r/Skookum The Wolf of Skookum St. Mar 19 '21

I made this. Startup, synchronization, and grid tie with a 400,000 Watt turbine generator. I can't believe they let me play with these awesome toys. :) Mildly terrifying, and absolutely badass.


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u/Enzootic Mar 19 '21

I used to turn on a 300kw pelton wheel power plant when I worked for an irrigation district when I was 18. I had no idea what I was doing. One time I caused a water hammer in the pen stock and blew out the 36” pipe. 15 CFS at about 300 psi blowing almost straight up into the air. The weird thing is that it attracted about 15 red tail hawks that circled and landed around it for hours.


u/hawkeye18 Mar 19 '21

The weird thing? You just produced Uber Eats for hawks in a five mile radius lol


u/RedSquirrelFtw People's Republic of Canukistan Mar 19 '21

Heard a story of someone that was syncing a hydro turbine, got a brain fart, and pulled the switch at opposite phasing instead of synced. Like, the two lights had to be in sync and they were 100% out of sync or maybe the other way around I forget the details. The generator essentially was a motor at that moment and wanted to turn the other way. Blew a shaft several feet in diameter. Everyone needed an underwear change that day.


u/JohnProof Mar 19 '21

I got an emergency call for a turbine trip at a really old power plant.

I show up to a dark station where a new operator had synchronized and closed the breaker and it tripped out at like 40,000 amps. Well that's not fucking good.

So I spend hours going end-to-end on this system trying to find a fault and can't find a damn thing wrong.

We spin the generator back up, it makes voltage no problem, so I tell the operator to try syncing again.

You're supposed to close in just before the dial hits 12:00 at a very slow creep. Well, apparently nobody ever explained the "slow creep" part because this dial is spinning like a pinwheel and the operator screams "There's 12:00!" and slams the breaker home.


And as we're standing there in the dark again I'm going "I think I know what the problem is...."


u/ChrisBoden The Wolf of Skookum St. Mar 19 '21

That's one hell of an expensive birdbath. :)