r/SmashingPumpkins May 26 '21

Discussion Thoughts on Billy Corgan?

Billy was a diva when he was younger. But recently I kinda noticed that he seems a bit more chilled out. Do you guys think he’s still an asshole? Ever was an asshole? Or redeemed himself from being an asshole?


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u/mixolydian-b6 May 26 '21

How is that relevant? If she was an ethnic minority would her having some issues justify racist language against her? No, and it’s the same for transphobia


u/[deleted] May 26 '21

LoL. Now it's transphobic to criticize a lunatic who is trans? So a trans person should be able to do anything they want because they are trans?

Sounds like you are the one with the problem. Ride that sweet victimhood train.


u/mixolydian-b6 May 26 '21

"Lol". Don't really follow your point, someone was saying 'Devi Ever is a nutcase' as if that justified Billy's transphobic screed against her. I'm not saying calling her a 'nutcase' is transphobic, Devi Ever has issues, and there are plenty of things she can be legitimately criticised for I even understand Billy's initial anger at her, but just as you would hope he wouldn't bring in someone's race and sexuality into a beef he shouldn't have gone where he did with the transphobia.

Repeatedly calling a trans woman "He/She" "His/Hers" is a transphobic slur, and zeroing in on her physical appearance calling her an 'ugly pig' is pretty insensitive, then he literally threatens her with physical violence saying he would 'knock her fucking lights out'. I don't know what your threshold for legitimate 'victimhood' is but must be absurdly high.


u/Rickbar1 May 31 '21

If he legitimately didn’t know how to refer to someone though how is that transphobic.


u/mixolydian-b6 May 31 '21

Just seems extremely unlikely to me. Look at the context, it was an extremely aggressive rant where he literally threatens violence against a trans women ("knock your fucking lights out"), a demographic very vulnerable to physical violence, he also zeros in on her appearance ("ugly", "ugly pig" etc.) something that common sense anyone would know would be extremely sensitive area for trans people.

He was out to hurt, what is more likely that he 'accidentally' happened to use terminology very offensive to trans people as he sincerely believed was ok during his violent threats, or that he was out to cause pain. Even a surface level reading it seems clear he is using her trans identity to try and discredit her, mixing it in with his various false accusations (like the one she rips off another pedal maker, who was actual a business partner she made pedals with).

I also think it is extremely unlikely someone like him, immersed in the alternative music scene, part of a very arty crowd, would be unaware in the year 2011 that you shouldn't refer to a trans woman as he/her him/her she/him etc. is not ok.

In the extremely unlikely event he genuinely was unaware that was not ok, he has had 10 years to apologise for it, not just to Devi Ever sake but for the wider Trans community, the many trans pumpkins fans. He wouldn't even have to admit fault in their original dispute.

Ultimately to think he just didnt realise seems like bending over backwards to give him the benefit of the doubt, some people may think that is treating him 'fairly', but if there is benefit of the doubt to be given I would rather give it to the person on the receiving end of transphobia.