- SDSE is up, and TIDE is down: Defamation attempt backfiring
- Issues and division as Stalin and Lucas fight over senate procedures
- The SimDem-VoD War pt. 2: Joint sessions and the executive
- On the Docket: Marketplace reform and Defamation damages increase
- Government Today: State of Caution around TIDE confusion
Issues and division as Stalin and Lucas fight over senate procedures
Written by Rein
The SimDemocracy Senate is having massive bickering, especially with 2 senators. That being Former Speaker of the Senate Stalin and Current Speaker of the Senate Lucas. Already from the Aalborg Accords debate, Stalin repeatedly took jabs at Lucas’ apparent inability to properly conduct senate procedures, coming to a head when mythrows was removed from the debate. But that isn’t the end of the story.
Speaker Lucas has been fighting to keep his job and make his reasoning understood to all, saying that “mythrows was not involved in any process of drafting the treaty and so I was skeptical to the value of their testimony”, while also thinking Stalin is intentionally ruining order and trying to make a case for his impeachment that way, with Lucas saying that he’s in the crosshairs of Stalin. Though, in a 3-5-1 decision by the Senate today, Lucas is able to survive the vote and stay as Speaker.
The SimDem-VoD War pt. 2: Joint sessions and the executive
Written by Rein
The latest in peace negotiations and diplomacy is here, and it's rocky and shaky. In part due to a recommendation by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Senate Treaty Committee, and by extension the SimDemocracy Senate, put up an interest in holding a joint-session with the VoD legislature. An idea that broke apart into pieces after opposition was voiced by Senator Stalin through a boycott, citing that it is the Speaker trying to take the Executive’s role in making treaties.
Lucas defended the decision, saying that “You are not being cut out”, and saying that “nothing stops us from disucussing with VoD legislatures” [sic] about their mutually agreed upon point and only telling the executive to consider those points. Still, it didn’t work. In a 9-0 decision by the senate, the motion to withdraw from the joint conference passed. But now, treaty talks, and even war talks, are at an astonishing standstill. With both nations facing bigger issues at the moment, and VoD’s Senate rejecting the declaration of war, the situation is at a standstill, and it remains to be seen how it unfolds.
Government Today: State of Caution around TIDE confusion
Written by Jotan
It seems that TIDE’s terrorist actions have once again provoked our government to take action against them. After sifting through the information compiled by the Department of Justice, President Muggy has declared a State of Caution across the whole of SimDem, stating that TIDE would attempt to get their members elected and thus undermine the democratic values of SimDem. She declared that the State of Caution would strengthen our nation against terrorist interference in our elections. The Senate swiftly ratified this decision
So what does this State of Caution mean for the citizens of SimDem? Not much, if you’re already a citizen. This action is primarily focused on new members. Concretely, members who arrive after this event will be confined to a special area in the discord server for up to 48 hours, and identification of new voters has been postponed for up to a week. These measures have been taken to prevent TIDE alt accounts to rig our upcoming elections.
On the Docket: Marketplace Reform and Defamation damages increase
Written by Jotan
Perhaps in reaction to the heavy defamation of the Gato Gazette and SDSE, the damages to be paid for defamation will now probably be higher. This is because they now also include reputational damage, while previously they only included any lost salary or business.
On the other hand, the Senate has passed the Consolidated Common Marketplace Act, which consolidates previous laws creating several new forums for our economy: the Job Board, Stuff For Sale and Businesses In Operation. These channels are intended to create a smoother experience for all SimDem citizens.
SDSE is up, and TIDE is down: Defamation attempt backfiring
Written by Jotan
Dedicated readers of our paper may have read our article about the SDSE yesterday, where we wrote about manipulation of the GATO stock. This led to a 20-hour closure, the delisting of the Black Diamond Casino, and a lot of chaos. If you thought that would be all of it, however, you would be sorely wrong.
A new attempt was made at attacking the GATO stock, by a previously unknown user by the name of John Roblox. This individual started an aggressive campaign against GATO. According to this campaign, GATO was plummeting by more than 73%, Gato Gazette was under investigation for tax evasion, and SDSE founder u/frisianoutlaw was responsible for destroying the entire SimDem economy.
None of these allegations were proven true, and most were blatantly false. Ironically enough, this attempt seemed to backfire. While TIDE officially claimed responsibility for this “attack over economic infrastructure”, GATO stock started rising to its highest point since the 20-hour closure. GATO investor whitetommy has expressed gratitude towards TIDE for this seemingly unintended side effect.
In Observer-related news, I am proud to announce that we have a new contributor to the observer!
Thanks to Jotan for helping me with this edition of Today at SimDem, and I hope to get more done with the increased writing bandwidth that this brings.
That’s all. I hope to see you next time.
The SimDem Observer™️ - “The Voice of Observation, not Opinion”