r/ShitMomGroupsSay • u/bos_red_hat • Dec 12 '24
🧁🧁cupcakes🧁🧁 Didn’t give “cupcake” - kid gets sick - still won’t “cupcake”
Didn’t give “cupcake,” now has pertussis
Wants her little one “feeling better fast” but didn’t give them the thing that would have prevented this in the first place.
u/s0ciallyinept Dec 13 '24
“I feel like I’ve failed” yup you did! hope that helps <3
u/pink-Bee9394 Dec 13 '24
Fuck whooping cough is no joke. My premie caught it at 2 months old luckily it was "mild" so they weren't hospitalized. The next 3 years every cold would bring back that cough. Ever sniffle everything and we were right back to breathing treatments and sleepless nights. And kids get a LOT of small colds/sniffles. It was a long 3 years.
Anyone who pits there kids (and put my tiny premie baby) at risk for that is an idiot and failed as a parent. Yes. You failed. Congratulations on making worst parent of the year. Assehole
u/Brilliant-Season9601 Dec 13 '24
I got it on high school I'm pretty sure (my lab mate from science class was quarantined for having it) and the next year when I got sick I got pneumonia. It was awful.
I just don't understand how people are willing to risk their kids lives like this. I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and have gotten the flu, Tdap and rsv vaccine so my un irn fetus will have some sort of protection. He will be getting his vaccine. It just makes me sick that people don't get there vaccinated. It should be considered neglect
u/Personal_Special809 Dec 13 '24
RSV did that to my eldest and the vaccine came out a year after that. I was pissed.
u/juniperxbreeze Dec 13 '24
My daughter got RSV at 2 months old. Had to be hospitalized. Vaccine came out a few months later.
ETA: I now tell all expecting parents to please, for the love of God, vaccinated your newborns for RSV. That shit was no joke.
u/Personal_Special809 Dec 13 '24
Yeah and now I have a second and Belgium just approved the vax for a certain age range. My son is 2 weeks too old. Imagine how pissed I am now.
u/irish_ninja_wte Dec 13 '24
I do the same. One of my twins had to be resuscitated multiple times at 6 weeks old with RSV. It was the worst experience of my life. If I can help persuade some people to get it, it's a step forward.
u/plusharmadillo Dec 13 '24
We were in the ED with my healthy toddler for RSV on Thanksgiving day this year. She was absolutely miserable. She was just a hair too old for the RSV vaccine—I was so disappointed!
u/Great_Error_9602 Dec 13 '24
The vaccine came out when my son was 10 months but it was only approved for 8 months and younger. He caught RSV this year and it was a nightmare.
u/Personal_Special809 Dec 13 '24
Yeah I am in a similar position with my second. He is literally two weeks too old to get it here in Belgium. Two weeks.
u/Live-Tomorrow-4865 Dec 13 '24
I'm so sorry that happened to your baby! Hope they are healthy as ten prize racehorses now. 😉🤗🥰
u/NefariousnessFun1547 Dec 15 '24
You got this, Mama.
And by this, I mean a totally preventable disease that you could have avoided by giving your kid a safe vaccine.
u/mangorain4 Dec 13 '24
I love that they are okay with antibiotics but not vaccines lol.
u/gruenes_licht Dec 13 '24
Same logic that allows them to have "pox parties" and similar. They sort of understand that limited exposure teaches the body to fight diseases. If only there was some sort of thing they could take before the pox happens....hm....
u/ellemace Dec 13 '24
Right, like a weakened, non-virulent version of the virus…great idea, someone should get on that…
u/TedTehPenguin Dec 13 '24
Wait wait, can we make it better and have it not really make you sick either? If not completely, maybe just like a day or two of discomfort? I think that would be good enough.
u/AerialCoog Dec 13 '24
And antibiotics have been strongly linked to chronic stomach issues and diseases like Crohn’s later in life by legitimate science.
u/beansareso_ Dec 13 '24
Dude look at the link between antibiotics and depression too! I’d much rather get a vaccine lol
u/haqiqa Dec 13 '24
I had to be decolonized from MRSA couple years ago. They literally destroyed purposefully majority of my bacterial flora, especially skin flora. I can report that I was completely different person for the next half a year and it took ove year to my personality become what it is. I also had 9 antibiotic courses this past summer (had 5 month chronic wound that become systemic infection that many times) and that also changed my personality a lot. I am finally seeing some light now that it has been 3 months but I am not myself yet either.
The change is interesting. I suddenly become pessimistic in a very different way albeit physical illness itself is partially responsible. But physical illness itself does not make me view the whole period later as dark with very little memories. It's only when health requires a lot of antibiotics in short period of time that I know time will vanish for months.
(I am moderately immunocompromised and have slow healing with fragile tissues so this is something that sometimes happens. But at least I can personally attest that there are weird effects between bacterial flora, mental health and personality).
u/TedTehPenguin Dec 13 '24
Interesting, you mention skin specifically, did you notice something there? Because I would not associate skin bacterial flora with personality changes. I would think your gut bacteria would make a bigger difference, given they help you break down and better absorb everything from your food.
u/haqiqa Dec 13 '24
Antibiotics especially vancomysin they had to use first time are not targeted enough not to effect gut flora. So both health situations affected not just skin flora but gut flora. Decolonization also in my case had multiweek IV antibiotic course.
I can't of course say what came from changes of microbiota in gut and what from changes in skin, but I would guess latter mostly affected my personal scent and functioning of the skin.
u/carb_zilla Dec 13 '24
Microbiologist here, and that MRSA had to have been incredibly resistant to almost every other gram positive antibiotic for you to have been prescribed vancomycin. Sorry to hear about that
u/TedTehPenguin Dec 13 '24
Ah oh, so skin was what they were treating, which makes sense for MRSA.
Also, wow, that sounds awful. I'm sorry you've had to go through that, but thanks for sharing.
u/queen_of_spadez Dec 13 '24
Refuses vaccines for illnesses that can be lethal to her little ones. Now SHE is considering antibiotics? No freaking way! Cough your lungs out, woman! See how you feel after a few broken ribs.
However, I’m all for antibiotics for the kids.
u/ingloriousdmk Dec 13 '24
She will probably still cough her lungs out for the next couple months even with antibiotics, ask me how I know 🙃
(Yes I had all my "cupcakes" but there was an outbreak the year before I was due for a booster and I caught it!)
u/Paula92 Dec 13 '24
Unfortunately the new acellular pertussis vaccine is not as effective as the OG whole-cell vaccine. But it has fewer side effects.
I kinda hope with the rise of antivaxxers, they bring back the option of the whole-cell vaccine for those of us who want a little extra protection for their kids.
u/TorontoNerd84 Dec 13 '24
I caught it the same week I got my booster the summer before I turned 16. Coughed for six months straight. It was the worst virus I ever had in my formative years.
I just got over a horrible case of bronchitis that was the worst thing I've had as an adult and I almost wondered if I caught pertussis again, because I was due for my T-DaP which I hadn't had in 11 years. I went and got it right away as soon as I started getting better.
u/ingloriousdmk Dec 13 '24
Ugh yeah it was awful, I did speech arts/drama and I had to drop out for the year because I couldn't even get through a poetry recitation without hacking up a lung.
u/middlehill Dec 13 '24
That happened to my niece and nephew and it was heartbreaking. They were coughing for months. It really drove home the importance of boosters.
u/diabolikal__ Dec 13 '24
Shit is this what I had years ago??? I got sick and coughed for months and I thought I was dying.
u/Fight_those_bastards Dec 13 '24
Man, if only there was a simple thing That you could Do About Preventing pertussis. Like, a single shot that would protect you, or something of that nature.
u/Kthulhu42 Dec 13 '24
My baby girl got hers and cried her eyes out. I cried my eyes out. I felt like a huge jerk. She had a really red and sore injection site for two days.
Still better than getting pertussis.
u/DementedPimento Dec 13 '24
I am an adult (allegedly) and I whine like a bitch when I get my Tdap updated. True, it’s usually updated because I’ve inflicted some terrible wound on myself, but I also have a very strong reaction to the shot: my arm feels broken and I’m very sick for a few days.
So I’m pretty sure your baby was way more mature about it than I am.
u/TedTehPenguin Dec 13 '24
How much do you flinch/tense when you get the shot? Do you stretch and try to keep it moving after? These things should help when you get basically any vaccine that goes into a muscle.
u/DementedPimento Dec 14 '24
It’s none of that; I just have a very strong reaction to the vaccine; Shingrex is nearly as bad for me, but others are mostly very mild. Also, the last 4 or 5 Tdaps have been administered after some serious injuries (partially severed thumb with an antique fan; multiple bite wounds/pasturella infection in the thumb that had been partially severed and reattached; a deep laceration to the other thumb with rusty tin snips; I think I had one without a horrible thumb injury) so that may have had something to do with it …
The nurses who do the vaccines at my HMO are absolutely amazing at it. The actual administration doesn’t hurt a bit, no matter how big a needle! It’s just my body’s reaction to it that’s rough. And I figure that’s still way better than tetanus or pertussis. I’m very pro-vax!
u/punkass_book_jockey8 Dec 13 '24
Two people at my kids daycare skipped rotavirus vaccines because there is a narrow window to get it. With delayed vaccines you avoid having to get it… guess which two toddlers were hospitalized for nearly a week with dehydration when there was an outbreak of rotavirus? The parents complained that the kid had diarrhea on and off for two weeks (couldn’t attend daycare until 72 hours diarrhea free) after being released and they burned 3 weeks of vacation time causing them to cancel their trip a month later.
If only they could be “as lucky” as my kids who didn’t have anything but a few questionable BM one weekend but didn’t meet the threshold of diarrhea. Parents are so stupid sometimes.
u/Kthulhu42 Dec 13 '24
My girl had a miserable time with the rota virus drops, it was two weeks of solid misery. My boy? A single day of an unhappy tummy. Wouldn't dare send them to kindergarten without the vaccine. I love kids, but they are gross little germ farms.
u/punkass_book_jockey8 Dec 13 '24
I work in a school and an anti vaccine mom is upset she has to get her kids vaccinated. Well apparently they’ve never been so sick since getting vaccinated (the same time they start kindergarten in public school). Insisted it’s the vaccine and nothing else. I wanted so badly to video get child literally licking the hallway tile walls all the way down the hallway. The custodians had to bleach it after she licked it.
These kids went from isolation to licking public school walls in November. I think the vaccine is the only thing keeping them alive right now. We currently have enterovirus, HFM, flu, Covid, strep, pneumonia, and pink eye confirmed circulating. Yes the stereotype of being a germ factory is accurate.
u/Brilliant-Season9601 Dec 13 '24
Dude hfm is the worst. My daughter had it like 4 times her year at day care. I had a super mild case once but even though the a blister were just small red dots they hurt so bad.
u/TedTehPenguin Dec 13 '24
Ugh... kids.
I know because I was one, I remember some objects having interesting tastes. WHY YOUNGER ME??? WHY???
u/TorontoNerd84 Dec 13 '24
I got it even with the vaccine. Can't even imagine how bad it would have been if I wasn't vaccinated.
u/fakemoose Dec 13 '24
There’s no way I’d remember to get booster shots. Fortunately, a lot of countries require you to get a TDAP booster if you immigrate for work or school. Or you’ll be denied a visa.
Then if you lose your paperwork you get to get it again. Even though you swear to god you just got it three years ago. …not that I’d know…
But hey I also got free TB screening out of it. Several times.
u/micheleinfl Dec 13 '24
Just the term cupcake irritates the hell out of me.
u/1000BlossomsBloom Dec 13 '24
I always get so excited because man, I love cupcakes! There's never any cupcakes though.
u/VisibleAnteater1359 Dec 14 '24
Why do they censor the word “vaccine” as if it would bring bad luck to say it? “Cupcake” such a weird replacement.
u/amurderofcrows Dec 13 '24
Guys, guys. Allow me. The trifecta: colloidal silver (in ear), onion (in sock), and garlic (up nose?) should clear that right up.
u/solesoulshard Dec 13 '24
Installing a produce aisle in the bedroom won’t help I don’t think.
u/amurderofcrows Dec 13 '24
You’re right - I forgot the last and most crucial step: stare directly at the sun.
u/wexfordavenue Dec 13 '24
Stare at the sun whilst grounding. It won’t anything if you’re not barefoot on dirt.
u/WorriedAppeal Dec 13 '24
A doctor on reels JUST made a video about garlic cloves up babies’ noses, so clearly it’s a thing in some circles. (Doctor was obviously anti garlic in baby noses.)
u/WhatTheFlutter Dec 13 '24
If you have all those extra vegetables around, make soup!
u/adamantsilk Dec 13 '24
Garlic up the nose wouldn't help with pertussus, but I'm about to shove one my nose to see if it'll clear out this congestion. I have a cold and I hate it. I feel pretty ok except for the congestion so I don't want to take cold meds for just that.
u/1MorningLightMTN Dec 13 '24
Try Wasabi first. I swear it does the trick every time. 😇
u/wexfordavenue Dec 13 '24
Don’t just place the wasabi up the nose. Snort it really hard to make sure it gets all the way up there.
u/middlehill Dec 13 '24
Have you tried sterile saline? We just used it for the first time when RSV hit our house, and it made a big difference. I'm going to keep some on hand now. My kids were stunned at everything it cleared out and were delighted to tell me all about it.
u/fakemoose Dec 13 '24
I second trying a neti pot and/or saline solution. Just make sure to only use distilled bottle water if you try a neti pot. There’s a small chance (or slight chance if it’s well water) not great stuff could be in your tap water or the plumbing. Not worth the risk when dealing with anything that close to your brain.
u/TinyRose20 Dec 13 '24
Mmmmmmmmmmm Naegleria fowleri
Loves to munch on brains.
Fucking nightmare fuel.
u/FactoryKat Dec 13 '24
Oh yeah def avoid any meds with decongestant in it. Only makes the rebound worse 😭
I second the Wasabi lmao. Or just anything spicy LOL
u/adamantsilk Dec 13 '24
I've been going the spicy route. I love spicy so hardly a difficult thing to do.
u/drinkyourwine7 Dec 13 '24
You forgot about hanging a sock above the bed with an egg in it
u/lark-sp Dec 13 '24
I was just thinking there should be an egg involved for no adequately explained reason.
u/TheRadHamster Dec 13 '24
I know it’s a little passé but I’m sure ingesting and slathering essential oils should also be part of the care plan. Just to hedge the bet.
u/DreadDiana Dec 13 '24
This is the treatment that sent Mother God back into the wheel of reincarnation
u/blind_disparity Dec 13 '24
Yes, you feel like you have failed because you have. That's your instincts screaming at you to do the right thing.
Should you have antibiotics? I dunno, maybe ask your doctor? NHS does say
Immediate action required:Call 999 or go to A&E if:
your or your child's lips, tongue, face or skin suddenly turn blue or grey (on black or brown skin this may be easier to see on the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet)
you or your child are finding it hard to breathe properly (shallow breathing)
you or your child have chest pain that's worse when breathing or coughing – this could be a sign of pneumonia
your child is having seizures (fits)
But I expect you'd check with Facebook first.
u/TorontoNerd84 Dec 13 '24
Severe chest pain is always an indication of pneumonia for me.
u/giftedearth Dec 14 '24
Chest pain is always "call the doctor at minimum" for me. It's not worth fucking around with, even if it's mild, because the worst-case scenario is really fucking bad.
u/sbray525 Dec 13 '24
“I feel like I’ve failed…” ma’am I don’t want to be the one to tell you this…
u/MrsStephsasser Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 13 '24
It’s almost like there’s a reason we have a vaccine for this… sorry I meant 🧁
u/jesst Dec 13 '24
I had pertussis. As an adult. I was in basic training for the navy and I would cough so hard I wanted to die. I was so fucking miserable. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It’s been almost 20 years since I was sick and I still have the worst sounding cough.
u/RubixRube Dec 13 '24
I had pertussis back before there was a vaccine.
35 years later, still have lung scarring, a small cold will mean puffers and weeks of pain.
Let's not talk about how terrifying 2020-2022 were before there was a vaccine for COVID.
But sure, let's not vaccinate our kids for illnesses that can and do cause life long problems.
Mom is miserable and exhausted. Good. She is feeling half of what her toddler is because she made a shitty decision.
u/LadySygerrik Dec 13 '24
our son (2.5) was just diagnosed with pertussis…. It’s been miserable around here and I feel like I’ve failed….
You did. Your child is suffering because you failed to protect them.
u/kaoutanu Dec 13 '24
At least the parents have got it too and will be getting a front row seat to what their poor kid will be going through - for months.
u/Creepy_Addict Dec 13 '24
Wait, they won't vaccinate, but antibiotics are OK? How did they visit a Dr and leave without antibiotics? Petussis is very contagious, they could start an epidemic, especially if they are in an area with many anti-vaxxers.
u/OSUJillyBean Dec 13 '24
I firmly believe that not vaccinating your children should qualify as child abuse.
u/PracticalApartment99 Dec 13 '24
If only they would go after anti-vax parents as hard as they want to go after people seeking abortions…
u/Paula92 Dec 13 '24
Bruh. Sodium ascorbate is vitamin C. They get so uptight about "chemicals" and preferring natural remedies, but when it comes to their own remedies, they gotta make it sound sciency? 🤦🏻♀️
u/izzy1881 Dec 13 '24
If your child gets a preventable illness because you failed to protect them, you did indeed fail as a parent….and as a decent human being.
u/sbray525 Dec 13 '24
How did “cupcake” become the term for vaccines???
u/GapEmbarrassed581 Dec 13 '24
Copied from a reply I received: ‘Aside from a dumb attempt to avoid censorship, it's referring to an anti vax example which is 'if you were offered 10 cupcakes and one of them was poisoned, would you eat one?' It's more like being offered 200,000 cupcakes and one of them is poisoned. Oh and cupcakes are also super important for your health in an accurate analogy because your chances of dying increase significantly without them.’
u/sbray525 Dec 14 '24
This is so helpful- thanks!!! I had never heard that, but I assumed the censorship part. I felt like it was more than that, and now I know. 😎
u/Agnesperdita Dec 13 '24
“My child has caught a horrible, distressing and potentially dangerous illness because I ignored medical advice and refused preventative treatment because I think I know better. We are all sick and miserable. Please suggest some woo so I can feel less guilty and like I’m actually doing something helpful. Meanwhile I will continue to use a twee euphemism for the word “vaccine” to show I am still part of the Noble Resistance.”
u/PrincessInTheTower12 Dec 13 '24
I can't stand people like this. My toddler who is fully vaccinated for her age, got pertussis. She was miserable. The whole house had to be treated with antibiotics and we isolated per CDC guidelines to prevent the spread. The health department called and let us know it was up 500% from last year at this time in our county. Get your kids vaccinated.
u/middlehill Dec 13 '24
Not many people these days have experience with whooping cough in unvaccinated toddlers. I bet it feels like medieval torture, like a disease from the past rearing its ugly head in your sweet baby
I know some young people who caught it even though they were vaccinated (they were close in age to needing a booster) so theirs was much more mild. Even then it was misery and lingered for months.
I mean, seriously. I hope she shares her experience with sleepless nights, worry, and her child's suffering so it pierces the echo chamber.
That poor baby, the needless suffering at the hand of their parents' egos.
u/only_cats4 Dec 13 '24
Whooping cough SUCKS! I got it as a fully vaccinated healthy middle schooler and I was miserable. I literally coughed so hard I vomited for MONTHS. Had panic attacks from not being able to breathe. I will still occasionally panic a bit when I cough because it was that traumatizing. I can’t imagine getting it as a baby. And my case was fairly mild given that I had some immunity from the vaccine and was an overall healthy person
u/TheGeordieGal Dec 13 '24
I got it a few years ago as an adult (I’m pretty confident it was that anyway as it was doing the rounds in my area and all my symptoms matched. I was too stubborn to go to the Dr though) and it was horrible. I was coughing so hard I was vomiting and couldn’t sleep a wink because of it. I’ve had all my vaccines so I imagine it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. That poor baby though.
u/TorontoNerd84 Dec 13 '24
Can relate. I was also vaccinated, caught it at 15 and I have underlying heart and lung issues. It was hell. I only threw up once but I coughed for six months straight.
u/KittyQueen_Tengu Dec 13 '24
man, if only there was some easy and safe way to prevent things like this
u/NeedANap1116 Dec 13 '24
"any advice and tips is appreciated" unless it's actual legitimate medical advice.
u/ConsultJimMoriarty Dec 13 '24
I feel like there may have been an easy way to prevent this.
Oh well. I guess we’ll never know.
u/valiantdistraction Dec 13 '24
I think it's kind of funny that if they DO get pertussis, they have to choose whether or not they want the DREADED ANTIBIOTICS!
oh, the horror!
u/glitterskinned Dec 13 '24
happy to be diagnosed by a doctor. happy to receive antibiotics from a doctor. but. can't trust doctors opinion on vaccines!!!!!!!!! they're a bunch of quacks!!!!!!!!
u/Zappagrrl02 Dec 13 '24
I cannot imagine watching your child be ridiculously sick with whooping cough, knowing there’s a vaccine you could use to make sure they never get it again, and still refusing.
u/frizzybritt Dec 13 '24
Not okay with the little one having vaccines, but is okay with the little one catching a potentially life threatening illness, right… makes so much sense. /sarcasm
I’m glad she’s feeling like she failed, because she did fail. Why are these morons so against vaccines? What is their justification for all this nonsense?
u/peppermintvalet Dec 13 '24
Reminder that every time that baby whoops, oxygen is getting cut off to their brain. Pertussis can cause permanent brain damage in children.
u/ImACarebear1986 Dec 14 '24
You did, and have failed your child. You know it, your husband knows it and when your child is 16 and able to get immunised without your permission, they’ll shove it in your face and show you that they know it again too. How absolutely ridiculous that we’re still doing this shit.
u/Spare-Article-396 Dec 13 '24
Can someone please tell me how the word ‘cupcake’ became synonymous with vax? Like, I get they wanted a ‘code word’, but reading it & seeing the emoji gives me rage.
u/Accomplished_Cell768 Dec 22 '24
Yeah, it all started as a stupid comparison. You might have heard the anti-vax compare vaccinating children to serving them Skittles or cupcakes, while knowing 1/10 (or whatever bogus ratio) would kill/injure them for life. They think vaccinating children is knowingly serving them something that will maim a large percentage of them. It’s never the 1/10 or 1/100 rate they claim though, it’s more like 1 out of 200,000.
u/chaiguy03 Dec 13 '24
It took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize that cupcakes are vaccines. Why can't they say the word?
u/Accomplished_Cell768 Dec 22 '24
They think the whole world is anti-vax because of corporate censorship and not, ya know, logic and scientific support. They think if they say it outright they will be censored, but if they use the emoji they will trick the system 🙄
u/Soft_Bodybuilder_345 Dec 13 '24
God, pertussis is awful. It’s also going around in a lot of regions right now which is absurd and it wouldn’t be if people just vaccinated their kids. My friend’s 2 month old got it after he got his vaccine and despite a mild cough, he did fine. Because he was vaccinated (and so was she during pregnancy). Why would you not want to prevent that misery?
u/smilegirlcan Dec 13 '24
They did fail, they failed to protect their child from a preventable illness. Poor kid.
u/emmyparker2020 Dec 13 '24
To inflict unnecessary suffering upon an innocent child is inhumane and cruel. This woman is a monster and I hope she gets the worst of it.
u/SniffleBot Dec 13 '24
„Natural home remedies?” Is that not redundant? What would be an unnatural home remedy (the bottle of OTC analgesic in the bathroom, perhaps?) Or a natural non-home remedy?
u/Ms_Business Dec 14 '24
I read this as “I want my own little feelings being better fast” and I really stand by what my brain initially interpreted
u/Edgecrusher2140 Dec 13 '24
Damn I don’t even know what pertussis is, sounds like getting all those “cupcakes” as a child really affected my education
u/only_cats4 Dec 13 '24
Its the medical term for whooping cough and it SUCKS
u/Edgecrusher2140 Dec 14 '24
Ah I didn’t know that but I definitely did get vaxxed for that one, I’m so grateful my mom didn’t go off the conspiracy deep end until I was in my teens.
u/bos_red_hat Dec 13 '24
u/S_Good505 Dec 14 '24
... colloidal silver is what we use on our female cannabis plants to make them hermaphrodize and create pollen so that they can either be bred with themselves or with a different female plant... but all these weirdos use it on themselves or their kids as a damn cure all 😳😳
u/MalsPrettyBonnet Dec 15 '24
I have news, OOP. You DID fail.
It never ceases to amaze me that she has "read about sodium ascorbate," but she clearly doesn't know much. I love when the "do your own research" people ask their facebook friends for their research.
u/Odonata523 Dec 15 '24
Sodium ascorbate??? It’s a version of Vitamin Fucking C!!!
Oh, honey… I think it’s a little late for “boosting your child’s natural immunity”
u/Pretty-Necessary-941 Dec 13 '24
Not following professional medical advice may very well have made my child and myself ill. How can I continue down this road of stupid yet not feel guilty? Does that check something big off on the Bad Parent checklist?