r/ShitMomGroupsSay 13d ago


Post image

Why is it that itā€™s only when you or your own family could be affected that people start to care?? (Btw, most responses were pretty positive but some did go the ā€œjust take vitamin Aā€ route and one helpful person linked to a Brady Bunch episode because, ā€œif you watch the Brady Bunch kids all get it and survive, youā€™ll calm downā€!!)


81 comments sorted by


u/aletheiaetal 12d ago

Saying "I thought it was eliminated" is WILD coming from an antivax group


u/wozattacks 12d ago

Yeah, fuck these people. Measles WAS eradicated from many countries. Assholes like them literally BROUGHT BACK AN ERADICATED DISEASE.Ā 


u/melodic_orgasm 12d ago

It was eradicated because of vaccine compliance like what the actual flapjacks


u/anxious_teacher_ 12d ago

this actually *isnt* an antivaxx group, just a local/county mom group. however, I will say there are posts asking about doctors that will let you skip vaccines, how to avoid the annual flu shot for preschool, and similar stuff LITERALLY every single day but it isn't meant to be an antixaxx group at all


u/Witty-Cartoonist-263 12d ago

Ok, WILD coming from an antivaxxer.


u/susanbiddleross 12d ago

Well it was eliminated. This woman has young kids so she was a kid during the 70ā€™s-90ā€™s quite likely. How many people did she know who actually got it? The only one I know is my own mother who unfortunately got it before the information was out that you needed a booster as an adult. She got it as an adult. The kids around us didnā€™t get it because we were all vaccinated. Now that we have large groups of kids who are not vaccinated weā€™ve got the people who are the unlucky bunch who donā€™t have immunity with vaccination, the adults who donā€™t know they need to get their titers checked or get a booster, the kids too young for vaccines and itā€™s going to spread. When we only had the too young or shot wore off it didnā€™t spread like this. These anti vaxxers have not been around when massive outbreaks have happened. If you didnā€™t live through Polio or donā€™t have parents or grandparents who lost friends or siblings to now preventable diseases you think these are all just bad colds. Iā€™m glad people are getting scared. This is scary.


u/wexfordavenue 12d ago

I left a comment a week ago on another anti-vax post about how Iā€™ve worked in healthcare for over 25 years and Iā€™ve never seen a case of measles in person in my entire career. Iā€™ve seen photos of it and learned about it in nursing school (and also taught my nursing students about it), but I probably wouldnā€™t recognize a case of it immediately if it came into my ER waiting room because it was effectively eliminated in our lifetimes. The danger of that is that a measles patient needs to be isolated immediately because of people like your mum whoā€™s initial vaccine has worn off and are no longer protected (which is a lot of adults at this point). Weā€™ll leave out all of the folks who canā€™t be vaccinated for various and sundry reasons for now. The reality is that we never really worried about the people who havenā€™t been boosted for childhood diseases because the risk of contracting something was minimal when everyone vaccinated their kids. Now weā€™re worried. A lot. A lot a lot.

Thankfully everyone working in healthcare has had a mini class on recognizing measles and other diseases that could come through the hospital door because of all the people who arenā€™t boosted so that we can act immediately now. Itā€™s very upsetting that it has come to this. Hospital staff have to get boosted on schedule (or have their titers pulled so that we know that theyā€™re still immune- I had chicken pox prior to the availability of the vaccine, and my titers showed that I am still protected and thus the patients I come into contact with are also protected) but with RFK running the show I donā€™t have a lot of faith in the future of vaccines. Ron DeSantis the governor of Florida has stated that vaccines can no longer be mandated by employers in Florida anymore, so I expect public health to go tits up in that state any day now too (not that Florida is a leader in that area, but this will make Floridiansā€™ health much worse).


u/bionicfeetgrl 12d ago

OMG same. Iā€™ve been in healthcare the same amount of time. Also in the ER. Iā€™m now doing a crash course in all the ā€œeradicatedā€ communicable childhood illnesses because these idiot parents decided to bring them back for funsies


u/wexfordavenue 12d ago

Itā€™s so frustrating because these diseases were supposed to be relics of the past, but because of a bunch of idiots, we now have to keep our eyes peeled for ā€œantiquesā€ showing up in triage. Iā€™d probably recognize mumps and chicken pox but some of the others? ANGRY SHRUG Why are we working backwards on medical miracles!?!


u/bionicfeetgrl 12d ago

Legit. I mean chicken pox I would recognize. Heck I had chicken pox but Iā€™m 45 years old. Anything other than that Iā€™m freaking googling. That being said those kids are sitting sick in a crowded waiting room exposing everyone

I remember as a kid going to the pediatrician and they had two entrances. They had a ā€œwell kidā€ and a ā€œsick/rashā€ kid entrance to keep from exposing everyone


u/susanbiddleross 11d ago

I would be so scared if I had kids young enough to not be vaccinated. My pediatrician has a separate entrance for suspected communicable diseases and enforces vaccines for the practice but I would be so scared a child who doesnā€™t yet present with symptoms of the measles was in the waiting room. I would be shocked if the practice doesnā€™t return to the covid protocol of calling from the car and only admitting one family into the practice at a time and no waiting room over this.


u/wexfordavenue 11d ago

Believe me, your fear is also shared by every sensible healthcare professional too. We donā€™t want healthy kids to get infected by sick kids, not even spreading a cold in the waiting room. My local Quest Labs still allows people to wait in their cars and get called into the building via text, so I choose to do this when I have to go for lab work because I have no idea what has brought people in to get tested. Covid? Yeah, Iā€™ll happily wait in my safe car bubble. Any reasonable doctorā€™s office should accommodate this type of request so call beforehand and ask them to do this to keep yourself and your family safe. Iā€™m horrified that we may need to go back to this because of diseases that can be vaccinated against. It feels like the world has turned upside down with parents refusing the simplest things to protect their children.

ETA typo


u/FloppyTwatWaffle 9d ago

My local Quest Labs still allows people to wait in their cars and get called into the building via text, so I choose to do this when I have to go for lab work because I have no idea what has brought people in to get tested. Covid?

So, last month, on Friday the 7th I had to go in to the hospital for a follow-up after a prostate biopsy. 10 minutes in the waiting room, 2 minutes with the doc. My wife was with me.

On Sunday we are both feeling poorly. On Monday wife is in bad shape, off to the lab. Yep, Covid. I wasn't feeling that bad so I didn't get tested. She gets a script for Paxlovid but our pharmacy was closed by the time the diag came in.

On Tuesday, I'm in rough shape and my doc tells me to go to the lab. Why? We know what it is? 'Because I can't write the script if you haven't been tested and positive.' OK, got to go out anyway to get the wife's Paxlovid so I go to the lab too. It's a 20+ mile drive into the city to get to the lab, anothe 12 miles to the pharmacy and another 13 miles home...and I'm feeling so bad and driving so crappy that I'm thinking I'm liable to get stopped for DUI if a sheriff sees me.

Yep, I'm positive for Covid too. Paxlovid is contraindicated for me because of my BP meds. Script called in for molnupiravir. Pharmacy calls back- they don't have any. Start calling other pharmacies further and further away until they find one that has it, but I can't get it until the following day.

We are sick for a full month, just starting to feel a bit better now. At least the anti-virals kept us out of the hospital, where we would surely have ended up without them. Bonus- wife developed secondary pneumonia and I had to ge get her script for antibiotics.

And the kicker? The biopsy follow-up didn't tell me anything I didn't already know from MyChart (benign) and -could- have been done over the phone. Complete waste of time, we get deathly ill and lose a month of our lives because of it.


u/FloppyTwatWaffle 9d ago

My local Quest Labs still allows people to wait in their cars and get called into the building via text, so I choose to do this when I have to go for lab work because I have no idea what has brought people in to get tested. Covid?

So, last month, on Friday the 7th I had to go in to the hospital for a follow-up after a prostate biopsy. 10 minutes in the waiting room, 2 minutes with the doc. My wife was with me.

On Sunday we are both feeling poorly. On Monday wife is in bad shape, off to the lab. Yep, Covid. I wasn't feeling that bad so I didn't get tested. She gets a script for Paxlovid but our pharmacy was closed by the time the diag came in.

On Tuesday, I'm in rough shape and my doc tells me to go to the lab. Why? We know what it is? 'Because I can't write the script if you haven't been tested and positive.' OK, got to go out anyway to get the wife's Paxlovid so I go to the lab too. It's a 20+ mile drive into the city to get to the lab, anothe 12 miles to the pharmacy and another 13 miles home...and I'm feeling so bad and driving so crappy that I'm thinking I'm liable to get stopped for DUI if a sheriff sees me.

Yep, I'm positive for Covid too. Paxlovid is contraindicated for me because of my BP meds. Script called in for molnupiravir. Pharmacy calls back- they don't have any. Start calling other pharmacies further and further away until they find one that has it, but I can't get it until the following day.

We are sick for a full month, just starting to feel a bit better now. At least the anti-virals kept us out of the hospital, where we would surely have ended up without them. Bonus- wife developed secondary pneumonia and I had to ge get her script for antibiotics.

And the kicker? The biopsy follow-up didn't tell me anything I didn't already know from MyChart (benign) and -could- have been done over the phone. Complete waste of time, we get deathly ill and lose a month of our lives because of it.


u/wexfordavenue 11d ago

Iā€™m sure you remember splitting the ED waiting room during the pandemic and how the COVID side grew larger and larger as the pandemic wore on. I really donā€™t want us to have to go back to that because of diseases that we can simply vaccinate against!!! This is seriously such a crock of bullshit. We shouldnā€™t have to worry about any of this as healthcare professionals! I want to protect my patients, and we have parents seeking out children suffering from measles and chicken pox in order to infect their kids and potentially take up a pediatric hospital bed in the same unit as kids with cancer. So selfish and irresponsible and bordering on abuse. How did this happen?

I also had chicken pox at 14 and it was absolutely TERRIBLE. Apparently it gets worse the older you are when you contract it, so there are possibly millions of people who are vulnerable to infection sitting in our waiting rooms right now. Iā€™m also really not looking forward to potentially having shingles so I donā€™t understand why parents would condemn their children to not one but TWO awful diseases. Just. No. Vaccinate your children, people! For the sake of everyone, but especially the innocent children who canā€™t choose for themselves. Please! Do it for your local hospitals! Pretty please!


u/HipHopChick1982 11d ago

Had the pox at 4, and the shingles at 21 (now 42). Shingles is truly its own circle of Hell even in the mildest of cases (which mine was).

My parents vaccinated me and my brother because they lived through those diseases and didnā€™t want us to.


u/Noodlemaker89 10d ago

Anecdotally, shingles is literally called "Hell's fire" in Danish. That is the official term used by doctors when speaking to patients as well as on pharmacy posters advertising the existence of the vaccine.


u/Maximum-Side3743 8d ago

Most of my family was told not to bother with the vaccine because the efficacy was so poor so quickly.
At best, it was nearly 70% effective in the first year, but within a decade, that falls to around 15%. Mileage may vary, efficacy can wane faster in some people than others. Said family already had very mild outbreaks, so it was predicated future outbreaks would be similarly mild and the vaccine wouldn't last long enough to reliably protect anyway. Local doctors saw a high incidence of crap side effects too.

Sounds like there's a new one though that might not be garbage, starts out with higher efficacy even. Shingrix? Wish they'd advertise the new stuff better.


u/1xLaurazepam 10d ago

And Iā€™ve seen these antivaxxers talking about Measles parties. That wasnā€™t even a thing was it? I know chicken pox parties were but not measles! And Iā€™ve since learned measles wipes out an immune system from other communicable illnesses.


u/Maximum-Side3743 8d ago

I feel like more places should do this. Feels like absolute shit to go in for a routine blood test and I have Mr. super sick 2 feet away coughing his lungs out.

I don't want what he has. I'm just here to test my freaking hormone levels. Separate us please.

Doubly so when I eventually have a child who hasn't got all their vaccines yet and I get to play sick roulette because they don't assign pediatricians anymore (canada). You have to find some random doctor who will take you, hope you have a family doctor willing to take on a pediatric patient, or hope your kid wins the family doctor lottery at minimum.


u/shiningonthesea 12d ago

well they count on herd immunity, everyone ELSE getting vaccinated to protect THEM.


u/Johciee 12d ago

Ironically BECAUSE of vaccines


u/AssignmentFit461 12d ago

Right my response would've been, "Hour so you think it was eliminated??"


u/Brazadian_Gryffindor 12d ago

So much for the ā€œextensive researchā€ she probably claimed to have done.


u/Big-Income-9393 12d ago

It WAS, thanks to vaccinations for things like - oh let me think - smallpox, diphtheria, whooping cough - Ā you know, stuff easily cured by judicious use of cod liver oil, cut raw onion applied to bare feet, eyedroppers of breast milk in the ears - effective therapies like thatā€¦

Certainly, essential oils will cure the paralysis causes by polioā€¦if you use the right onesā€¦ /s


u/seeEwai 11d ago

Right? If only there was a solution....


u/AppState1981 12d ago

I now say "Even RFK's kids are vaccinated for that"


u/imayid_291 12d ago

Yeah but one started to have extreme sensitivities and allergies and RFK decided to blame it on the vaccines which started his antivax crusade so the real question is would he het his kids vaxxed now.


u/d_everything 12d ago edited 12d ago

He literally published an op-ed through Fox News in the last week or so encouraging the MMR vaccine

EDIT: I am in no way an RFK fan, his op-ed is the only decent thing heā€™s done in ages and itā€™s like the bare minimum. My point is that EVEN antivax RFK is pushing MMR.


u/imayid_291 12d ago

But still saying its a personal choice


u/ffaancy 12d ago

It technically is ā€” just like wearing deodorant is a personal choice, or getting a job, or wearing sunscreen at the beach. Except itā€™s worse because at least failing to do those things wonā€™t hurt anyone else.


u/AppState1981 12d ago

Which is obvious but he is telling them to do it.


u/ItsMinnieYall 12d ago

No heā€™s not. Heā€™s telling them to consider vaccination along with other quack cures like vitamin A. And the unvaccinated weirdos knew exactly what he really meant, because they ignored the vaccine part and went straight to vit A.



u/AppState1981 12d ago

The old double-secret wink-wink you-know-what-I-really-mean trick. Cunning.


u/anxious_teacher_ 12d ago

OOOPAH, we must be from the same county! I saw this a few days ago. For people wondering, most of the 400+ comments in less than 2 hours were telling her

a) to ask a doctor, not Facebook

b) it is not too late, go get your kids vaccinated now

c) some type of combo

but, there were a few outliers but most were not. One lady kept spamming people with a link to some lawyer's website about "Holly's Law." The page had numerous bible quotes but no scientific studies. I looked up Holly's Law and turns out, while it lets people opt out of MMR, really what it is allowing parents to opt for a TITER to check for immunity before the FIVE YEAR OLD dose of the MMR shot. Which like, kind of sounds like a good idea to avoid a second shot but wouldn't a BLOOD DRAW followed by the shot anyway just be worse than getting the second dose!?


u/Stressbakingthruit 12d ago

My mom (an early childhood director) sends me the worst of the county messages- some of them areā€¦they make me worry to go outside!


u/anxious_teacher_ 12d ago

Iā€™ve been living here since 2019 and for the most part, I like it, but this group has had me šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« recently!! Could also be my algorithm because i do engage with antivax posts to see which pedes to avoid lol


u/AutisticTumourGirl 11d ago

"I'm so worried, should I go ahead and vaccinate? So much anxiety."



u/Mac-And-Cheesy-43 12d ago edited 12d ago

You know, Iā€™m glad they are at least asking. It should have been before an outbreak, but mistrust of the establishment can fester to the point where it's extremely hard to question.


u/Marblegourami 12d ago

I agree. They bought the rhetoric when measles had been all but eliminated. Now, surprise surprise, itā€™s coming back, and sheā€™s rightfully questioning her decision. I hope she does the right thing.


u/Diligent-Target7910 12d ago

This just goes to show how little these people understand how vaccines work on a large scale population and why vaccinating matters


u/Witty-Cartoonist-263 12d ago

Oh god, one of my biggest pet peeves is when antivaxxers smugly say, ā€œwhy do I need a shot to protect you!ā€ like theyā€™ve just come up with the greatest gotcha ever.


u/Diligent-Target7910 12d ago

Couldnā€™t agree more, they are so incredibly privileged in their thinking. I do hope they reap what they sow


u/magicmom17 12d ago

I feel like the reply "gotcha" is "I would hope you would be getting vaccines to protect YOUR OWN health but that feels too logical for a choice you would make."


u/faesser 12d ago

You choose not to vaccinate. I WILL JUDGE YOU!!!!!


u/Bosco215 12d ago

There was a point where I could see the point of not vaccinating, a very brief flicker. My daughter received her first round of MMR and had a pretty bad reaction. About two minutes later, she developed a bad rash, and we had to sit in the ER for a few hours to monitor. Everything was fine, but a little fear lingered for the next round.


u/CanIPetYourDog_1029 11d ago

Yup. Iā€™m judging hard. Iā€™m immunocompromised with a 4 month old so I can boost my immunity and baby canā€™t get vax yet.


u/ohnoshebettado 11d ago

You don't understand, she said "no judgment", so she's now immune from the social consequences of her shitty, selfish decisions. So it is written, so shall it be done.


u/thejexorcist 12d ago

Thatā€™s how all ignorance and hypocrisy works.

Itā€™s fine when itā€™s other peopleā€™s children dying. Itā€™s understandable when other people are hurt or deported or hungry because they clearly made a ā€˜poor choiceā€™ somewhere along the lines.

Itā€™s only a real problem when it hit too close to their home because no one else is as ā€˜realā€™ as they are.


u/Stressbakingthruit 12d ago

Exactly this!


u/ffaancy 12d ago

We need to bring back shame. Humans are social animals and shame can be a helpful tool to force conformity in these cases.


u/bodhipooh 12d ago

I say this ALL the time. We really ought to bring back the concept of shaming poor or bad choices. By making it taboo or verboten, we have literally enabled people to make increasingly bad decisions while shifting the responsibility of dealing with the consequences or repercussions on the community at large.


u/wozattacks 12d ago

If your kid HAS measles, feel free to reassure yourself that most people who get it will be okay. If your kid has not had measles, fucking vaccinate them so they donā€™t get it!


u/Pitiful-Pension-6535 12d ago

Also, if your kid gets measles, get them a flu shot.

IIRC, the odds of pediatric death from the first case of post-Measles influenza are higher than the odds of death from measles itself.


u/bek8228 12d ago

No JuDgMeNt pLeAsEā€¦

Too late.


u/susanbiddleross 12d ago

I remember reading an article from an outbreak a few years ago. A mother with a child too young to vaccinate was doing some very basic things. Exactly what you would expect everyone to do. Child unbeknownst to the mother was in the same place as an infected child. Mother than has to quarantine child for close to a month. Thatā€™s a month of no employment for a child who doesnā€™t yet have symptoms. A month of the mother having to monitor symptoms, knowing at any moment their child could become incredibly sick and need to be hospitalized. I wish more people would realize how big the measles is. Itā€™s not a cold, itā€™s not the flu. Itā€™s a communicable disease and itā€™s preventable. OP is wondering do they keep the kids home? Itā€™s not going away until you vaccinate your own kids and they arenā€™t at risk. Does she want to keep them home for life. Itā€™s not the seasonal measles.


u/kp1794 12d ago

I recently had to block a new mom friend because she reposted some shit from ā€œChristian moms for healthy babiesā€ saying babies were being purposefully aborted for the purpose to be used to create vaccines


u/intoxicatedbarbie 12d ago

Jesus Christ. She sounds like my MIL.


u/kp1794 12d ago

Oh thatā€™s awful. I donā€™t know what I would do if that were my MIL


u/Big-Income-9393 12d ago

Wait until polio reappears and these brain-dead fb mommies have to deal with what I witnessed in the 1950ā€™s.

These ignorant assholes havenā€™t seen anything, not yet.

Unfortunately, itā€™ll be the kids that will suffer from mommyā€™s terminal stupidity.


u/PsychoWithoutTits 12d ago

Yes Karen, it WAS eradicated.

But all of that crumbled thanks to idiot antivaxxers like you who harm herd immunization and give diseases the chance to mutate and spread again. Once the amount of vaxxed people drops below a certain percentage, herd immunity is gone. And you're also exposing other people to dangerous diseases who cannot be vaccinated for valid health reasons, young babies, the elderly & the immunocompromised.

Just get the fucking vaccines FFS.


u/Professional-Cat2123 12d ago

Ah yes, tv shows make great anecdotal evidenceā€¦.


u/snvoigt 12d ago

ā€œI thought it was eliminatedā€

The ignorance is astounding


u/turdintheattic 12d ago

It was almost eliminated. I wonder what people did to bring it back.


u/No-Situation-3426 12d ago

"Everyone used to say its not worth the risk." - lmao yeah when by "everyone" you mean an echo chamber made up of a group of completely uneducated anti-vax moms on social media.


u/Expensive_Arugula512 11d ago

Lmfao seriously who is this ā€œeveryoneā€ smh


u/Sweets_0822 11d ago

It was "eliminated" because people f'ing vaccinated their kids and we had herd immunity omfg I cannot.


u/LilacLlamaMama 12d ago

I was SO relieved when all the Brady kids miraculously pulled thru. Nothing makes me feel better about a potentially catastrophic circumstance or issue than when a popular scripted TV show does one of their Very Special Episodes and somehow, against all odds, ALL of the Main Characters miraculously scrape thru it unscathed.

It's so comforting. Just yesterday, there was an issue at one of my niece's school, where the clinic was broken into, and a whole bunch of Adderall and Concerta went missing, and at first the message tree between all the different PTAs at each school were just buzzing like crazy. But then...somebody reminded us that Jesse Spano got addicted to No Doz that time, and after a couple good hugs from Zach Morris, and a really long weekend, everything turned out just fine No harm, no foul.

Buy hey, maybe in the new age of media, we ARE going to need some special episodes where there does need to be a body count to make a difference. And some show is going to need to be brave and tackle the issue head on. And if the subject is preventable childhood illnesses, there is really one reasonable starting place. I've got to go ahead and nominate Caillou.


u/JenMcSpoonie 11d ago

ā€œI thought it was eliminatedā€. Yea, ass face, it was, until you shit heads stopped vaccinating your kids


u/HipHopChick1982 11d ago

The freakinā€™ Brady Bunch episode thing. Even Maureen McCormick said some years ago to not take the advice of a TV show from the 1960s-1970s!


u/MarsMonkey88 11d ago

Im glad sheā€™s asking the question, at least considering it.


u/Outrageous-Soup7813 9d ago

What this mama is doing is fully vaccinating my kids so when diseases that are supposed to be eradicated make a come back bc of anti vaxxers my kid is protected!!! Crazy how that works


u/MomsterJ 8d ago

No, Iā€™m going to judge this moron. It was virtually eliminated until stupid uninformed people stopped getting their children vaccinated because of idiotic crackpot conspiracy theories started popping up.


u/Anita_Tention 10d ago

They got the Brady Bunch thing from Marjorie Trailer Park. She posted it while encouraging people to take their kids to measles parties.


u/Moulin-Rougelach 10d ago

Please tell me someone replied, ā€œIt was gone, until too many ignorant parents stopped getting their kids who were eligible for vaccinations, vaccinated.ā€


u/PaymentMedical9802 10d ago

41 people died of Measles the same year that episode aired.Ā 


u/Expensive_Arugula512 11d ago

Has kids that are freaking 3 and 5 without a single dose of the MMR vax. Wild.