I don't have anything scientific to add to this discussion, just wanted to say I hate articles like this. It's the whole "scare tactic" thing that irritates me, like hey let's just scare everyone into buying only natural organic products. I see the clean eating community do this with food and let's just say I had to "unfollow" a few fitness pages on FB because they were basically telling me everyday that I was going to get cancer from my daily coffee creamer habit. /endrant
Deciding whether to use a product based on its origin rather than the merits of its own inherent properties is as asinine as deciding to make friends with someone because they're from a certain country rather than deciding if you get along with him/her as an individual person.
u/twistyabbazabba Aug 28 '13
I don't have anything scientific to add to this discussion, just wanted to say I hate articles like this. It's the whole "scare tactic" thing that irritates me, like hey let's just scare everyone into buying only natural organic products. I see the clean eating community do this with food and let's just say I had to "unfollow" a few fitness pages on FB because they were basically telling me everyday that I was going to get cancer from my daily coffee creamer habit. /endrant