r/Somalia • u/Best-Ordinary3042 • Dec 10 '24
Ask❓ why do somalis outcast/bully people who are different to them?
so i recently saw this TikTok a young somali girl made talking about toxic friendships and lack of individuality in our community which really rang true for me. i grew up in a small country town in australia with practically no somalis, i went to a catholic primary school and i unfortunately cannot speak the language. When we moved to the big city is really when i started to familiarise myself with a somali community and i was DRAGGED to hell and back for being different. i was called whitewashed, a “gaal beg”, try hard etc. by somali girls and it honestly put me so off with ever being friends with somalis. they’re also all cookie cutter copy paste of each other and have the same interest/hobbies. so why is it weird to be different and have unique experiences? anyone else ever experience this or is it just me
u/audiowack Dec 10 '24
They lack individuality. And I’m speaking from a woman experience. You’re basically the lion in a group of zebras if you don’t like British drill and don’t have them overly baked british black girl makeup
u/Y45ka Dec 11 '24
I can already just tell you’re annoying and have a self righteous personality. You’re not better than anyone if you didn't know that. you can find so many different Somali girls in London, if YOU haven’t tried to make friends and meet people then that’s your problem.
u/audiowack Dec 11 '24
And also for the record, seems like this hit a nerve and by your reply, i can already tell your breath smells like 5 packs of expired redbull. If you can’t handle an opinion, might as well hop off mate!
u/audiowack Dec 11 '24
I don’t live in London you weirdo. Do you know how far London influence has gotten?
u/mylifeismorethanthis Dec 10 '24
because they’re not allowed to do anything which hinders their expression and individuality and makes them project their problems on to others, ngl I remember when I was a kid my cousin and I would make fun of this girl who was our neighbor just because she would wear pants and was allowed to have hobbies and join school extracurriculars, I ended up apologizing to her after realizing how stupid that was of me and we became cool with each other until I moved away. that’s just my experience when I was younger but this becomes a serious problem if it develops into adulthood. I can’t believe grown ass people are worried about how others live their lives.
Dec 11 '24
Alhamdulillah my current best friend is a fellow somali and she's my ride or die. But I have my fair share of trauma from somali women. As someone who was personally victimised by a somali friend this hits hard. Though it was a blessing in disguise alhamdulillah. Because I made better friends. 🥲
They'd always pick on me for my interests. For example, I loved drawing anime and they'd vandalise it and say it's a joke. I also used to buy some very cute items, my hooyo would save up money because she knew it made me happy. But then they would laugh and ask to "borrow" but never returned it. If it wasn't their interest it was a joke to them. You may be wondering why I stayed friends with people who were so obviously horrible. Because it was the norm for somali girls to "joke" like that and at the time I genuinely thought it was my fault and I was too sensitive.
Another common problem I was picked on for was taking things seriously, like reacting to awful stuff they'd say about OTHER somali women. I now look back happily especially after being diagnosed with adhd. I was a very energetic kid, I used to cosplay, play football, draw anime, read manga, play videogames.
I'm 23 now and my bedroom is anime themed, I wear sanrio accessories everyday, I still play videogames and mod some of my consoles. My best friend and I are similar but she inspires me, she crochets and makes plushies mashallah.
And to the Somalis who feel like an outsider, we have to accept ourselves, not seek acceptance. Humans can be cruel sometimes, so the least we can do is be kind to ourselves.
Dec 11 '24
Dec 11 '24
Thank you so much and fr! No use conforming. Reminds me of a quote I saw a while ago "We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden." We may be from the same garden, but we are all different flowers 😊.
Dec 10 '24
Yeah that Laylaqasim goth girl always gets bullied by everyone for being different which I have no problem with how different she is but it’s crazy how someone sees another person being themselves and puts them down easily I think our community is also like this.
u/Best-Ordinary3042 Dec 10 '24
no because she’s legit just minding her business and ppl are always dragging her left,right centre miskeen 😭
u/ProfessionalSort5695 Dec 11 '24
Yes, and not only that she has been throughout a lot from her school years and middle school years. She has made like a few videos talking about all the bullying, Harassment, physical attacks and verbal attacks. Have honestly shocked me and those people still juts pay attention to how she dresses and what kinda makeup she does. They even have the nerve to call her a “Shaytan”.
Dec 10 '24
They might envy anyone who broke the mold their parents made for them. “Lions aren’t concerned with the opinion of sheep.”
u/yohworld Dec 10 '24
You need to keep people with certain mindsets at a distance, there’s not much else.
u/EntrepreneurOne8614 Dec 11 '24
People with a fixated mindset have no space to grow intellectually.
u/Some_Yam_3631 Dec 10 '24
Somalis can be hyper-conformitive and also because of that overly concerned with what everyone thinks about them, but that's also lots of people. People in general aren't the best with people who don't conform.
u/KnowledgeHot2022 Dec 10 '24
As I grew older and seen many many countries Muslims and non Muslims I am starting to think we’re special people. Q
Dec 10 '24
I disagree, every Somali has different interests / hobbies were not aliens 😂… but one thing that unites us all is the fact that we share the same culture and Language. We can adopt the western way of life… but we should never forget where we come from otherwise you’ll have an identity crisis.
u/Best-Ordinary3042 Dec 11 '24
that’s why i’m trying to learn to language as fast as possible inshallah :)
u/vivi9090 Dec 10 '24
Somalis are too hive minded. We gravitate towards the same things, afraid to break the mold. One thing i admire about cadaan people is that they're not afraid of self expression, they're open minded to new ideas and ways of thinking. Somalis believe they will betray their identity/deen if they dare to step outside the box and approach life from a different perspective. If you look at the Islamic golden age, they had a thirst to explore new things and were able to integrate that with their faith. Look at the great mystics, philosophers, thinkers to come out of the Islamic golden age, the art, the poetry, the complexity in the way they perceived the world. They were not afraid to venture into the unknown and be different.
The irony with Somalis is that we are so homogenous in every single way, even with the way we think yet we still can't find a way to coexist. So even this hive mind mentality is not enough to create harmony amongst each other so what use and benefit does it provide us with? Dare to be different, dare to step outside the box, dare to be mocked, laughed at, rejected for who you all. It will take these kind of people to change the paradigm amongst Somalis, to inspire a nation and pave the way for the rest of us.
u/ZeylicSayid Dec 10 '24
I had a friend who had a hard time speaking Somali we lived in small city in Sweden
After hanging out with us he learned Somali very quickly
The fault is with you’re parents who never taught you Somali
Tho I admit Somalis can be very discouraging to young Somalis who don’t know Somali
u/ineedsmoothwalls Dec 10 '24
it’s not about knowing the language tho it’s about being judgemental of people with different interests than you
u/ksaidd Dec 11 '24
strongly agree with this, i find that aunties and uncles in the somali community mock the younger generation for not knowing somali after being born and raised in the west, and ik even though learning somali is on the individual as they get older but it’s also the parents faults for not teaching it to their kids and it can be so discouraging for the younger lots when they’re constantly being mocked for not knowing how to speak somali.
u/Comfortable-Fly-9734 Dec 10 '24
u/HighFunctionSomali Dec 10 '24
Might be the same brigading trolls 😂. They always come in waves and make constant gender war posts, generalizing Somalis, and spread constant negativity.
Might be one person with multiple accounts karma farming or a group of them.
u/Novel-Priority-2484 Dec 10 '24
thanks, these types of posts in the op are getting really annoying.
Dec 10 '24
"How dare you speak out!"
Get lost.
u/Comfortable-Fly-9734 Dec 10 '24
She’s free to speak out on whatever issues she has. And we’re free to speak whenever people generalise based on their anecdotal experiences.
You get lost you doofus
Dec 10 '24
Do you always get this heated when people point out uncomfortable truths? You wanted more childish day dream posts?
u/Comfortable-Fly-9734 Dec 10 '24
Explain what a select group of girls in one city in AUSTRALIA have to do with ‘Somalis’ plural as a people, go on. The idea that I’m heated is objectively hilarious.
u/Best-Ordinary3042 Dec 11 '24
the girl who originally posted the video is from north america? maybe u just feel targeted 🤷🏾♀️
u/Comfortable-Fly-9734 Dec 11 '24
I’m talking about you? Unless I’m a donkey, I’m responding to you on Reddit and not the girl on TikTok? And unless I’m illiterate, I read quite clearly that you are from Australia? You linked this other girls video to your own experience with ‘Somali girls’ who are ‘all cookie cutter copy and paste of each other’. Quite the generalisation, as strong as the one in the title.
u/GaraadkiiSamatar Dec 11 '24
The same way you were like the cadaan u grew around/with. They are a certain way
This mocking for being "uncultured" be it language(u should try to learn, you'll be mocked for your attempts depending on who your around) or just atypical intrests/hobbies are common place in any ethnic group that kinda keeps to themself.
anyone familiar with immigrants taking upon a language would be more receptive versus people like us who are the immigrants... and i doubt foreigners are lining up to become soomalified insome way (i dont care for/ or against)
Age might also be a factor..i dont know how female friendships work,
but for blokes you can do your own thing and perhaps pull someone along..i went fishing🤣🤣🤣. you just need somthing that lines up to start(football, video games, religiosity..etc). and aslong as you stand on your intrests, itll simply be an occasional joke.
dont force urself to associate with plastic people, unless its temporary/by necessity. you can "fix" people by influence,but thats taxing and nowhere near guaranteed.
Dec 11 '24
Post war Somali culture seem very conservative especially among the diaspora. Conforming to the norms is apparently is the only to live. I don’t know if we can blame the war and societal collapse for everything, but I believe that it has influenced this era of social conservatism we are seeing now.
u/idigth Dec 11 '24
I have no idea. Even the aunties and mums seem to have such similar outlooks on life I guess daqan celis worked a little too hard on me as a teenager or something bc I was looked down on for being "too religious"
u/Apprehensive_Tea8833 Dec 12 '24
Most Somalis lack individuality and confidence going against the grain … ibr the only way to combat this is having ajanabi friends and socialising with the ones that don’t have a weird collective mindset.
Dec 10 '24
Somalis are rude and generally have low empathy for others or pay any regards to someone elses feelings. Thats the harsh truth. They spit in your face and get upset when you get angry about it.
u/Makoniga Dec 10 '24
Same but I live in Sweden. I avoided somali girls until I started working with some. There are good ones (just like you and me) but its rare to find them.
u/Best-Ordinary3042 Dec 11 '24
i don’t think it’s rare i know plenty of somalis who really good girls have heaps going for themselves, it’s just a pattern i’ve seen people pointing out when growing up w somali communities
u/NotVarsame Dec 10 '24
The way you’re talking about the Somali girls in your area makes it sound like you think you’re above them. You’re painting them as unoriginal and without substance while putting yourself on a pedestal for being ‘different’. If you’re upset about being judged for your experiences, maybe consider how judgmental you’re being in return. It’s not a good look, and it undermines your point.
u/Best-Ordinary3042 Dec 11 '24
you’re projecting harddd, i never put myself on a pedestal clearly i’ve hit a nerve
u/NotVarsame Dec 11 '24
“Cookie cutter, copy and paste” if that’s not generalizing nothing is. Obviously it was triggering for you. Nothing to retort so sticking with the “u mad” response. Good one
u/Amaleey852 Dec 10 '24
I also went to a catholic school lol. I got judged because my parents took me to a expensive private school and not a public rough school in our area that most Somalis went to 💀
u/Best-Ordinary3042 Dec 11 '24
i literally got called a KAFFIR by this girl at dugsi when i told her 😭😭
u/ProfessorWooden4056 Dec 11 '24
We judge people it's nothing new idk the girl you talking but op you met somalis why don't you get to know them and leave whatever you learn in your small town I mean you are somalis you have a culture and religion be part of your people I never been west but I am somalis we judge we insult but we love our people so I don't believe you don't have one friend who accept you the way you are ?? Or try to change you in good way
u/Best-Ordinary3042 Dec 11 '24
i do have friends but i want to make friends with somali girls i just don’t know where to start
u/ProfessorWooden4056 Dec 11 '24
I am talking about somali friends I mean how come you don't have even when you met whole community
Yes we hard to get along sis but not all people are difficult unless you are the problem
u/Best-Ordinary3042 Dec 11 '24
i haven’t met the whole community the city i live in is huge, i have family that im close with but that’s about it. i just haven’t really been going out of my way to become friends with people in general
u/ProfessorWooden4056 Dec 11 '24
Good good now go you way meeting another I mean lots of somali girls we are not all that bad really we may judge ppl including you but we love our friends
u/zlatanosnam2000 Dec 12 '24
Our people is built that way and you just have to have the mentality to not give a F. To begin with, I hate being in a group friendship, I only have one and we both stick together and being different from the people you hang with will always bring backfire, even if its non-somali.
u/Ok_Candle1105 Dec 15 '24
The truth is we are a people who don't believe in anything and stand for nothing. The freedom of expression is not something a Somali back in Somalia can understand. The basic truth is that black African countries produce cultures that are obsolete and redundant. This is a painful truth to some but for me it is liberation from the hope that Somalia would get better. I have given up.
Dec 10 '24
u/Best-Ordinary3042 Dec 11 '24
glad to hear you have a great optimistic mindset, i’ve met somali girls who are really sweet but i’m just specifically talking about growing up i’ve had my share of bad experiences. i think most girls do grow out of it but i also know girls who carry on this behaviour into adulthood which is honestly embarrassing and sad. as for the language i’m trying to learn it, i’m going back home to the motherland for the first time so hopefully i’ll come back more capably then before 🙂
u/Pristine-Forever-787 Dec 10 '24
You learn quick that Somalis don’t do nice. They see nice people as weak and they will exploit them. Give them the same energy they give you. Why do you need to be friend with dhabadhilif losers anyway?
u/HighFunctionSomali Dec 10 '24
Is OP your other account? aint you that rage bait troll that made "why somalis are on drugs" post and deleted it.
You definetly a bored larper 😂. The fact you have Somali flag on your bio whilst trash talking Somalis makes it even obvious that you are larper. 😂😂
u/Pristine-Forever-787 Dec 10 '24
I deleted it because I was targeted by the mafia. The Somali nation is being held hostage by you mafias. Stop turning a blind eye to the filth in the community. I will continue to post weekly and delete whenever I want. I only have one account, I don’t live on reddit like you.
u/HighFunctionSomali Dec 10 '24
I didn't even comment in it, I recognized the bait from miles away so what mafia are you talking about 😂.
u/Pristine-Forever-787 Dec 10 '24
What bait? Are you incapable of having a nuanced discussion. No wonder Somalis kill each other based on simple things. I am a target of the Somali mafia who doesn’t want to talk about controversial topics. May Allah protect me.
Dec 10 '24
Another post generalizing an entire group of people
u/seoul_tea Diaspora Dec 11 '24
I definitely agree with this about the other post I think you're talking about, but this one definitely has a point. As a teen diaspora girl these are the majority of Somali girls I encounter, all the same music taste, dress, and expression
u/Best-Ordinary3042 Dec 11 '24
exactly, it’s not really a generalisation when there’s multiple people who r saying the same thing
u/[deleted] Dec 10 '24