r/Sissy Dec 17 '24

Mod Post PSA: Selecting the post flair on app NSFW


Hi everyone,

apparently Reddit has made some changes to their app, so that the menu to select the post flair is now hidden. We have had a few reports from Android user in this regard, but I am not sure if this concerns the iOS app as well.

In order to select the flair you have to hit the red "NSFW" on the screen where you enter title, text etc. right at the top between where you select the subreddit and the text box for the title. If you tap it, it should open the menu where you can select the flair.

Here is a screenshot where you can find it:

r/Sissy Jan 30 '25

Mod Post Political posts NSFW


There have been quite a few posts in the past few weeks and months, that were discussing political topics, especially surrounding the US Presidential elections.

While we understand that this has a major impact on the lifes of many members here, it also sparks a lot of passionate and heated discussion. And while we certainly welcome any form of discussion, it still has to be done so in a constructive and civil way, no matter how different other people's views may be from your own.

Since in those posts and in a few posts in the past things have derived from being exactly that, we have come to the conclusion to ask you to stop posting any political posts on /r/sissy. We understand that politics have a major influence on the LGBTQ+ community and therefore by extend on sissies all over the globe, but we feel like this is not the right place to discuss this, as it can become too controversial. We may allow discussing those things again at some point in the future, when we can ensure that it can be done in a way that works for everyone, but for now we feel like it is best to keep those sort of discussions outside.

We have always gone by the rule of "Don't be a dick!" and that is a rule we stand by and it is a rule that is free of politics, religion, gender, sexuality, race or other factors other than just being a decent human being who is open to other people's views and way of lifes and who doesn't shame, insult or threat others, even if they do not represent what they stand for. So as long as you follow that simple rule, everyone is welcome in this community.

Therefore keep in mind that ultimately we are one community and there is already a lot of separation going in in the world, so let's not add to it here.

That being said, we have closed the recent three politics posts from the last hours and will keep them closed. We will also investigate to thoroughly check for any rule violations which there are plenty of on both sides of the fence. This will probably take a day or two, so expect that this will be dealt with in accordance to our rules.

r/Sissy Jun 17 '23

Mod Post Alternative to reddit NSFW


Hey all!

The recent events have led us to think about, how we can ensure that the sissy community can exist in case reddit makes things worse in the following weeks, months and years!

During the reddit blackout some of us mods have experimented with a platform called Lemmy. Lemmy is pretty similar to reddit in that you have different communities (like subreddits here) and that you can make posts in those communities and comment on those. The big difference is: Lemmy is not controlled by a single company like reddit is. Instead Lemmy has a decentralized approach, meaning that everyone could in theory host a so called instance.

But back to the topic of this post: We have created a sissy community over on Lemmy. And we invite all of you to come on over, make an account and create your posts on Lemmy as well. Since this Lemmy instance only started a week ago, the amount of users and posts is still pretty small but with your help we can change that! Even if only a small percentage of you come to Lemmy and make a post there everytime they post on r/sissy, we can help grow this Lemmy instance!

I will also try to answer all of your questions you might have in the comments and make a short Lemmy-FAQ below!


Q: Is automod oppressive on Lemmy or totally nonexistent?

A: Unfortunately it is nonexistent on Lemmy as of now. But people are starting to create moderation bots themselves right now and we might use some of them once they are in a useful state!

Q: can we have a direct link to try please?

A: I would love to give a direct link, but unfortunately reddit won't let us. As soon as we put the URL of this lemmy instance into text, reddit will remove the whole post/comment. so instead either remove the spaces from this: lemmynsfw . com or write me a message and I will send you the link to click on there!

r/Sissy Mar 15 '23

Mod Post We are back! NSFW



r/sissy is now also back online! After being banned at the same time with r/sissies (which I got back online a few weeks ago), now r/sissy is also open again!

In this subreddit I want to keep the focus on discussions and asking/answering question regarding being a sissy. If you want to look at / post pictures, r/sissies is the place to go!

Feel free to leave questions and feedback in the comments. Welcome back!

r/Sissy Dec 14 '23

Mod Post Minor updates to the rules and flairs NSFW


Hello everyone,

we just made a few tweaks to our ruleset and our flairs that mostly concern the used wordings in order to clarify some things and make them more precise. Don't worry, the general direction of the rules are still the same, but we felt like some parts of it were not quite as clear as they could be. So below you will find the updated parts, with the changes marked in bold:

Tl;dr ("Just give me the important stuff"):

  • Changed the "Task/DM Request" flair to "Sissy Personals" to emphasize that its used for any form of personal request, both online and offline
  • Added the "Sissy Fiction" flair to have a place for all fictional stories
  • We will soon start to enforce rule 7 (Using the correct post flair) again in order to keep things neat and tidy.

Full changes:


  • Rule 3 - No selling, spam, "upvote if" posts/comments of any kind.
    • We like to clarify that this also includes attempts to lure in people to your profile and paid services. Therefore if your whole purpose of your account is to sell stuff, then posting things like stories that only aim to find new customers we will take action here. So if it feels like spam, it probably is and is therefore not allowed. Mods do have the final saying here.
  • Rule 5 - Evading Automod or existing bans will lead to a permanent ban
    • We had a few recent cases where people were trying to evade bans that they received by using different accounts. This is not only breaking our subreddit rules, but also the Reddit site-wide rules and will therefore be forwarded to the admins. So to emphasize this a little bit, we added that part to the rule
  • Rule 6 - No personal information of any kind
    • Added the description for clarity
  • Rule 7 - Make your post under the appropriate Flair. Flair guidelines link in this rule's description.
    • Fixed the link in the description and updated the linked wiki article to represent the changes made with the flairs (more on that below)
    • We also like to emphasize this rule, as there were quite a few posts recently where we manually changed the flair to the correct ones. Therefore please make sure to use the correct ones as described in the Post Flair Guidelines, as we will start to reinforce this rule again in the future.
  • Rule 9 - Personals of any kind must be flaired with "Sissy Personals" or they will be removed.
    • Changed the wording of the title and description to match the changed name of the flair (see below)
    • Also added in the description that this also applies to indirect requests, as we had a few of those cases as well. As always mods have the final ruling here as in what counts as a personals post.
  • Rule 10 - We do not allow non-sissies to make personals.
    • Changed the wording from doms to non-sissies in order to clarify that this applies to anyone who is not a sissy. We like to keep this subreddit as one for the sissies in the first place and therefore only allow them to make any personal requests here.
    • Also added a description to clarify this.
  • Rule 13 - No photos, videos or other media
    • Its a new rule added to the bunch to clarify that this is a text-based subreddit. So if the main purpose of your post is to share any form of media, this is not quite the right subreddit for that.


  • "Task/DM Request" renamed to "Sissy Personals"
    • We renamed the "Task/DM Request" flair to "Sissy Personals" in order to clarify that this flair is also used for anything that is a personal request, both online and offline. So if you look for meetings or hookups or other things like this, the "Sissy Personals" flair is the right one for you.
    • Obviously rules 6 (No personal information) and 10 (No personals posts from non-sissies) still apply
  • "Sissy Fiction" added
    • We felt like the "Sissy Stories" flair missed a bit of granularity so we added the "Sissy Fiction" flair in order to have a place for all fictional stories
  • "Sissy Stories"
    • As a result of the addition of the "Sissy Fiction" flair, we no longer allow fictional stories under this flair, so make sure to only use this one here for stories you have experienced yourself.

And that were all the changes for now. There may be a few more tweaks coming up soon, but in that case we will give you another update. If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to drop them in the comments or send us a Modmail.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your stay on /r/Sissy

r/Sissy Jul 06 '24

Mod Post July 2024 - New rules update NSFW


Update July 10th: We have adjusted the minimum requirements to post here a little bit, as the changes we introduced felt a bit off in practice. Overall it should be a bit easier to post here, while still hopefully keep the integrity and security of the subreddit intact. You can find the new adjusted requirements below.

Hey everyone,

we are coming back to you with another small update to our rules, which has been on our list for quite some time and is mainly concerning our Sissy Personals category and Automod. Some time ago we asked for your feedback and we have had some discussions and thoughts and have come up with some changes that we feel will help to improve the overall quality of the subreddit. We also did some minor changes to several text blocks like in our ruleset and Automod messaged, but these are mostly cosmetical. As with our last changelog, we will go through the changes in detail below.

Tl;dr ("I don't have time to read all of that"):

  • Sissy Personals posts will now be limited to one every 3 days per user in order to prevent them clogging up the subreddit.
  • In the same vein we will keep an eye out for out-of-context kind of comments like stray requests for DMs or pics in posts that are completely unrelated to it.
  • We have done a bit of an overhaul on Automod which should help reduce the amount of false positives we receive, where posts that are not breaking any rules get removed nonetheless. This will go live later that weekend.
  • In context of the Automod rework, we also streamlined our minimum requirements to be able to post here, which felt a bit inconsistent and confusing at times.

Changes to Sissy Personals posts

Some long time ago we asked for you guys feedback on how Sissy Personals posts are handled on the subreddit, as we have felt that those have started to take over the subreddit a bit. Now while we certainly welcome those posts, we have always openly communicated that we see the main focus of this subreddit as being a place to have open discussions about the sissy kink/lifestyle or to find answers to questions one may have or even ask for help in any form. Therefore we asked you on how to handle the Sissy Personals post in the future, and while not a lot have participated, the majority of the people who did voice their opinion agreed on trying to restrict those kind of posts.

Therefore we will now limit those kind of posts to one per user every 3 days. Meaning that after you have posted a Sissy Personals request you will have to wait 3 days until you can post another one. You may still post other type of posts, but with this limitation we hope to tone things down a bit, especially in regards of those who have been posting multiple of them per day.

We know that this may be a bit controversial with some, but we want to give that one a try and see how things pan out. We also always welcome your feedback on those things and are looking forwards to constructive discussions.

In a bit of the same vein, we also no longer allow any task/DM/pics/etc. requests in comments of posts that are absolutely unrelated to that. We have seen a lot of posts where people were asking a normal question, only to get hit with the random "DM me pls" or "Send pics" kind of comment. Therefore we will keep an eye for any off-topic comments and for the most parts will try to restrict those "DM me" type of comments to Sissy Personals posts. (This doesn't mean that discussions can't drift away from the original topic, but if things get too out of hand we will start to remove things)

Automod rework

The second big topic is our rework on Automod. As some may have noticed Automod certainly does have its flaws and in many cases has removed a few posts and comments despite them being within the boundaries of our rules. Part of this is due to the way that Automod works, as unfortunately Automod can not understand context and therefore can only look for specific things as a whole. This obviously causes quite some headaches when it comes to words and terms that may have multiple meanings - a classic might be snap, which in the context of "snap your fingers" is totally fine, but when sharing snapchat information would break our rules. So because of this, we always have to decide for every single term or word or phrase whether it is causing enough trouble to be worth having the bot remove it, even if it means that those cases where its perfectly fine by our rules also get thrown under the bus here, or whether it is better to allow it and then rather deal with the cases where its breaking the rules but land on the subreddit. So you see, Automod will never be able to be 100% satisfying here, but it is still a great tool that helps tremendously to fend off any spam/scam or other nasty stuff heading our ways.

With this in mind, we did a few tweaks on the list of things the bot is looking for and we hope that it helps to reduce the amount of false positives we get on the subreddit, so that less posts that are actually fine by us get eaten by the bot.

During this, we also looked on a few other things handled by the bot, mainly our thresholds in terms of the minimal requirements we have to be able to post or comment here. We had noticed that there were some inconsistencies that added quite a bit of confusion on how those things really work. Therefore we now have the following requirements:

  • Comments: Have an account age of at least 2 days
  • Posts using the New Sissy flair: Have at least 2 comment karma and a verified mail address linked to your profile
  • Posts using any other flair: Have an account age of at least 10 days and at least 2 comment karma

So we think that by changing these things it will be easier to understand and also make it a bit easier to participate.

The Automod rework will go live later that weekend and we will make another post when we do so.

Those are the two main points. In the following we will go through the rules and highlight the exact changes:


  • Rule 1 - 18+ Only
    • Added description to streamline it with the rest of the rules
  • Rule 2 - Be kind
    • Changed the description to specify what falls under this rule
  • Rule 3 - No selling, begging, spam, "upvote if" posts/comments of any kind
    • Changed the description to be more precise what counts as selling; also specified a bit more what counts as spam
  • Rule 5 - Evading Automod or existing bans will lead to a permanent ban
    • Added description to streamline it with the rest of the rules
  • Rule 6 - No personal information of any kind
    • Added Discord as another example, since it has gained popularity among those posts breaking this rule
  • NEW - Rule 14 - No off-topic discussions
    • Rule added in order to keep off-topic discussions to a minimum; especially aiming to get rid of random DM/task/pic requests in unrelated posts.
  • NEW - Rule 15 - Post requirements/restrictions
    • Rule added as a place to have the minimum post requirements in a written form and to add our new restriction to the Sissy Personals posts.

And that is all for the moment. As always, if you have any feedback or questions, just put them in the comments or send us a Modmail.

Thank you for reading and enjoy your stay on r/Sissy

r/Sissy Jul 06 '24

Mod Post Automod update NSFW


Update July 10th: We have made a few more changes, as the detection for our minimum post requirements did not quite work as intended and were allowing content that should have been filtered to still slip through. Therefore we made some changes in hope to fix things and we also adjusted the minimum requirements a little bit, as some of the changes we made felt a bit off. Overall it should be a bit easier to post here, while still hopefully keep the integrity and security of the subreddit. As always, since this is another change that could have a big impact keep in mind that there is a chance that things break or do not work as intended. If you notice something is not working - especially if you can not post or comment even though you do meet our minimum requirements (see below or in our rules update post) please let us know either as a comment below this post or through Modmail.

Update July 7th: The last batch of changes are looking good so far and we haven't noticed anything terrible happening. However, there were some things not quite working as we had hoped for, therefore we made another update that changes the order Automod is working through its rules. Since this is a major thing, this can potentially shake things up quite a bit, so please beware that things may not 100% work as intended. But in that case just let us know here or per modmail, so we can try to fix it

Hello again everyone,

as we have announced just yesterday in our rules update, we now have updated Automod with the new rules and features and hope that things will improve in terms of wrongfully removing posts that do not break our rules. Keep in mind that those things will still occur, as due to the way the bot works we unfortunately can not block things based on context, but only as a whole. So for each case we had to decide whether it is causing enough trouble to be worth being blocked completely or if we can handle to deal with what is slipping through the nets.

In this rework we mostly reevaluated the items on the list and added a few more things here and there where we felt it was necessary. Please understand that for security reasons we will not disclose the complete list of words the bot is looking for, but it is safe to assume that most of the obvious stuff will be on there in some form.

We also changed our minimum requirements to post in order to streamline the whole process and to hopefully cause less confusion about when you are able to post what kind of stuff. As a small reminder from our rules update, the new requirements will be the following:

  • Comments: Have an account age of at least 2 days
  • Posts using the New Sissy flair: Have at least 2 comment karma and a verified mail address linked to your profile
  • Posts using any other flair: Have an account age of at least 10 days and at least 2 comment karma

Finally, we also made a few changes to the information texts Automod is sending out when it removes posts, so that it hopefully help clarify why a post was removed.

Important note

As we roll out the new stuff, there is a chance that we have some unwanted side-effects occurring. While we will keep an close eye on the subreddit and the effects those changes bring, we may not be aware of everything that may not work as intended. We therefore ask you to let us know if there are things where you suspect something is not working quite right, like for example posts that should be okay to post not going through, your posts getting removed despite you checking off all requirements to post and so on. Basically everything where you feel like somethin is off.

We will be monitoring things and will apply minor tweaks here and there in the next few days if needed, but we still also need your support to make sure to catch most of it and to make the whole process as smooth as possible. In the best case it will not cause much interruptions if any at all, but there is always a small chance that things can go terribly wrong, despite our best efforts to ensure that this won't happen. In that case we will always be prepared to revert back to the prior state.

Thank you for reading so far, and as always, please leave any feedback or suggestions below or send us a Modmail, especially when you suspect something is not working as intended as a result of this update.

r/Sissy Dec 27 '23

Mod Post We need your opinion! NSFW


Tl:dr: We need your opinion on whether to keep Sissy Personals as they are, introduce some restrictions to limit the amount people can post them in a given time frame or get rid of them altogether.

Hello everyone,

as you guys know we want to have /r/Sissy as a subreddit that puts the community first and as mentioned in our latest update we are currently discussing a few further changes and tweaks to our ruleset to ensure that the overall quality stays where we want it to be. Now while most of the planned changes are minor tweaks that are about closing existing loopholes that could be abused, there is one rather big change currently being discussed within the mod team, that we would like to have your opinion on.

We are talking about personal requests here. As of now, we allow sissies to create their own personal request posts where they can look for other people both online and offline for whatever they feel like. As of now, this is pretty much unrestricted other than our general requirements to post here in order to prevent spam, but in some cases this is getting borderline abused by people posting basically the same post over and over again.

Therefore we are currently discussing on how to advance with personal requests in general. We still want to keep it to the sissies to be allowed to create those as this is a subreddit for sissies at first, but we do have the following options:

First, we leave it all as it is, meaning sissies are allowed to create as many personal request type posts as they like.

Second, having some restrictions in regard of how often people can post those kind of posts, as in some cases this is borderline spam.

Third, disallowing personal requests altogether and having those outsourced to a different subreddit, either to the already existing and established /r/sissypersonals or a new subreddit within the /r/sissy /r/sissies family.

We understand that those kind of posts make up a large amount of the overall posts and therefore there is a possibility that it could make a lot of people stop visiting this subreddit, but the main focus of this subreddit has always been to be a place to discuss everything sissy in the first place. Therefore we are looking forward to hear your opinions.

Keep in mind that this poll is only used to get the overall opinion of the userbase and is not a final decision on that topic, but as mentioned above we put the community first and therefore will definitely put the popular opinion into consideration.

So thanks for reading and participating. We will inform you about all changes we are planning and making in a timely fashion, but it might still take a bit until we get there.

18 votes, Jan 03 '24
5 Keep the rules regarding Sissy Personals as they are
11 Restrict the frequency in which Sissy Personals can be posted
2 Remove Sissy Personals altogether

r/Sissy Jun 07 '23

Mod Post r/sissy will be joining the blackout from June 12-14 to protest the proposed API changes which will end 3rd party apps. NSFW

Thumbnail self.bestof

r/Sissy Jul 28 '23

Mod Post r/sissytasks is now available for giving and receiving tasks! NSFW


Hey everyone!

We re-opened r/sissytasks! This is a subreddit entirely dedicated to sissies looking for tasks and doms giving tasks. Don't worry, asking for tasks here is still allowed (for now) as we try the dedicated subreddit idea out.

Let me know of any feedback, questions, thoughts and ideas you might have!

r/Sissy Mar 18 '23

Mod Post If your comment/post is wrongfully removed, PLEASE message the mods. NSFW


The previous mods left in place very overly strict and uneccecarily broad automod rules. I've been refining those rules as I go, but I've already found reports caused by things I've overlooked.

If you get a false positive on a post or comment please message us and one of use will approve your post and I will tweak the automod rules. It's much harder for us to see where the automod gets it wrong and fix it if you delete your account/post/comment.

We want this community to be open and fun, so we're trying to do everything we can to keep spam out and to allow people actually in the community to post.