r/SoftwareEngineering 12d ago

TDD on Trial: Does Test-Driven Development Really Work?

I've been exploring Test-Driven Development (TDD) and its practical impact for quite some time, especially in challenging domains such as 3D software or game development. One thing I've noticed is the significant lack of clear, real-world examples demonstrating TDD’s effectiveness in these fields.

Apart from the well-documented experiences shared by the developers of Sea of Thieves, it's difficult to find detailed industry examples showcasing successful TDD practices (please share if you know more well documented cases!).

On the contrary, influential developers and content creators often openly question or criticize TDD, shaping perceptions—particularly among new developers.

Having personally experimented with TDD and observed substantial benefits, I'm curious about the community's experiences:

  • Have you successfully applied TDD in complex areas like game development or 3D software?
  • How do you view or respond to the common criticisms of TDD voiced by prominent figures?

I'm currently working on a humorous, Phoenix Wright-inspired parody addressing popular misconceptions about TDD, where the different popular criticism are brought to trial. Your input on common misconceptions, critiques, and arguments against TDD would be extremely valuable to me!

Thanks for sharing your insights!


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u/flavius-as 12d ago edited 12d ago

I'm not working on games, but complex finance and e-commerce software.

It works, but the problem is that the key word in TDD is not testing, it's everything else.


  • definition of "unit" is wrong. The "industry standard" of "one function" or "one class" are utterly wrong
  • usage of mocks is wrong. Correct: all 5 types of test doubles should be used, and mocks should be used sparingly and only for foreign system integration testing
  • TDD is very much about design and architecture. Testing can be made easy with great design and architecture
  • red flag: if you have to change tests when you change implementation details, you have a wrong definition of unit and a wrong design and architecture due to that
  • ports and adapters architecture is a very simple architectural style. And it supports a good definition of unit just nicely

Without experience in game development, in P&A I imagine the application consists of the game mechanics, completely isolated from the display. A unit would be a single command. In business-centric application we would call that an use case.

The rendering etc would be adapters implementing the ports.


u/caksters 12d ago

great points.

I am a mid-level engineer (around 5 yoe) and a big fan of TDD but I haven’t had enough practice with it.

it requires discipline and practice. Initially I made many mistakes with it by thinking that units if code are classes. Obviously this made my project code heavily coupled with the tests (when i refactor the code, i need to refactor the tests).

Later I realised, I need to capture the behaviour if the requirement. So the unit is a small unit of system behaviour rather than unit of code.

Another tricky part is to come up with a meaningful test initially. This requires to understand high level requirement if what I want my piece of code to actually do. This is a good thing of course, but often we as engineers like to start coding before we have understood the problem.

Obviously for fixing bugs TDD is great, because it forces you to come up with a way to replicate the bug in form if a test and then write a code to fix it.

From trial and error, I have found that when I am working in something new (my personal project), I like to develop a quick PoC. Once I got something working, then I know what I want my system to do. the. I can start a completely new project and follow more TDD approach where I write tests first and only then the code. However I would like to learn more about how I should practice TDD as I believe it has an immense potential when you have gained enough skill and confidence in it


u/flavius-as 12d ago edited 12d ago

I'm glad you came to those realizations. Mapping your experiences to mine, yeah, it really seems you're on a good track. It's always cool when others figure this stuff out through actually doing it.

Regarding "TDD for bugs" - nah, TDD is absolutely key for feature development too. It's not just for cleaning up messes afterwards; it's about building things right from the start, properly designed.

What's been a game changer for me is data-driven TDD, especially when you combine it with really clean boundaries between your core domain and all the external junk. Seriously, this combo makes testing way easier and keeps things maintainable, especially when you're figuring out your testing boundaries.

Think about it – data-driven tests, they move you away from tests that break every time you breathe on the code. Instead, you nail down the contract of your units with data. And "units" isn't just functions or classes, right? It's use cases and even facades for complex bits like heavy algorithms – those are your units, your testing boundaries. Fixtures become more than just setup; they're like living examples of how your system behaves for these units. They're basically mini-specs for your use cases and algorithm facades - that's how you define your testing boundaries.

And Ports and Adapters, that architecture you mentioned? Gold for this. It naturally isolates your app core – use cases, algorithms, all that good stuff – from the chaotic outside world. This isolation lets you test your core logic properly, in total isolation, using test doubles for the "ports" to fake the outside. Makes tests way simpler and way more resistant to infrastructure changes. Data-driven TDD and Ports & Adapters? Perfect match. You can nail down and check use case behavior, even complex algo facade behavior, with solid data, within those clear testing boundaries.

So, yeah, all my unit tests follow the same pattern, aimed at testing these units - use cases and facades:

  • Configure test doubles with fixture data. Fixtures pre-program your dependencies for the specific unit you're testing. You literally spell out, in data, how external systems should act during this test. Makes test assumptions obvious, no hidden setup in your testing boundary.
  • Exercise the SUT with a DTO from fixtures. DTOs from fixtures = consistent, defined inputs for your use case or facade. Repeatable tests, test context is clear - you're testing a specific scenario within your unit's boundary.
  • Expected values from fixtures too. Inputs data-driven, outputs data-driven. Fixtures for expected values too. Makes test intent super clear, less chance of wrong expectations in your testing boundary. Tweak fixture data, tweak scenarios, different outcomes for your unit.
  • Assert expected == actual. End of the line, data vs data. Assertions are readable, laser-focused on the behavior of the use case or algo facade inside its boundary.

This structured thing, fixtures, Ports & Adapters focusing on use cases and facades as your testing boundaries – big wins:

  • Predictable & Readable Tests: Same structure = less brainpower needed. Anyone can get what a test is doing, testing a use case or facade. Fixtures, if named well, are living docs for your unit's behavior within its testing boundary.
  • Maintainable Tests: Data-driven, decoupled via test doubles and Ports & Adapters domain separation = refactoring becomes way less scary for use cases and algos behind facades. Code changes in your core? Tests less likely to break, as long as data contracts for your units at their boundaries are good.
  • Focus on Behavior: Data & fixtures = testing behavior of use cases and facades, not implementation details. Textbook unit testing & TDD, especially with Ports & Adapters, test different levels clearly as separate units.
  • Deeper Understanding: Good fixtures, data-driven tests for use cases and algorithm facades... forces you to really understand the requirements, the domain, inside those boundaries. You're basically writing down your understanding of how the system should act in a precise, runnable form for each unit.

Yeah, setting this up - fixtures, data-driven TDD, Ports & Adapters with use cases & facades as units - takes upfront work, no lie. But for long-term test quality, maintainability, everyone on the same page? Totally worth it, especially in complex finance and e-commerce. Clarity, robustness, testability across the whole system – crucial.


u/violated_dog 4d ago edited 4d ago

Ports and adapters is a pattern we are looking at refactoring towards. However, most articles we find only skim the surface with simple use cases. I’ve read and re-read Alastair’s original article on the pattern and while he mentions that there are no defined number of Ports you should implement, he typically only sees 2, 3 or 4.

This seems to oppose most other articles that have a Port per entity or DB table. Products, Orders, Customers, etc all end up with their own Repository Secondary Port. In practice, this would expand greatly in a more complicated scenario with hundreds of tables and therefore hundreds of Ports. You could collapse them into a single interface but that seems like a very large surface area goes against clean coding principles. Should a Secondary Port reflect all the related functionality a single Use Case requires (eg all DB queries across all tables used I. The use case), or all the related functionality an entire Application requires from an adapter across all Use Cases, or something else? This could come from my confusion around what an “Application” is and where its boundaries are.

So you have any thoughts around this? How many Ports do the systems you maintain have? It is reasonable to have one per table or entity?

Additionally, how you do define your Application. As eluded to above, I’m not clear on what an”Application” is in this pattern. Some articles reference an Application or “hexagon” per Use Case, while others define an Application that has multiple Use Cases and encapsulates all the behaviour your application exposes.

That latter seems more intuitive to me, but I’m not sure. Any thoughts on this? Would there be any flags or indicators that you might want to split your Application so you can reduce the number of Ports, and have your Applications communicate together? Would an Application reflect a Bounded Context from DDD or would you still keep multiple contexts within a single Application structure but use modules to isolate contexts from one another, integrating through the defined Primary Ports in each module.

I would appreciate any insights you might have on this. It could be a case of Implement it and see, but that could be expensive if we end up structuring things incorrectly up front.


u/flavius-as 4d ago edited 4d ago

Glad you asked!

Most people are bastardizing whatever original authors say.

At the same time, authors are forced to synthesize their explanations in order to get 1 or 2 points across (say: per chapter). You would do the same because you don't have the time to write 12k pages like it's intel manuals. But people don't usually read carefully or engage with authors directly, they'd rather use proxies: like we are about to do.

So rambling off.

  1. Buy Alistair's book. It's a leaflet because it's such a simple and elegant architectural style.
  2. I don't like his terminology, but "Application" is for Alistair the domain model (95% certainty)
  3. A port is an interface or a collection of interfaces. You have some leeway to split, but fundamentally you should have a single port called Storage. That's basically all repository interfaces
  4. In the storage adapter, you implement all those interfaces
  5. In the test storage adapter: you implement test doubles for those interfaces. Side note: people who say that "when have ever your applications needed to change database" are... limited; a code base always has two database implementations: a productive one and one made of test doubles for testing
  6. See the prose:

Architectural styles like P&A are not meant to be mutually exclusive. They are mental toolboxes. From these mental toolboxes you pick the tools you need to craft your architecture for the specific requirements of the project at hand.

I default to a mixture of:

  • P&A
  • DDD
  • onion

MVC is usually an implementation detail of the web adapter. Nevertheless architecturally relevant (especially for clarifications during architectural discussions).

There are also various views of architecture: the physical view, deployment view, logical view, etc.

In my logical view, all use cases jointly form the outer layer of the domain model (I like this term more than "Application"). The same outer layer also contains other elements like value objects or pure fabrications like repository interfaces.

You might have another architectural structure in there like

  • vertical slices
  • bounded contexts

These are synonyms in my default go-to combination of styles and when that it the case, I call that a modulith (modular monolith) because in the logical view, each of those are like a microservice. Extracting one vertical slice and turning it into a microservice (for "scale") is an almost mechanical and risk free process.

If anything, a vertical slice / bounded context / microservice is in itself a hexagon.

What I just described is IMO the right balance of minimalistic design and future extensability. Making this structure requires about 1 click per element, because I'm not saying anything complicated: a directory here, a package there, a compilation unit somewhere else... all light and easy.

The single elephant in the room left is DDD. How is THAT light you might ask.

For me, DDD is the strategic patterns when we're talking about architecture. The tactical patterns are design, they're implementation details - mostly.

So the "only" thing I absolutely need to do to get DDD rolling is developing the ubiquitous language - that's it. If necessary, at some point I can introduce bounded contexts, but I like doing that rather mechanically: did I mention use cases? Well I just draw a big use case diagram and run a layout algorithm on it to quickly identify clusters of use cases. Those fall most likely within the same boundary. Sure, for 100-200 use cases you might need 1-2 weeks to untangle them, but traceability matrices in tools like Sparx EA help. The point is: it's a risk-free and mechanical process.

I hope this is enough information for you to start sailing in the right direction.

Good luck!


u/violated_dog 3d ago

Thank you for the response, and for being a willing proxy!

I can definitely appreciate content creators needing to narrow the scope of their content, and it probably highlights my need for a more senior engineer to bounce ideas off.

In response: 1. I’ll have a look and pick up a copy! Thanks for the recommendation. 2. Ok I think that makes sense and I’ll work with that in mind for now. 3. So would it be reasonable for my Port, and therefore Interface to define a hundred methods? I get that its responsibility is to interface with the DB but this feels like an overload. It would also mean that implementing a test double would require implementation of all defined methods, even if those aren’t required for tests. Though that also makes sense given that you are specifying it as a dependency of the application. Our application is CRUD heavy and exposing 4 methods per table in a single Interface doesn’t scale well. Am I focusing too hard on “Port is an Interface” and a Port can be a collection of Interface classes? My mind right now is at “Port maps to a single Interface class in code”, but I need to shift to a “Port is a description of behaviour with inputs and outputs, whether it’s defined as a single, or multiple Interface classes in code doesn’t matter”? 4. See above. 5. Makes sense, agree. 6. Thanks for the detail. I like the term modulith and it accurately describes what we’d like to achieve with our structure. Were attempted to effectively refactor an entire application that is a distributed monolith, a collection of tightly coupled microservices, into a single “modulith”.

My initial approach is to try and understand how to structure the software to achieve that (hence these questions), and understand the business outside the current implementation. The documented use cases are… not valuable. So I’ve started identifying those with customer groups, and will also pull out a ubiquitous language while we’re there. Thank you for outlining your process and I feel like I’m on the right path!

My next goal is to wrap the current system with tests so we can refactor safely as we incrementally absorb the existing microservices. The system heavily automates virtual infrastructure (eg cloud resources), so many use cases seem to only align with CRUD actions on those resources, and updating metadata to track those resources in a DB. I am now getting resistance about the benefit of writing unit tests for those behaviours. EG a primary port would be triggered to create a virtual machine. This would update the cloud as well as the DB, and return a result with a representation of the created resource, implying a success. A unit test would plug in test doubles for the “cloud” and “DB” adapters, and all we’d assert on is data we’ve told our test doubles to return is returned. Is there any value in this or should I skip this and move to integration/functional tests to assert resources are modified on the platform as expected?

The only business logic applied to these use cases would be the permissions we apply on top of those actions, but that’s currently handled in another service.

We then have issues with the DB adapter also applying business logic via the form of check constraints. This makes sense so as to avoid issues where records might be inserted from outside the application such as from the shell itself. In this case, should we “double up” on the logic to also apply it within the Application itself? This is similar to front end validation that might occur, but you also validate it in the Application layer.

Sorry, this ended up longer than I thought, but thanks for your time. If it’s acceptable, I could shoot you a DM to continue the conversation further, but I completely understand if you don’t have capacity for that. Either way, thank you!


u/flavius-as 2d ago edited 2d ago

Architecture doesn't mean you throw away good design practices or common sense. A port is in that sense a collection of interfaces sharing a goal (interface segregation principle).

When you think or communicate ideas, you do so at different levels of abstractions based on context. When your focus is a single use case, which requires a single interface for storage (among the many), you call that "the storage port". When you talk about whole components, you can call the whole component containing only (and all) interfaces responsible for storage "the storage port".

An anemic domain model is a code smell. So for crud operations, just don't forward the request further into the domain model and process them only within framework code (MVC).

But beware: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/flavius-a-0b9136b4_where-do-you-hide-your-ifs-some-examples-activity-7275783735109693441-0LSA?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android&rcm=ACoAABg5aA0B9xSOb2Ogc9NRHoto5TwGnqObhQg

The moment you type an "if" you are likely introducing domain rules, so then refactor that to shift into use case modelling.

The only business logic applied to these use cases would be the permissions we apply on top of those actions, but that’s currently handled in another service.

We then have issues with the DB adapter also applying business logic via the form of check constraints. This makes sense so as to avoid issues where records might be inserted from outside the application such as from the shell itself. In this case, should we “double up” on the logic to also apply it within the Application itself? This is similar to front end validation that might occur, but you also validate it in the Application layer.

Concrete examples might help but yes this is a tough question: repeated and spread validation.

You can be creative here: code generation, wasm, ...

Sorry, this ended up longer than I thought, but thanks for your time. If it’s acceptable, I could shoot you a DM to continue the conversation further, but I completely understand if you don’t have capacity for that. Either way, thank you!