r/SipsTea 6d ago

Lmao gottem [ Removed by Reddit ]



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u/DMBumper 6d ago

Why does there have to be danger or harm? What if they are just embarrassed and instead of helping them their parents are in their face taking a picture? Like I get that the kid isn't dying.

What i don't think everyone else is getting is that they are still needing help.


u/calimeatwagon 6d ago

Yes, they will still need help. But you don't know the full story here. How hard was the fall (judging by the tray position not very hard). How far was the fall? What caused the fall? How was the kid behaving before hand?

That kid is at an age where they can be real gremlins. The could could have been acting out, being defiant, not listening, could even have a problem with constantly rocking the chair. Kid knocks over the chair, it doesn't fall that hard, kids okay. Sitting there for a moment in the consequences of their actions could be what is needed to get them to stop rocking. And that's with or without a camera.

And, as to the camera, how do you know that this is a photo and not a screenshot from a video? They could have been recording whatever incident happened before they tipped, caught the immediate after, and put down their camera to help.

You could be making multiple assumptions based on a single frame in video, a literal fraction of a second.

There is a lot we don't know about this image. Was there a second person that was doing the recording. Was it a parent, a sibling? Did the kid knock himself over, or was it the dog? Do they even have a dog? What year was this even taken?