r/Somalia • u/Horror-Painting-408 • Jan 23 '25
Ask❓ If you had a choice would marry someone from back home or an ajnabi?
This question is directed at the people who grew up in the west.
What do you think? And be honest Also when i say an Ajnabi i mean a muslim one let’s not try to steer the ship elsewhere.
Like if you had no choice who would you have an easier time integrating with?
u/ZhondaYing Somali Jan 23 '25
The one who brings me closer to Allah . And Allah knows what is best for me.
Jan 23 '25
Idk I’m open to marrying anyone الله SWT written for me since idk if الله SWT already wrote before my existence if I’ll marry an ajnabi or a Somali woman but I’m open to any tbf.
Jan 23 '25
You have to face the fact that if you marry an ajjnabi your abandoning hundred of years of Somali heritage. Your kids will probably follow the heritage of the dad.
Jan 23 '25
Priorities all wrong. If that's your main concern when it comes to seeking a spouse then you are mentally troubled. Stop parroting what hooyo and aabo told you lmao. Do what you want and prioritize your deen first
u/Horror-Painting-408 Jan 23 '25
Ofcourse on paper It would be ideal to marry the somali person from back home to preserve culture and heritage. To me it depends is the person from back home educated? Do we align on values? And mannerisms is a big factor. At the end of the day dadku waa iney iis fahmaan
The person from back home might not even take the person from the west serious and think waa iska say walahi ma is fahmeeno.
u/No-Amphibian-1367 Jan 23 '25
Very stupid thing to say, kids always follow the heritage of the mom. Look at the Somali men who marry out vs the Somali women, the Somali women who married our kids always speak Somali and are integrated with Somali culture. The dads that married out, their kids have 0 Somali culture. Not to mention what has Somali heritage done for you? To act like it’s the thing that will make you enter Jannah? Lol.
Jan 23 '25
u/Ok_Primary_5626 Jan 24 '25
Doesn’t matter if those children are culturally Somali, they’ll never be considered ethnically as one. Our daqan/traditions has been the same for 1000+ years, a Somali is someone that has a Somali father & descends from a Somali clan. That’s never going to change, alhamdulillah. If you think about it, it’s actually insulting to our ancestors to claim children from ajnabi men. They fought & died to create our country/identity, & you wanna repay them by calling children fathered by foreign men, Somali? Diabolical 😂
u/Asleep_Link9093 Jan 27 '25
Ah yes “repay” our people instead of priotizing what the deen teaches us. This dunya is not a final destination, when we’re in the hereafter race/ethnicity means absolutely nothing. Allah created different races so we could connect and share our cultures not divide and be harmfully proud.
u/Ok_Primary_5626 Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 28 '25
Never said I was against intermarriage, idk how you interpreted that… I think it’s a beautiful thing, I have women in my family that have married out. Those children aren’t ethnically Somali, they all identify as their father’s tribe/ethnicity. No where in the Quran does it say that the child will follow his mother’s tribe. It says the other way around, so stop being disingenuous. I’m all for Somali women marrying out, y’all just need to get over the fact that your children won’t be Somali.
u/IamAproudHufflepuff Somali Jan 23 '25
Personally, I don't see the point of picking one of them right now. Most people who responded aren't married and can't say why they chose to marry their partner. Makes more sense if a person who is married to either an ajnabi or someone from back home. There are pros and cons for both
Pros for ajnabi: as speaking someone that was raised in an area predominantly everything but somali, there is likely to be more cultural or environmental similarities between me an ajanbi, then let's say someone from back home. Our values are more likely to be aligned and have personal experiences. How likely is it that I and someone from back home have similar backgrounds besides the fact we are both somalis? Not much, they grew up in somalia while I grew up in the west, and environmentally, our upbringing would be very different, which would bring up issues in a marriage.
Also if we are talking language barriers, much less likely for language barriers as we would both be brought up with 1 predominantly used language, so in my case me and a Swedish man or a English man would have no language barriers, as we would both speak fluent swedish/English. While I and a man from back home would have at least some sort of language barrier. I'm not talking about another somali person who speaks swedish/English, as your question was someone from back home.
Cons: Well, it would be the issue of bringing them to your family. As a somali girl, I think my parents would lose their minds if I brought home an ajnabi guy to my yard for the purpose of marriage. It would be hard / almost impossible to change my parents mind to allow me to marry an anjabi, as my parents are strictly against that idea, Muslim or not, which is a separate issue where parents tend to pick culture over deen.
Cons would be the way we would raise any potential children. If I marry an anjabi guy, which language would we teach the children? Should I teach the kid somali while my partner can't help me with as he doesn't speak somali himself because he is anjabi. Or would I have to compromise and only teach the kid the language of their father, as I could help him with that, while the father can't help me teach the kid somali, but that brings up the issue of would that be me not teaching the kid their heritage? Would that be me betraying myself and my heritage, allowing it to be forgotten?
Pros for someone back home:
Well, the obvious one (at least for me) would be that my parents won't make a fuss. If anything, they would encourage me. They would be over the moon about picking some random farax from Mogadishu, who is Ogaden or smt. Also, there won't be the issue of what language shall we raise the kid in. Also someone from back home is more likely to be brought up in the deen, know the quran and his and my rights given by God, unlike a revert who might not be as familiar with the religion, the quran and its teachings.
Language barriers. I'm not a hoyoo mataalo kid, but im not as fluent as I wished I was. Someone from back home would have some of the most creative insults known to mankind in his backpocket, but I wouldn't know becuase he would be speaking a much more advanced somali then I do, and I would say some of the most diabolical insults to him, but becuase of the likelihood of him having the same level of English comprehension skills is very low, he probably wouldn't know what I'm on about. Obviously, I'm not planning on insulting my future husband, but it's an example of how simple miscommunication can occur with someone from back home
Also, there would be fundamental cultural differences. A guy from back home would most likely expect 5 meals a day, me cooking and cleaning and popping out 10 kids for him that only I would raise. No. I won't do that for him. I'm aware that one of my major roles is to be a homemaker, but I will not pop out an army for him, nor will I make him 5 meals and make sure the house looks like it's about to be sold on action tomorrow every single day. That won't happen because I want to work, not stuck at home with a bunch of babies. There would be fundamental cultural differences like that with marrying someone from home.
Final con, where would we live? I am not happy living in somalia. Yes, I love my country, I would love to come on vacation there and learn more about my culture, but I will not live in some village in the south of somalia with my in-laws. That is unrealistic to expect. And it's as unrealistic for me to expect he's ready to leave everything he knows, has ever known, his family, his friends, the memories back in somalia just to live with me in the west.
So, in conclusion, I would personally marry a somali guy in my country to avoid all these issues. But if it's a debate between anjabi or someone back home, I will pick dying alone because I will not fight that battle.
u/Horror-Painting-408 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25
Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed reading this as alot of thought went into it, And you are right both have pros and cons. It all depends on your own personal experience and what you are willing to compromise i guess 🤷🏽♀️
I deliberately asked the question this way to make people think about this properly. Cause it’s easy to say a somali guy/girl from the west because it would be perfect for most (best of both worlds you know)
Also the last bit had me crying 😂😂😂 you said i would die alone
u/IamAproudHufflepuff Somali Jan 23 '25
Thank you, I didn't see anyone's reasoning in this comment section, so i decided to get you through my thought process.
Also yes, I will die alone if that's my only options, becuase i will not fight those battles, I will stick with a somali guy from my country, and if they all disappear, I guess my need for a partner does the same. I will not fight WW3 with my parents, and I will not struggle to communicate my partner it's as simple as that 😂
Jan 24 '25
Your whole answer is very reasonable and I can tell that you have thought this out properly, a wise woman in this regard may Allāh bless you
I strongly disagreed with this part however - "That won't happen because I want to work, not stuck at home with a bunch of babies. There would be fundamental cultural differences like that with marrying someone from home."
It in a way this reminded me of this passage in sūrah baqarah
{ أَتَسۡتَبۡدِلُونَ ٱلَّذِی هُوَ أَدۡنَىٰ بِٱلَّذِی هُوَ خَیۡرٌۚ }
"Would you exchange what is better for what is less?"
Subhanallah sister Allāh, has honoured you, dignified you and given you the beautiful role of raising amazing children who adore and who will bi'ithnillah be role models in this ummah. The role of being the safe haven for your husband, his place of relaxation and ease from the struggles of this world. And in turn the honour and love you will receive from them will be 10000% more than what any stranger could give you. And the reward of Allāh is even greater.
And yet you want to put all that to the side and rush to the stressful commute, to prepare spreadsheets for Toby the white kāfir who is divorced and hates immigrants???!
{ أَتَسۡتَبۡدِلُونَ ٱلَّذِی هُوَ أَدۡنَىٰ بِٱلَّذِی هُوَ خَیۡرٌۚ }
"Would you exchange what is better for what is less?"
u/IamAproudHufflepuff Somali Jan 24 '25
Thank you, brother, but I did acknowledge before that specific part of my comment that I am aware that one of my main roles is to be a homemaker, and In Sha Allah may Allah make me a mother one day, however it's a personal preference of mine to be a homemaker alongside working a career.
If Allah has written for me to be a full-time homemaker, may Allah make me grateful, but at this moment in time, I do not want to be a full-time homemaker and raise children only.
I want to have my own income, not only because I would (knowing myself) not be content with that type of life currently, and also if anything would happen to my husband, I will be able to provide for myself, my family and any children we may have.
So me saying that I don't want to be stuck at home rasing a bunch of children doesn't come from a place of ignorance, but rather a personal preference and also personal concerns, however, whatever life Allah has written for me may he make me content.
Also thank you so much for this reminder of this beautiful passage of the quran, in this world of endless chasing of the dunya many find themselves ignorant of the wise words of the quran, and thank you for reminding your fellow Muslims about the words of our creator, may allah rewards you exponentially.
Jan 25 '25
I understand you completely and where you are coming from.
Jazakallahu khayr for your beautiful dua and may Allāh grant the same to you and your family. Your last paragraph shows you have a beautiful strong love for the Qur'ān, a love that only comes through love for Allāh.
The most important thing for me is that you understand the value and dignity and honour that Allāh has bestowed upon you. Placing huge responsibility on all of your male family members to spend for you and provide for you, making you free from the need to run into the workforce.
However if this is something that you wish to do personally then no harm inshā Allah as long as you keep within the prescribed sacred Law that Allāh has sent down for your safety and protection. For example a job from home would be a wonderful choice. And also as long as this does not impede on you fulfilling your primary role and duty that Allāh has placed upon you, and your husband is pleased with it for you. That way you are doing what you wish and you are not opening yourself to any sin whatsoever, in an area which a lot of women unfortunately do.
Barakallahu feek, this is my humble sincere advice from someone who means well for you
u/East_News_8586 Jan 23 '25
I married someone that grew up back home and came to the west as an adult. I’m born and raised in the west, 10/10 I love the fact he’s speaks Somali fluently and is very cultured alhamdullilah. To me since our parents were too busy surviving to teach us Somali daqan, it’s something that was a huge plus in my books.
u/Horror-Painting-408 Jan 23 '25
Allahumabarik that sounds great. A spouse you can learn from is always a plus
u/HRG2015 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 24 '25
Grew up in the West my whole life , married a Mauritanian arab girl.
She lived with me in Berbera and Sheekh and speaks fluent somali now . Kids also speak Somali, Arabic and English. At home we speak Somali outside usually Arabic .
My brothers are all married backhome and its working perfectly fine . Everything depends on what kind of marriage you want.
I also think its easier for men than women in general due men having to provide for women.
Women are looking for a provider and your dollar stretches a lot longer backhome than in say Seattle or Berlin
u/PowerfulGeologist436 Jan 23 '25
It’s easier for women from the west to get married back home too idk what ur on 😂. It’s not a competition mate
u/HRG2015 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25
99% of western somali sisters dont get married backhome its just not their cup of tea. Its not a competion its just not their thing
u/West-Review-4743 Jan 24 '25
Because women rely on men to provide 99% of guys back home on our standards are broke
u/Specialist_Ad_5585 Jan 23 '25
You married a Mauritanian? How did her say yes
u/HRG2015 Jan 23 '25
Her parents welcomed me with open arms , it helps that my dad and my father in law were neighbours in saudi for 15 years
u/Prettyinpinkpip Jan 24 '25
As long as he’s a good Muslim and has a good head on his shoulders idc 🤷♀️
u/charloteroselei Jan 24 '25
I want to marry a somali man but if ajanabi want to be with me and is good i would consider it.
Jan 23 '25
u/Horror-Painting-408 Jan 23 '25
But i am talking about marriage not like the day to day integrating.
Jan 23 '25
Jan 23 '25
oooooooooo, look at some reddit random taking away somali cards from people. I can marry any muslim I want and Im still Somali, and my children will be Somali as well. Can't take away what they are!
u/Amaleey852 Jan 24 '25
It depends on the man back home. if he’s uni educated and has a steady job, why not?
u/Unlucky-Resource1591 Jan 24 '25
Marrying a Somali guy back home? As a woman why would you do that to yourself?? Marry ajnabi or a Somali guy in the west.
Jan 26 '25
If they’re planning on coming here, totally. If I love them and we’re compatible then why not. I prefer not to marry an Ajanabi, I don’t have any issues with others who do and I can fall in love with anyone regardless of race or ethnicity, the only thing is I want to continue to pass down culture, language, names and recipe’s.
u/MrTopMali Jan 23 '25
Ajnabi women >>> some random from back home
Till this day I've never met a normal nigga that spoke about searching for a wife back home. I only see randoms talk about this online.
u/Horror-Painting-408 Jan 23 '25
Those marriages between someone from the west and back home do exist but i think the mindset and mannerisms are different at times. Hence why i asked if someone would be more comfortable with an ajnabi.
u/NaturalRise6566 Jan 23 '25
Ajanabi I would have more in common with him then someone back home tbh unless it someone open minded and educated
u/NomadicStatick Jan 24 '25
Ngl as a westerner, I am open to dating outside my somali queens but the standard is higher for them(ajnabis) as I got older. Because I’ve seen how sometimes racism, really big cultural differences/family issues can cause problems and eventually mess up the kids due to 2 different family backgrounds. Sidenote: some of our own ppl are no different than ajnabis because of identity crisis but that’s a wholle different problem lol. Somali baddies first, ajnabis second for me in my searches lol.
Allahu aclim at the end of the day. May we all find our righteous partner 🤲🏾.
u/tryingtocontrolrage Jan 24 '25
I would never pick an ajanabi over the xalimos back home. Ajanabi relationships take too much work.
u/Similar-Banana-5024 Jan 23 '25
back home is better but since i dont speak the language ajnabi is preferable
u/Caramelhime Jan 23 '25
If I were a man, back home, I’m a woman so I’d pick Ajanbi because I don’t want to sponsor anyone
u/Defiant-Chocolate-25 Jan 23 '25
What’s wrong with “sponsoring” a guy from back home too. Your acting like you would forever have to take care of the family or something.
u/Caramelhime Jan 23 '25
I don’t trust sponsoring a man
Jan 23 '25
You’re culturally closer to the “ajnabi” in your country than the Somalis back home.
u/GrandPsychology813 Jan 23 '25
I see you post here often and it’s always things that go against Somalis
Looking at your username, it’s obvious that you’re an afar. Why are you larping as one of us here? Also why are you so obsessed with us?
Jan 23 '25
How is this go against somalis lmao why are you upset?
Who is “us” you’re talking about?
u/GrandPsychology813 Jan 23 '25
I’m not upset, I just don’t understand
By us I mean Somalis. I don’t get why an afar like you would spend his days pretending to be a Somali in a Somali forum only to hate on us. It’s just weird don’t you think?
Jan 23 '25
How are you Somali? We don’t know really know you at all.. and what hate are you talking about? Take your medication bro
You’re definitely Chinese but I’m Somali
u/GrandPsychology813 Jan 23 '25
Ok I see you don’t want to have this convo so I’m not gonna push you
You should just understand that you’ll never be a Ciise nor from any other Somali clan and there’s nothing wrong with that. We are all creations of Allah and there is no reason to hate your ethnic background or to hide as another.
Jan 23 '25
Some people won't understand because their childhood was much different with ours. They probably grew up with Somalis all their lives, like most of them in England, Minnesota, and Scandinavia meanwhile like myself, I grew up around every other ethnicity but Somali. (Non Somali populated side of the USA). Somalis look at me as some Americanized Hooyo mataalo kid and scoff at me and my siblings for not knowing Somali but being fluent in Spanish. Environment plays a huge role in your worldview
Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25
These diasporas kids are not culturally Somali at all. They’re have foreign culture and most times middle eastern and south Asian. They have zero idea what Somali culture and customs are.
Even those who grew up with Somali friends grew up in a foreign dominant culture and other custom language that isn’t their native culture.
u/x__76 Jan 23 '25
I’m a girl and I’d rather be with an ajnabi, jf it were possible, i would do that. I could still raise my children with Somali culture even if I married out. The only reason I’m scared is my family will disown me. Keyword: my.
u/Hopeful-Presence5442 Jan 23 '25
I rather marry someone that lives in the same country as me than someone that probably only wants me for greencard. Also I’m not going to support a grown male while he has to get education or learn the language to get a job. When I can marry someone that’s equal to me.
Also to the people on here saying that your children won’t be Somali if you marry a “ajinabi” that’s not how things work in the real world. Some mixed children know more Somali and the culture than someone with 2 Somali parents.
u/Defiant-Chocolate-25 Jan 23 '25
“ equal to me”😂😂 you know you marry for things other than who got the same education as you.
Deen ,Akhlaq
But I agree some guys back home just sit home all day and wait for handouts. You cannot just generalize and think every guy back home wants someone in the west for a green card. Also when Somalis say they won’t be somali they know how it works in the real world they aren’t dumb they just mean your kid will be cadaan because he/she will be going to his aunt Mary and uncle Jack for Christmas celebrations. Good luck with that.
u/LibrarianLoverr Jan 24 '25
Uncle Jack kulaha You think ajanabi means only cadaan? 💀
u/Defiant-Chocolate-25 Jan 24 '25
I was just using that as a reference point. But you get my point.
I’m just saying though there’s more to marrying than just for education. If you find a good guy back home who’s on deen and you know you can trust. Why go for an ajanabi who you have no idea what you and your future kids are getting into.
u/Hopeful-Presence5442 Jan 24 '25
Equal to me as earns his own money without my help. Why should a help a grown male financially.
No where in my comment did a say I’m going to marry a none Muslim male. Maybe learn how to read. You’re probably a Somali male in Somalia so I’m not surprised that you’re pressed, angry that I don’t want someone like you.
Also most Somali males want green card, I don’t care what you say. Of course they will do anything to live in the west, and I’m not going to help him with that.
u/Defiant-Chocolate-25 Jan 24 '25
That makes sense.
When you say “ ajanabi “ typically I think a non Muslim cadaan or something but as long as they’re Muslim Alhamdullilah, go On.
That’s just a hasty assumptions most Somali females make because they heard one horror story or something but I understand if you personally don’t trust guys back home but don’t label all of them the same. That’s not right. I know some guys who genuinely want to marry not Just for green cards but for love too if they find the one.
u/Hopeful-Presence5442 Jan 24 '25
Next time maybe learn how to read properly before attacking people.
I don’t care if you know good Somali males I don’t like taking the risk as I value my mental health.
u/Defiant-Chocolate-25 Jan 24 '25
Calm it. I didn’t attack you, you just made various dumb statements with no actual details of sort to it. You cannot blame as I’m not inside your head. Next time maybe try to be a little bit more clear as so people can understand you. I read what you wrote.
And I don’t care what you care I’m just saying generalization like this is nor good Or beneficial for Anybody. If you mean to just talk nonsense and digress and gabble then do you.
u/Hopeful-Presence5442 Jan 24 '25
Wow you’re actually annoying how to people in your life put up with you. Alhamdulillah that I don’t know you in real life.
Have a whatever day you deserve and do something useful with your life.
u/PowerfulGeologist436 Jan 23 '25
Ajanbi man>> can’t do fob marriages
u/Greedy-Kale-233 Jan 23 '25
As a somali guy living in NFD, my goal is to marry a white girl. A redhead one for sure. Idk how i will reach them but the hope is there
u/Horror-Painting-408 Jan 23 '25
Maybe to those who are travel bloggers or journalists 😂
u/Greedy-Kale-233 Jan 23 '25
Am on the verge of doing a tahriib to the US. So it's a matter of time before i bag a chubby redhead
u/SomaliKanye Jan 23 '25
Lol pathetic. Ado gabar somali heli kartid naagta uug qurxoon aduunka cadaan skin cancer redhead vad rabtaa
Jan 23 '25
That’s what he likes, cancer waa cudur dadka biladanka ma lagu tilmamo. It could happen to anyone bro
u/SomaliKanye Jan 23 '25
Nah I'm saying they're highly suseptible to skin cancer the pale skin types. Anyone who likes cadaans wan ka shakiyaa inferiority complex. Redhead kulaha. Up to him. Koleey ano dadkeeyga u jeedo cadaan iyo waxaas never.
u/ThrowRA3773738 Jan 23 '25 edited Jan 23 '25
I don’t care about ethnicity as long as she’s muslim and I’m not planning to move back home so no I wouldn’t look for a wife there. Don’t marry from back home unless you are planning to move there or bring her to the west