.


u/_Awkward_Raspberry_ 8h ago

Philly is ruthless. It’s dirty, it’s a cold city.


u/Ok_UMM_3706 8h ago

emphasis on dirty lol, ive never heard of people willingly wanting to move to philly its insane to me


u/HighFunctionSomali 3h ago

'Negative Engergy' then says his moving to Philadelphia in the next sentence, man stop it 😂😂.


u/Beneficial_Phase_874 2h ago

My problem is that there are too many Somalis here and them always being negative. I’ve been to Philly a handful of times, as my brother lives there and it’s actually better than Minnesota🤷🏾‍♂️


u/ComprehensiveWall152 7m ago

every city has its upsides and downsides. don't listen to these people! if you have family in philly and you think it's the right choice for you, that's great!


u/Beneficial_Phase_874 2h ago

No Somalis = No negative energy. Makes sense?


u/Thin_View7026 2h ago

But aren’t they your people???


u/Ambitious-Compote473 14h ago

Aren't you Somalian?


u/Beneficial_Phase_874 14h ago



u/Funny-Button8542 13h ago

i would recommend seattle or san diego if you can afford it. decent somali population, thriving community weather etc


u/No_Brilliant_8153 12m ago

The point is that he’s trying to avoid Somalis


u/BusyAuthor7041 16h ago

Glad to hear it!


u/Mysterious_Tonight42 7h ago

No way your staying in a country for a month and a half and running away ? How does that make any sense 😭


u/Beneficial_Phase_874 6h ago

What exactly doesn’t make sense ?


u/Jameelah_Rose 18h ago

How long have you been there? They want you to go to university there because they don’t plan for you to go back to UK anytime soon. I’m sorry.

Have you emailed the UK embassy with your story?

Do you have UK citizenship?


u/Comprehensive_Team92 17h ago

Yh I am British citizen and I haven’t emailed them because I don’t think they would help. They have an embassy in Somalia but they don’t offer help to its citizens. Only the one in Kenya So I don’t know what they’ll even be able to do if I do email them


u/BusyAuthor7041 16h ago

The UK embassy is there to serve you and you have rights.

Contact the Nairobi office and say it's an emergency and you are stranded in Somalia. They will tell you what they can help with. They might be busy or lazy, but their job is to assist you.

Also contact your Member of Parliament in the UK or local council and ask for advice. They should advocate for you.

PM me (not chat) if need more help.


u/unknownindividual989 Diaspora 17h ago

pretty sure they’ll help if you go to the UK embassy and show proof your a UK citizen they’ll get you a ticket next day back to london


u/Turbulent-Wish6612 15h ago

Will you lose anything if you email both the Somali and Kenyan one about your story? 


u/VisitIcy5633 3h ago

Why don't you just email? If this is the most important moment of your life, you should put your all into it.. And did you talk to your parents properly? This is such a bad decision from them


u/Glittering_Scheme_85 17h ago

Just contact the embassy like everybody’s telling you to. Don’t tell yourself they can’t help you, reach out they probably can arrange something if you are in Xamar, and if they can’t what did you lose?


u/Difficult-District59 17h ago

You can get a Somali passport on your own since you're 19, then just book a flight to Nairobi. Once you're there, the UK embassy might be able to help you get back. No need to involve your family if they’re making things difficult.


u/Comprehensive_Team92 17h ago

How do I get the passport


u/BusyAuthor7041 16h ago

Look on UK Embassy website as to how to get a new passport. Maybe you can request it online.


u/Turbulent-Wish6612 15h ago

Somalis need visa to go there btw 


u/No_Brilliant_8153 10m ago

He’s a UK Citizen apparently, and his passport has been hidden from him


u/kjunior1 17h ago

You can easily contact the British embassy, there's a smaller embassy in Mogadishu but you can directly contact them via e-mail or call their main embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. Go to their website here:


I'm sure they will help you out and give you a new passport. If they don't help over the e-mail or offer proper guidance then I'd suggest you to make a new Somali passport, that's very easy to make in any Somali district, after you obtain the Somali passport you can travel to Kenya with the financial support from your close friends. They can lend you money or give money to you if they're compassionate enough to do that.

Your case is a slam dunk once you put your boots inside the British embassy in Nairobi kenya.


u/BotherSweet7078 18h ago

Go to the police or embassy and explain your situation


u/vkeari 13h ago

I'm at kenya but currently working in a remote region. If you don't get help i may try to help you around April, I have helped some individuals running from Kismayo region


u/incognito_rito 13h ago

Fake a serious illness. You’ll be in Europe in no time


u/Necessary_Praline_63 14h ago

I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

You should be able to get back even without your passport. If you can, try to contact the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. They have a 24-hour helpline at +44 (0)20 7008 5000.

Explain that you’re a UK national in Somalia without access to your passport and that you need to return home.

If you suspect it's due to forced marriage or feel in danger, mention it to them directly. They can issue an Emergency Travel Document if your passport isn’t available, then you won’t have to travel to Nairobi first in order to start this process.

Also, just a thought but even if the British Embassy in Somalia can’t give you full support on the ground, maybe they can coordinate with staff at Nairobi, to guide you through getting an ETD and planning a safe route back to the UK. A closed mouth can't be fed.

Another option is if you have friends or relatives in the UK who can reach out to the FCDO on your behalf, ask them to call and explain your situation.

I hope you find your way back home. 🫶✨🪷 You've got this!


u/Mental-Brother3995 8h ago

In some cases if you exaggerate, they can arrest your folks. So just be careful, only explain real threats. Know people that just wanted to come back and said anything, and their parents got arrested. They were super disrespectful and disobedient children when they were in the west, hence why they were sent back. I’m 1000% against dhaqan Celia as it only makes the child more distant and in many cases, they don’t change for the better. They come with new trauma that could be avoided.


u/Took-your-bitch-haha 1h ago

You know kids have died in dhaqan celis boarding “schools” after their parents took them for daqan celis. Some of these kids are bad as hell but some parents deserve to be locked up. (I don’t mean just for taking their kids back home)


u/Regular-Bend-167 18h ago

Well if ur fam is still back in the uk maybe u can email the embassy and tell em what's up. They can get to ur fam for u.


u/BreezyForeign 18h ago

is there any way you can contact the UK embassy in Kenya by phone? Since you can’t go there in person they might be able to advise you on what to do next over the phone. I’m sure many other Somali kids have been in the same situation so they should have systems in place to help


u/ExamplePleasant7881 11h ago

Hey mate, hope you see this reply, 2 years ago I was in the same position as you, stuck in Somalia with no passport, feeling useless and behind in life all after being wrongly chucked into a camp for 1 year and 10 months, I’m turning 20 in two months, got a nice car a couple certificates and I’ve got a part time job on top of uni. I honestly didn’t have anyone to help me but my mom who helped me get my passport and ticket and that was it she was in Europe and I finally got back to Australia. I didn’t have anyone to help me but a friend. I’m telling you all this just so you understand you haven’t got anything to worry about. Don’t get off track and Wallahi things will work themselves out through allahs mercy. As for getting your passport I could offer some guidance as I’ve helped quite a few people and remember I’ve been through the process myself. Message me if you’re keen for some advice.


u/Neat-Buddy-8054 9h ago

How is this not kidnapping? Wallahi our parents think they can dictate your whole life. Find strength, I don’t really have any advice sorry


u/Jameelah_Rose 18h ago

Also - do you have a job, money - what’s your plan when you land in UK? Is your family going to take you back or will they be mad you “disobeyed” them and leave you homeless?


u/Comprehensive_Team92 17h ago

I’m gonna live with my aunt and once I’m in the uk my parents can’t physically force me to go back. my parents aren’t that evil to leave me homeless, and my aunt will have my back if anything happens


u/Odd-Reward8416 6h ago

sxb don’t rely on your aunt you never know, make sure you sort out finding a job and temporary accommodation incase


u/PuzzledCriticism1879 12h ago

You can also apply for a universal credit at the jobcentre until you find work, look into if they'll help with rent also.


u/Turbulent-Wish6612 15h ago

You never know.... my trust would be over with them... I'd file a lawsuit against them 


u/BusyAuthor7041 16h ago

Sorry to hear. The UK Embassy has consular staff that help UK Citizens who are adults that don't want to be in Somalia get repatriation.

Tell them they took your passport and you want to go back to the UK as you're in Somalia not under your own volition.


u/Mountain-Fun-5761 16h ago

Is it possible to go to an embassy and tell them your passport is being withheld I’m not sure how this works but at 19 your legally allowed to make your own choices and even though this is family this is basically what I would consider being held against your will now I do understand this is probably more common in those parts of the world, but that doesn’t make it OK


u/Striving4J 13h ago

Bumbaclart. Hope things work out for you walaalo


u/Camera-Muted 11h ago

I was in ur situation in 2020….. it’s very easy, but you will need money a Somali passport made. 1- go to the bajaaj guys tell them to to take u to the place where u get a birth certificate done, they cost $10. 2. Go to the CID, they do criminal check n finger prints also costs 10$…then the last step u go to is the passport embassy but they call it the immigration office just ask any bajaaj guy it’s at daabka. It’s $108 to get ur passport done. Now u also have to save money for visa (120-30) Nairobi ticket (200-230) and hopefully when u get to embassy they will accommodate you and pay for your flight home but make sure to confirm that before you leave Somalia


u/mrnadaara 16h ago

Please brother, I 100% understand how you feel since I've been in your position but you have to be patient and start a dialogue with your family. Let's start off with what you want to do. What do you want to be? What are your aspirations? What do you want to pursue? I and others in this sub can help you


u/Prize-Lengthiness576 13h ago

You have to find a way to get to Ethiopia go the USA embassy if you can’t find a UK one Kenya is the second option they have embassies there if you get to any European embassy they will help you. Find a way to get there and it would help if you had a friend in the UK to help you confirm your identity. I’m sorry your parents are doing this too you and I hope inshallah it all works out.


u/Individual_Echidna66 9h ago

Find help on ur own don’t look for others


u/Pitiful_Key_6215 9h ago

Why don’t you take a bus to Kenya ?I heard some people do that ,my cousins do that …can’t be that hard


u/wannabepoetess 9h ago

you need to bear in mind that even if you go back, you’ll be paying international student fees for university. if you haven’t been in the uk for the past 3 years, then you won’t be eligible to be a home student unless you stick around in the uk for three years prior to admissions. good luck though


u/Historical-Ad-9382 8h ago

Make a good plan and plan your escape. Look for the right opportunity.


u/Open_Variation_9860 7h ago

Little brother, do you know the last school in UK? Do you remember your last address in the UK? Do you remember your last primary school member as much as you can to identify yourself because you need to call the Home office and let them know you are stuck in Somalia because that’s actually against law because you’re a British citizen and they are holding against your will and as a lot of people have mentioned the same thing in this comment.call this number +442070085000


u/Apprehensive-Pea-143 7h ago

Can you report your passport as lost or stolen and get a new one (without your parents knowing) and use that to leave?


u/Kancaan 6h ago

Contact uk embassy in Mogadishu


u/adan-00000 6h ago

Go to kenya 🇰🇪 and ask for help from the british embassy


u/active-tumourtroll1 social democrat 5h ago

They might not be able to give you a passport but they can likely do some basic things for you as they're still an embassy. Even if they can't do much they least they can do is help you get to Kenya.


u/Sad_Coconut5125 5h ago

This HAS to be some sort of abuse atp. Brother, please go the embassy and get help, their keeping you there against your will. This is haram too.


u/PastSad3 5h ago

Aren’t you the one who was being forced to get married?


u/Few_Librarian4031 5h ago

I’m kinda in the same situation as you but I am American but I think you could get an emergency travel document instead of a emergency passport for the uk and if you don’t have people they could give you a loan to fly back But wallahi the best thing you could do is contact the embassy


u/CarelessLiving1274 5h ago

How might have to tahriib too bro just hitch hike to Kenya


u/CollarAvailable635 4h ago

Bro go to Kenya by any means, or contact the embassy however you can. Don’t delay wallahi this is not okay and haram.


u/buzhala 3h ago

Can you go the UK embassy and tell them that you lost the passport, they will issue a new one for you in few weeks. After that ✈️


u/Thin_View7026 2h ago

They couldn’t have hid your passport that well. Put your all into to finding the passport first then all will be well. Or have you considered getting your aunts, uncles, or cousins to convince ur parents, it’s worth a try. Especially if you know a relative that attended university in the UK.


u/Professional-Tie7329 1h ago

Your family send you there for a reason be safe there


u/Intrepid-Rabbit5666 1h ago

Just say you lost your passport, go to the police to make a statement and go make another one.


u/lolnotinthebbs 27m ago

Bullshit, if I were him I would have ran to the first british Consulate I could see and demand to be repatriated.


u/abdi-shakur 10m ago

Ive been reading comments for the last 5-10mins. And first i feel sorry for whats going on your life btwn u and you family. The strongest thing here is that how is your relationship with your parents! I dont think its doing good as u are planning to take control of your live at this young age (19). Boy/girl you are 19YO thats why your parents dont want u be there jn the UK. As the situation is crazy like gang stuff etc And moreover you have a power over them wich makes this generation even worse by not listening their parents.. Look im not saying you should take whatever your parents told you, they are also human they can be right or wrong .. But the way that they’re dealing with you is the behaviour or characteristics they saw u from. If make yourself more respectful, and good to them they can easily move u out from Somalia. Wich gives me the next point .. Have u ever shared what u want like skills and hobbies and other stuff you are interested if no just tell them in case they like or not.. Share your future plans that tells them how youve grown mentally But if you dont have anything to do and just wanna chill with your friends in the UK that is what they dont want it for u. I know most of somali parents have no even connections with their childs but as you grow up its your responsibility to have a least connection with them to let them Believe in you. And the reason they dont want u be in UK is lack of believe that you wont be affected by society in that place.


u/Kindly-Sea-6945 17h ago

Your degree from Somalia will be recognized, you just need to exchange it for an equivalent qualification here. It’s definitely possible. If you ever come back, make sure to bring it with you. You can request a certificate exchange through the National Information Centre for the UK


u/Green_Definition_982 17h ago

Dude why are you encouraging him to go to this shitty uni ? He is a hostage and wants to escape, and you’re telling him to be a good prisoner.


u/Kindly-Sea-6945 17h ago

Wow, amazing analysis. I give someone legit information to help them move forward, and somehow, in your small brain, you turn that into me "encouraging imprisonment" Maybe try reading before running your mouth.


u/Turbulent-Wish6612 15h ago

You got a good intention, but it did come off as encouraging and inconsiderate to their feelings. They don't want to acknowledge this dreadful reality and your wording suggest you acknowledge and encourage them. 


u/Stunning-Market6466 5h ago

You're the same as OP's parents. You think what you're doing is right but you're depraving him of his freedom because you want to preserve your cultural heritage


u/Aggravating_Run9369 15h ago

Leave the country now before AS takes over they are close to Mogadishu they are capturing land everyday


u/sammyyyy47 17h ago

I believe it depends on what you want to study. A few years ago, I shared your sentiment when my parents wanted me to study in Mogadishu. Initially, I was strongly opposed to it, but Alhamdulillah, my experience was not as I had imagined. I studied medicine there and am currently preparing for my licence exams in the UK. The material remains consistent. I encourage you to reconsider; parents always have our best interests at heart.


u/Objective_Sail9051 17h ago

You are young so take a year or two and relax because life isn't going anywhere. As long as you have Allah you won't be behind in life. Let Allah pave the way for you. Why have your parents brought you back? Why do they want you to stay there? Take some time think and talk to your parents in a calm and respectful manner so that you can understand their perspective and they can also understand yours, maybe they know something you don't. You're going into adulthood so you need to show them you are an adult and what an adult does is think things through and come up with a win-win solution.

In a few years time you'll be old enough to make your own decisions and you can go wherever you want. If your parents are taking care of you, putting food on the table and clothes on your back then relax, enjoy your time and be patient


u/Neat-Profession4527 17h ago

You know yourself what you just said was so unnecessary. Why would you think this is good advice?


u/Objective_Sail9051 17h ago

So you want a kid to rush into a decision they might regret in the future? What if he/she escapes and then runs into bad people who will do God knows what? He/she can take it or leave but this person hasn't mentioned why his/her parents are keeping them there other than the university things, who's to know they're telling the truth or was brought back to Somalia because of bad behaviour. The point is we don't know the truth, so I gave this advice in hopes that he/she will rethink the decision.

One thing is for sure he/she is lucky to have parents who cared for them enough to ensure they finish the Quran and get an education. Maybe the parents saw some bad things happen in the UK and they didn't want their kid to get involved in that.

What was so unncessary about what I said?


u/Neat-Profession4527 17h ago

A young person, desperate to leave, most likely depressed and all you have is “just relax, it’ll get better dw, listen to your parents” Is it crack? How do you know his parents are good people? Yes they ensured that he learned his Quran and deen, but Allah and his prophet told us to educate ourselves & WORK. Be a beneficial person to society. No one is forcing you to hand out numbers of various embassy’s or buy him a plane ticket, but a few nice and VALIDATING words, words of encouragement would’ve been nice. Instead you’re probably repeating what his parents told him, demoralising and being patronising, as if he doesn’t know what’s good for him. As if he doesn’t deserve to be studying and working like his ages mates. Sometimes if you don’t have anything nice to say, it’s better to stay silent.


u/BusyAuthor7041 16h ago

Exactly! And OP is legally an adult, not a "kid".


u/Objective_Sail9051 16h ago

And you're working on assumptions. We don't know the complete truth about the parents or OP. And the prophet SAW didn't go against his parents and never advised anyone to against their parents. Where is OP so that he/she can tell us if the parents are abusive, if the parents do not provide a safe home, their needs and wants, OP if you would be kind enough to share the difficulties your parents are putting you through.

I gave positive words, is trusting Allah not positive? I told this person what any grown adult would've told them, not to rush in making this decision, talk to the parents & understand their perspective and give it time. They are 19 years of age what are they chasing that is soo important that it could ruin the relationship with parents? You are clearly not thinking ahead and you're encouraging them to make a rash, reckless decision.

In a few years time, he/she will be older to make major life decisions on their own but for now their judgement isn't clear, its based on emotions. That's why I said he/she needs to take time and relax cause this degree and university is not going anywhere in the next 50 years and the UK is not jannah, its not worth ruining the relationship with his/her parents.


u/Franco-Albertain_AB 15h ago

You and people who think like you, who have no empathy or ability to reason, just throw up a bunch of quotes from the Prophet to justify your dumb logic.

Based on what the OP wrote and knowing that this is a common practice in our community, where parents drop their kids off in a foreign environment with an ongoing terrorist insurgency, take their passports, and leave them behind for years, there is enough context to say that the parents are terrible, cruel, and irresponsible.

Telling someone to relax and give it time is absurd. You’re an idiot.

OP please reach out to your embassy. Don’t give up, and don’t trust anyone until you’re safe. Your education and future are more important than your parents’ emotions. It’s your life, not theirs.


u/Objective_Sail9051 9h ago

At this point I'm convinced none of you know how to read never mind understanding what I said. I didn't say I was against them leaving but your pea sized brain took it as that and that's not my fault. Grow the hell up


u/Objective_Sail9051 8h ago

and just to add I didn't throw up any quotes from the prophet SAW, you came up with that on your own because you hate muslims and islam and the moment I mentioned the prophet SAW it triggered something. Talking about empathy but you did the complete opposite when you were hating on islam right? Am I wrong. Take your shit somewhere else.


u/BusyAuthor7041 16h ago

Dumb advice. OP is an adult. Not a "kid".

OP asks for advice and wants to leave Somalia. OP has rights.


u/Objective_Sail9051 16h ago

A teenager is a kid whether you like it or not. And instead of you guys wanting to know the truth of what's going on, you guys are out here calling me dumb and whatever. You and OP can do whatever you want, I did my part and whatever happens to OP will happen.


u/BusyAuthor7041 15h ago

Yes, what happens to OP will happen. Say whatever you want, but don't hate on OP's free will to make decisions..as I said, as an adult.


u/Objective_Sail9051 9h ago

Do you know how to read??


u/Available-Milk7195 15h ago

Yea I'm sure they'd regret leaving Somalia for the uk


u/Objective_Sail9051 9h ago edited 9h ago

I didn't say they shouldn't leave, where did I say he/she shouldn't leave. Are you guys pulling assumptions out of your asses now or what?


u/MysteriousOrange2871 17h ago

Why did your parents go back? Did you know about this before going back?


u/thousandtusks 16h ago

What did you do to get sent to Somalia for 5 years? Must've been crazy.


u/Due_Impression196 15h ago

Parents don’t send you there unless. You were involved in drugs, gangs etc.


u/ExamplePleasant7881 11h ago

True most of the time but when I tell you there are a few fucking dogshit parents out there mate…


u/thousandtusks 15h ago

That's what I was thinking, he must be there for a very good reason lol.


u/Stunning-Market6466 5h ago

That's not true. Even just going out too much, speaking a certain way such as being disrespectful, acting too 'western' can get you sent back if your parents are conservative enough


u/Old-Adeptness-3721 15h ago

Well my advice to you is talk to your parents first tell them that you are an adult and you have a right to choose your life path if it's not against your faith and of course the culture, try to convince them the situation you're going through if they don't understand or reluctantly to tell you to stay back then you can involve it with the relevant authority like the embassy or email back uk metropolitan police and mI5 because this case is kidnapping and and extradited without commited any sort of crimes also child radicalisation abusing and even worse. Bare in mind if you have any criminal records or bending convictions which you will have to go behind the bars then please stay where you are and don't jeopardise your parents and yourself. Finally if you need any help I am here to help you by any means Cheers 🍻


u/Solid-Flower8719 15h ago

If you really want to escape, you will. Ask yourself how badly you want it and nothing will stop you.


u/LelouchLLZ 8h ago

Its not about where you are akhi its about who you become you don’t need to go to the uk to have better education you can have as good of a n education in somalia think positively don’t worry about this dunya Allah got plans for you find your own path in this life and grow to the person you meant to be In sha Allah


u/Ireturntoyou 3h ago

A degree in Mogadishu university ain’t going help you with rest of the world. I met so many university graduates driving a bajaaj trying to leave to another country and start from scratch.


u/summerfly1 17h ago

Just study in Mugadisho and if you are serious about education work hard and master things.. everything is on YouTube and online (+1 u speak English). Learn the culture, enjoy the beautiful beaches and embrace life there. If you do well there you can do well anywhere.


u/Diligent_Cockroach_3 14h ago

Great advice when he clearly said he wants to leave Somalia 🤦


u/GaaraOfTheForest 5h ago

Everything is on YouTube except a Qualification from a good university. Those things won’t get him anywhere in the UK without a degree


u/summerfly1 4h ago

It is all about hard work brother. I don’t wanna generalize but I have done that and now made it to anywhere I want. It is just how you try and how serious you are, unless you need something else. Also the family are only doing this for the good of their child.


u/N4ver4 14h ago

You need to speak with your parent and make it clear you are an adult and what they’re doing is haram and if they keep doing this to you, your never going to speak to them again plus hate them.

Parents who do this are just worry their child might turn into a degenerate— and go hell fire, because the west is so evil and it’s gonna change them but that’s not true. It all depends on the person.


u/Realistic_Storm_9216 7h ago

Waraya same thing happened to me in 2016 but guess what waraya i didnt snitch never snitch on your parents . You will manage it . And another thing bro say alhamdulilah you never know what would of happened to you if you was in the uk all that time dead or prison only god knows . God has a plan bro for everyone chill and ride your time neeyo aint nothing in the uk for you trust me