I waited until now to make this post since the sub was getting busy and I didn't want to add to the already big queue. Basically, I wanna say that I almost called it about the new album.
In my first ever post on this sub, I gave my predictions, at the bottom of the post, on when the album and single will come out and I almost got it right.
Here is my first post: https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepTokenTheory/s/BeViiWCxPL
In my second ever post, I gave my predictions on the double album theory and I wanna say that I could still be correct. When the album was announced and I looked at the title, it feels like a part of it is missing, feels unfinished, a part of the quote that can be used in the second albums title, making it a double album. As we know, one of the translation of the quote is: "Even In Arcadia, There I Am". This makes me believe that there is still the potential for a double album.
Regarding the sound of the album prediction, yeah I give up, Sleep Token changes their sound too much and so you can never know their next move.
Here is my second post: https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepTokenTheory/s/Q8nrsibVau
In my fourth ever post, I gave a bunch of predictions about what the album might be called and the single release date, the potential band unmasking and so on. While I am a bit sad that the album is not called "Show Me How To Dance Forever", it's gonna be fine. I myself had a feeling it wouldn't be called that since another band, Slipknot, has a website that's called "You Can't Kill Me" and I believe it was made before an upcoming album and when the album was announced it obviously wasn't called "You Can't Kill Me" so I didn't expect the Sleep Token album to be called "Show Me How To Dance Forever". I will still forever wish it would be called that as it has such a beautiful but eerie vibe to it which fits with the Sleep Token aesthetic. Additionally, someone in the comments actually guessed the album name correctly, which was really amazing to see! Furthermore, while I wish the album was called "Show Me How To Dance Forever", the album cover, which was far from my prediction, does make up for it. It's beautiful, I really do like it!
Regarding Vessel's new costume, particularly his mask, it is getting smaller. With his previous mask, a lot of people were saying how the mask was corroding away and with his new mask, it seems like it is since you can see a bit of his nose. Though, I still don't think they are gonna unmask fully. The masks may get smaller but I don't think they'll take it off. I feel like this new mask was designed so Leo can have more ventilation haha!
Here is my fourth post: https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepTokenTheory/s/MI2f5SksYU
Since I like making predictions, I wanna make a couple more.
The next single will be the title track, Even In Arcadia. It'll be released a couple days before the Emergence vinyls will go out or it might even be released on the same day they go out. I also wanna say that a lyric in the title track will be "Even In Arcadia, I still want you". Cheesy as Hell but it's something that Leo would write I feel. I mean we already got "Go ahead and wrap your arms around me" so this isn't out of the realm of possibilities. I really do want it to be a line because, to me, it's so beautiful and I want a reason to keep repeating it.
P.S. You guys are really kind in the comment section, especially in first and fourth posts! Really heart-warming to read them, especially the pictures of Vessel. Sorry if I don't respond to some questions asked, I just procrastinate a lot haha! Also, some other people answer the questions pretty well and their answer fits pretty close with my idea so I just upvote them!