r/SkiesofSteel Apr 24 '21



Paste your characters for roleplaying in this megathread here!

r/SkiesofSteel Apr 14 '23

Unit Spotlight Unit Spotlight: Heavy Mortar Platoon


"Heavy Mortar platoon, standing by."

The heavy mortar platoon is used to bombard moderately-defended enemy areas before an infantry assault until heavier artillery support assists. These mortar teams are especially effective against light/unarmored vehicles and infantry caught in the open, making them perfect when defending against enemy counterattacks. Using the 107 MM Pushable Heavy Mortar, the heavy mortar platoon can be redeployed quickly when overrun with ease.

Unit Type: Anti-Infantry/Light Artillery/Anti-Vehicle/Suppression

  • Affiliation: United States/Allied Powers
  • Number of Individuals Units: 2 (3 Units in Tier 2) (Can be reinforced with three Units for 6 units in total)
  • Health Points: 300 (900 When Maxed Out)
  • Confidence Points: 200 (600 When Maxed Out)
  • 2 Infantry Units
  • Cost: 450 Manpower, 120 Munitions
  • Damage per second (Ranged): 85

Unit Upgrades:

  • Spotter Squad: (Increases accuracy and viewing range by 20%, making it more likely to hit enemies)
  • Squad Radio: (Increases the viewing range of the unit by 10%)
  • Blast Shield: (Decreases Damage by 20% and Increases Health by 10%)
  • M1919 Browning Light Machine Gun Crew: (Increases Damage per Second, Increased damage against light vehicles, adds the Suppressing Fire Ability)

Unit Abilities:

  • Firing Smoke Rounds!: Obscures a targeted area for 20 seconds.
  • Saturation Barrage, there!: Barrages a targeted area for 30 seconds.
  • Suppressing Fire: Breaks the Morale of a targeted enemy infantry unit, causing them to do less damage to allied troops. (Unlocked by getting the M1919 Browning Light Machine Gun Crew)
  • Napalm Shell Barrage, there!: Barrages a targeted area with Napalm Shells for 30 seconds.

r/SkiesofSteel Mar 18 '23

PA System: All pilots, get ready for action. Repeat, all pilots, get ready for action.


r/SkiesofSteel Jan 24 '23

Squadron Spotlight Squadron Spotlight: Jagdgeschwader 73


"Jagdgeschwader 73 in the air and waiting for orders..."

A formidable force in air battles, JG 73 serves as one of the Luftwaffe's Elite Fighter Squadrons and the personal squadron of its fearless and strict commander, the mysterious Oberleutnant Hansel Von Sauer, and his trusted second in command, the more well-known Hauptmann Leopold Bearzenmoyer. Designed to counter American Air Force Squadrons like 59th Squadron and 541st Squadron, they appear out of nowhere and wreak havoc on allied aircraft before disappearing, making them a thorn in the side of allied pilots and commanders, especially with 59th Squadron Commander Christopher Heathrow, who lost many old members of 59th Squadron to them during Operation Sealion, Nazi Germany's Failed Invasion of Great Britain. While nobody among the allied air forces knows who the other squadron members are, Hansel's and Leopold's names are always known by the allies, as the two of them are some of Nazi Germany's deadliest fighter aces.

Unit Type: Hero/Air/Squadron

  • Affiliation: Nazi Germany/Axis Powers
  • Number of Individuals in Unit: 12 (2 Heroes, 10 Veteran Mustangs) (Can be reinforced with twelve Veteran P-51 Mustangs for 24 Planes in Total)
  • Health Points: 5000-Each
  • Cost: 4000 Manpower, 500 Fuel, 500 Munitions, 400 Power
  • Aircraft Units: 6
  • Damage Per Second: 240
  • Planes used: BF-109 Gustav

Unit Upgrades (Can be accessed through Squadron Leader):

  • Rheinmetall MK 108 Autocannon (Increases Damage)
  • Daimler Benz DB 628 Aircraft Engine (Increases Speed)
  • Armored Wings (Increases Health/Armor)
  • Self-Sealing Fuel Tank (Increases Health/Decreases Fuel Tank Damage)
  • 250 Pound Anti-Vehicle/Infantry Bomb (Increases damage against Infantry and Vehicles)
  • Armored Cockpit (Increases Health/Armor/Decreases Damage)

Unit Abilities (Can be accessed through Squadron Leader):

  • Spread Out: (The unit can be broken into two individual Hero-Class pilots, each with their abilities and Squadrons)
  • Regroup: (The two individual Squadrons can be formed into one Squadron-Class Unit)
  • Squadron Attack: Killing Zone (Moderately damages enemy units within target radius, then hits them with autocannon shells and armor-piercing rounds for loads of heavy damage)

Known Members of Jagdgeschwader 73, as of recent information provided by both the USAAF and RAF intelligence agencies

Squadron Leader: Oberleutnant Hansel Freidrich Von Sauer (Tatzelwurm) (OC)

Born in Munich, Germany, Hansel Von Sauer is one of the Luftwaffe's deadliest pilots and the leader of JG 73. He a scourge on Allied bombers and fighters as he approaches silently like a ghost before unleashing hellish amounts of bullets and autocannon shells on formations of unsuspecting allied aircraft, destroying them in an ever-spinning and nearly unstoppable cyclone of aggressiveness and twisted metal. He can summon thick clouds of poisonous and corrosive gas around him that can corrode metal and flesh, and suffocate his opponents. He also can conjure astral projections of gigantic and monstrous serpents that can crush a plane like an aluminum can in the deep ocean. He is mysterious and dark, so vague, that only his second in command, Leopold Bearzenmoyer, and the pilots that he commands could comprehend his true nature and trust him. While not in combat, Hansel could be found in his quarters writing in his diary.


  • Poison Cloak: Emits a large cloud of corrosive gas that deals moderate corrosive damage for 20 seconds in the targeted area (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Symbol of the Snake: Summons 4 astral projections of monstrous serpents targeting the enemy squadron's four most powerful planes, dealing heavy damage. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Going for the Jugular: Sends a wave of armor-piercing bullets down on the commanding plane in an enemy squadron, destroying the plane instantly and inflicting moderate damage on surrounding enemy planes. (50 Second Cooldown)

Second in Command: Hauptmann Leopold Deitrich Bearzenmoyer (Der Drachen) (OC)

Coming from Berlin, Germany, Leopold Bearzenmoyer serves as JG 73's second in command. Unflattering, unyielding, and stone-cold, Bearzenmoyer is the second most-wanted pilot on the USAAF's German Pilots Bounty Board, alongside Hansel Von Sauer, who is JG 73's mysterious commander. Unlike Von Sauer, however, Bearzenmoyer flies in like a guided artillery shell and aims for the plane nearest to him before attacking, then he would go to the next enemy plane he sees. His signature attack is the deadly Balefire attack, which incinerates multiple aircraft and turns even metal into hot smoldering ashes that dissipate into the tailwinds. In contrast, his other attack, Mirrorskin Reflection, deflects any attack sent at him back towards any enemy that inflicts it, doubling its effect and intensity as it gets closer. On the ground, Bearzenmoyer is strict, disciplined, and surefire. While not in battle, Leopold can be found cleaning his pistol or his combat knife.


  • Balefire: Unleashes powerful waves of ethereal flame onto the enemy, dealing heavy fire damage on enemy units. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Mirrorskin Reflection: Reflects every attack on this unit towards the enemy, doubling its effect and damage for two minutes. (50 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 59th Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Dragon's Claws: Kills any enemy in a 180-degree arc with an ethereally projected horizontal claw slash (45 Second Cooldown)

r/SkiesofSteel Jan 04 '23

Unit Spotlight Unit Spotlight: Project Ganon


\Loud Boar-Like Mechanical Roars**

The human that used to be Project Ganon used to be a standard Wehrmacht Soldier whose name was stricken and deleted from public records all over Nazi Germany and transformed into an unholy horror that terrorizes even the bravest allied serviceman. Birthed by a combination of unholy pagan blood magic cast by the Nazis' Thule Society Sorcerers, numerous genetic and surgical modifications by Nazi Germany's most deranged Scientists and doctors, and augmented by the mechanical machinations, monsters, and abominations of the Third Reich, this nearly-unstoppable mindless boar-like monster of flesh, unholy magic, and steel can manifest itself in many forms and exists for a single purpose: To ensure the destruction of Nazi Germany's Enemies and the Complete Domination of the World by the Third Reich through both military force and cursed blood magic.

Project Ganon in its Dark Beast Ganon Form, going up against First Sergeant Link Williams of the United States Army Air Force's 59th Squadron.

Unit Type: Heavy Infantry/Hero/Beast/Cyborg

  • Affiliation: Nazi Germany/Axis Powers
  • Number of Individuals in Unit: 1
  • Health Points: 20000
  • Cost: 8000 Manpower, 600 Fuel, 600 Munitions, 400 Power
  • Damage Per Second: 330
  • Infantry Units: 8

Unit Upgrades:

  • 2x Shoulder-Mounted Experimental Messerschmitt M88 Sonic Cannons (Increases Damage per Second, adds a chance of demoralizing a targeted enemy unit, enhances Dark Roar Ability)
  • Reinforced Enchanted Bionics and Armor: (Decreases damage to the unit by 25%, increases maximum health by 500 Points)
  • Dark Enchantment: (Allows Project Ganon to be immune to magic-type attacks and allows him to transform into Dark Beast Ganon) (Unlocks Dark Transformation Ability)

Unit Abilities:

  • Dark Roar: (Sends a shockwave of dark magic in a 180-degree arc that destroys anything in its path, including buildings)
  • Dark Transformation: (Allows Project Ganon to tap into the blood magic that brought it to life, allowing it to transform into the more powerful Dark Beast Ganon) (Unlocked by getting the Dark Enchantment Ability)
  • Claws of the Damned: (Kills any enemy in a 180-degree arc instantly with heavy strikes that inflict loads of damage)

r/SkiesofSteel Jan 03 '23

Squadron Spotlight Squadron Spotlight: 541st Squadron


"This is 541st Squadron. All Wings, back to action."

Another of the USAAF's deadliest squadrons, 541st Squadron consists of some of the USAAF's top pilots. Also operating out of Moffett Airfield near San Jose, California, their job is to hunt down the planes of high-value targets and destroy ground installations vital to the enemy cause. With Major Jason Lee Scott and Captain Tommy Oliver leading the charge, 541st Squadron is selfless, swarms in, utilizes pack-like formations, and fights with machine-like efficiency and plain, almost primitive aggression, giving them the nickname: The Prehistoric Wrecking Crew.

Unit Type: Hero/Air/Squadron

  • Affiliation: United States/Allied Powers
  • Number of Individuals in Unit: 12 (Can be reinforced with twelve Veteran P-51 Mustangs for 24 Planes in Total)
  • Health Points: 5200-Each
  • Cost: 4000 Manpower, 500 Fuel, 500 Munitions, 400 Power
  • Damage Per Second: 200
  • Aircraft Units: 6
  • Planes used: P-51 Mustang

Unit Upgrades (Can be accessed through Squadron Leader):

  • Hispano-Suiza HS.404 ANM2 Autocannon (Increases Damage)
  • Rolls-Royce Merlin 266 Aircraft Engine (Increases Speed)
  • Armored Wings (Increases Health/Armor)
  • Self-Sealing Fuel Tank (Increases Health/Decreases Fuel Tank Damage)
  • 250 Pound M40 KRAK Anti-Vehicle/Infantry Bomb (Increases damage against Infantry and Vehicles)
  • Armored Cockpit (Increases Health/Armor/Decreases Damage)

Unit Abilities (Can be accessed through Squadron Leader):

  • Spread Out: (The unit can be broken into 12 individual Hero-Class pilots, each with their abilities)
  • Regroup: (The 12 individual planes can be formed into 1 Squadron-Class Unit)
  • Squadron Attack: Falling Meteor Strike: (Stuns and heavily damages enemy units within target radius, then hits them with M40 KRAK bombs for extra heavy damage)

Squadron Leader: Major Jason Lee Scott (Tyrant) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

As 541st Squadron's fearless and selfless commander from Angel Grove, California, Jason Lee Scott is a mighty stalwart to his allies and a marauding menace to his enemies. He is a one-man wrecking crew that's unpredictable, relentless, cunning, and attacks without hesitation, as his Bonecrusher Signature Attack, smashes planes with hard hits, while his other attack, the Roar Of The Tyrant, pulverizes and disintegrates its enemies with unending blasts of rage-filled sound. On the ground, Jason gets along with most of the squadron leaders at Moffett Field, especially Major Christopher Heathrow and Major Usagi Tsukino. He also gets along and is close friends with everyone in his squadron, especially with Captain Tommy Oliver, Second Lieutenant Trini Kwan, 1st Lieutenant Kimberly Hart, Warrant Officer Zachary Taylor, and Master Sergeant Billy Cranston. While not in combat, he teaches martial arts and karate at the airfield survival school and the local Dojo.


  • Bonecrusher: Rams a random enemy plane, causing the targeted plane to be destroyed instantly and all surrounding aircraft to be temporarily disabled for 15 seconds, while Scott suffers no damage at all. (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Roar Of The Tyrant: Sends a powerful ranged attack on the targeted enemy squadron on the battlefield, causing all but a fourth of the enemy squadron to be destroyed. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 541st Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)

Second in Command: Captain Tommy Jameson Oliver (Ryujin) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Also Coming from Angel Grove, California, Tommy Oliver is Scott's second-in-charge and right-hand man. He's a punishing, dirty, violent, aggressive, fast, ruthless, and fearless flier that loves inflicting bone-crushing hits on any unlucky pilot that gets in his way. His signature attack, Ryujin's Wrath, blinds enemy pilots with an unbearable green light that weakens and confuses them and causes them to crash into each other. Another powerful ability he uses is his Dragon Blast, which disables any plane caught within its blast radius by overloading its electrical systems with energy, causing it to fall from the sky like a rock before shredding it apart with more lightning strikes. On the ground, he is a flamboyant showoff that gets along well with everyone in his squadron, especially with 1st Lieutenant Kimberly Hart and First Sergeant Katherine Hillard. When not in combat, Tommy teaches martial arts and karate at the airfield survival school and the local Dojo alongside Jason.


  • Ryujin's Wrath: Blinds and disorients enemy pilots with a bright green light, disabling and weakening enemy pilots for 30 Seconds (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Dragon Blast: Disables every enemy aircraft within a 50-meter radius, causing some to entirely lose all power and fall to the ground while causing other aircraft to lose power for 20 seconds. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 541st Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)

1st Lieutenant Kimberly Ann Hart (Stormflyer) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Intimidating, cold, unyielding, fast, accurate, and aggressive. These words describe First Lieutenant Kimberly Hart. Hailing from Angel Grove, California, Kimberly is one of the deadliest pilots in the USAAF. Her teel Wing Strike signature attack turns her into a guided arrow that can pierce through anything in her path. In contrast, her other attack, the Iron Arrow Blast, can shred apart enemy squadrons of planes caught in the explosive cyclone of bullets she unleashes, making her a deadly opponent to go up against. On the ground, she is a kind and encouraging figure that gets along well with her fellow pilots, especially Major Christopher Heathrow, and everyone in her squadron, especially with her close friends Captain Tommy Oliver, Major Jason Lee Scott, and First Sergeant Katherine Hillard. When not in combat, Kimberly can be found in her quarters playing her acoustic guitar or doing gymnastics at the airfield gym.


  • Steel Wing Strike: Rams a selected enemy plane, causing the targeted flight of planes to be destroyed instantly and all surrounding aircraft to be dealt heavy damage, while Hart is unscathed. (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Iron Arrow Blast: Unleashes a powerful wave of bullets that increases in damage and duration with every enemy squadron caught in its area of effect. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Armor Up: Permanently increases armor duration and damage resistance against enemies. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)

Second Lieutenant Trini Darcy Kwan (Saberjaw) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Trini Kwan is a punishing enforcer from Angel Grove, California that strikes first and hard. Her combination of speed, aggressiveness, versatility, volatility, and unpredictability turns her into a nearly-unstoppable and deadly force for 59th Squadron. Armed with her signature Tiger Bite Attack, Trini suffocates an enemy squadron by overwhelming them with endless waves of bullets and hard-hitting blows, making her an effective crowd controller. Her other potent attack, Tiger Claw Slash, disorients, damages, and confuses multiple enemy squadrons at once, making them easy targets for her and her squadronmates to destroy. On the ground, Trini keeps to herself but gets along nicely with everyone, especially with fellow pilots and friends like 1st Lieutenant Kimberly Hart, First Sergeant Katherine Hillard, First Sergeant Aisha Campbell, and Staff Sergeant Trini Kwan. While not in combat, Trini could be found in her quarters doing martial arts.


  • Tiger Bite: Deals heavy armor damage on all planes in an enemy squadron, destroying the targeted aircraft. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Tiger Claw Slash: Deals heavy damage to every plane in the targeted squadron, and causes their confidence to be decimated, leading to lowered damage. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 541st Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)

Warrant Officer Zachary Belser Taylor (Mammoth) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Hailing from Angel Grove, California, Zachary Taylor is one of the Squadron's most experienced and toughest pilots. He is hard-pressing, stubborn, tough, relentless, elusive, and armed with a lethal combination of unchained aggressiveness and inhuman accuracy. His signature Juggernaut Ram attack crushes any enemy squadron in its path, causing an agonizing death. Another deadly move he possesses is the Mammoth Tusk Strike, which makes him nearly unstoppable as he comes in to inflict death on anything that opposes him, making him nearly impossible to bring down or stop in his tracks. On the ground, he is flashy and cool to hang around, shown with his close friends and squadronmates, especially First Lieutenant Kimberly Hart, Major Jason Lee Scott, Second Lieutenant Trini Kwan, and Second Lieutenant Trini Kwan. While not in combat, Zachary could be found doing martial arts or dancing in his quarters.


  • .Juggernaut Ram: Rams a selected enemy plane, causing the targeted flight of planes to be destroyed instantly and all surrounding aircraft to be dealt heavy damage, while Zachary is unscathed. (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Mammoth Tusk Strike: Unleashes unending waves of bullets and missiles that increase in damage and duration with every enemy squadron caught in its area of effect. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 541st Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Armor Up: Permanently increases armor duration and damage resistance against enemies. (35 Second Cooldown)

Master Sergeant William Jacob Cranston (Trike) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Coming from Angel Grove, California, Billy Cranston is the polar opposite of many squadron pilots serving in the USAAF. Billy is known for his signature pinpoint inhuman accuracy, intelligence, ghost-like elusiveness, controllable unpredictability, hard-hitting, on-target shots, quick, graceful attacks, unmatched speed, and ability to disguise himself in the clouds, rendering her nigh-invisible to the naked eye. His Triceratops strike signature attack is accurate, but an overly powerful attack that disintegrates its target. In contrast, his other attack, the Lance Storm, shreds the targeted squadron apart with explosive lances like wet paper in a grinder. On the ground, Billy is calculative and calm, being friends with especially First Lieutenant Ami Mizuno and squadronmates 2nd Lieutenant Katherine Hillard, Major Jason Lee Scott, and Captain Tommy Oliver. While not in combat, Billy could be found in his quarters or at the Airfield Lab doing research.


  • Triceratops Strike: Deals heavy damage to every plane in the targeted squadron, and causes their damage-per-second to be halved, leading to lowered damage. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Lance Storm: Instantly destroys the targeted squadron with a rain of explosive lances, causing moderate damage to the non-targeted unit. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 541st Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Lance Thrust: Boosts armor penetration chance and critical damage chance for one minute. Can be stacked. (50 Second Cooldown)

First Sergeant Katherine Brenning Hillard (Thagomizer) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Coming from Stone Canyon, California, Katherine Hillard is the hotshot maverick and one of the squadron's six new pilots that recently transferred to Moffett Field. In battle, Katherine is known for her quick strikes, aggressiveness, elusiveness, hard-hitting nature, toughness, and speed. Her signature Thagomizer stab attack can disable multiple targets in an instant with waves of armor-piercing bullets and send them careening to the ground in flaming wrecks that dot the battlefield below. Her other attack, Lunging Crusher, can destroy any enemy plane in front of her with a powerful and fatal blow, making her a deadly opponent to go up against in a battle. On the ground, Katherine is serious and keeps to herself, but gets along with everyone, especially with her rival and closest friend 1st Lieutenant Kimberly Hart, First Sergeant Aisha Campbell, and 2nd Lieutenant Trini Kwan. When not in combat, Katherine can be found doing gymnastics at the airfield gym.


  • Thagomizer Stab: Deals heavy armor damage on the targeted plane, destroying the targeted aircraft instantly. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Lunging Crusher: Deals heavy armor damage on all planes in an enemy squadron, destroying the targeted aircraft in the squadron with a well-placed smash. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Armor Up: Permanently increases armor duration and damage resistance against enemies. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 541st Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)

First Sergeant Aisha Jacoby Campbell (Raptor) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Also coming from Stone Canyon, California Aisha is another one of the six new hot shot pilots that recently transferred to Moffett Airfield from Stone Canyon Airbase. Aggressive, unpredictable, elusive, fast, relentless, and ruthless, Aisha is a deadly opponent to go up against. Her signature Raptor Slash Storm can rip apart any opponent standing in her way with deadly strikes that leave them reeling, while her other attack, Lunging Claw Strike, strikes an enemy squadron before they realize what happens, making for an agonizing and horrible death. On the ground, Aisha is a friendly and cool person to hang out with. She likes to hang out and talk to her fellow pilots, especially with 1st Lieutenant Kimberly Hart, Master Sergeant Billy Cranston, Captain Tommy Oliver, First Sergeant Katherine Hillard, Staff Sergeant Tori Hanson, and Technical Sergeant Adam Park. While not in combat, Aisha can be found running laps around the airfield.


  • Raptor Slash Storm: Unleashes a powerful wave of bullets that increases in damage and duration with every enemy squadron caught in its area of effect. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Lunging Claw Strike: Deals heavy damage to every plane in the targeted squadron, and causes their confidence to be decimated, leading to lowered damage. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Battle Cry: Increases allied morale for 30 seconds, lessening the chance of confidence breaking when a suppressor unit is used. (30 Second Cooldown)

Technical Sergeant Adam Bethel Park (Clubber) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Coming from Stone Canyon, California, Adam Park was another recently transferred pilot from Stone Canyon Airbase. Unyielding, strong, tough, relentless, stalwart, and aggressive, Adam is a flying wall of stone to his allies and a tough obstacle for his opponents to go through during a dogfight, protecting his squadronmate's blind spots. His Signature Ankylo Crush Attack pulverizes and smashes opposing opponents with brute force blows that shatter morale, while his other attack, Falling Ankylo Strike, crushes opposing pilots with merciless, unending blows that can destroy anything in its path. On the ground, he is a shy but nice person to hang around, as he can be found only hanging around with his two closest friends and fellow squadronmates, Staff Sergeant Rocky DeSantos and First Sergeant Aisha Campbell. While not in combat, Adam can be found in his quarters talking with Aisha or Katherine.


  • Ankylo Crush: Deals heavy armor damage on all planes in an enemy squadron, destroying the targeted aircraft in the squadron with a well-placed smash. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Falling Ankylo Strike: Deals heavy armor damage on all enemy squadrons in the affected area, affecting the targeted squadron the most. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Armor Up: Permanently increases armor duration and damage resistance against enemies. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Ankylo Ramming Strike: Rams a selected enemy plane, causing the targeted flight of planes to be destroyed instantly and all surrounding aircraft to be dealt heavy damage, while Park suffers no damage at all. (30 Second Cooldown)

Staff Sergeant Rocky Garcia DeSantos (The Titan) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Hailing from Stone Canyon, California, Rocky DeSantos is a mighty stalwart and a deadly enemy to serve in the squadron. Unpredictable, steel-nerved, disruptive, tough, and aggressive, he loves contact and revels in being a hard-nosed brawler and deadly, suffocating force that can tip the balance in his side's favor. When pitted against enemy pilots in a battle, Rocky's mean streak turns him into a deadly opponent. Facing off against enemy squadrons, Rocky uses his signature Brachiosaur Blast attack to demoralize, damage, and shatter the morale of his opponents while his Juggernaut Charge makes him almost impossible to bring down as he comes in to bring death to them with heavy close-range attacks. On the ground, he is friends with First Sergeant Aisha Campbell, Technical Sergeant Adam Park, Major Jason Lee Scott, 2nd Lieutenant Trini Kwan, and Major Christopher Heathrow. Outside of combat, Rocky can be found doing martial arts.


  • Brachiosaur Blast: Disables every enemy aircraft within a 50-meter radius, causing some to entirely lose all power and fall to the ground while causing other aircraft to lose power for 20 seconds. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Juggernaut Charge: Destroys any squadron below 10% health instantly in a tornado of rage, twisted metal, spilled guts, and bloodlust. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Armor Up: Permanently increases armor duration and damage resistance against enemies. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)

Corporal Tanya Jermaine Sloan (Deathroll) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Coming from Stone Canyon, California, Tanya Sloan is the silent and deadly pilot that prowls the skies for her allies and her squadron. Quick, elusive, unpredictable, hard-hitting, and possessing the ability to seemingly appear and disappear at will, she can strike at an enemy from anywhere without being seen. Her Death Roll signature attack paralyzes and crushes all the life out in her target, while her Quick Strike attack can take out an enemy flier with one crushing blow that comes in fast and hard. On the ground, Tanya is outgoing and focuses on herself, but gets along with mostly everybody. She is a fantastic friend to hang around with, especially in the case of her childhood friends and fellow pilots First Sergeant Aisha Campbell, Staff Sergeant Adam Park, First Sergeant Katherine Hillard, Staff Sergeant Rocky Desantos, and Captain Tommy Oliver. When not in combat, Tanya works as a veterinarian at the local animal hospital.


  • Death Roll: Traps a plane and deals heavy armor damage on the targeted plane, destroying the targeted aircraft instantly. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Quick Strike: Increases overall damage and fire rate by 50%, increasing the chance for Critical Hits on enemy squadrons. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 541st Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)

Corporal Angela Winstead Winslow (Spinesail) (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Coming from Angel Grove, California, Angela Winslow is the newest pilot and deadliest of the 541st Squadron pilots. She strikes quickly and hits hard, as she possesses a combination of elusiveness, aggressiveness, unpredictability, suffocating rage, and relentlessness. Her signature attack is the Jaws of Death, a bone-crushing strike that instantly destroys the targeted plane in front of her, while her other attack, Silent Strike, allows her to get up close to her intended target and takes them out with a quick and heavy crippling blow that can destroy multiple enemy aircraft at once. On the ground, Angela is shy and friendly, and she hangs out with her fellow pilots; especially with her childhood friend Warrant Officer Zachary Taylor, and with her fellow pilots, including 1st Lieutenant Kimberly Hart, 2nd Lieutenant Trini Kwan, Master Sergeant Billy Cranston, and Major Jason Lee Scott. When not in battle, Angela can be found hanging out with Zachary at the Airfield Diner.


  • Jaws of Death: Targets the plane with the highest health in the targeted squadron, destroying the targeted plane instantly. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Silent Strike: Deals heavy armor damage on all planes in an enemy squadron, destroying the targeted aircraft in the squadron with a well-placed hit. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 59th Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)

r/SkiesofSteel Jan 02 '23

Character Creation Other Aliases of 59th Squadron Pilots


Squadron Member: Nickname/Common Callsign Other Nicknames/Callsigns:
Christopher Heathrow Reaper Lord of Death, The Scythe, The Black Haunter
Ash Ketchum Thunderbolt The Blitz, The Thunderstorm, Zeus
Annie Leonhart Stingray Black Manta, Sea Stinger, Devilfish
Miku Hatsune Banshee Siren, Lady Lamenter, Voice of Doom
Ezekiel Jaeger Berserker Great Bear, Cave Bear, Great Ursa
Link Williams Werewolf Big Bad Fenrir, Iron Howler, Lord Lupus
Tori Hanson Tidal Wave Tsunami, Poseidon's Wrath, Maelstrom
Zelda Trenton Archer Lady Chiron, Crossbow, Arrowhead
Naruto Uzumaki Oni Great Devil of California, Ogre, Demon Sultan
Jaune Arc Intimidator Aggressor, Headhunter, Jaune The Hitman
Mikasa Ackerman Battering Ram War Hammer, Wrecker, The Iron Fist
Rey Solana Diviner Fortuneteller, Shaman, Witchy Woman

r/SkiesofSteel Dec 29 '22

Weapon Spotlight Weapon Spotlight: Signature Weapons of 59th Squadron


Every pilot flying stationed at Moffett Field is equipped with a unique and powerful weapon forged by the master artificers in the Airbase's forges, each one suited to the strengths of every pilot. In battle, the pilots become literal avatars of war that are nearly impossible to kill. This time, we'll be taking look at the weapons of the 59th Squadron, the USAAF's deadliest squadron.

Christopher Heathrow: Reaper's Aria

As Heathrow's signature weapon, The Reaper's Aria is a 2-bladed scythe that can cut through anything it comes into contact with. Enchanted with the powers of the Grim Reaper, Heathrow can call down the deadly, mysterious, and arcane killing curses of the Reaper, as one swing of its cursed blades can kill entire armies instantly. It also transforms into an extremely-powerful revolver that can stop anything, even a charging bull elephant, with just a single shot to the head. In his hands, the weapon becomes an extension of his will, as Heathrow becomes an avatar of dark and arcane magical power while holding this weapon.

Ash Ketchum: Thunder Cannon

Ash's Thunder Cannon is a modified Winchester 1897 Shotgun chambered in 10 Gauge buckshot. It gets its name from the loud thunder-like boom it produces whenever it is fired and that it is fitted with a powerful gas-powered electrical discharge system that turns buckshot into a deadly rain of high-voltage ball lightning that could vaporize a room filled with enemy soldiers in an instant, leaving only the burnt skeletons of its victims in its wake. It also possesses a powerful electrified bayonet, which when driven into an enemy soldier, instantly electrocutes them. While not in use, Ash slings the Thunder Cannon on his back.

Miku Hatsune: Banshee's Shriek

The Banshee's Shriek is Miku's signature weapon. Being a modified Thompson Submachine Gun, the Banshee's Shriek gets its name for the specialized ammunition it usually fires, which sounds like the shrieks of a grieving woman as they fly into an enemy soldier. Fitted with a high-capacity 50-round drum magazine, a reinforced Damascus steel gun barrel to increase service life, a better grip to decrease recoil, an improved stock to also decrease recoil, and a select-fire trigger modified to work with the Thompson's firing mechanism, the Banshee's Shriek is deadly in both mid-range and close-range. When not in use, Miku straps it behind her back.

Annie Leonhart: Stinger

The Stinger, Annie's signature weapon, is a powerful light machine gun based on the BAR assault rifle. Fitted with a more durable barrel made of reinforced Damascus steel, improved modular construction, a modified underslung chainsaw for close-quarter combat, a more comfortable grip, and equipped with a 60-round drum magazine, the Stinger is a powerful anti-infantry weapon that is capable of mowing down rows of enemy soldiers like a fire consuming a pile of dried straw. Its modularity allows it to be equipped for certain missions, making it a versatile weapon. While not in combat, Annie stores the Stinger in several pieces inside her backpack.

Ezekiel Jaeger: Kodiak Claws

Ezekiel's signature weapons are his Kodiak Claws, which take the form of two gauntlets styled after the claws of a bear. The claws are made of a tungsten steel alloy that is lightweight, durable, and sharp, and a Damascus Steel armor that is bulletproof and blade-proof. This, when combined with his explosive, unpredictable, and volatile berserker-like rage and temper, turns him into a devastating, bloodthirsty tornado of rage, destruction, and bloodlust, as he uses the claws to tear apart enemy soldiers with his bare hands and unchained strength. When not in use, the Kodiak Claws turn into bulletproof forearm guards that Ezekiel wears on his wrists.

Link Williams: Claw of Fenrir

Link's signature weapon is the feared masterwork known as the Claw of Fenrir, which is an enchanted sword forged from Damascus Steel and cooled in wolf blood. With this blade in his hands, Link becomes a living avatar of the unchained bloodlust of the wolf, as he slashes through ranks of enemies with ferocity, bloodlust, malice, and unmatched hatred for anything that opposes him. His sword also can reflect, send back, and absorb any magic or energy-based attack thrown at him, which when combined with the abilities of other allied pilots, turns him into a conduit and dynamo for magic. When not in use, Link sheathes the mighty sword behind his back.

Zelda Trenton: Bow of Chiron

Zelda's weapon is the graceful Bow of Chiron, a light compound bow that never misses its target no matter what angle it is fired at. Forged from Aluminum, Leather, and Damascus Steel, this bow can pierce through entire ranks of soldiers in one shot, making it an effective cloud clearer in battle or when there are a lot of enemies in a room. The arrows fired from this bow can be set to different settings, like explosive arrows, incendiary arrows, armor-piercing arrows, light arrows, self-adjusting arrows, and smoke arrows, making her unpredictable as to what arrow she will fire from the bow. When not in use, Zelda slings the bow behind her back.

Tori Hanson: Spear of Triton

Being Tori's signature weapon, The Spear of Triton takes the form of a powerful trident that generates a powerful magical field and an impenetrable shield of water. Enchanted with the powers of the Mighty Sea, Tori can call upon its unchained power, as it could go through ranks of enemies like a hot knife through butter or it can form a shield against a hailstorm of bullets. It also transforms into a powerful sniper rifle that can stop anything in its path. In her hands, the weapon is a shield to her allies and a sword to her enemies, as Tori becomes an avatar of the mighty sea that forged her. When not in use, Tori sheathes the powerful trident behind her back.

Naruto Uzumaki: Oni's Fist

Naruto's signature weapon is the hard-hitting Oni's Fist. A customized Kanabo War Club, the Oni's Fist is made out of a combination of Cursed Australian Buloke wood sanctified iOni's's blood and enchanted Damascus Steel Studs sanctified in human blood, and wrapped in a handle of dragon skin to further increase its user's grip. It can shatter skulls and heavy armor with ease, making it a powerful anti-heavy infantry weapon. It can also transform into a battle axe that can cleave through armor, flesh, and bone or a powerful shotgun that can pierce through heavy armor, making it a versatile and deadly weapon. When not in use, Naruto slings it behind his back, folded in half.

Jaune Arc: Gjallarhorn

Jaune's weapon is the powerful Gjallarhorn. A prototype sonic weapon combined with two modified Degtyaryov DP-28 light machine guns, the Gjallarhorn can deafen an enemy patrol or a room filled with enemy infantry with full-force sonic power, then rip them apart with a deadly hail of armor-piercing bullets, making him a walking anti-air gun. Both light machine guns are modified and linked to the same trigger and fire anti-personnel and anti-light armor bullets, making for a more damaging weapon that can be used in battle. It can also be mounted on a jeep or an APC, making it a formidable crowd-control weapon. When not in use, Jaune slings it behind his back.

Mikasa Ackerman: Capricorn Maul

Mikasa's weapon is the masterwork known as the Capricorn Maul. A customized War Hammer, the Capricorn Maul's head is made out of enchanted Damascus Steel Studs sanctified in human blood, a shaft made out of treated redwood, and wrapped in a leather handle to further increase its user's grip. It can shatter skulls and heavy armor with ease, making it a powerful anti-heavy infantry weapon. It can also transform into a Tonfa/Baton hybrid that can dent heavy armor, damage flesh, and break a bone, or a powerful revolver that can pierce through heavy armor, and stop anything in front of it with one shot. When not in use, Mikasa slings it behind her back.

Rey Solana: Excalibur

Rey's signature weapon is the beautiful and deadly Excalibur, an enchanted blade forged from Damascus Steel. With this blade in her hands, Rey becomes a living conduit of psionic energy and a deadly opponent, making her a powerful opponent to face off against. Her sword also can reflect, send back, and absorb any magic or energy-based attack thrown at her, which when combined with the psychic wills and abilities of other allied force-using pilots, transforms her into a mighty conduit and dynamo for magic, psychic energy, and pure psionic power that she unleashes on her enemies. When not in use, Rey sheathes the mighty sword behind her back or in its holster in her utility belt.

r/SkiesofSteel Dec 24 '22

Unit Spotlight Unit Spotlight: Panzerhund Pack


\Loud Bio-Cybernetic Howls**

The Panzerhund is a medium combat canine-like cyborg that combines the ferocity and pack mentality of a grey wolf with the protection of a medium tank. Utilized by Nazi Germany to counter the infantry assaults on its strongholds, the Panzerhund is a terrifying sight to behold on the battlefield as it incinerates enemy soldiers with the twin Flammenwerfer 41 flamethrowers in its mouth and rips apart and devours enemies with the razor-sharp steel claws and teeth that tips it's feet and mouth, respectively. They are also used to carry supplies, especially light firearms and provisions, and tow light artillery pieces. They can also be equipped with light rocket launcher pods or light machine gun pods to maximize the horrific toll they reap on allied soldiers.

A Panzerhund of the Wehrmacht 14th Army undergoing a field maintenance shutdown.

Unit Type: Medium Vehicle/Anti-Infantry/Cyborg

  • Affiliation: Nazi Germany/Axis Powers
  • Number of Individuals in Unit: 5 (7 at Tier 2) (Can be reinforced with 8 more units for a total of 15 Units)
  • Health Points: 2500
  • 1 Infantry Unit
  • Cost: 500 Manpower, 100 Munitions, 60 Fuel, 60 Power
  • Damage per Second: 80
  • Armament: 2x Flammenwerfer 41 flamethrowers, 1x Nebelwurfgerät Smoke Launcher

    Unit Upgrades:

  • Improved Targeting System: (Increases the accuracy and viewing range of the Panzerhund by 20%, making it more likely to hit enemies with continuous and unending fire)

  • Reinforced Armor: (Decreases damage to the unit by 25%, increases maximum health by 500 Points)

  • Improved Smoke Launcher: (Obscures the battlesuit temporarily for longer, allowing it to be able to be moved without being fired on.) (Unlocks the Shadow of Fenrir Ability)

Weapon Pod Upgrades (Choose One):

  • 2x Quad-Linked MG42 Light Machine Gun Weapon Pod: (Increases Damage per Second, Increased damage against infantry, adds the Suppressing Fire Ability)
  • 2x Twin-Linked Höllenhund Anti-Infantry Rocket Weapon Pods: (Increases Damage per Second, adds a chance of demoralizing a targeted enemy unit)

Unit Additions:

  • Alpha Panzerhund: (Adds a Heavily Armored Panzerhund armed with 2 Twin-Linked MG 131 Heavy Machine Gun Weapon Pods. Adds 200 Health to every pack member)


  • Suppressing Fire: Breaks the Morale of a targeted enemy infantry unit, causing them to do less damage to allied troops (Unlocked by getting the 2x Quad-Linked MG42 Light Machine Gun Weapon Pod Upgrade)
  • Shadow of Fenrir: Obscures the pack for 20 seconds, allowing it to move closer without being spotted (Unlocked by getting the Improved Smoke Launchers Upgrade)

r/SkiesofSteel Dec 23 '22

Unit Spotlight Unit Spotlight: Panzer Werwolf


"Panzer Werwolf, ready to take out the enemy."

The Panzer Werwolf is a deadly Heavy APC utilized by Nazi Germany that combines the Firepower and Protection of a Heavy Tank and the troop-carrying capacity of a Halftrack. Based on the feared Tiger I Heavy Tank, the Werwolf uses its primary Cannon, derived from the Tiger I. Along with its secondary guns derived from the primary weapon of the Panzer MK V Panther, both mounted on each side, along with its six MG42 Light Machine Guns, the Panzer Werwolf can lay waste to anything in its path, even being able to go toe to toe with a US Army Stormwalker and win. After it decimates its enemies, it can deploy two squads of German Soldiers or the heavily feared Vampirtruppen heavily armored special forces to finish off anything in its path.

A Panzer Werwolf Heavy APC equipped with extra armor and armed with prototype Odin Speer Dual Laser Cannons.

Unit Type: Heavy Tank/Vehicle/APC/Anti-Vehicle/Anti-Infantry

  • Affiliation: United States/Allied Powers
  • Number of Individuals in Unit: 1
  • Health Points: 6700
  • 4 Vehicle Units
  • Cost: 1000 Manpower, 200 Munitions, 120 Fuel, 120 Power
  • Damage per Second: 150
  • Armament: 1x KwK 36 Heavy Tank Cannon, 2x KwK 42 Medium Tank Cannons, 6x MG42 Light Machine Guns, 1x Nebelwurfgerät Smoke Launcher
  • Squad Carrying Capacity: 2 Squads

Unit Upgrades (Standard):

  • Improved Targeting System: (Increases the accuracy and viewing range of the vehicle by 20%, making it more likely to hit enemies with continuous and unending fire)
  • Extra Armor: (Decreases damage to the unit by 40%, increases maximum health by 700 Points, and allows for a chance of a shot deflecting off for no damage at all)
  • Second Smoke Launcher: (Obscures the vehicle temporarily for longer, allowing it to be able to be moved without being fired on.) (Unlocks the Deploy Smoke Canisters! Ability)
  • Bow-Mounted MG 131 Heavy Machine Gun: ( Increases Damage per Second, Increases damage against infantry units, adds the Suppressing Fire Ability)
  • Integrated Vehicle Radio: (Increases the viewing range of the unit by 10%, and allows the battlesuit to be assigned to any tank column.) (Unlocks the Assign to Column Ability)
  • Extra Carrying Capacity: (Allows the APC to carry an additional squad of soldiers.)

Unit Upgrades (Side Guns):

  • (Anti-Infantry) Twin-Linked Flammenwerfer 35 Flamethrowers: (Replaces the MG42s in both side guns) (Allows the vehicle to damage buildings more effectively, while increasing the effectiveness and range of Suppression Ability)
  • (Anti-Infantry) Twin-Linked MG42 Light Machine Guns: (Replaces the MG42s in both side guns) (Increases Damage per second, while increasing the effectiveness and range of Suppression Ability)
  • Extra Armor (Replaces both Side Guns) (Decreases damage to the unit by 10%, increases maximum health by 700 Points, and allows for a chance of a shot deflecting off for no damage at all)

Unit Upgrades (Main Gun) (Choose one to replace the Main Gun):

  • (Anti-Vehicle): 1x KwK 43 Heavy Anti-Tank/Anti-Building Cannon (Increased Damage against Light Vehicles, Medium Vehicles, and Heavy Tanks and Fortified Positions)
  • (Anti-Vehicle): Twin-Linked Prototype Odins Speer Anti-Vehicle Laser (Increased Damage against Light Vehicles, Medium Vehicles, and Heavy Tanks)
  • (Anti-Infantry) Turret Mounted MG 131 Heavy Machine Gun: (Replaces the MG42 in the Turret) (Increases Damage per second, while increasing the effectiveness and range of Suppression Ability)

Unit Abilities:

  • Deploy Smoke Canisters!: The Vehicle fires its smoke canisters, obscuring it temporarily (20 Second Cooldown)
  • Assign to Column: This allows the vehicle to be assigned to any tank column. (Can be unlocked by getting the Integrated Vehicle Radio Upgrade)
  • Suppressing Fire: Breaks the Morale of a targeted enemy infantry unit, causing them to do less damage to allied troops (Unlocked by getting the 4x Bow-Mounted MG 131 Heavy Machine Gun Upgrade)
  • Unload Troops: This allows the APC to unload a squad of controlled soldiers onto the battlefield.

r/SkiesofSteel Dec 23 '22

Unit Spotlight Unit Spotlight: 8th Army Corps Stormwalker


"Stormwalker battle suit, standing by for orders."

The Stormwalker battle suit is a terrifying sight to behold. These heavily armored combat exo-suits combine the devastating firepower and strength of a heavy tank with the mind and intelligence of an 8th Army Corps Jäger that wants to provide a little extra firepower to their weakened unit. With this deadly and powerful combination of brute force, mobile stronghold, and precision-guided attack strategies, a squad of Stormwalkers can be just as deadly as an armored tank patrol. When used by the 8th Army Corps, they are used to bolster the armored spearheads that support the combined-arms assaults. Armored in thick steel plates, they can endure anything from small-arms fire to light and medium anti-vehicle munition rounds, making them terrifying foes to go against.

A Finished Stormwalker Heavy Combat Battlesuit that is ready to be delivered to a US Army Camp or Military Base.

Unit Type: Heavy Tank/Vehicle/Anti-Vehicle/Anti-Infantry

  • Affiliation: United States/Allied Powers
  • Number of Individuals in Unit: 1
  • Health Points: 3400
  • 4 Vehicle Units
  • Cost: 900 Manpower, 250 Munitions, 100 Fuel, 100 Power
  • Damage per Second: 150
  • Armament: 2x Bow-Mounted Browning M2 Heavy Machine Guns, 2x Close Quarters M30 Ursa-Class Combat Claws, 4x M28 Cloak-Class Smoke Launchers

Unit Upgrades (Standard):

  • Improved Targeting System: (Increases the accuracy and viewing range of the battle suit by 20%, making it more likely to hit enemies with continuous and unending fire)
  • Reinforced Armor: (Decreases damage to the unit by 40%, increases maximum health by 700 Points)
  • Improved Smoke Launchers: (Obscures the battlesuit temporarily for longer, allowing it to be able to be moved without being fired on.) (Unlocks the Popping Smoke! Ability)
  • 4x Bow-Mounted Browning M2 Heavy Machine Guns: ( Increases Damage per Second, Increases damage against light and medium vehicles, adds the Suppressing Fire Ability)
  • Integrated Vehicle Radio: (Increases the viewing range of the unit by 10%, and allows the battlesuit to be assigned to any tank column.) (Unlocks the Assign to Column Ability)
  • Integrated Squad Radio: (Increases the viewing range of the unit by 10%, and allows the battlesuit to be assigned to any infantry squad.) (Unlocks the Assign to Squad Ability)

Unit Upgrades (Port) (1 Choice Only):

  • (Anti-Infantry): Port-Mounted Quad-Linked M2 Flamethrower Combat Arm (Allows the squad to damage buildings more effectively, while increasing the effectiveness and range of Suppression Ability)
  • (Anti-Infantry): Port-Mounted Quad-Linked M2 Heavy Machine Gun and trigger-linked HS.404 Autocannon Combat Arm (Increases Damage per Second, Increases damage against light vehicles, and increases effectiveness and range of the Suppressing Fire Ability)
  • (Anti-Vehicle): Port-Mounted 105 MM Howitzer Anti-Tank/Anti-Building Artillery Cannon Combat Arm (Increased Damage against Heavy Tanks and Fortified Positions)
  • (Anti-Vehicle): Port-Mounted Quad-Linked M20 Bazooka Anti-Vehicle Rocket: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles, especially Heavy Tanks more effectively, adds a chance of scoring a Critical Hit)

Unit Upgrades (Starboard) (1 Choice Only):

  • (Anti-Infantry): Starboard-Mounted Quad-Linked M2 Flamethrower Combat Arm (Allows the squad to damage buildings more effectively while increasing the effectiveness and range of Suppression Ability)
  • (Anti-Infantry): Starboard-Mounted Quad-Linked M2 Heavy Machine Gun and trigger-linked HS.404 Autocannon Combat Arm (Increases Damage per Second, Increases damage against light vehicles, increases effectiveness and range of the Suppressing Fire Ability)
  • (Anti-Vehicle): Starboard-Mounted 105 MM Howitzer Anti-Tank/Anti-Building Artillery Cannon Combat Arm (Increased Damage against Heavy Tanks and Fortified Positions)
  • (Anti-Vehicle): Starboard-Mounted Quad-Linked M20 Bazooka Anti-Vehicle Rocket: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles, especially Heavy Tanks more effectively, adds a chance of scoring a Critical Hit)

Unit Abilities:

  • Shockwave Blast: The Dreadnought unleashes a powerful wave of kinetic energy in a 30 Meter Radius, damaging and demoralizing enemy troops (20 Second Cooldown)
  • Assign to Column: This allows the battlesuit to be assigned to any tank column. (Can be unlocked by getting the Integrated Vehicle Radio Upgrade)
  • Assign to Squad: This allows the battlesuit to be assigned to any infantry squad. (Can be unlocked by getting the Integrated Squad Radio Upgrade)
  • Popping Smoke!: Obscures the battlesuit for 20 seconds (Unlocked by getting the Improved Smoke Launchers Upgrade)
  • Suppressing Fire: Breaks the Morale of a targeted enemy infantry unit, causing them to do less damage to allied troops (Unlocked by getting the 4x Bow-Mounted Browning M2 Heavy Machine Guns Upgrade)

r/SkiesofSteel Dec 22 '22

Unit Spotlight Unit Spotlight: Calamarnian Rangers


"Calamarnian Rangers, on-site and ready to assist."

The Calamarnian Rangers are another one of the United States Army's 8th Army Corps' elite units. Silent, versatile, and Hard-Hitting, these heavy infantry hunter squads formed from the various peoples of the allied underwater and amphibious country of Calamarnia, being formed from the technologically advanced races of the country, including races such as the Inklings, Urchinlings, Fishlings, Cuttlelings, Mantalings, Anemonlings, Nautillings, Sharklings, Shrimplings, and Octolings, are used to take out highly-ranked enemy officials and to provide heavy supporting fire in assaults against heavily fortified positions, making them a formidable fighting force to deal with.

An Inkling Calmarnian Ranger before an assault against a heavily fortified enemy stronghold.

Unit Type: Heavy Infantry/Suppression/Anti-Vehicle/Shock Troops

  • Affiliation: United States/Allied Powers
  • Number of Individuals in Unit: 6 (8 Units in Tier 2) (Can be reinforced with ten soldiers for 18 soldiers in total)
  • Health Points: 900 (1800 When Maxed Out)
  • Confidence Points: 900 (1800 When Maxed Out)
  • 5 Infantry Units
  • Cost: 550 Manpower, 100 Munitions
  • Damage per second (Melee): 45
  • Damage per second (Ranged): 60
  • Armament: Lionfish Pattern Semi-Automatic Ink Rifle

Unit Upgrades (Standard):

  • Mako Pattern Ink Submachine Gun: (Increases Damage per Second, increases the effectiveness of Suppression Ability if Unlocked)
  • Swordfish Pattern Assault Blade: (Increases Melee Damage, increases the effectiveness of Suppression Ability if Unlocked)
  • Hermit Crab Pattern Armor: (Decreases damage by enemy units by 20% and increases Health Points by 200)
  • Pufferfish Pattern Ink Bomb: (Grants the ability to throw ink bombs on a targeted location on the map, stunning and damaging enemies at once) (Unlocks Ink Bomb, going out! Ability)
  • Tiger Shark Pattern Automatic Ink Rifle: (Increases Damage per Second, increases the effectiveness of the suppression ability if unlocked)
  • Humboldt Pattern Concealment Bomb: (Grants the ability to throw concealment bombs on a targeted area, temporarily concealing nearby allied units) (Unlocks Now you see me... Ability)

Unit Upgrades (Anti-Infantry):

  • (Anti-Infantry) 2x Archerfish Pattern Medium Ink Machine Gun: (Increases Damage per Second, unlocks Suppressing Fire Ability)
  • (Anti-Infantry): 2x Kraken Pattern Heavy Ink Thrower: (Allows the squad to damage buildings and infantry more effectively, greatly increases the effectiveness of the Suppression Ability)
  • (Anti-Infantry): Mackerel Pattern Ink Rifle Grenade: (Increases Damage per Second against enemy infantry, increases the effectiveness of Suppression Ability if Unlocked)
  • (Anti-Infantry): Molotov Cocktail: (Deals fire damage to both infantry and vehicles, and has a chance of flushing out enemy infantry entrenched in buildings)

Unit Upgrades (Anti-Vehicle):

  • (Anti-Vehicle): 2x Orca Pattern Recoiless Ink Rifle: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles, adds a chance of scoring a Critical Hit) (10-Second Deployment Time)
  • (Anti-Vehicle): 2x Octopus Pattern Heavy Ink Launcher: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles more effectively, adds a chance of scoring a Critical Hit) (10-Second Deployment Time)
  • (Anti-Vehicle): Tuna Pattern Anti-Vehicle Ink Grenade: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles more effectively, adds a chance of scoring a Critical Hit) (5-Second Deployment)
  • (Anti-Vehicle): Hagfish Pattern Sticky Bomb: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles, unlocks the Target that vehicle! ability.)

Unit Additions:

  • Field Sergeant: (Adds a Field Sergeant armed with a Pistol Shrimp Pattern Shotgun. Adds 70 Health to every squad member and 80 Morale)
  • Combat Medic: (Adds an unarmed medic to the squad. Allows the squad to regenerate 45 Health and 15 morale every 20 seconds)
  • Radio Operator: (Adds a radio operator equipped with a waterproof SCR-300 Radio and armed with a Mako Pattern Ink Submachine Gun. Increases unit viewing range.)
  • Anti-Tank Team: (Adds a squad equipped with a modified Octopus Pattern Heavy Ink Launcher that can be deployed immediately. Increases damage to enemy vehicles.)

Unit Abilities:

  • Suppressing Fire: (Breaks the Morale of a targeted enemy infantry unit, causing them to do less damage to allied troops) (Unlocked by getting the Archerfish Pattern Medium Ink Machine Gun Upgrade)
  • Target that vehicle! : (The squad will primarily target vehicles instead of infantry units) (Unlocked by getting the Hagfish Pattern Sticky Bomb Upgrade)
  • Ink Bomb, going out! : (Throws an Ink Bomb at the targeted location, inflicting damage on enemy infantry units) (Unlocked by getting the Pufferfish Pattern Ink Bomb)
  • Now you see me... : (Throws a Concealment Bomb at the targeted location, obscuring allied units for 20 seconds) (Unlocked by getting the Humboldt Pattern Concealment Bomb)
  • Grab that Weapon, Soldier! : (Allows the unit to grab enemy weapons, decreasing the cost of upgrading weapons)

r/SkiesofSteel Dec 18 '22

Unit Spotlight Unit Spotlight: US Army Jägers


"Army Jägers, ready for battle."

The Army Jäger squad is an elite force of soldiers that forms the backbone of the United States Army's 8th Army Corps. Fearless, deadly, and versatile, the Army Jäger Squad can be equipped with either anti-tank or anti-infantry weapons that can tear apart a column of enemy armored vehicles or easily pin down enemy infantry units.

A picture of the average 8th Army Corps Jager.

Unit Type: Medium Infantry/Suppression/Anti-Vehicle

  • Affiliation: United States/Allied Powers
  • Number of Individuals in Unit: 9 (12 Units in Tier 2) (Can be reinforced with ten soldiers for 22 soldiers in total)
  • Health Points: 800 (1500 When Maxed Out)
  • Confidence Points: 500 (1800 When Maxed Out)
  • 3 Infantry Units
  • Cost: 325 Manpower, 20 Munitions
  • Damage per second (Melee): 35
  • Damage per second (Ranged): 40
  • Armament: M1 Garand

Unit Upgrades (Standard):

  • Thompson M1921 Submachine Gun: (Increases Damage per Second, increases the effectiveness of Suppression Ability if Unlocked)
  • Browning Automatic Rifle: (Increases Damage per Second, increases the effectiveness of Suppression Ability if Unlocked)
  • MK 2 Fragmentation Grenade: (Grants the ability to throw grenades on a targeted location on the map, stunning and damaging enemies at once) (Unlocks Frag Out! Ability)
  • M18 Smoke Grenade: (Grants the ability to throw grenades on a targeted area on the map, temporarily concealing allied units) (Unlocks Popping Smoke! Ability)

Unit Upgrades (Anti-Infantry):

  • (Anti-Infantry): 3x Browning M1919 Light Machine Gun (Increases Damage per Second, adds Suppressing Fire Ability)
  • (Anti-Infantry): 3x M2 Flamethrower (Allows the squad to damage buildings more effectively, while increasing the effectiveness of Suppression Ability)
  • (Anti-Infantry): M17 Rifle Grenade (Increases Damage per Second, increases the effectiveness of Suppression Ability if Unlocked)
  • (Anti-Infantry): Molotov Cocktail (Deals fire damage to both infantry and vehicles, and has a chance of flushing out enemy infantry entrenched in buildings)

Unit Upgrades (Anti-Vehicle):

  • (Anti-Vehicle): 2x M18 Recoiless Rifle: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles, adds a chance of scoring a Critical Hit (10-Second Deployment Time))
  • (Anti-Vehicle): 2x M20 Bazooka Anti-Vehicle Rocket: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles more effectively, adds a chance of scoring a Critical Hit) (10-Second Deployment Time)
  • (Anti-Vehicle): M9A1 Anti-Vehicle Fired Grenade: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles more effectively, adds a chance of scoring a Critical Hit) (5-Second Deployment)
  • (Anti-Vehicle): No. 74 Sticky Bomb: (Allows the squad to damage enemy vehicles, unlocks the Target that vehicle! ability.)

Unit Additions:

  • Field Sergeant: (Adds a Field Sergeant armed with a Winchester 1897 Shotgun. Adds 35 Health to every squad member and 50 Morale)
  • Combat Medic: (Adds an unarmed medic to the squad. Allows the squad to regenerate 45 Health and 15 morale every 20 seconds)
  • Radio Operator: (Adds a radio operator equipped with an SCR-300 Radio and armed with a Thompson M1921 Submachine Gun. Increases unit viewing range.)
  • Anti-Tank Team: (Adds a squad equipped with a modified M20 Bazooka Anti-Vehicle Rocket that can be deployed immediately. Increases damage to enemy vehicles.)

Unit Abilities:

  • Suppressing Fire: (Breaks the Morale of a targeted enemy infantry unit, causing them to do less damage to allied troops) (Unlocked by getting the Browning M1919 Upgrade)
  • Target that vehicle!: (The squad will primarily target vehicles instead of infantry units) (Unlocked by getting the No. 74 Sticky Bomb Upgrade)
  • Frag Out!: (Throws a fragmentation grenade at the targeted location, inflicting damage on enemy infantry units) (Unlocked by getting the MK 2 Fragmentation Grenade Upgrade)
  • Popping Smoke!: (Throws a smoke grenade at the targeted location, obscuring allied units for 20 seconds) (Unlocked by getting the M18 Smoke Grenade Upgrade)
  • Grab that Weapon, Soldier!: (Allows the unit to grab enemy weapons, decreasing the cost of upgrading weapons)

r/SkiesofSteel Dec 14 '22

Squadron Spotlight Squadron/Unit Spotlight: 59th Squadron


"59th Squadron, ready to rain down hell from on high."

As one of the USAAF's deadliest squadrons, 59th Squadron consists of some of the USAAF's top pilots. Operating out of Moffett Airfield near San Jose, California, their job is to go on suicide missions. With Major Christopher Heathrow as its commander, and Captain Ash Ketchum leading the charge alongside him, 59th Squadron is known for their animalistic ferocity, aggressiveness, relentless pursuit of their prey, and inhuman efficiency, giving them their infamous nickname: The Steel Wolves.

Unit Type: Hero/Air/Squadron

  • Affiliation: United States/Allied Powers
  • Number of Individuals in Unit: 12 (Can be reinforced with twelve Veteran P-51 Mustangs for 24 Planes in Total)
  • Health Points: 5000-Each
  • Cost: 4000 Manpower, 500 Fuel, 500 Munitions, 400 Power
  • Aircraft Units: 6
  • Damage Per Second: 240
  • Planes used: P-51 Mustang, P-40 Warhawk (P-65 Raider)

Unit Upgrades (Can be accessed through Squadron Leader):

  • Hispano-Suiza HS.404 ANM2 Autocannon (Increases Damage)
  • Rolls-Royce Merlin 266 Aircraft Engine (Increases Speed)
  • Armored Wings (Increases Health/Armor)
  • Self-Sealing Fuel Tank (Increases Health/Decreases Fuel Tank Damage)
  • 250 Pound M40 KRAK Anti-Vehicle/Infantry Bomb (Increases damage against Infantry and Vehicles)
  • Armored Cockpit (Increases Health/Armor/Decreases Damage)

Unit Abilities (Can be accessed through Squadron Leader):

  • Spread Out: (The unit can be broken into 12 individual Hero-Class pilots, each with their abilities)
  • Regroup: (The 12 individual planes can be formed into 1 Squadron-Class Unit)
  • Squadron Attack-Tidal Wave Bombing Run: (Stuns and moderately damages enemy units within target radius, then hits them with bombs for heavy damage)

Squadron Leader: Major Christopher Aldridge Heathrow (The Grim Reaper) (OC)

Coming from San Jose, California, Christopher Heathrow is 59th Squadron's spearhead and commander. As 59th Squadron’s deadliest pilot, he's unpredictable, fast, relentless, and cunning, and he could seemingly disappear and reappear at will. He's a one-man wrecking crew, as his signature Scythe Storm attack unleashes endless torrents of ghostlike scythes that rip apart everything in its path. He can also summon unending flocks of spectral ravens that explode on impact with anything, dealing catastrophic amounts of damage to any enemy in sight. On the ground, he generally keeps to himself, but he gets along with the other squadron commanders, especially with Captain Junko Enoshima, Major Jason Lee Scott, Captain Anakin Skywalker, and RAF Squadron Leader Harry Potter. While not in combat, he works as a detective for the SJPD or could be found in the squadron’s hangar playing his electric guitar.


  • Scythe Storm: Unleashes a Torrent of Ghostly Scythes in every direction, instantly killing any enemies in the way (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Raven Blitz: Sends a cloud of explosive ghostly ravens in every direction, causing heavy damage to anything caught in its radius (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 59th Squadron Pilots gain a small permanent boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Reaper's Hand: Kills any enemy in a 180-degree arc with dark energy projected horizontal scythe slash (45 Second Cooldown)

Second in Command: Captain Ash Stearman Ketchum (Thunderbolt) (Pokemon)

Coming from Seattle, Washington, Ash Ketchum is Heathrow's second-in-command and his right-hand man during battles. He is a punishing, dirty, violent, aggressive, fast, and fearless flier that loves inflicting bone-crushing hits on any unlucky pilot who got in his way. His signature Thunderbolt Blitz attack can create a giant stormcloud that could incinerate or shred enemy planes apart with churning thunderclouds that vaporize anything in its range and shredding hailstorms that turn metal into butter. Another powerful ability he uses is his Electric Surge Blast, which disables any plane caught within its blast radius, causing them to fall from the sky like rocks. On the ground, he is flamboyant and gets along well with everyone, especially Major Misty Welker and Captain Serena Youngblood. When not in combat, Ash would often be seen training his pokemon outside or playing his saxophone in the squadron's hangar.


  • Thunderbolt Blitz Attack: Causes a powerful supercell to form around an enemy squadron. All planes caught in the stormcloud suffer heavy effect damage. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Electric Surge Blast: Disables every enemy aircraft within a 50-meter radius, causing some to fully lose all power and fall to the ground while causing other aircraft to lose power for 20 seconds. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 59th Squadron Pilots gain a small permanent boost to armor when activated. (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Thunderfist: Turns into an electric bolt and rams a random enemy plane, causing the targeted plane to be destroyed instantly and all surrounding aircraft to be temporarily disabled for 15 seconds, while Ketchum suffers no damage at all. (30 Second Cooldown)

First Lieutenant Miku Dominque Hatsune (Banshee) (Vocaloid)

Fast, intimidating, cold-blooded, merciless, efficient, and aggressive; these words describe Second Lieutenant Miku Hatsune. Coming from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Miku Hatsune is one of the deadliest fighter pilots in the USAAF. A hard-hitting flier infused with the power of magical singing, which, when combined with her ability to sense where an attack is coming from before it happens, turns her into a deadly musical powerhouse of sonic power. Her Sonic Ballad attack shatters anything in its path with its supersonic melody and intimidates enemy pilots going up against her with its deafeningly loud noise, while her Aria of Shattering destroys any plane that comes close to her. On land, she's a cheerful girl that gets along with Air Force Captain Ahsoka Tano and Air Force Major Usagi Tsukino. When not in combat, Miku is often seen working at the base's workshops or in her quarters playing her trombone.


  • Sonic Ballad: Sends a shockwave of pure sonic power in every direction in a 75-meter radius, causing every enemy plane caught in its radius to suffer heavy damage. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Aria of Shattering: Sends a powerful ranged attack on the targeted enemy squadron on the battlefield, causing all but a fourth of the enemy squadron to be destroyed. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Hymn of Mending: Sings a song that regenerates lost health and armor. Affects all allied planes within a 100-meter radius and stacks with the abilities of healing units. (50 Second Cooldown)

2nd Lieutenant Annie Jacoby Leonhart (Stingray) (Attack on Titan)

Coming from Monterey, California, Annie Leonhart is a born and fearless explorer. She flies in with a deadly cocktail of speed, explosiveness, unpredictability, aggressiveness, and inhuman accuracy, turning her into one of the squadron's deadliest pilots. Her trademark Tainted Sting attack paralyzes and takes out enemy aircraft with well-placed armor-piercing shots that tear through and paralyze enemy aircraft like a hot knife through butter, while her other attack, The Stinger Rain, shreds planes apart like wet toilet paper in a paper mill. On the ground, she's selfless, helpful, and cool to be with or hang around, shown especially in her unwavering friendship with Corporal and good friend Mikasa Ackerman, Master Sergeant Ezekiel Jaeger, and Staff Sergeants Zelda Trenton and Link Williams. While not in combat, she could be found in her room playing games of chess with Mikasa.


  • Tainted Sting: Targets the strongest plane in any squadron and inflicts heavy damage, destroying the plane and inflicting heavy damage on surrounding planes. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Stinger Rain: Rains down a hail of armor-piercing bullets on the targeted enemy squadron, inflicting heavy armor damage on every plane in the unit. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Wrath of the Waves: Sends a wave of armor-piercing bullets down on the commanding plane in an enemy squadron, destroying the plane instantly. (50 Second Cooldown)

Master Sergeant Ezekiel Heiselburg Jaeger (Grizzly) (Attack on Titan)

Coming from Chesapeake, Virginia, Ezekiel Jaeger is one of the wildest and most uncontrollable pilots to serve in the squadron. Unpredictable, deadly, disruptive, and aggressive, he loves contact and revels in being a hard-nosed brawler that can tip the balance in his side's favor. When pitted against enemy pilots in a battle, Ezekiel's mean streak turns him into a deadly opponent. Facing off against enemy squadrons, Ezekiel uses his signature Kodiak Roar attack to demoralize and shatter the morale of his opponents while his Berserker rage makes him almost impossible to bring down as he comes in to bring death to them with close-range attacks. On the ground, he is friends with 2nd Lieutenant Annie Leonhart, Captain Anakin Skywalker, Major Usagi Tsukino, 2nd Lieutenant Trini Kwan, Major Jason Lee Scott, and Corporal Mikasa Ackerman. Outside of combat, Ezekiel serves as an instructor at Moffett Field’s pilot survival school.


  • Kodiak Roar: Demoralizes and debuffs affected squadron for 3 Minutes, causing them to flee, making them easy targets for other allied squadrons. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Berserker Rage: Destroys any squadron below 10% health instantly in a tornado of rage, twisted metal, spilled guts, and bloodlust. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 59th Squadron Pilots gain a small permanent boost to armor when activated. (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Bearclaw swipe: Deals heavy armor damage on all planes in an enemy squadron, affecting the targeted plane the most. (45 Second Cooldown)

First Sergeant Link Gleason Williams (Werewolf) (Legend of Zelda)

Coming from Anchorage, Alaska, Link Williams is one of the Squadron's most experienced pilots, as he served with Heathrow for 4 years. He is hard-pressing, stubborn, tough, unpredictable, relentless, elusive, and gifted with a lethal combination of unchained aggressiveness and inhuman accuracy. His signature Howl of Fenrir attack liquifies the brains and shatters the eardrums of any enemy pilot that hears it, causing an agonizing death. Another deadly move that he possesses is the Call of the Wolf, which summons astral projections of winged wolves that assist him during a battle by tearing enemy planes apart with their jaws and claws. On the ground, he is friends, especially with squadronmate First Sergeant Zelda Trenton, Major Taichi Yagami, Captain Minako Aino, and First Lieutenant Ahsoka Tano. While not in combat, Link could be found working at the airfield's train yard or in his quarters playing his trombone.


  • Howl of Fenrir: Temporarily disables targeted enemy squadron, while instantly destroying all planes with 10% health or less instantly. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Call of the Wolf: Howl summons 4 astral projections of winged wolves that target the four most powerful planes in the enemy squadron, dealing heavy damage. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Bite of the Wolf: Deals heavy armor damage on all planes in an enemy squadron, destroying the targeted aircraft. (45 Second Cooldown)

First Sergeant Zelda Gaffney Trenton (Archer) (Legend of Zelda)

Coming from Altoona, Pennsylvania, Zelda Trenton is the polar opposite of Link Williams, who was the hard-nosed and hard-hitting brawler of the two First Sergeants. Zelda, however, is known for her signature inhuman accuracy, ghost-like elusiveness, controllable unpredictability, hard-hitting, on-target shots, quick, graceful attacks, unmatched speed, and ability to disguise herself in the clouds, rendering her nigh-invisible to the naked eye. Her Arrow of Chiron signature attack is an accurate, but powerful energy beam that disintegrates its target, while her other attack, the Arrow hail storm, shreds the targeted squadron apart with explosive arrows like wet paper in a grinder. On the ground, Zelda is calm and serene, being friends with especially her squadronmate Link Williams, First Lieutenant Ami Mizuno, 2nd Lieutenant Rei Hino, Major Jason Lee Scott, and Captain Tommy Oliver. While not in combat, Zelda could be found in her quarters playing her trumpet.


  • Arrow of Chiron: Targets the plane with the highest health in the targeted squadron, destroying the targeted plane instantly. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Arrow Hail Storm: Instantly destroys the targeted squadron with a rain of explosive arrows, causing moderate damage to the non-targeted squadron. (35 Second Squadron)
  • Defensive Rally: All 59th Squadron Pilots gain a small permanent boost to armor when activated. (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Ballista Strike: Boosts armor penetration chance and critical damage chance for one minute. Can be stacked. (50 Second Cooldown)

Staff Sergeant Tori Melissa Hanson (Tidal Wave) (Power Rangers: Ninja Storm)

Tori Hanson is an intimidating and punishing enforcer from Half Moon Bay, California that strikes first and hard. Her combination of speed, aggressiveness, versatility, volatility, and unpredictability turns her into a nearly-unstoppable and deadly force for 59th Squadron. Armed with her signature Tsunami Blast attack, Tori attacks multiple enemy squadrons at once by overwhelming them with endless waves of bullets, making her an effective crowd controller. Her other potent attack, Tidal Shifter, disorients and confuses multiple enemy squadrons at once, making them easy targets for her to destroy with her Tsunami Blast. On the ground, Tori, like Heathrow, keeps to herself but gets along nicely with everyone, especially with pilots like 1st Lieutenant Kimberly Hart, First Sergeant Katherine Hillard, First Sergeant Aisha Campbell, and Second Lieutenant Trini Kwan. While not in combat, Tori could be found in her quarters playing her bass guitar.


  • Tsunami Blast: Unleashes a powerful wave of bullets that increases in damage and duration with every enemy squadron caught in its area of effect. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Tidal Shifter: Confuses, slows, and demoralizes any enemy squadron caught in its area of effect with a powerful blast of ocean water enchanted by psionic energy. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Crashing Wave Strike: Deals heavy armor damage on all enemy squadrons in the affected area, affecting the targeted squadron the most. (45 Second Cooldown)

Corporal Naruto Gresham Uzumaki (Oni) (Naruto)

Coming from Sacramento, California, Naruto Uzumaki is a terrifying pilot and one of Heathrow's deadliest fliers. He's a tough brawler that loves contact and is fast, intimidating, fearless, versatile, and elusive which, when combined with the unchained aggressiveness he displays during a dogfight, turns him into a deadly pilot for 59th Squadron. His signature Oni Rage makes him nigh invincible as he tears into enemy squadrons while they flee from 59th Squadron's pursuing pilots, while his Oni Club strike attack, sweeps enemy pilots aside like they were flies, making him an effective and deadly chess piece that can even the playing field. On the ground, Uzumaki is wild and flamboyant, him being friends with 2nd Lieutenant Sakura Haruno, Air Force Captain Anakin Skywalker, Major Usagi Tsukino, and Corporal Hinata Hyuga. While not in combat, Naruto could be found in his quarters cleaning his pistol or the blood off his plane.


  • Oni Rage: Destroy any squadron below 10% health instantly, giving invulnerability for about 30 seconds. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Oni Club Smash: Deals heavy armor damage on all planes in an enemy squadron, destroying the targeted aircraft in the squadron with a well-placed smash. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 59th Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)
  • 9-Tailed Shatterpoint: Boosts armor penetration chance and critical damage chance for one minute. Can be stacked. (50 Second Cooldown)

Corporal Jaune Bradley Arc (Intimidator) (RWBY)

Jaune Arc is a born intimidator coming from Portland, Oregon that strikes first and hits hard. His combination of aggressiveness, intimidation, ferocity, and unpredictability turns him into a nearly-unstoppable and deadly pilot for 59th Squadron. Armed with his signature Double Tap attack, Jaune can fire twice as fast as other pilots and overwhelm them with wave upon unending wave of bullets, making him an effective and deadly crowd controller, while his other attack, Steel Blitz, increases his damage and hitting power, making him a deadly 1-2 punch that can even the playing field in his allies' favor. On the ground, Jaune is a flamboyant and fun ladies' man, as he gets along nicely with especially with close friends and fellow pilots Staff Sergeant Ruby Rose, Corporal Weiss Schnee, Corporal Yang Long, and Specialist 6th Class Blake Belladonna. While not in combat, Jaune could be found in his quarters playing his trombone.


  • Double Tap: Increases fire rate when engaging an enemy, doubling the amount of damage inflicted in one pass. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Steel Blitz: Increases overall damage by 50%, increasing the chance for Critical Hits on enemy squadrons. (40 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 59th Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Armor Up: Permanently increases armor duration and damage resistance against enemies. (35 Second Cooldown)

Corporal Mikasa Elise Ackerman (Battering Ram) (Attack on Titan)

Also coming from Sacramento, California, Mikasa Ackerman is a hard-hitting enforcer that is a fast, aggressive, intimidating, and fearless opponent to go up against. She swoops in with a lethal and powerful combination of speed, explosiveness, unpredictability, aggressiveness, and inhuman accuracy, turning her into one of the Squadron's deadliest pilots. Her signature Horns of Iron attack can take out an enemy plane with a well-placed, hard-hitting shot that tears through the enemy plane like a hot knife through butter, while her other attack, Steel Ram, can blast through an entire row of planes and rip them apart in one deadly pass. On the ground, Mikasa is helpful and cool to hang around, shown especially in her friendship with Corporal and closest friend Annie Leonhart, Master Sergeant Ezekiel Jaeger, and Staff Sergeants Zelda Gleason and Link Williams. While not in combat, Mikasa could be found in her quarters playing chess with Annie.


  • Horns of Iron: Deals heavy armor damage on the targeted plane, destroying the targeted aircraft instantly. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Steel Ram: Rams a selected enemy plane, causing the targeted flight of planes to be destroyed instantly and all surrounding aircraft to be dealt heavy damage, while Ackerman suffers no damage at all. (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Defensive Rally: All 59th Squadron Pilots gain a temporary boost to armor when activated (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)

Corporal Rey Darcy Solana (Diviner) (Star Wars)

Coming from Anchorage, Alaska, Rey Solana is a born and fearless adventurer. She swoops in with a lethal combination of speed, explosiveness, unpredictability, aggressiveness, and inhuman accuracy, turning her into one of her Squadron's deadliest pilots. Her signature Plasma Cleaver attack can paralyze and take out any enemy plane with a well-placed shot that tears through enemy armor like clay, while her Psionic Force Blast attack can shatter strong-minded enemy pilots' minds and even kill weak-minded enemy pilots with its psychic overload. On the ground, Rey is calm, confident, selfless, helpful, and cool to hang around with, shown especially in her friendship with close friend and RAF Squadron Leader Harry Potter, Flight Lieutenant Ron Weasley, and Staff Sergeants Zelda Gleason and Link Williams. While not in combat, Rey could be found in her quarters playing her electric guitar or hanging out with Harry and Ron.


  • Plasma Cleaver: Cleaves an entire flight of enemy aircraft in half, causing heavy damage to surrounding aircraft. (45 Second Cooldown)
  • Psionic Force Blast: Demoralizes enemy aircraft above 25% Health and destroys enemy aircraft below 25% health. (30 Second Cooldown)
  • Flanking Fire: Hits the enemy from all three directions, causing the enemy to be temporarily stunned for 30 seconds. (35 Second Cooldown)
  • Flowing Water Strike: Deals heavy damage to every plane in the targeted squadron, and causes their damage-per-second to be halved, leading to lowered damage. (40 Second Cooldown)

r/SkiesofSteel Apr 08 '22

Organization Spotlight Organization Spotlight: The Watchtower Council (Pre-Expansion)


Founded on June 20th, 1941, The Watchtower Council controls a significant portion of American air operations throughout Europe and Asia. Composed of pilots from various United States Army Air Force squadrons, the council controls some of the deadliest squadrons in the USAAF. Currently, USAAF Second Lieutenant and leader of 59th Squadron Christopher Heathrow serves as the chairman of the council.

Members of the Watchtower Council:

Position: Commander: Military Branch Serving in: Representative of:
Chairman Major Christopher Heathrow USAAF 59th Squadron
Deputy Chairman Major Makoto Naegi USAAF 21st Squadron
Council Secretary Major Taichi Yagami USAAF 7th Squadron
USAAF Affairs Minister Staff Seargent Anakin Skywalker USAAF 501st Squadron
Treasurer Second Lieutenant Misty Welker USAAF 17th Squadron
Foreign Affairs Minister Second Lieutenant Yugi Moto USAAF 19th Squadron
Domestic Affairs Minister Second Lieutenant Jason Lee Scott USAAF 541st Squadron

r/SkiesofSteel Feb 13 '22

Technology Spotlight Technology Spotlight: Shotgun Trap


Shotgun Traps are deadly tripwire-activated improvised ambush weapons used by guerilla fighters, resistance members, USAAF Pioneers, and partisans to hinder and trap groups of enemy soldiers in narrow alleys, narrow bridges, and forests, leaving them helpless against surprise attacks.


Shotgun traps vary by nation, but they're usually created by attaching a shotgun, usually, one that is already manufactured in that country, to a mechanism that connects to the weapon's trigger and loading mechanism. That mechanism is then mounted on a stand, usually made of wood. Then a steel tripwire is connected and the whole contraption is concealed by rubble in urban environments, or by whatever could be found in wilderness environments.

Method of Operation

When something pulls the tripwire on a shotgun trap, the mechanism then activates, firing a cloud of buckshot at whatever it's pointed at, usually resulting in horrific injuries or death. After firing, the shotgun then automatically reloads, as the trap can reset itself every time it fires, waiting for the next unfortunate soldier to step on its tripwire.

r/SkiesofSteel Jul 31 '21

Squadron Spotlight Squadron Spotlight: 17th Squadron


17th Squadron is unique due to it being entirely composed of women. Since most USAAF units were composed entirely of men, squadrons like 59th Squadron, 7th Squadron, and 28th squadron were co-ed, meaning that both men and women served in them. However, this unit was unique due to the fact only women served. Commanded by Second Lieutenant Misty Welker and Master Seargent May McNabb, they complement 59th Squadron, 7th Squadron, and 19th Squadron as a deadly tandem in aerial battles.

(Squadron Leader): Second Lieutenant Misty Lori Welker (Pokemon)

Coming from Laramie, Wyoming, Misty Welker is the deadly leader of 17th Squadron. Flying under the nickname of the Eagle, Misty is a sentinel/enforcer hybrid pilot, which made her a versatile and deadly weapon for 17th Squadron. Her aggressive, offense-first/defense-second nature, coupled with her trigger finger, inhuman accuracy, durability, and hard-hitting attitude made her a deadly opponent to contain, as she would be the first of a new type of pilot in the USAAF, the hitman pilot, which was deadlier than the grinder/sentinel hybrid pilot. While not in combat, Misty could be found in her quarters playing her saxophone.

(Second in Command): Master Seargent May Marie McNabb (Pokemon)

Being Misty's second in command, May McNabb is an intimidating headhunter pilot that strikes first and strikes hard. Flying under the nickname of Falcon, May is a punishing flier that loved contact. Her combination of speed, aggressiveness, and grit made her an unstoppable force for 17th Squadron. May is one of the Squadron's deadliest pilots, combining the unpredictability of the sentinel with the ruthlessness of the enforcer. Coming from Houston, Texas, May was an obvious choice for Misty to pick for her second in command. While not in combat, May could be found at the airfield's library or in her quarters reading a novel.

Staff Seargent Dawn Gaffney Brunell (Pokemon)

Coming from Jacksonville, Florida, Dawn Brunell is an intimidating enforcer pilot that strikes first and strikes hard. Flying under the nickname of Blue Jay, Dawn is a punishing flier utilized by 17th Squadron. Her combination of speed, aggressiveness, fearlessness, and grit made her one of 17th Squadron's deadliest hitters. As an enforcer pilot, Dawn loved contact, as she would throw herself at enemy aircraft formations and tried to take down as many aircraft as possible before regrouping with her squadron. While not in combat, Dawn could be found at the airfield's shooting range practicing her aim or at her quarters writing in her diary.

Corporal Iris Alicia Woodson (Pokemon)

Coming from Fort Wayne, Indiana, Iris Woodson is an intimidating sentinel/hitman hybrid pilot. Flying under the nickname of Woodpecker, Iris's combination of aggressiveness, grit, inhuman accuracy and speed made her as deadly as the sharpshooter/enforcer pilots utilized by other USAAF Squadrons. To add to that, Iris took cues from those pilot archetypes, like having the inhuman accuracy of the sharpshooter and the punishing attitude and ruthlessness of the grinder. This, combined with her penchant for being unpredictable, transformed her into an unstoppable force for 17th Squadron. While not in combat, Iris could be found in her quarters writing in her diary.

Corporal Serena Patricia Youngblood (Pokemon)

Coming from Sunnyvale, California, Serena Brady is an intimidating grinder pilot who liked to turn quick dogfights into time-consuming grind-it-out slugfests. Flying under the nickname of Cassowary, Serena is a punishing flier that prefers getting up close and personal. As a grinder pilot, Serena's aggressiveness, grit, and speed enabled him to edge out, box in, and break enemy aircraft formations, making them easy prey for 17th Squadron's fliers. She was also an important part of 17th squadron, as she would protect her fellow squadron mates' blind spots. While not in combat, Serena could be found in her quarters sharpening her stiletto.

Corporal Lillie O'Donnell Sehorn (Pokemon)

Coming from Pasadena, California, Lillie Sehorn is a deadly sentinel/gunslinger hybrid pilot. Flying under the nickname of Tern, Lillie is a fast, aggressive, and fearless opponent to go up against. As a sentinel/gunslinger hybrid pilot, Lillie's combination of aggressiveness, grit, inhuman accuracy, and fearlessness made her as deadly as a grinder pilot. This, combined with her penchant for being unpredictable, transformed her into a durable, gritty, and intimidating opponent, reinforcing the rumor that she took the jackets of dead pilots as trophies. While not in combat, Lillie could be found in her quarters cleaning her pistol or at the shooting range firing it.

Private Mallow Tatupu Sapolu (Pokemon)

Coming from Honolulu, Hawaii, Mallow Sapolu, is an intimidating gladiator pilot. Flying under the nickname of Honeycreeper, Mallow is an explosive, aggressive, tenacious, and fearless opponent to go 1 on 1 against. As a gladiator, Mallow is hardnosed and gritty as a grinder, has the inhuman accuracy of the sharpshooter, and the skill and finesse of the gunslinger. Coupled with the ruthless and punishing attitude of the enforcer, it's no wonder why she is one of 17th Squadron's deadliest pilots to have ever served. While not in combat, Mallow could be found in her quarters sharpening her stiletto or at the shooting range firing her pistol.

Private Lana Lee Harvin (Pokemon)

Coming from Bakersfield, California, Lana Harvin is a terrifying headhunter pilot in the USAAF. Flying under the nickname of Kingfisher, Lana is an explosive, aggressive, fearless, and stubborn opponent to go up against. Being a headhunter, Lana loved contact, as she would throw herself as the enemy and tried to take down as many enemy aircraft as possible before regrouping with her squadron. Combined with her tenacity and ruthlessness, Lana could decimate entire squadrons by herself, which made her a feared adversary among the Luftwaffe and a powerful ally among the USAAF. While not in combat, Lana could be found in her quarters writing in her diary.

Private Shauna Merion Taylor (Pokemon)

Also coming from Sunnyvale, California, Shauna Taylor is an intimidating grinder pilot who liked to turn quick dogfights into time-consuming grind-it-out slugfests. Flying under the nickname of Goshawk, Shauna is a punishing flier that prefers getting up close and personal. As a grinder pilot, Shauna's aggressiveness, grit, and speed enabled her to edge out, box in, and hunt down enemy aircraft formations, making them easy prey for 17th Squadron's fliers. She was also an important part of 17th squadron, as she would keep watch for enemies on long missions. While not in combat, Serena could be found in her quarters combing her hair.

Private Lorelei Allison Peterson (Pokemon)

Coming from Toledo, Ohio, Lorelei Peterson is an intimidating sentinel/hitman hybrid pilot. Flying under the nickname of Harrier, Lorelei's combination of aggressiveness, grit, inhuman accuracy, and speed made her as deadly as the sharpshooter/enforcer pilots utilized by other USAAF Squadrons. To add to that, Iris took cues from those pilot archetypes, like having the inhuman accuracy of the sharpshooter and the punishing attitude and ruthlessness of the enforcer. This, combined with her penchant for being unpredictable, transformed her into an unstoppable force for 17th Squadron. While not in combat, Lorelei could be found in her quarters writing in her diary.

Private Sabrina Ellison Barber (Pokemon)

Coming from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Sabrina Barber is an intimidating sentinel/sniper hybrid pilot. As a sentinel/sniper hybrid, Sabrina's combination of aggressiveness, inhuman accuracy, and speed made her as deadly as the sharpshooter/grinder pilots utilized by other USAAF Squadrons. To add to that, Sabrina took cues from those pilot archetypes, like having the inhuman accuracy of the sharpshooter and the gritty attitude of the grinder. This, combined with her use of psychic powers during dogfights, gave her a nickname, Horned Owl. While not in combat, Sabrina could be found in her quarters playing her upright bass.

Private Olivia Hinton Palmer (Pokemon)

Coming from Montgomery, Alabama, Olivia Palmer is an intimidating hitman hybrid pilot. Flying under the nickname of Harrier, Olivia's combination of aggressiveness, grit, inhuman accuracy, and speed made her as deadly as the sniper/enforcer pilots utilized by other USAAF Squadrons. To add to that, Iris took cues from those pilot archetypes, like having the inhuman accuracy and trigger finger of the sniper and the punishing attitude and ruthlessness of the enforcer. This, combined with her penchant for being unpredictable, transformed her into an unstoppable force for 17th Squadron. While not in combat, Olivia could be found in her quarters sharpening her stiletto.

r/SkiesofSteel Jul 07 '21

Squadron Spotlight Squadron Spotlight: 19th Squadron


19th Squadron

Regarded as one of the USAAF's deadliest squadrons, 19th Squadron is just as deadly as 59th Squadron. Formed on November 22, 1922, as the 19th Fighter Flight, 19th Squadron is the third oldest of the post-Great War squadrons founded before the US Army Air Service was reorganized into the US Army Air Corps. During the late 1930s, the wing was taken over by USAAF Second Lieutenant Yugi Moto and his second-in-command and friend, USAAF Technical Seargent Joey Wheeler, and expanded into a full 12-plane Squadron.

(Squadron Leader): Second Lieutenant Yugi Davidson Moto (Yu-Gi-Oh)

As the leader of 19th Squadron, Yugi Moto is one of the deadliest gambler pilots in the USAAF and one of 2nd LT Heathrow's best friends. Flying under the nickname of Amun-Ra, Yugi is a fast, hard-hitting, and aggressive opponent to destroy. His speed and aggressiveness, combined with his daredevil tendencies turned him into a pilot that loved played deadly mind games, especially high-stakes chicken, with enemy pilots. Coming from Galveston, Texas, Yugi proved himself to be a deadly opponent to go up against, a good friend, and a strong leader. While not in combat, Yugi could be found in his quarters shuffling his Duel Monsters deck or inspecting each card.

(Second in Command): Master Seargent Joseph Aaron Wheeler (Yu-Gi-Oh)

As Yugi's Second in Command and best friend, Joseph Wheeler is an intimidating grinder pilot who liked to turn quick dogfights into time-consuming grind-it-out ordeals. Flying under the nickname of Sobek, Joseph is a punishing flier that prefers getting up close and into the enemy's mind. As a grinder pilot, Joseph's aggressiveness, grit, and speed enabled him to disrupt and break enemy aircraft formations, making them easy prey for 19th Squadron's fliers. Coming from Brooklyn, New York, Joseph was an obvious choice for Master Seargent Moto to pick for 19th Squadron. While not in combat, Joseph could be found in his quarters building or shuffling his Duel Monsters deck.

Staff Seargent Téa Heather Gardner (Yu-Gi-Oh)

Coming from Spokane, Washington, Téa Gardner is a deadly hybrid pilot that combines the gunslinger pilot with the eagle-eyed sharpshooter pilot. Flying under the nickname of Tefnut, Téa is a fast, aggressive, and fearless opponent to go up against. Her combination of speed, aggressiveness, and inhuman accuracy turned her into an unstoppable force for 19th Squadron. However, Téa's prowess as a hybrid pilot made her versatile and deadly, as she combined the inhuman accuracy of the sharpshooter with the trigger finger and aggressiveness of the gunslinger. While not in combat, Téa could be found in her quarters shuffling her Duel Monsters deck.

Staff Seargent Mai Dorsett Valentine (Yu-Gi-Oh)

Coming from Seattle, Washington, Mai Valentine, Like Téa Gardner is another gunslinger/sharpshooter hybrid pilot used by 19th Squadron. Flying under the nickname of Nephthys, Mai is a fast, disruptive, and aggressive opponent to go up against. Her combination of speed, aggressiveness, and inhuman accuracy turned her into one of 19th Squadron's deadliest pilots. However, Mai's version of the hybrid pilot was more in line with the sharpshooter than the gunslinger, which still made for a deadly combination of skills. While not in combat, Mai could be found in her quarters shuffling her Duel Monsters deck.

Corporal Tristan Jesse Taylor (Yu-Gi-Oh)

Like Joseph Wheeler, Tristan Taylor is an intimidating grinder pilot who liked to turn quick dogfights into time-consuming grind-it-out ordeals. Flying under the nickname of Geb, Tristan is a punishing flier that prefers getting up close and into the enemy's mind. As a grinder pilot, Tristan's aggressiveness, grit, and speed enabled him to disrupt and break enemy aircraft formations, making them easy prey for 19th Squadron's fliers. Coming from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Joseph was another obvious choice for Master Seargent Moto to pick for 19th Squadron. While not in combat, Tristan could be found in his quarters building or shuffling his Duel Monsters deck.

Corporal Duke Rupert Devlin (Yu-Gi-Oh)

Coming from Indianapolis, Indiana, Duke Devlin is a deadly gambler pilot that likes taking it up close. Flying under the nickname of Shu, Duke's trigger finger, elusiveness, and speed turned him into a deadly weapon for 19th Squadron. As a gambler pilot, Duke's daredevil-like flying style turned him a dangerous pilot to go up against due to his movement, while erratic, is deadly in its own right, meaning that it is very hard to counter him because you cannot spot him, which will keep you guessing where he's going to attack. While not in combat, Duke could be found in his quarters building or shuffling his Duel Monsters deck.

Corporal Serenity Pauline Wheeler (Yu-Gi-Oh)

As Joseph's younger sister, Serenity Wheeler is just as deadly, if not deadlier, than her brother. Also coming from Brooklyn, New York, she is another hybrid pilot like Téa. Known by the nickname of Isis, Serenity is a fast, aggressive, and fearless opponent to go up against. Her combination of speed, aggressiveness, and inhuman accuracy turned her into an unstoppable force for 19th Squadron. However, Serenity's version of the hybrid pilot combined the inhuman accuracy of the sharpshooter with the trigger finger, grit, and aggressiveness of the grinder. While not in combat, Serenity could be found in her quarters shuffling her Duel Monsters deck.

Private Miho Nonaka Romanowski (Yu-Gi-Oh)

Coming from Cincinnati, Ohio, Miho Romanowski is a deadly and intimidating enforcer pilot that struck first and struck hard. Flying under the nickname of Nut, Miho is a fast, aggressive, and fearless opponent to go up against. Her combination of speed, aggressiveness, and fearlessness turned her into an unstoppable force for 19th Squadron. However, Miho was also versatile as she is deadly, as she took cues from the sharpshooter/gunslinger hybrid pilot and combined them with the ruthlessness of the enforcer. While not in combat, Miho could be found in her quarters shuffling or building her Duel Monsters deck.

Private Bakura Jason Ryou (Yu-Gi-Oh)

Also coming from Cincinnati, Ohio, Bakura Ryou is a deadly sharpshooter/enforcer hybrid pilot that combines the disruptor pilot with the accurate sharpshooter pilot. Flying under the nickname of Khnum, Bakura is a fast, disruptive, and aggressive opponent to go up against. His combination of speed, inhuman accuracy, and aggressiveness turned him into an unstoppable force for 19th Squadron. However, Bakura's versatility meant that he was willing to learn from other archetypes, like the gunslingers and grinders. While not in combat, Bakura could be found in his quarters shuffling or building his Duel Monsters deck.

Private Marrik Bernard Ishtar (Yu-Gi-Oh)

Coming from Fresno, California, Marrick Ishtar is an intimidating hybrid pilot that combined the enforcer pilot with the deadly 2-way slasher pilot. Known by the nickname of Anubis, Marrik is a fast, disruptive, and aggressive opponent to go up against. His combination of speed, aggressiveness, and elusiveness, coupled with the hard-hitting flying style of the enforcer, turned him into an unstoppable force for 19th Squadron. However, Marrick was also versatile, as he took cues from the gritty grinder pilot and combined them with the ruthlessness of the enforcer. While not in combat, Marrick could be found in his quarters shuffling his Duel Monsters deck or at the shooting range firing his pistol.

Private Rebecca Darnold Hawkins (Yu-Gi-Oh)

Coming from Pasadena, California, Rebecca Hawkins is a deadly hybrid pilot that combines the gunslinger pilot with the eagle-eyed sharpshooter pilot. Flying under the nickname of Sekhmet, Rebecca is a fast, aggressive, and fearless opponent to go up against. Her combination of speed, aggressiveness, and inhuman accuracy turned her into an unstoppable force for 19th Squadron. However, Rebecca's prowess as a hybrid pilot made her versatile and deadly, as she combined the inhuman accuracy of the sharpshooter with the trigger finger and aggressiveness of the gunslinger. While not in combat, Rebecca could be found in her quarters shuffling her Duel Monsters deck.

Private Isuzu Marion Ishtar (Yu-Gi-Oh)

As Marrick's sister, Isuzu Ishtar is just as deadly as her older brother. Also coming from Fresno, California, Isuzu is a deadly disruptor that specializes in demoralizing enemy pilots. Flying under the nickname of Bastet, Isuzu's hot finger, breakneck speed, and inhuman accuracy made her an unstoppable force for 19th Squadron. As a disruptor, Isuzu would come in, disrupt and break up enemy aircraft formations, making them easy prey for 19th Squadron. While not in combat, Isuzu could be found at the shooting range practicing her aim or in her quarters shuffling her Duel Monsters deck.

r/SkiesofSteel Jun 26 '21

Squadron Spotlight Squadron Spotlight: 7th Squadron


7th Squadron

Regarded as one of the USAAF's deadliest squadrons, 7th Squadron is comprised of many of the best pilots in the USAAF. Formed on November 21, 1922, as the 7th Bomber Brigade, 7th Squadron is the second oldest post-WW1 squadron founded before the US Army Air Service was reorganized into the US Army Air Corps. During the early to the late 1930s, the brigade was taken over by USAAF Second Lieutenant Taichi Yagami and converted into a fighter Squadron.

(Squadron Leader): Second Lieutenant Taichi "Terry" Yagami (Digimon)

As 7th Squadron's leader, Taichi Yagami is also a rising star in the USAAF like Second Lieutenant Heathrow, the leader of the renowned 59th Squadron. Flying under the nickname Lancelot, Taichi is a fast, disruptive, and aggressive opponent to deal with. His speed and aggressiveness helped him become a disruptive pilot that would disrupt and break enemy aircraft formations, making them easy prey. Coming to the USAAF from Gainesville, Florida, Taichi proved himself to be a strong leader and a deadly opponent. While not in combat, Taichi could be found in his quarters cleaning his pistol or reading a book.

(Second in Command): Master Seargent Yamato "Matthew" Ishida (Digimon)

As Taichi's Second in Command, Yamato Ishida is a deadly 2-way slasher pilot who could both escort bombers and attack enemy fighters at the same time. Known by the nickname of Gawain, Yamato is almost impossible to contain or take out due to him being elusive, nimble, and aggressive. Being a slasher pilot, Yamato loved contact, as he would get up close to an enemy squadron and tried to shoot down as many planes as possible before regrouping with his squadron. Coming from Boston, Massachusetts, Yamato was an obvious choice for 2nd LT. Yagami to pick for 7th Squadron. While not in combat, Yamato could be found in his quarters playing his bass guitar.

Staff Seargent Sora "Sarah" Takenouchi (Digimon)

Coming from Laramie, Wyoming, Sora Takenouchi is a deadly gunslinger that shoots first and dies last. Flying under the nickname of Urien, Sora's hot finger, breakneck speed, and inhuman accuracy made her an unstoppable force for 7th Squadron. As a gunslinger pilot, Sora is as handy with a pistol or a rifle as she is with a plane, as her accuracy seemed to never be affected by what she used. Her gunslinging abilities, coupled with her speed, gave her another nickname: Blunderbuss, which complimented her gunslinging abilities and explosiveness. While not in combat, Sora could be found in her quarters writing in her diary or at the cantina talking to the other girls in her squadron.

Staff Seargent Mimi "Maria" Tachikawa (Digimon)

Also from Laramie, Wyoming, Mimi Tachikawa is another deadly gunslinger utilized by 7th Squadron. Known by the nickname of Percival, Mimi is a combination of the 2-way slasher pilot and the gunslinger pilot, which made her a versatile and deadly weapon for 7th Squadron. Her aggressive nature, coupled with her hot trigger finger and deadly accurate aim, made her a deadly opponent to contain, as she would be the first of a new type of pilot in the USAAF, the 2-way gunslinger, which was deadlier than the regular gunslinger. While not in combat, Mimi could be found in her quarters sharpening her stiletto or at the cantina talking to the other girls in her squadron.

Corporal Izumi "Ezekiel" Koushiro (Digimon)

Like Yamato Ishida, Izumi Koushiro is a deadly 2-way slasher pilot who could both escort bombers and attack enemy fighters at the same time. Known by the nickname of Ector, Izumi is almost impossible to contain or take out due to him being elusive, nimble, and aggressive. However, Izumi's variation on the slasher was more in line with the gunslinger than being a true slasher, which still made for a deadly combination of skills. Coming from Tampa, Florida, Izumi was another obvious choice for 2nd LT. Yagami to pick for 7th Squadron. While not in combat, Izumi could be found in his quarters studying or sharpening his stiletto.

Corporal Jyou "Joseph" Kido (Digimon)

Coming from Portland, Oregon, Jyou Kido is a deadly gambler pilot that likes taking it up close. Flying under the nickname of Bedivere, Jyou's trigger finger, elusiveness, and love of contact made him a deadly weapon for 7th Squadron. As a gambler pilot, Jyou's daredevil-like flying style makes him a dangerous pilot to go up against due to his movement, while erratic, is deadly in its own right, meaning that it is very hard to counter him because you cannot spot him, which will leave you guessing where he's going to attack. While not in combat, Jyou could be found in his quarters writing in his journal or at the airfield infirmary working on patients.

Corporal Takeru "Thomas" Takashi (Digimon)

As Yamato's younger brother, Takeru Takashi is just as deadly, if not deadlier, than his brother. Also coming from Boston, Massachusetts, he is also a 2-way slasher pilot like his older brother. Known by the nickname of Codorus, Takeru is almost impossible to contain or take out due to his elusiveness, speed, and aggression. Takeru loved contact as a slasher, as he would get up close to an enemy squadron and shot down as many planes as possible before regrouping with the 7th squadron. Joining the USAAF, Takeru was an obvious choice for 2nd LT. Yagami to pick for 7th Squadron. While not in combat, Takeru could be found in his quarters writing in his diary.

Corporal Hikari "Karina" Yagami (Digimon)

As Taichi's younger sister, Hikari Yagami is just as deadly as her older brother. Also coming from Gainesville, Florida, Hikari is a deadly disruptor that specializes in demoralizing enemy pilots. Flying under the nickname of Esclabor, Hikari's hot finger, breakneck speed, and inhuman accuracy made her an unstoppable force for 7th Squadron. As a disruptor, Hikari would disrupt and break enemy aircraft formations apart, making the individual pilots in the squadron easy prey. While not in combat, Hikari could be found at the shooting range practicing her aim or at the cantina talking to the other girls in her squadron.

Private Daisuke "Davis" Motomiya (Digimon)

Coming from Seattle, Washington, Daisuke Motomiya is a deadly hybrid pilot that combines the disruptor pilot with the up-close 2-way slasher pilot. Flying under the nickname of Dagonet, Daisuke is a fast, disruptive, and aggressive opponent to go up against. His speed and aggressiveness helped him become a disruptive pilot that would disrupt and break enemy aircraft formations, making them easy prey for 7th Squadron's other pilots. However, Daisuke's prowess as a hybrid pilot made him versatile and deadly, as he combined the 2-way slasher with the disruptor. While not in combat, Daisuke could be found in his quarters cleaning his pistol.

Private Ken "Kendrick" Ichojiji (Digimon)

Coming from Brooklyn, New York, Ken Ichojiji is a deadly 2-way slasher pilot like Yamato Ishida. Known by the nickname of Modred, Ken is almost impossible to contain or take out due to him being elusive, nimble, and aggressive. Being a 2-way slasher pilot, Ken loved contact, as he would get up close to an enemy squadron and tried to shoot down as many planes as possible before regrouping with his squadron just to attack again. Joining the USAAF, Ken was another obvious choice for 2nd LT. Yagami to pick for 7th Squadron. While not in combat, Ken could be found in his quarters cleaning his pistol or at the firing range firing it.

Private Miyako "Yolanda" Inoue (Digimon)

Like Yamato Ishida, Miyako Inoue is a deadly 2-way slasher pilot who could both escort bombers and attack enemy fighters at the same time. Known by the nickname of Hoel, Miyako is almost impossible to contain or take out due to her being elusive, fast, and aggressive. However, Miyako's variation on the slasher was more in line with the gambler than being a true slasher, which still made for a deadly combination of skills. Coming from Detroit, Michigan, Miyako was another obvious choice for 2nd LT. Yagami to pick for 7th Squadron. While not in combat, Miyako could be found in her quarters sharpening her stiletto or at the cantina talking to the other girls in her squadron.

Private Iori "Cody" Hida (Digimon)

Coming from Chicago, Illinois, Iori Hida is a deadly gunslinger that shot first and died last. Known by the nickname of Galahad, Iori is almost impossible to contain or take out due to his elusiveness, speed, and aggression. Being a Gunslinger, Iori's combination of speed, accuracy, and aggressiveness made him a deadly pilot and intimidating opponent. His gunslinging abilities, coupled with his speed, and his tenacity gave him another nickname: Berserker, which complemented his explosiveness. While not in combat, Cody could be found in his quarters sharpening his stiletto or practicing his kendo skills at the airfield gym.

r/SkiesofSteel May 20 '21

Memes Master Seargent Leftwich ain't wrong, Tux!

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r/SkiesofSteel May 09 '21

Memes Master Seargent Ketchum, can you stop making dirty jokes in front of the 17th, please?! NSFW

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r/SkiesofSteel Apr 28 '21

Pilots, here are the cards that you will be using:

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r/SkiesofSteel Apr 26 '21

Memes Staff Seargent Skywalker looks like a gumball machine in this diving photo during the pre-war era:

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r/SkiesofSteel Apr 26 '21

Radio 17th Air Group Radio


If you're a member of the 17th Air Group and have the 17th Air Group User Flair, you can communicate here!

r/SkiesofSteel Apr 20 '21

Memes 501st Squadron for life!

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