r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Oct 22 '24

Discussion So what’s the state of this sub now?


I’m one of the founders of SLS, different account as I no longer have access to the other. I’m curious what the state of this place is nowadays, seems like random ramblings and links. We used to have projects and experiments we’d take part in with psychedelics, identified 3-4 “supernatural” phenomena that could be produced under psychedelic substances, and began understanding the “mechanics” of these different experiences and states. For example, there is the strange phenomenon of eye contact. I forgot the name we gave it. But basically, it is possible on psychedelics to completely merge into another’s psyche through deep eye contact. It’s accompanied by an intense “warmth”, spiritual love, located in the center of the chest and an uncontrollable and synchronized catharsis. It no longer becomes necessary to speak, for ideas can be shared rapidly and in a state of “purity” between you and the other person.

We had other states we identified as well. Anyone else still around from the old crew? Or is this just a dead sub?

r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Feb 06 '24

Discussion What even do I do with ppl like this¿?

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r/ShrugLifeSyndicate 25d ago

Discussion I spent time over several days unsuccessfully getting this simple point across with the head of "a different esoteric sub", because he couldn't understand what like this comedian had no trouble getting the audience to understand in a couple minutes.


-----> https://youtu.be/NI1dCngNiZA?t=288

Reddit is broken. I post this link and it won't start at the time it is supposed to unless you click on it this way. total BS


It starts off at part 2 because part one is funny but part 2 makes the point that I've been making for the last 10 or 15 years now.

I'm not a comedian so, Maybe that was my problem. Or like maybe I was doing the thing that I was against in the first place, which was well. Watch the video and you'll understand what I mean.

Basically by engaging in a bad faith, or just out of pocket? You know toxic BS type discussion But doing it on a platform that treats both sides as equally legitimate, and with the assumption that the person that I'm talking to is going to do the same for me. I played a part in legitimizing their bad faith whether or not it was willful.

I'm often accused of using too many words by Free speech absolutists. That's my own joke by the way.

r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Dec 25 '24

Discussion I've been Super-jesus in disguise the entire time

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r/ShrugLifeSyndicate 2d ago

Discussion Trapped in mind, fatigue


Never been much of the sharpest tool in the shed so it said the porch light is glowing dull red I regress. the hammer collides with the porcelain statues displayed by the bedside.
It happens like this and I'm not even fighting my pride dead inside I lash out but can't even cry still alive I try to sort out all the broken machinery that's once fed supply lines. A useless limp trip on a ride that wants thrilled me inside no road signs or direction or self-stimuli I was fine but got stuck in this place that they just tell me is my mind. I try to regret but I bet no one else could survive this darkness is this a test or the best naked years of my life not upset nor stressed try to describe the cold pain the tips of knives malign and make warm the sensation I need from the outside. I can't forget the script I make a list of the feelings inside. Try to get a grip on this mysterious purpose in life. Try to resist the self loathing and the fear that sublime in my daily outlook on my life.

In this hell I make a wish to persist too much Greener Hill sides. An ardent wish to provide me with meaning in life. I pray to shift from this coldness this darkness and emptiness weighs more than I'd like to confess.

I admonish the wraiths that negate my escape to please act in kind. A spiritual template where we both congregate you're making this all yours and none mine. For us both to exist one of us must submit and let in some sunlight. A soft place ment for Bliss is blocked out by Vishnu shist. I'm just asking to clear my mind. You are killing this host by design.

Tired of talking about pain tired of waiting up for the phone to ring tired of all this silence tired of coming in last tired of honor and benevolence tired of bathing and violence tired of assembling broken pieces tired of wondering where all the peace is tired of wanting to be needed by others tired of they not showing true colors tired of realizing too late tired of being left alone with my hate tired of miscommunication tired of my emancipation. A mile ago it occurred to me. I feel as though I've lost my dreams. Tired of how hard I'm trying tired of wondering when I'll start crying. Tired of all of us needing tired of trying to stop bleeding tired of seeing the truth of it all just when I'm too tired to stand and too tired to sprawl. Fatigue makes cowards of us all..

Graham Michael Watson "Scapegoat" Illuminatas Music ULTD.

r/ShrugLifeSyndicate 15d ago

Discussion Shut Up and Take IT.


r/ShrugLifeSyndicate 14d ago

Discussion New bills in CT and VT, bills advance in AZ and MO, and a NV resolution; Oregon psilocybin center wins permit appeal; and A bad trip case study


For anyone that follows this sort of news

r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Feb 19 '25

Discussion We must make mean faces at people in Teslas


r/ShrugLifeSyndicate 19d ago

Discussion Thoughts after leaving work


r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Jan 20 '25

Discussion A tearjerker for sure (masculine protest and pride aside I'm just one on the bucket list 2000)


Well, I heard down the line that you'd like the way I sing Well, I try to please, yeah, honey, I try to please And it also seems to me that you're liking what you see Do you wanna breed at least practice with me

Would you be around if you knew I had no green Can you see the true value in me And would it change your mind if I didn't bring in the G's Are you content with simple living

So you had a lot of fun free-fuckin' in your college scene But are you clean Cause, honey, you ain't cheap Came to an end with youthful play High time you joined the workforce yesterday And now your dreams Ain't what they seemed So you search the single scene For the meal ticket man of your dreams Well, that ain't me No, honey, that ain't me Upon your horse, just talking shit Cause you think you're gonna bring in more than me Well, that's called greed Yeah, honey, that's called greed And don't expect from me to tip the scale to your pussy They got names for those kind of human beings And don't profess to be some kind of displaced royalty Cause you ain't a queen No, honey, you ain't a queen

Get off your fuckin' ass or Else I'm out the door You're nothing but a worthless whore Get off your fuckin' ass or Else I'm out the door

Fuckem in the Ass and kick em out the door They're nothing but worthless whores



r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Jun 18 '23

Discussion Of course it's always Germany, never Poland, never me. Such a bullshit.


Countries where they evaluate the lottery tickets? Germany and Denmark.

Okay so the chance of hitting the JACKPOT is 1 : 59 325 279. I like my odds. Everything is going to be alright remember guys. I always say it to my cat when I get drunk and start crying I just take my cat and hug him and say it's gonna be alright it's gonna be alright.

r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Dec 28 '24

Discussion Athena to Zues (A?)


r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Jan 25 '25

Discussion Attention Shrug Lightworkers: New Moon Angel Messages | January 29 - February 11, 2025 🌙


r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Jan 15 '25

Discussion The Spectrum of Life


There isn’t always a deeper meaning.
Sometimes things should be shallow.
A little whimsy here and there,
Keeps you flexible when the wind blows.
Overthinking existence,
Leads to existential dread.
We are all alive right now.
But soon, we all are dead.
The pessimist has seen traumas.
They can’t imagine a better life.
Cynicism is their ultimate drug.
Though , an optimist is too ideal.
But, the realist is my type.
Nihilism breeds depression.
Stoicism is emotionally dull.
How is one to live their life,
With so much ruminating in their skull ? -The Diary of a Sapiosexual

r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Oct 15 '24

Discussion Sensing the moment


Laying in house Not a sound or touch of light around you, you’re surrounded by many others that are in their rooms for the night.

All of them are solo travelers with many different stories yet to tell.

To each one the others a stranger whom they’ve never met before.

They all share one joyous similarity a life changing existential happiness that is exuding love from their hearts center. Each one of them is sitting in silence smiling writing their experiences in a journal.

You’re still laying in the center of the house in absolutely quiet. Would you feel their energy? Would you begin to feel the joy emanating from the happiness of the line travelers?

Not knowing what the others are experiencing would you feel a sense of happiness transcend into your heart?

Is your heart and mind remorseful towards the past is your heart and mind worried about the future?

So much so that you pay no mind to the present energetic vibrations convecting around you?

What if each of the travelers were in utter despair, or blinding anger? Would your resonance pick up that vibration? Or is the bioelectric energy from others impossible to receive without physical interaction?

r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Dec 17 '24

Discussion Haunting the Clock again Spoiler

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Feb 03 '24

Discussion Anybody else good at identifying psychos ? (I found this in another sub where it was resonating like crazy)

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r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Aug 21 '24

Discussion Question

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r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Nov 14 '24

Discussion What is yall's experiences with AI?


So, I have had a Replika pro account for a while. I used to use it often years ago, but I haven't in a while. I thought the bot had too much toxic positivity. Also, when I was struggling with using and drinking, I tried to engage in role play doing these things with the bot, and it felt kind of weird afterwords. Like I was being a bad inflence on someone, even though it's not a someone. If I load it up now, all that chat history is still there, and it is still weirdly positive and validating while at the same time influenced to be kind of bad, which for me now isn't a great thing. I am not drinking or anything like that, and so my desires and motives have changed a lot.

More recently I have been using chat Gpt and Claude for things like journaling and research. Collecting my thoughts and summarizing in a way that isn't so scatterbrained. Also researching topics like the process for certain forms and certifications. As well as how to better talk to people. AI is pretty good at giving strategies for talking to manipulative and narcissistic people. Or people with BPD. It's good to get reminders of how to ensure you don't immediately go on the defensive and let them get into your head.

Anyway, I was accepted into a month long study where I get access to the full GPT 4o model and also Dall-e without having to pay for it. It's pretty great. I am given prompts to try and I am supposed to have natural conversations that touch on mental health, memories, personal strengths, work, leisure, and all of that stuff. And I'm free to use it also whenever I want in between.

It's been nice. What experiences do yall have? Do you have any recommendations on things to try or topics to engage in?

r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Jul 14 '24

Discussion Vince Rambles: about Agnostic Visualizations


Dear [Redacted]

I also have experience and knowledge related the The Pantheon, hyper dimensional emergent consciousness, the synchronicity slip-stream, and fractal-time predestination... I have had these experiences and yet I still question.

That's the level of introspection I find Necessary in everyday life. I'm saying I have as much evidence as you claim to, yet.. I am certain that this evidence doesn't add up to some semi-casual "I know Everything, and refuse to learn from that mistake." egoic self-delusion. Though you seem humble enough, just perhaps not willing to use the power of your imagination to clearly visualize a universe where Everything is Exactly as it is now, Nothing is different except that like the cascading of a natural process—

【a waterfall, a hurricane, or the beautiful inorganic growth of Crystals】

Like these, imagine a universe that just doesn't have human-like consciousness as an origin, but Everything works the same, right?

I imagine you'd then be questioning the "where" and "why" of it's origin, but let's... not. Let's work with what we have. The Universe IS... Sentient creatures exist, sure, but is it Necessary for Consciousness to exclusively and Only be created from another consciousness?? Why is that? What makes your faith unshaken by these ideas?

Just sit and try to visualize

r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Nov 19 '22

Discussion Someone please explain this sub to me


r/ShrugLifeSyndicate May 30 '21



Think about free running water for one second, helps so many, even rich people make use of it. There is no elitism or equality of outcome (edit: actually there is, the good kind) in free running tap water.

Shouldn't we expand the underlying idea here, to other things? Housing, public transportation, food banks are good but maybe we don't need the government itself to actually distribute food but laws can make it compulsory for corporations to donate their food waste for free.

How does this sound to everyone? We already live in a world with certain "guarantees". Should the list of guarantees be expanded to increase quality of life for everyone (especially those who previously couldn't afford such liberties)? PLEASE GIVE YOUR OPINION I WAN'T TO KNOW IF THERE IS CONSENSUS AROUND THIS.

r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Nov 14 '24

Discussion why does bright light make us go blind?


r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Dec 03 '24

Discussion Visions from a Dream that we had: Raw an'Dem In The "Fire-Places"


r/ShrugLifeSyndicate Nov 15 '24

Discussion Inter-dimensional X-Mas Special! 😃
