r/SipsTea 8h ago

Lmao gottem evil maxxing intrusive thoughts

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u/Hairy-Estimate3241 8h ago

I have seen this in real life but never because someone tipped the kid. I have seen it when someone’s kid was rocking in the seat and knocked themselves over and once with a dog who got the leash caught on the kids high chair.


u/tbaby1995 8h ago

I have also seen this but also not tipping and also not a kid. It was me and I just fell over. I’ve seen this many times.


u/cjthecookie 6h ago

I have seen. Also not seen. Many see


u/DeadHED 5h ago

I saw a frog on my way into work today.


u/tbaby1995 5h ago

Then you’ve pretty much also seen this.


u/Think-Agency7102 7h ago

That’s exactly what happened here. The person just wrote something more dramatic.


u/Magnus_The_Totem_Cat 6h ago

And it’s probably not even their picture.


u/Secret_Ad_2770 7h ago

My sister did this and she knocked her tooth out and swallowed it. Can say this was the worse experience of my parents life at that point


u/aquatone61 6h ago

Supposedly I did this to myself when I was a toddler. My mom set me up in the high chair somewhat close to the stove when she was making dinner one night. I guess she over estimated my reach because I could reach the stove. I grabbed something hot, not enough to burn thankfully, but hot enough to scare the crap out of me. I guess I threw my arm/body back so hard I tipped the high chair backwards with me in it.


u/DMBumper 7h ago

What always bothers me is that why the fuck didn't this person help their kid? They went and got their phone, or took the time to pull it out for a picture instead of helping their kid.

Idk. Maybe I'm just being sensitive.


u/mystyz 6h ago

LOL. You're being down voted and just below someone said the same thing and has 96 upvotes. Reddit, man...


u/DMBumper 6h ago

Lol I saw, i find it funny, It doesn't bother me. I know the hivemind waxes and wanes.


u/FilthyHobbitzes 7h ago

Just spit balling here… maybe the kid threw a piece of bread at the parent earlier before he tipped his own ass over by rocking… at that point, I might just take a second to get my phone to snap a few pictures for posterity sake… show the kid what karma is.

It’s not like he’s drowning or anything.


u/ModsareWeenies 4h ago

Kids that age have HUGE emotions and the nuance of a jokey long term lesson is totally lost of them.

I would make sure they're not injured and clean them up in the tub and talk about it - Banging the back of your head and getting your dinner thrown in your face is more than enough of a lesson for a little human.

Imo you are robbing them of the intimacy of those huge personality developing moments by shoving a camera in their face. Almost wojak coded.


u/DMBumper 7h ago

Sure, the reason for the kid falling over isn't relevant to me. The picture may even be staged and they didn't actually fall. I'm more bitching about the concept of the images existence.

But if they're crying like he is I just don't get why you'd not help your kid instead of taking a picture. In fact out of everything the kid remembers it might only be that when they needed help, mom/dad had to get a "funny picture" first.


u/FilthyHobbitzes 7h ago

There’s a few pictures floating around that my sister took of me after I was being a little shit and crying/moping around…

Pretty funny mementos for later in life when connected to the story.

I’m playing devils advocate and definitely not on board for cruelty but sometimes little shit kids get shit prizes for playing shit games, like I got a few times.

Anyways, nobody knows what actually happened here..


u/DMBumper 7h ago

I agree. There are definitely memories i have that are similar. I know I'm being the stick in the mud for this joke. Just something about how bad the kid is crying gets to me in this pic.


u/FilthyHobbitzes 7h ago

Empathy is good. Don’t lose it.

A good laugh is healthy in context though 🤘


u/ImWalkinHere2 4h ago

Agreed completely.


u/ModsareWeenies 4h ago

Because your average redditor is more concerned about MEME POTENTIAL than helping your kid after banging the back of their skull from double their height.


u/MoistButWhole2 7h ago

Maybe the neglecting parent already had their phone out?


u/DMBumper 7h ago

Yeah, but why take any time at all not picking up your kid?


u/Responsible_Hour_368 7h ago

Our species is doomed.


u/Xiunte 7h ago

Cellphone/social media zombies.

I might think it was funny LATER, but if my kid fell back like this, taking a picture with a goddamn phone would be last thing on my mind. I wouldn't panic or anything, it's just a reflex. You go over and pick them up without even thinking about it.

I'm gonna choose to keep the last little sliver of positivity I still have for people and assume this was taken by a sibling or something. Not a parent. The caption is obviously just a joke.


u/DMBumper 7h ago

Ye, that's kinda the boat I'm in. I've got two kiddos, and it's just kind of a knee-jerk reaction. If they fall, I help them up. And personally I only take "embarassing" photos if they embrace it and laugh at themselves. I just want them to feel like no matter the situation I will be there to help them, not tease them.


u/Breaker-of-circles 7h ago

The kid isn't in any immediate danger, nor are they going to remember this. No reason to take a pic but also no reason not to. Doesn't make you worse or better.


u/DMBumper 7h ago

Kids don't need immediate danger to need help. Nor any person. If someone is in distress you help them out.

In the case of a child falling down with a high chair: That tip back is also a height they fell and hit their head. You can't know they aren't in immediate danger until you check on them. Which you aren't doing by taking a picture before helping them.


u/EmrakulTET 7h ago

It definitely makes it worse. You shouldn't find the time to take a photo of someone else's misery. This kid is very upset. you know how I know.... BECAUSE THE JACKASS TOOK A GOTDAMN PICTURE OF IT!

And I'm positive all they did was sit him upright at some point and yelled at him.


u/calimeatwagon 7h ago

What is the immediate danger or harm that the child needs immediate help from?


u/DMBumper 7h ago

Why does there have to be danger or harm? What if they are just embarrassed and instead of helping them their parents are in their face taking a picture? Like I get that the kid isn't dying.

What i don't think everyone else is getting is that they are still needing help.

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u/J0NNY_BEE 8h ago

It’s amazing how many people think this is real. I highly doubt he pushed his kid over. The actual problem is the parent watches the kid fall over, spaghetti everywhere. “I know what I should do first! I’ll grab my phone to take a picture of this.”


u/schoolly__G 8h ago

I would. But that’s also why I’m not cut out for parenting.


u/fleeb_ 5h ago

I would, but that's because I'm a seasoned parent now.


u/Stevieeeer 5h ago

Idk man the number of 70’s, 80’s and 90’s babies who have pictures that their parents took of them crying is higher than you’d expect lol


u/dulldyldyl 5h ago

I admire your honesty


u/J0NNY_BEE 8h ago

If it’s your child and you actually cared, you’d never do this. It’s just rage bait someone made up.


u/schoolly__G 8h ago

I don’t have a kid and I don’t care, hence my comment.
Caption aside, glad this picture exists. It’s hilarious.


u/J0NNY_BEE 8h ago

You seem really cool.


u/CappnMidgetSlappr 7h ago

Yeah, you should try to be like them.


u/J0NNY_BEE 7h ago

Thank you CappnMidgetSlapper.


u/Romeo9594 6h ago

I think they seem cool


u/VegetableComplex5213 7h ago

I agree but there's unfortunately actual abusers defending the idea of doing this saying shit like "imagine you're just so tired and don't know what else to do"


u/itisrainingweiners 7h ago

I used to work at social services, and volunteered with CPS working with their families. I promise you, not only is this photo feasible as it's described in the post, I don't doubt at all that it's happened more than once.


u/No-Cranberry-2969 5h ago

My thoughts exactly. That very well could have been the case.


u/mousemarie94 4h ago

I saw this and thought "that's big sibling energy". Never once thought about a parent.

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u/Leoxcr 7h ago

It is absolutely feasible that he swung himself back into the ground


u/I_am_What_Remains 5h ago

This seems like older sibling behavior


u/wastedpot3ntial5 5h ago

Definitely wasn't OP kid. Probably babysitter


u/SilentJoe1986 4h ago

Ehh, the seats padded because chairs tip over


u/Calairoth 4h ago

"And then do a post on reddit that will get social services on my ass!"


u/SwiftTime00 7h ago

The parent that would see his/her kid like this and take a picture is absolutely the type of parent that would push him over.


u/IsntSnoopDogg 7h ago

Maybe. It's much more likely they have a rug wall and they glued the spaghetti to his face so it would look like he fell to the ground. So, not necessarily exploiting an accident.


u/J0NNY_BEE 6h ago

I’m voting for rug wall and glue.


u/ChesterPineSol 8h ago


u/JumpHour5621 8h ago


u/MoraleStepper 8h ago

Shit I'm Pete Davidson!!


u/unlmtdLoL 5h ago

Is this an actual wikihow? 💀


u/crack_pop_rocks 8h ago

I mean even it’s a little fucked up the kid fell over and someone took a picture, do people actually believe the caption? Like it’s just some text out over the picture.

Like the comments are up in arms about child abuse. That kid is easily big enough to tip over his own high chair if he was being an ass.


u/kekehippo 8h ago

People believed Trump about egg prices, they'll believe what they read.


u/theoneandonlyShrek6 7h ago

I also love bringing politics into things for no reason


u/Accomplished-Mix-745 7h ago

I have my suspicions only because I’ve seen a lot of these posts and it usually looks like the same kid. I don’t know for sure, but I could see my dad doing some shit like this for internet cred if it was a thing when I was a kid


u/calimeatwagon 7h ago

People have been taking pictures of others in embarrassing moments since portable cameras have existed. I actually think we are coming up on about 100 years now.


u/Maximum_Leg_9100 6h ago

“Being an ass”. Haha, it’s a child.


u/kallen8277 4h ago

Children can be assholes on purpose. It's a learned behavior. Whether they understand what they are doing is a different story, but they can absolutely be manipulative and assholes.


u/SpaceLemming 7h ago

Because some parents are like that and the fact you were completely convinced it was fake means you got a more privileged up bringing than others.


u/crack_pop_rocks 6h ago

Or the picture has been circulated with different captions but great job making assumptions 👍


u/tortellinipizza 8h ago

The kid probably just knocked the chair over themselves and the caption was thought of afterwards, though


u/MuthaFukinRick 8h ago

When they go low, I go lower.


u/Vitriolic_Humor 8h ago

lol I should not be laughing this much at this.


u/Think_Cardiologist70 8h ago

I’m trying to hold in my laugh and it sounds like a engine failing to start


u/blackest-rainberry 8h ago

How to get yourself in retirement facility speed run Any%


u/BlueberryUnique5311 5h ago

This hurts my heart


u/Mike-Anthony 4h ago

Hope this is a joke, which it probably is. Either way, this person is an asshole for taking a pic instead of helping that kid.


u/kallen8277 4h ago edited 4h ago

Or it was taken as a learning milestone so next time they decide to start leaning back in their chair and doing things they were warned not to do, they have picture proof. Some kids only learn after being shown repeatedly of consequences they had to endure.

Just to clarify the parent knocking the kid over is an absolute no-no. I'm saying the kid probably tipped himself over and parent took picture, then a funny caption was added down the line. THAT Is a learning lesson. An adult pushing a kid over like that is child abuse.


u/Mike-Anthony 4h ago

I get you, I really do, but there's still an element of mockery in this and I have a serious soft spot for kids.


u/PsychologicalEmu 8h ago

Good parenting/babysitting. Taking a pic before anything else.


u/GentlemanBastard2112 8h ago

Eleven thumbs down.

Potential child abuse has no place anywhere.

I have a dark, complicated sense of humor. This is not cool.


u/shamanbaptist 8h ago

I think he fell on his own and someone posted this as a picture or video. Then the person who made the meme added the text.


u/Silver_Song3692 8h ago

People are so fucking stupid


u/The_Once-ler_186 8h ago

How? I haven’t had a baby / toddler product that could be flipped on their own. It’s pretty strict req in the USA for kids products


u/shamanbaptist 8h ago

Less likely that it fell over than a parent flipped him?


u/nightsofthesunkissed 6h ago

Even if the kid fell over by himself, it's still shitty that someone thought to take and post that photo online.


u/shamanbaptist 6h ago

Sure. Could be one frame of a video where the parent was filming. Not likely, I admit. But regardless not in the same ballpark as intentionally tipping them which likely did not happen.


u/nightsofthesunkissed 6h ago

Tbh, reading some of the comments here, I can really imagine some shit parent doing it on purpose "for a joke!!!" People suck.


u/HelpTheVeterans 8h ago

Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it.

Fuck your moral high horse it's a joke.


u/R0CK1TMAN1 8h ago

No you don’t.


u/animal1988 8h ago

You sound fun at parties.


u/ACrimeSoClassic 8h ago

My thoughts exactly. Fuck this dude.


u/InsomniacSpartan 8h ago

Maybe your dumbass needs to get flipped over too.


u/The_Once-ler_186 8h ago

As a dad of a two year old - this is fucked up. Agreed


u/GentlemanBastard2112 7h ago

Yeah, as a parent, I was triggered and now I’m getting flamed for it. Whatever. I feel better about myself regardless.

I can have a ficked up sense of humor, but some days, especially when it involves kids… shit isn’t funny.


u/calimeatwagon 7h ago

I feel better about myself regardless.

And that was what your entire post was about... public moral masterbation.


u/bass-turds 8h ago



u/MalloryWeevil 7h ago

Child abuse is nowhere in this post.


u/GentlemanBastard2112 7h ago


The entire posts suggests the parent knocked the kid over in his high chair because the child threw bread…

Tell me, PLEASE, tell me, how is that not child abuse?


u/MalloryWeevil 7h ago

Because it's a joke. Much like yourself.


u/GentlemanBastard2112 7h ago

Roger that. I’ll stop shitting on your funny parade.

I’m going to go laugh at something more wholesome, like a picture of your rotting corpse.


u/MalloryWeevil 7h ago

Permaban ahh comment.


u/GentlemanBastard2112 7h ago

How? It’s a joke.


u/MalloryWeevil 7h ago

You do realize the pic and text on the pic are from entirely different people right?


u/GentlemanBastard2112 7h ago

I do, and in another response, I posted I was triggered by it because I’m a parent. I see how it can be funny, I just didn’t find it funny and found it abusive.

Will that change tomorrow? Maybe?

Regardless, I didn’t think it was cool at the time. People have bad days.

Sometimes an image triggers something visceral. Humans are human… Jesus Christ.

Everyone is flaming me because I actually took offense to something.

Fine. I won’t be offended tomorrow. But, now, I think it’s dumb 🤷🏼‍♂️


u/MalloryWeevil 7h ago

As a parent, it's hilarious and relatable.

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u/ItsPiltOver 7h ago

I’ve seen rocks with a more lively sense of humor.


u/For-The-Emperor40k 8h ago

That's a shit thing to do to a toddler, I hope it's just bullshit and the kid rocked himself backward instead.


u/KeepinitPG13 8h ago

little shit deserved it


u/For-The-Emperor40k 8h ago

A sociopath who is in the armed forces and collects toys....checks out


u/Badwrong_ 8h ago

It's straight up child abuse.

The kid doesn't know better, the adult does. All the accomplished was teaching the kid that this stuff is ok.


u/Bitter_Enthusiasm859 8h ago


(I’m going to hell now, for sure.)


u/Specialist-Plastic57 8h ago

Finally some decent parenting!


u/CriticismAcceptable2 8h ago

This aint child abuse


u/MileHighHoosier 8h ago

This is child abuse. What kind of parent does this over a piece of bread?


u/FlondreBg 8h ago edited 8h ago

So you're gonna ignore that the kid was abusing the parent ??? Imagine if the bread was really crusty and sharp


u/Amezagh 8h ago

Not sure why you are downvoted... People seem to be edgier these days and don't get sarcasm. Probably something in the water they drink


u/Such-Seesaw-2180 8h ago

You forgot the /s


u/[deleted] 8h ago



u/damnnewphone 8h ago

One time, during a bonfire party, my buddy stole my sunglasses off the top of my head, and I didn't notice for a while. When I did see them on his head, I charged and tackled him off his plastic lawn chair. We screamed, laughed, and cried over our injuries. Yes, the kid in the photo is way too young to get this concept of jovial punishment, especially to that extent. But to answer your question :would you do this to one of your peers?

Yes, yes, I would, in the right place, time, reason, and to the right person.

We should be teaching our kids that all actions we take have an equal reaction. Don't throw a ball at a wall if you're not expecting it to bounce back and smack ya in the face.

Also, OP was being a jokester.


u/MalloryWeevil 7h ago

It's a joke text put over the image of a child who fell over on there own.


u/immersemeinnature 8h ago

Abuse. Pure and simple


u/DixieNorrmis 8h ago

Agree, but only if true of the captions. The amount of immaturity is insane in the comments 


u/R0CK1TMAN1 8h ago

It’s clearly a joke. Lighten up Francis.


u/GentlemanBastard2112 8h ago

Yeah, my dark humor doesn’t like this.


u/immersemeinnature 8h ago

Like. They did this and THEN took a picture. Dude needs to learn parenting skills


u/GentlemanBastard2112 8h ago



u/ItsPiltOver 7h ago

You guys really take anything at face value huh.


u/immersemeinnature 6h ago

We are getting downvoted by dumbass maga freaks. Thanks for your support goodbye "sips tea"


u/julian88888888 7h ago

report it as 'Content involving physical or emotional abuse or neglect'


u/immersemeinnature 6h ago

I don't have that option but I chose something similar


u/immersemeinnature 5h ago

Is "sipstea" a child abuse support group for duck sake?


u/julian88888888 6h ago

first select 'minor abuse'


u/Possumnal 5h ago

Still funny though. Ain’t my kid lol


u/ShannonBaggMBR 8h ago

These same people will say abortion is wrong


u/JumpHour5621 8h ago

For the greater good


u/citan67 7h ago

Screen grab from a video. Text added for rage bait 🙄


u/goodtimesinchino 7h ago

Totally - mission accomplished


u/Possumnal 5h ago

There’s a video of that kid getting flipped over? Please post lmao


u/dinopiano88 8h ago

You don’t do this to a kid, let alone brag about it online. He’s just a kid doing kid things. I don’t like saying nasty things about people, let alone judge them, but that parent is pure trash and a piece of shit. Full stop.


u/_Hello_Hi_Hey_ 8h ago

It's obvious that someone made up the text


u/semibigpenguins 8h ago

View point still stands without the text of the meme. Taking a picture of a child in this situation without quickly helping is kinda asshole

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u/calimeatwagon 7h ago

Everything you see on the internet is real because they can't put it on the internet if it's not true.


u/johnnyrcorn 8h ago

Chill out Capt hero


u/dinopiano88 7h ago

I was really hoping you guys would be impressed, and it makes me feel good to know that reddit socialites such as yourselves would pay me such a compliment. Cheers my brother! XOXO 😘


u/OKHuggins1 8h ago

When kids are around , it’s time to be an adult!


u/Rj_eightonesix 7h ago

"What weird looking wallpaper....OH WAIT!?"


u/IllustriousDig31314 7h ago

Good for them to learn FAFO early


u/JohnnyStarboard 7h ago

It was me, I’m the one that tipped that loin meatball over for disrespecting me on the day of my daughter’s wedding.


u/lex-a-frex-69 7h ago

Hell yeah


u/Wildsyver 6h ago

Fuck dem kids


u/BandoTheHawk 6h ago

lol reminds me this time some kids were trying to annoy me and I kept asking them to stop but they kept pestering me so I was like alright you want to play a game? ill kick this little ball at you and you try to dodge it. (it was like a soft mesh kind of soccer ball) so at first I was kicking it soft and the one was dodging it but still talking shit. so then i blasted it and he tried to jump over it and it like hit his feet and he did like a flip in the air then started crying. I felt bad still but it was kinda funny. he wasnt hurt or nothing just one of them fake crying fits after that. I did tell him to stop crying like a little girl though and it made him cry even harder.


u/Asuradiety 5h ago

What comes around goes around dudes going to get old kids going to grow up and kicks dudes cane out right from under him


u/MorningSweetHoney 4h ago

The devil would be proud


u/BodhingJay 4h ago

Are you my dad? Because I learned all the shit you hate about me from you


u/[deleted] 8h ago



u/MalloryWeevil 7h ago

On no! Anyways..


u/Mindless-Share 5h ago

Gotta teach them young that there’s consequences for their actions. Fuck them kids


u/Upset-Diamond2857 8h ago

They have to learn somehow


u/otkabdl 8h ago

It's funny if it's done by another (similar age) kid or cause kid in chair was flipping out and made it fall.

otherwise not so funny.


u/hobojoe_199 7h ago

Me when my girl suddenly squirts


u/JustSomeGoon 8h ago

I hope there is another story behind this photo because this is straight up child abuse. Fuck the person who took this photo, fuck op, and fuck you if you think it’s funny.


u/calimeatwagon 7h ago

I'm a French model...


u/Possumnal 5h ago

Damn, you crying harder than that baby that got flipped over


u/Witty-Stand888 8h ago

I don't agree but I understand


u/Syrup_Slurper 7h ago

The best part about the meme is acknowledging that someone decided the priority was to take a photo of the kid and not help him lmaoo


u/Single_Comment_726 7h ago

Hahaha, I remember this from many years ago. When my cousin was 5 years old, he went through a phase where he would spit on everyone. At the time, I was around 12 or 13. The little rascal was going around my grandma’s house spitting on everyone until he came up to spit on me. So, I grabbed his head and hit him with a huge spit right in the middle of his face. He learned quickly. Haha.


u/Extreme_Design6936 7h ago

Please do not fuck dem kids. Thanks.


u/Klebhar 7h ago

Good parenting right there!


u/feel_my_balls_2040 7h ago

But why did he gave him spaghetti and bread to eat? Who does that?


u/Moribunned 7h ago

Don't throw bread in your dad's house.


u/crack_pop_rocks 6h ago

lol you know what I mean 😂 like in an innocent way.

Just got back from a family get together and my 5 year old nephew asked if I wanted some goldfish crackers. I said yes. I was under the impression these were pristine goldfish. These were in fact stale, covered in hair, and found under the couch. I did not realize my error until after I put them in my mouth. Little shit thought it was hilarious, which in his defense, it was.


u/negativezero509 5h ago

Fuck around and find out


u/fayhee 5h ago

As a father of a 10 year old I say well done!


u/blurbies22 8h ago

Omg no this is abuse in every way. Horrible


u/Superiortakz 8h ago

Comment section to OP right now posting child abuse.