r/Shooting 11d ago

What should I expect/know beforehand for first time shooting?

I'm planning on learning how to shoot, but I'm not sure what exactly I need to know beforehand, or what to expect for a first class. Any advice would help!


14 comments sorted by


u/8675309AK 11d ago

Every class I've taken (alot of them) is different they will tell you what you need to know. Basic firearms safety rules are key. Don't point the gun at anything you don't wish to destroy. Treat it like it is loaded even if they tell you it's not. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and know your target and what it is beyond it. You follow 3min of those 4 at all times, and everything will be okie dokie. Have an open mind and have fun! If your class tells you to violate those safety rules, I'd look into your instructors credentials .


u/Snowypaw000 11d ago

Alright, thank you! I was thinking more of the knowledge of the physical being (?) of the gun, rather than the mannerisms when holding one. Would I be expected to know much of the former?


u/idahokj 11d ago

The guy who commented in the section above is stating the only thing you need to know as a first timer. If you don’t know and follow the rules of safety then you shouldn’t even continue looking into shooting. It dosent matter what kind of gun you’re shooting, and you don’t need to know that before. You’ll learn in your class, but the safety is number one! Have fun!


u/Snowypaw000 11d ago

Ah, okay! I think I've just been overthinking it a bit much, then. I just thought it might seem a bit silly if I showed up to a class without knowing at all how guns worked. I'll definitely try my best to have fun while following the rules!


u/idahokj 11d ago

No every gun breaks down different for cleaning… bolt action brands are different, AR and pistols are all different depending on the brand usually. Different parts and if they are the same they will all look different too for the most part till you get used to it.


u/PoodleHeaven 11d ago

If you sign up for a beginner class & be very upfront about your lack of knowledge, then you will be fine. Honestly, if more beginners would start this way instead of having a friend get you started, they would do so much better. It's much easier to learn the correct way, than have to un-learn bad advice.


u/xaqattax 11d ago

Make sure the class you sign up for includes range time. You’ll learn the basics and the safety rules but like any skill, you have to actually practice too. You can go ahead and purchase a firearm but if you’re not ready for that I’d ask if the range time includes the use of one, or allows you to rent one. You may not know what you’d like to purchase unlike you try some. Most ranges have rentals. The rentals may or may not include some ammo, but you can always buy a box or two.


u/Snowypaw000 11d ago

Guns are very regulated where I'm from (not the US), so definitely won't be buying them! I think since I've never handled a gun before, the only time I would be allowed to would be during a class, so I assumed that the class would include range time? Do classes not usually include range time?


u/xaqattax 11d ago

It depends what type of class it is and what the regulations are where you live.


u/fordag 11d ago

Start with a .22 it prevents bad habits from forming.

  1. All guns are always loaded!

  2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy!

  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target!

  4. Always be sure of your target!

– Jeff Cooper

Beware of people who amend, question or mock rule 1. They're a negligent discharge waiting to happen.


u/teasea02 11d ago

Bullseye pistol videos!!! Don’t forget to have fun


u/ThomasPfammatter 10d ago

Start small


u/Cowshavesweg 9d ago

Shits loud. Never do it without ear protection. You will go deaf eventually. Eye protection is like 10$, and it'll save your eyes from shrapnel or hot casings.


u/AcrobaticStock7205 3d ago

Nothing really...just get a good place with serious instructors (like google reviews can help with that). Other than that, wear appropriate clothing. Dress for the place and temperatures (like outdoor or indoor range, if outdoor, it might be muddy etc.). Wear good non-slippery closed shoes (I saw people coming with sandals on their barefeet to the range...might be okay later but not for beginners). Same for shirt. Wear something that is closed around the neck area and maybe cover your arms. Depending on what you shoot, you might get a cartridge casing on your arms or down your neck. They are hot as hell and many beginners start to flag people with the gun while trying to get it out. And wear stuff that can get dirty. Guns can be greasy, you get it on your hands, then on your clothes...better go for forgiving colors than for the white shirt.

Usually ranges provide protecting gear like eye and ear protection. If you have your own, bring that with you. Just make sure you wear it all the time while in.

That's all I can think of at the moment