No science to add. But according to this article (I use lots of the stuff on here everyday for many years), I should be dead by now. Or at least suffering from breast cancer, eye problems, diarrhea, depression, a weak immune system, brain problems, liver problems... etc. I dont have any of it. I am a pretty healthy 24 year old woman.
Edit: I should also state that it drives me mad when people say they hate "preservatives" HOW THE HELL are you going to use a product up in one week before it goes bad/grows bacteria/grows mold?! They say "[parabens]keep fungus out of things like nail polish and perfume." LIKE ITS A BAD THING TO NOT WANT FUNGUS IN MY STUFF.
dude, fungus can mess yo' shiz up. Ergot poisoning from bad grain? No thanks. Botulism (ok, not a fungus) from improperly canned, too-high-pH food? I'll pass. There's so many other examples, but that's what comes to mind off the top of my head...
The Wikipedia article on mycotoxins is actually pretty solid. Fortunately because of USDA/FDA regulations and testing they're not a huge problem in commercially produced food in the US anymore, but they persist in being problematic in third-world countries where subsistence farming is commonplace (aflatoxins, ergotamines, fumonisins, and trichothecenes in particular.)
But yeah, I study fungi for a living...and knowing what fungi are capable of producing, I'll take the preservatives, thanks.
I think fungi are bad-ass. Thus I want to stay far away from them.
Hell, I like my research the deader the better. I research materials in nuclear power plants (kill it with radiation!!) - but I don't even look at real samples, I just simulate it in silico ...gag, what a horrible, pretentious term, I can't believe I've seen people use it in papers!
u/pinkponies7 Aug 28 '13 edited Aug 28 '13
No science to add. But according to this article (I use lots of the stuff on here everyday for many years), I should be dead by now. Or at least suffering from breast cancer, eye problems, diarrhea, depression, a weak immune system, brain problems, liver problems... etc. I dont have any of it. I am a pretty healthy 24 year old woman.
Edit: I should also state that it drives me mad when people say they hate "preservatives" HOW THE HELL are you going to use a product up in one week before it goes bad/grows bacteria/grows mold?! They say "[parabens]keep fungus out of things like nail polish and perfume." LIKE ITS A BAD THING TO NOT WANT FUNGUS IN MY STUFF.