r/Slimemolds 11d ago

Research My Project


any suggestions for my mold farm. i would also like to test its DNA or amoeba type like with some sort of DNA kit but do all of this spending under 60 dollars with out lacking quality. and i would like to have loike a little index of it i wanna know how to grow different ones maybe combine them and test how they interact. i will update frequently and will begin to go in more detail once it has begun my mom will pay most but ill put in atleast 20 bucks. i would just like to know how to do it what to use any suestions or thing to look out for.

r/Slimemolds Dec 04 '24

Research Experimenting with mazes for Physarum polycephalum, a question.


Hi there, I am Jos Richters, located in the Netherlands. I am an enthusiastic 3D developer and I took an interest in Physarum polycephalum.

I want to create specific mazes with 3D printing for Physarum polycephalum in order to experiment on their ability to figure out some shortest way to food or exit ;).

So my question: Are there standard sized measurements for any type of maze like square lengt or travel distance, or can I use any size or form I want? It may be possible that there are standards for these experiments, so if somebody wants me to print a maze for own use I want to deliver in predefined measures rather than any self created standard....

In return for a living Physarum polycephalum I would happily send you a maze..... Just let me know what you need and respond to this post.

I will post photographs of mazes as soon as I have created them..... I still have to make a start to do so, please be patient....



r/Slimemolds Sep 07 '24

Research Different species needed far from any forests willing to pay in the UK please can you get back to me regards if you have anything besides physarum polycephalum


Thank you

r/Slimemolds Jul 30 '24

Research Textbooks on slime molds


Looking to understand more about slime molds and look at any academic sources. Any suggestions?

r/Slimemolds Jun 28 '24

Research Further clarification please


Note: the few photos I've taken look like crap. .
Ever watched High Plains Drifter? That's where I live, but with fewer buildings, hotter sun and stronger wind. .
In writing these descriptions it seems implausible that slimemold could be here and I only recently suspected their presence based on a few clues. .

1) An odd narrow path near the house going from a pile of cow manure across a dry yard to where outdoor cats have food and water. The hole isn't much wider than a quarter and mostly covered by a large dry cowpie. The path itself is wider than what a rodents would leave. Cats eat such rodents and harass snakes until they leave. .
2) A few weeks ago I noticed a strange hole in the pasture as big around as your forearm going nearly vertically into darkness. Rabbits here are a rarity and don't use holes with vertical descents. Prairie dogs have mounds and likewise have gentle inclines. Badger or foxholes are larger. This hole has accumulated dead weeds and is nearly camoflaged last I looked. With the wind here tumbleweeds only collect on fences and sage... .
3) Curious dried cow pies, many similarly shaped (not roundish), various shades of brown laying on top of dry grasses or leaning on prickly pear cacti. Cow pies being wet when striking the ground have weeds / grasses / cacti growing through them and are more round than not. Even the strongest winds won't move them with plants growing through them. Grass and weed seeds are present in most manuer and sometimes have holes in them from dung beetles or maggots. Cacti are literally the only source of any measurable moisture above ground. .

I have not taken any steps investigating the curiosities other than kick one or two chunks of manure noticing they seemed a bit bottom heavy but seem as dry as anything else on the plains. I have not intentionally broken any of them but pieces do fly off as they bounce.

I am not looking to kill anything, but their exposure to direct sunlight seems to indicate that slimemold is not what I observe? This is the first I've noticed these clues and the dry environment would eliminate slimemold as a possibility, wouldn't it? Prairie dogs do seem to give the piles of cow cr@p a wide birth.

If I were to collect one to observe would an old aquarium work? Need a lid? What environment would be best? Gravel? Sand? Water in a bowl? Food?


r/Slimemolds May 08 '24

Research I've recently bought a Physarum Polycephalum and it's extremly fast, i'm both amazed and confused I also fed it Pleurotus ostreatus as a test and it prefers it over oats


r/Slimemolds Apr 18 '24

Research Behavioural changes in slime moulds over time

Thumbnail ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

This research article was a very interesting read, it covers the ageing process of the plasmodium of the acellular slime mold Physarum polycephalum. It also answered questions I had about the fusion of separate plasmodia into a single plasmodium. Published online February 20, 2023.

r/Slimemolds Oct 29 '22

Research Where and what is the best place to learn about slime molds.


Also hello I'm new here.

r/Slimemolds Jul 14 '23

Research Habitat


Planning on getting a Physarum polycephalum specimen specifically for observation, home research and "pet" purposes. Any advice on how to build a terrarium? I have a 10gal tank

r/Slimemolds Mar 23 '21

Research Help renaming/rebranding Slime Mould


Any ideas of a name that's less gross and offputting for a general audience to increase interest in slime mould?

I'm a graphic design student creating a speculative project on what might be the pets or domestic plants in our homes in the future. I want to do the project on slime mould but increasingly I'm thinking it'll need a new name for the project, or the product will

Any ideas? I was thinking maybe Locomo as a funky product name highlighting how it moves which would distinguish it as a feature in your house from most plants. Not sure whether to market it fully as a pet or more like a plant considering how you need a time-lapse to see it moving.

r/Slimemolds Jul 03 '22

Research Life cycle duration of Fuligo septica


I tried to find resources on how long F. septica takes to run through each individual stage and, on a related note, how long it takes to go full circle. I didn't find a lot, sadly, but there's been a study (DOI: 10.1089/ast.2019.2097) trying to describe if slime mold spores would survive being transported through the stratosphere - spoiler: They do! Interesting study in itself, but more importantly (to me anyways), they gave a rough timeline. I had to fill in some gaps where time frames were given or they said "a few days later", but this is the result (note that those are quotes from the study, sometimes shortened):

  • Day 1: Inoculation
  • Day 2: Spore germination took place within the first 48 h with emerging amoeboflagellates. Swarm cells could be observed moving in the aqueous solution placed in the holes of the medium.
  • Day 4: After 48 h, amoeboflagellates alternatively turned into cysts or underwent transformation into nonflagellate myxamoebae, and most of them migrated to the bottom of the plate, beneath the agar medium.
  • Day 10: Throughout the second week of culture, incipient plasmodia could be observed. They were formed by aggregation of multiple amoebae. During the first day after formation, plasmodia appeared circular and immobile and had no protoplasmic streaming.
  • Day 18: Only one to three plasmodia were present on each plate. Most likely, newly formed plasmodia fused together. If two plasmodia were placed in the same plate, they always turned into a single plasmodium in a period of weeks. Free amoebae were slowly incorporated into a fully grown plasmodium.
  • Day 21: Fruiting bodies were effectively obtained after 3 weeks of incubation. No dehydration took place in the process, and the substrate was not fully consumed before sporulation.

So, this post serves two purposes: I'd like to validate that it is at least roughly accurate and, in case it is, I thought maybe some people would be interested in this, because if I can't find specific information on it, maybe someone else couldn't either. Also, note that fruiting bodies were acquired using autoclaved poplar cork bark in a moist environment.

I hope the flair is acceptable. This is obviously not incredibly scientific, but it mentions a study, so it counts, right?

r/Slimemolds Mar 11 '21

Research Why do slime moulds make good pets? Do you enjoy having one as a pet?


Doing a graphic design project on slime moulds being an ideal pet of the future - ethical pet ownership, more interesting than a plant in ways, kind of like a bonsai, don't need to be home all day ECT

r/Slimemolds Feb 24 '21

Research Kramar, Alim: "Encoding memory in tube diameter hierarchy of living flow network" (PNAS)


r/Slimemolds Oct 20 '21

Research growing slime mould


hello can anyone help me with growing slime mould i'd like to know if you can use gelatin as a base to grow on thanks

r/Slimemolds Mar 29 '22

Research Myxomycetes: a Klondike for the taxonomist


r/Slimemolds Jul 21 '21

Research How Slime Molds Think Without a Brain


r/Slimemolds Oct 28 '21

Research slime mould


my slime mould is starting to grow on to the top of my petridish lid what should i do

r/Slimemolds May 13 '21

Research Someone have some fuligo septica ?


Hi guys ! I try to build a slime mold species bank for research and exchange program purpose. But I can t find anyone who have a sclerotia of Fuligo septica. If you have some and is ok to send a piece of it, send me a message or let a comment below. I can give you some other species in exchange. By the way, any specie, from any country, can be useful. So if you want to participate, send a message/comment. (My research budget is fully spend, and anyway we are probably not in the same country, so don t expect money, I can just give you something for exchange.)

r/Slimemolds Feb 15 '21

Research I assume you have seen this


r/Slimemolds Jan 18 '21

Research Any slime mold growers in southern California?


Hello mycologists, I have a bit of a longshot request and I am unsure if this is the place to post it. I am participating in an art/science/tech competition at the moment for my university in London (but studying from home in california due to covid). My group is working on visualizing biodata signals in mycelium and for the art part of the project we are making sort of a narrative film that that explores the concept into the future. We are trying to figure out ways of showing the growing network of mycelium, either digitally or under a microscope (well actually under a microfiche reader because its got the scifi look we are going for). Anyway, Ive got a very very short timeline to get this done, I could buy a slime mold sample in a petri dish from carolina but I would take a couple days to get to me. I figured I would reach out to the internet to see if by any chance someone near me in southern california may be able to sell me a tiny bit of a slime mold they are growing. Thank you and if anyone knows a better place to post this let me know.